The Watcher (9 page)

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Authors: Rhiannon Jean

BOOK: The Watcher
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I stepped back slightly and said, “Wow I didn’t realize it was so late.”

“Do you have to go?”

I looked at him for a moment, “I don’t know.”

“I don’t want you to, if that makes a difference.”

I smiled and lowered my eyes. “I don’t want to either, but I think I should.”

He sighed, “Yeah, you probably should. I can’t be held responsible for my actions after 2 a.m. and I know I’ll try to kiss you again.” I smiled at the floor, afraid to make eye contact, knowing full well if I stayed any longer, I just might let him. I needed a moment to clear my head before I looked up at him, knowing my desire would be shining in my eyes, giving me away. 

After a few seconds I looked back up and said, “Ok then, well I better head out.” He took my hand and said “I’ll walk you to your car.”

I followed him through the club and out the back entrance. Oh no, we were alone in an alley. This was definitely not good. I’d had many a fantasy about a stranger taking me in an alley, pushing me up against a wall, kissing my breath away, and plunging his fingers deep inside me until I could no longer stand. He turned to look at me and I didn’t realize I had stopped and started staring at his back.
He smiled and said, “Penny for your thoughts?” I cleared my throat and shook my head no.

“Oh really?” He began to stalk back to me, suddenly invading my personal space. I took a few steps backward and my back hit the door to the club.

I opened my mouth to speak and he shook his head and held his finger up to my lips, shushing me. I immediately closed it and I’m pretty sure I stopped breathing, my lips tingling from the contact. He pulled my arms up over my head and pinned them to the door with one of his beautifully large hands. He leaned in and rubbed his nose on mine in an Eskimo kiss sort of way. I let my breath out and I know he felt it on his lips. He closed his eyes and paused. I could hear my heart thundering in my chest. I could feel the power and the hunger emanating from his skin. His body was hot and hard, and pressed firmly against mine.

“You have no idea, do you Lily?” he said quietly. His voice was tense and thick with emotion. When he opened his eyes they were dark and held a gleam of danger in them. I was wet instantly.

“W...what?” I managed to stutter out.

“What you do to me. You have no idea.” I could feel his breath tickle my lips and the amount of willpower I had in this moment was almost god-like. I closed my eyes, trying to think of anything but his lips on mine and those beautiful hands disappearing into my jeans. God I wanted him, more than any other man I had ever met. I opened my eyes and stared into his. The passion there mirrored my own and I could feel his arousal growing thicker against my stomach. I needed to leave before I gave in to my own.
“Please walk me to my car,” I whispered.

He took a moment then released my hands and backed away, giving me a small smile, “As you wish.” He took my hand in his and we continued down the alley to where the valet had parked my car.

“Oh wait, my keys!”

“I got them for you earlier,” he smiled.

“Thank you,” I said, wondering how this man had thought of everything. We had reached my car and he unlocked it and opened the door for me. I looked up at him and hesitated.  “Thank you so much for tonight. It was one of the best nights I’ve had in a really long time, maybe ever.”

He grinned and said, “You’re very welcome, Miss Lily.”

This made me laugh and I stood on my tiptoes and lightly kissed him on his cheek. He pulled me closer and put his arms around me and whispered, “Ditto.” He stepped back and let me go and I got into my car and buckled up.

“Can I see you tomorrow?” he asked. I smiled so big my face hurt.

“Umm, do you like French toast?”

“I love it.”

“Meet me at Dot’s Diner at 8ish?”

“It’s a date,” he said as he winked. “Text me when you get home so I know you’re safe.” I nodded and he closed my door and stepped back. Before I could start the engine, he motioned for me to roll down the window.

“Oh, and Lily Maracle, my last name is Ward,” he said with a spark in his eyes. I sighed and whispered his full name, loving the way it rolled off my tongue. He grinned and turned and walked away.





Willie let me know she was here right after he showed her to the table I had reserved for her. It was up front, but not in the front row. I knew being right up against the stage would make her uncomfortable, especially under the spotlights.  I had left a “reserved” sign on her table to complete the VIP experience. I was pulling out all the stops tonight. I wanted her to feel special and pampered as I knew she’d had a rough week. I sent Rosy over to her table, with a warning to be friendly and keep her nose out of my business. Rosy was my best friend and I loved her dearly, but she could be extremely invasive with new people. She was also extremely friendly and caring, so I knew she’d take care of Lily for me while I was on stage.

I waited until Rosy had delivered Lily’s order and queued the lights. I walked on stage and said hello to everyone, most of them regulars to the club. I looked around for Rosy and gave her a slight nod. She brought a long stemmed pink rose to Lily. I stared into Lily’s eyes as she brought the rose up to her face and sniffed deeply. They were her favorite color of roses so I knew I’d hooked her just a little. I started my set list with The Scientist by Coldplay to win her over just a little more. I wanted her to know just how much she had come to mean to me, even if she believed I’d only known her for a few days.

I sang directly to her, crooning into the microphone. My voice was a little deeper and scratchier than the lead singer’s so I hoped she still liked my version. I could see regret form in her eyes as I sang and I couldn’t help but take a peek into her thoughts. I was so afraid she was regretting coming here tonight. I couldn’t have been further from the truth. She was regretting never gathering the courage to speak to me sooner. She had thought of me as some sort of slacker in class, always showing up late and never turning in my work. Little did she know, she was the only one who could see me that entire time. I wasn’t enrolled in school, I was there simply to watch her.

When I had finished the song, she mouthed “wow” at me and I mouthed back “stunning?” to lighten the mood and flirt with her a little. I knew she’d remember blurting that out the other night and wasn’t disappointed when her face turned bright red. She nodded at me so I pointed down, hoping she’d look at her table.

She looked down and saw the note I’d had Rosy slip onto the table. “So are you,” it read. I watched in fascination as her eyes welled up at that simple compliment. My girl had never been properly complimented before if this was all it took to get her to tear up.  I took a deep breath and began my next song, Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. This song really bared my soul to her and it actually made me nervous in doing so. I watched for her reactions as I sang and waited for her to get up and leave.

Instead she nodded at me, answering my silent questions. I smiled at her, not my signature smart ass smirk, but a true smile, full of promise of a future that I hoped we’d have. Sorry, but singing makes me a sap, especially to a woman I’ve wanted for years. I watched as she took a drink of her water and moved on to singing “With or Without You” by U2. I knew how frustrating Lily could be, after watching her all this time. I wanted her to know that I knew that and didn’t care one bit. I craved her sass and difficult side. It was part of her and I wanted all of her. I closed my eyes, unable to hold her intense gaze any longer and belted out the song. As I finished, I was able to bring myself to look into her eyes once more. I felt like those green eyes of hers pierced me right to my core and it was a huge fucking turn on. Someday soon I would reveal what I was to her, and I hoped against hope that she was the one who would take me for whom and what I was.

I decided to take a short break and catch my breath. I needed to be near her as soon as possible.  I sidled up next her and took a deep breath. She’d worn that citrus vanilla perfume again and she smelled like a fruit bowl I wanted to bury my face in and devour. I wondered if she’d put it on her thighs and my dick started to stir. Fuck, I thought. Taking a deep breath, trying to control my dirty thoughts, I said hello.

She said hello in return and complimented my singing, telling me I was wonderful. “As are you,” I responded. I watched her eyes travel down my body, taking me in and her pupils dilated. I could tell she wanted to be closer to me by the way she almost wiggled in her seat. I let her know I was only doing a short set to warm up the crowd for a new singer tonight and asked if I could join her when I was finished. She stuttered through a nervous yes and I brought her hand to my lips. Turning it over so her palm faced up, I planted a soft kiss into it and told her to hold onto it for later. I may have imagined her rubbing her pussy with that hand later tonight while thinking of the kiss I’d planted there. Shit, I needed to pull it together before I had to go back onstage. I didn’t need the whole crowd to see my boner on stage.

My next song choice was
by Howie Day because that was how I’d felt the first time I’d ever seen her. Like our souls had collided together, as if fate had pushed hers and shoved mine towards each other.  He eyes glazed over with emotion and I couldn’t help but feel a little happy that I was having such an effect on her. I announced that this next song was my last and I chose to sing
Somebody That I used to Know
by Gotye as it was a crowd favorite. I hoped she didn’t think it was about someone I cared about.

I saw some sort of negative emotions flit across her face, almost a mixture of sadness and jealousy. I’d just have to show her how I felt after I got off stage.  After the song ended I headed back over to her table to find that she’d ordered a beer for me and had it waiting. It was my favorite brand too, and that little detail made me slip even further down that slope of emotion. I was really trying to restrain myself tonight because I knew she hadn’t made a decision to leave Ryan and she wouldn’t cheat on him.

But damned if I didn’t want to drag her to my office and lick every inch of her body. I sat down and scooted my chair closer to hers. I looked at her in the soft lighting and told her she looked amazing. That red top she’d chosen showcased her perfect tits and made me want to suck on them one at a time, making her moan.  I focused my attention back on her words and she was making a joke about what my body looked like out of the big hoodies she’d seen me in. I flirted with her a little, trying to help her relax. I was hoping the Jameson I’d gotten her had helped her too.  I knew my Lily would be a nervous wreck tonight and I wanted her to have a good time and not stress about everything.

The new guy on stage was singing
I Won’t Give Up
by Jason Mraz, which I’d specifically requested of course, Lily told me how much she loved this song. I started to sing along softly, and looked into her eyes as I did. I whispered “How old is your soul?” and her eyes filled with tears.

“Very old,” she whispered, “Too old.”

I held her hand a little tighter and rubbed my thumb over her wedding rings, addressing the big elephant in the room.

“Tell me,” I demanded softly.

“Why?” she asked, “Why me? I’m a nobody.”

“Like recognizes like,” I responded. “I’m also a nobody with a very old soul. She studied me silently for a moment before I said, “I have my secrets too, Lily.”

“I want to know them all,” she whispered.
I smiled sadly and replied, “Maybe. Some secrets are better left hidden. I might scare you away.”

She looked into my eyes and smiled her own sad smile.“I might scare you too.”
The new guy had switched over to Someone Like you by Adele and I started singing along once more.

“Bittersweet,” I said quietly, “It used to be my favorite flavor” and I took a chance and leaned over and touched my lips to hers. I couldn’t stop myself this time. The way she had been staring at me, her lips trembling with unshed tears...I had to kiss her. I kept it light at first until a small gasp escaped her then I deepened the kiss. Feeling her lips against mine was not enough, I needed to taste her. I cradled the back of her neck, holding her in place so she couldn’t escape and traced her bottom lip with my tongue. She tasted of whiskey and salt and something distinctly her. I wanted to devour her. I went to deepen the kiss even further but applause broke out and startled us both. Lily pulled back slightly in surprise and I refused to move my hand from her neck. I held her face close to mine and said, “That’s my favorite flavor now,” then brushed my thumb over her lips.

I knew I had over stepped my boundaries when she stood up abruptly and knocked over her chair. She apologized and reminded me that she was married.

married?” I asked.

“What?” she replied.

“Your so-called husband, is he married?” She looked stunned at my audacity and said she didn’t know. She told me she wasn’t a cheater. I watched her, hoping she would change her mind. I wanted so badly for her to tell me she was leaving him tonight and that she was coming home with me.

Slow down cowboy
,” I chastised myself. It’s only been a week for her. Give her time. I took a deep breath and apologized. She admitted to wanting that kiss just as much as I did so that helped me to feel a little better. I wasn’t about to steal kisses she didn’t want to give me. She joked with me a little then I asked her to dance. Sarah McLachlan was on the bar’s jukebox singing
I Love You
. I pulled her onto the dance floor and pulled her close. I hummed the lyrics, knowing they were too intense for me to actually sing to her. I could tell we both wanted more but I’d just have to be patient a little while longer. I did sing the lyrics about how much I needed her and she looked up at me and asked me if that was true.

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