The Watchers (59 page)

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Authors: Stephen Alford

BOOK: The Watchers
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Southern, A. C. 1950.
Elizabethan Recusant Prose 1559–1582
. London and Glasgow: Sands & Co.

Stafford, Helen Georgia. 1940.
James VI of Scotland and the Throne of England
. New York and London: D. Appleton-Century Company.

Stern, Virginia F. 1992.
Sir Stephen Powle of Court and Country
. London and Toronto: Associated University Presses.

Stone, Lawrence. 1956.
An Elizabethan: Sir Horatio Palavicino
. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Taviner, Mark. 2000. ‘Robert Beale and the Elizabethan Polity'. PhD dissertation, University of St Andrews.

Thompson, B. H. 1941. ‘Anthony Munday's Journey to Rome'.
Durham University Journal

Turner, Celeste. 1928.
Anthony Mundy, an Elizabethan Man of Letters
. Berkeley: University of California Press. [See also Wright (1959).]

Tytler, Patrick Fraser. 1828–43.
History of Scotland
. 9 vols. Edinburgh: W. Tait.

Veech, T. M. 1935.
Dr Nicholas Sanders and the English Reformation 1530–1581
. Louvain: Bureaux du Recueil, Bibliothèque de l'Université.

Vignaux, Michèle. 2004. ‘The Succession and Related Issues through the Correspondence of Elizabeth, James, and Robert Cecil'. In Mayer (2004).

Wernham, R. B. 1931. ‘The Disgrace of William Davison'.
English Historical Review

—. 1994.
The Return of the Armadas: The Last Years of the Elizabethan War against Spain 1595–1603
. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Wright, Celeste T. 1959. ‘Young Anthony Mundy Again'.
Studies in Philology
56:150–68. [See also Turner (1928).]


The ‘Rainbow' portrait of Elizabeth I (AKG)

The union of roses (Bridgeman)

The card players (Bridgeman)

Tormenting a Protestant on the rack (Cambridge University Library)

Sir Francis Walsingham (Getty)

Babington with his accomplices (Bridgeman)

Popish plots and treasons (British Museum)

Parry's assassination attempt (Hulton Archive/Getty)

Elizabethan locket (Victoria & Albert Museum)

Mary Queen of Scots (Getty)

Mary's prayer book and rosary (Getty)

A letter in cipher (Getty)

Elizabeth I's effigy (National Portrait Gallery)


p. 51
. Henri Léonard Bordier,
Peinture de la Saint-Barthélemy par un artiste contemporain
(Geneva and Paris, 1878). Cambridge University Library, shelf-mark Acton.b.26.189. Reproduced by kind permission of Cambridge University Library.

p. 85
. Charles Sledd's dossier, 1580. British Library, Additional MS 48029 f. 128r. Copyright © The British Library Board.

p. 97
. Thomas Norton,
A Declaration of the favourable dealing of her Majesties Commissioners
(London, 1583). Cambridge University Library, shelf-mark Syn.7.58.79. Reproduced by kind permission of Cambridge University Library.

pp. 101
. Richard Verstegan,
Theatrum crudelitatum haereticorum nostril temporis
(Antwerp, 1592). Cambridge University Library, shelf-mark U* .4.41(C). Reproduced by kind permission of Cambridge University Library.

p. 113
. William Allen,
A True, Sincere, and Modest Defence of English Catholicques
(Rouen, 1584). Cambridge University Library, shelf-mark F*.15.24(F). Reproduced by kind permission of Cambridge University Library.

p. 150
. William Parry to Lord Burghley, 18/28 August 1583.
The National Archives, SP 78/10/31. Courtesy of The National Archives, London.

p. 153
. John Halter's examination, 20 December 1583.
The National Archives, SP 12/164/45. Courtesy of The National Archives, London.

p. 190
. William Parry to Elizabeth I, 14 February 1585.
The British Library, Lansdowne MS 43, no. 47. Copyright © The British Library Board.

p. 226
. Francis Mylles to Sir Francis Walsingham, 4 August 1586.
The National Archives, SP 53/19/14. Courtesy of The National Archives, London.

p. 230
. The ciphers of Mary Queen of Scots and Anthony Babington, September 1586. The National Archives, SP 12/193/54. Courtesy of The National Archives, London.

p. 259
. Thomas Barnes to Thomas Phelippes, 12 March 1590.
The National Archives, SP 15/31/131. Courtesy of The National Archives, London.

p. 265
. Lord Burghley's intelligencers, 1590. The National Archives, SP 101/90 stamped f. 84r. Courtesy of The National Archives, London.

p. 288
. Report on Reinold Bisley written for Thomas Phelippes, 1592. The National Archives, SP 12/240/144. Courtesy of The National Archives, London.

p. 296
. Thomas Phelippes to Sir Robert Cecil, 18 April 1600.
The National Archives, SP 12/274/107. Courtesy of The National Archives, London.

p. 311
. Sir Robert Cecil's intelligence network, 1597.
The National Archives, SP 12/265/133. Courtesy of The National Archives, London.

Copyright © 2012 by Stephen Alford

First published in the UK by Allen Lane, an imprint of the Penguin Group in 2012

This electronic edition published in November 2012.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without written permission from the publisher except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information address
Bloomsbury Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

Published by Bloomsbury Press, New York


ISBN: 978-1-60819-362-2 (e-book)

First U.S. Edition 2012

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