The Werewolf Affair [DeWitt's Pack 14] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (10 page)

BOOK: The Werewolf Affair [DeWitt's Pack 14] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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Phillip didn’t see or scent anything either, and he didn’t catch any odd scents from within the field.

He still waited for James to go in before he made his move. If James thought it was safe enough, then there was likely no danger to be had in the field.

Trevor followed his leading alpha, and both men transformed.

The sight of his mate in wolf form had eased some of the pain inside of him, but the sight of Trevor naked, his healthy muscles practically glowing in the sunlight, reminded him that he hadn’t so much as touched the man in almost three days.

Did other mated shifters rely this much on their mates? It was practically ridiculous.

They spoke to each other as calmly and normally as though they weren’t both naked and two feet from each other. Phillip had to stamp down his ire and remind himself that not only was James mated to someone else, but werewolves, mated and otherwise, saw each other naked all the time. This was no big deal.

As James pointed out areas that needed attention, Phillip thought he would go down and join them.

They both looked up sharply at the sound of his paws crunching in the twigs and grass. He’d been careful and silent when searching them out, but now he wanted them to see him.

It took him less than fifteen seconds to shift into his human form. Trevor wasn’t looking at him when he was done.

Phillip nodded to James. “James.”

The leading alpha nodded back. “Phil. I guess you’re coming along nicely if you can sneak up on us like that.”

“Yeah.” He looked at Trevor. The man had turned his back and was slowly starting to walk the wide circle that made up the field. He seemed to think that Phillip wanted privacy with James or something.

“What happened to Mick? Isn’t he your beta?” Phillip asked.

James looked behind him to where Trevor was still walking, pretending to observe the trees and keep the both of them safe while they spoke. One of his crooked brows on his scarred face lifted when he looked back at Phillip. “He’s with some of the younger alphas, training them.”

Made sense. “I guess I’m just restless. I think it’s time for me to ask if I can come on rotation.”

“You feeling up to it?” James asked.

Phillip nodded. “Definitely.”

James eyed him speculatively. Though Phillip was living on his pack land, he didn’t consider himself a member of James’s pack, nor had James ever forced him to turn over his allegiance. He hadn’t needed to. Phillip wasn’t a threat to his leadership since no normal shifter wanted to follow a wild werewolf. Because of that, James couldn’t read his thoughts, and Phillip couldn’t project anything to him.

He still knew what the man was thinking. James knew perfectly well that this had everything to do with Trevor.

“Okay, since you’re here, you can help us sniff out the area.”

“When did you first hear about the hunters?” Phillip asked. He kept his voice businesslike. Inside he hoped that he came across some of those presumptuous bastards so he could finally have a little of that revenge that he’d been wanting for so long.

It was Trevor who answered, though he still had his back to them. “I sniffed out the gunpowder in the area two nights ago. It hadn’t been fired, so it was still in the bullets themselves, but it was there.”

“You?” Phillip asked. Two nights ago? Shit, right after Phillip had given him the news, the man had clearly gone out running to clear his head.

That was why he was with James. Not just because James’s beta was training others, and not because every other alpha in the pack with more experience was indisposed. He was showing James the area where he’d scented the gunpowder.

“And this is private property,” James said, pulling Phillip out of his thoughts. “So we’ve either got a couple of trespassers in the area, or there are real hunters scoping the place out to see if they can find anything paranormal.”

And considering the lives they all led, coincidences weren’t often the excuse that was passed around for such things.

“What would you like me to do?” Phillip asked. He looked over at Trevor, hoping that James would send him off with the other man. He wanted to be around to protect his mate. He didn’t want Trevor out here, even if he was with an experienced and tough wolf like James.

Phillip wanted Trevor back at the cabins, preferably protecting the omegas from attack, if it came down to that.

Phillip would make sure it never came down to that.

James looked back over at Trevor and then looked up at the sky and sighed. “Get over there and say what needs to be said. We’ll go back out on patrol afterward to see what can be found. I want no distractions until we get back to the main property.”

Phillip might not have sworn an allegiance to this pack, but he knew better than to argue. He answered as though he was just another alpha. “Yes, sir.”

James made an impatient sound in the back of his throat before walking away. Maybe he also disapproved of the way Phillip was handling things.

Well, what the hell did the man expect him to do? He’d been there when Old Maggie and that medium had told him about Helen.

Phillip just shook his head and started walking over to his mate. He felt better with each step closer he got, but he didn’t like the way Trevor’s spine stiffened with each step he took as well.

“Hey,” he said when he was next to the man.

Trevor sighed and folded his arms. “Hey.”

Clearly this was going to be harder than Phillip had expected. “You went out running after I left that night? That’s dangerous.”

“Yeah, well, I caught the scent of possible hunters, and that’s a good one for the pack. Now we know something might be coming.”

Trevor had him there. Phillip just wished he didn’t sound so defensive about it.

“I miss you,” he admitted. He lifted his hand to just reach out and touch the younger man, but then he pulled back at the last second.

“Afraid your wife will see you touching me?” Trevor said.

Phillip was shocked at the bitterness in his voice. “I’m not afraid of touching you, Trevor. I just don’t know if you want me to anymore.”

Trevor blew out a breath and rubbed his hands over his face. “Of course I do. You’re my mate, and I’m trying to be patient about all this, I really am, but it’s getting to me.”

“I can see that,” Phillip said. “And I don’t want that. Those first few days, I thought we were doing well together. We were getting comfortable with each other, and then this happened.”

“Yeah,” Trevor agreed. “This happened.”


“Look, I’m not made of stone, okay? It hurts when the one you love says he can’t touch you or be with you because of someone else.”

Phillip winced. It wasn’t quite as simple as that, but it was in that area, and Trevor’s words got to him. He wanted to touch Trevor now. He wanted to stake his claim on the man, to prove that Trevor belonged to him and only to him and nothing was above the two of them being together.

But not at the expense of someone he used to love being forced to walk the earth in a state of limbo.

“So,” Phillip said. “Find anything on your hunters?”

Trevor looked at him from the corner of his eye, and he took the small, fragile peace offering. “Not yet. We’re still trying to figure out what could’ve led them here. There haven’t been any hunters this close to the pack, or even on the property, in a long time.”

Phillip nodded. It had been a peaceful couple of months for the DeWitt’s pack, and the four weeks that Phillip had been around, that calm normality, for a shifter, was what brought him back from the brink.

“We’ll find out what’s bringing them here,” Phillip said. “And if we can’t get them to leave, we’ll kill them.”

Trevor nodded. “Definitely.”

Phillip couldn’t take it anymore. He looked over to the left, and then his right, searching for James. When he didn’t see the man, he used his nose. It seemed he’d wandered out of the field to give them some privacy, maybe even some protection if they were in a vulnerable moment?

“We should go,” Trevor said, and he turned around and started walking away.

Phillip reached out and gently took him by the arms, leading him back. For the first time since getting down here, Trevor’s glowing hazel eyes met his full on. They were unsure and still hurt.

Despite that, he allowed Phillip to place his hand behind Trevor’s neck and pull him in for a kiss.

I’m sorry, Helen, but you’re gone. I’m still here.

It was a soft and gentle kiss, and then it wasn’t. Trevor’s hands found their way down to Phillip’s waist, and when Trevor pulled their hips together, Phillip groaned as his half-hard dick made contact with Trevor’s. He’d been suffering these last couple of days as well, it seemed.

Trevor was the one to end it. He pulled back, almost reluctantly, and they were both panting. “Are you sure you can do this? If we keep going, I’m gonna need it.”

Phillip ran his fingers through Trevor’s multicolored blond hair, admiring all the highlights.

“I want you,” he said, then smiled before glancing down at himself. “In case you hadn’t noticed.”

Trevor returned his smile and pulled him closer again for another hard and desperate kiss.

Phillip held onto the younger man like he was his lifeline. They didn’t kiss with any particular kind of grace, but it was still perfect.

Trevor gently bit down on Phillip’s bottom lip, and when he brought his tongue forward to lightly lick the little red mark he’d made, Phillip opened up for him.

Phillip’s cock was hard and throbbing by now, as was Trevor’s. Phillip let his fingers dig a little deeper into the soft and warm skin of Trevor’s back, and he moaned into the other man’s mouth when Trevor pulled their hips to grind together again.

He’d never felt so alive before Trevor came to him. He was just living before, going through the motions of waking up, relearning how to act human, eating, and sleeping.

Then he discovered the connection between him and the man in his arms, and he’d denied it, almost driving himself crazy all over again. He needed Trevor. This man, this connection to another person, kept him going.

“I was lost without you,” Phillip said when Trevor moved his lips down to his neck.

The other man looked up at him sharply, and then he grinned as he stood a little straighter and captured Phillip’s mouth once more.

The man looked as happy, as though Phillip had declared his love for him. Maybe one day, and maybe that one day would be soon, maybe he even loved him right now, but he couldn’t say it. Not yet.

Trevor didn’t seem to mind as he expertly hooked his leg behind Phillip’s feet and pushed him backward. Phillip let himself fall and was not at all surprised when Trevor held his arms tightly to keep him from going down all the way.

Trevor gently lowered him onto the ground, and he laid his body over top of Phillip’s.

“Don’t think there’s a bench around here that you happen to be keeping lube in, is there?”

Trevor’s sudden laugh over his chest tickled, as he’d been kissing him, especially with the whiskers that grew roughly around his mouth and on his jaw.

“No, just us today.”

“Shame,” Phillip said, looking up at the blue sky, then back at his lover. He liked thinking of Trevor like that. He was a lover. That sounded important and romantic. Not cheap. Trevor wasn’t cheap.

“When we get back, either to your place or mine,” Phillip said, “I want you inside of me.”

Trevor’s eyes widened. “Really?”

“Yeah.” Phillip ran his fingers through that soft hair again. He didn’t understand how it was that Trevor could be so fair in his skin, hair, and eyes, but his wolf was a midnight black. “I want to try it. I want you to do to me what I’ve been doing to you.”

That bright smile returned and lit up Trevor’s face. Phillip kissed him again.

They moved against each other, trying to keep it quiet and slow at first, knowing James was just around the corner somewhere, attempting to be tactful, but then they couldn’t help themselves anymore.

Phillip spread his legs wider, allowing Trevor more room to thrust against him. He reached down and palmed the globes of Trevor’s ass, pulling their groins harder together.

Trevor groaned. Whether it was from the harder movement or the way Phillip gripped his ass, he couldn’t say.

That complete feeling from before entered Phillip again. Trevor was on him, marking him. The emptiness fled the dark spaces inside of Phillip’s chest, and his heart swelled as he watched the pleasure flash across Trevor’s face as he huffed and moaned.

, come for me, Phil. Come, come.”

Phillip was right behind him, but he reached down quickly, grabbing both of their cocks and stroking hard. He gritted his teeth at the pleasure, his eyes nearly rolling in the back of his head, but he stayed focused.

His hand worked up to the head of Trevor’s cock, and he pressed his thumb against the slit, adding just the tiniest amount of pressure.

Trevor stiffened, and Phillip felt the rush of warmth against his hand. He used Trevor’s cum as a lubricant as he stroked himself.

BOOK: The Werewolf Affair [DeWitt's Pack 14] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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