The Whispers of the Fallen (10 page)

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Authors: J. D. Netto

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: The Whispers of the Fallen
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“What do you mean? Fallen…what…Demetre?” I stuttered as I tried to make sense of things.

“Yes. One of the Fallen Stars—one of the generals of Darkness to be more precise.” Nephele stood up and walked back up to the throne.

“It shocks me your friends did not tell you. You did not only think they were protecting you two only for your blood, correct?” A malefic smile appeared on her face.

I closed my eyes, my fists tightened firmly. “I still don’t understand why I am standing here still.”

“We are to give you a choice. One that we hope you will honor,” Azaziel responded quickly.

Devin and Adawnas set their eyes on me. I guess they knew what he was going to ask me.

“You probably don’t know this but your abilities will soon awaken. Not only do you descend directly from the bloodline of the Council, but your maturity will also bring forth special gifts.”

“What do you mean? I also have special abilities in me?”

Azaziel shot a cold stare at Devin and Adawnas. “What great friends you have, Isaac! I suppose they did not tell you this for their own protection,” he said sarcastically.

“Isaac, please don’t listen to him.” Devin approached me, only to be restrained by two Nephilins that grabbed ahold of his arms. Seeing Devin and Adawnas so confined was something that was hard to comprehend.

“Please, stop being so insolent. You two are already a disgrace to our kind. This could have taken place a lot earlier if you two were not so incompetent,” shouted Nephele. “Let us continue, please.”

I did not know whom I could trust now. Was there a special reason I was not aware of the true meaning of their protection? Were they
protecting me? These Nephilins hadn’t killed me yet; did that make them trustworthy?

“We want to give you the choice of becoming one of us,” Azaziel said with a crooked smile.

“You mean…becoming a Nephilin?” I asked, afraid of the answer that was to come.

“Precisely,” confirmed Nephele. “You could be as strong as we are. And of course, it would be my pleasure to turn you.”

“And how would that take place?” I asked eagerly.

She put both of her hands together and walked closer to me.

“I would sleep with you, Isaac. It would not be painful at all, but immensely pleasurable. Trust me,” she said, smiling.

I looked at Demetre lying on the floor. Life was almost leaving his weak body.

“How can that be if Athalas has not become one of you?”

Nephele smiled.

“Athalas sold his soul to Lucifer directly. Thus, there was no need to turn him. As for you, you can’t do that. Your only way is to become what we are, Isaac.”

There was a pause. I was troubled and weary.

“It seems you still have to think about what we are offering you,” Nephele said, stepping back to her previous position. “Well…while you think…Athalas.”

“Yes,” he replied.

“Get the sacrifice ready. We must start.”

Nephele laid the Diary next to Demetre’s body. He gasped and opened his eyes. He screamed in pain.

“My chest…my chest…please no!”
he shrieked.

I ran from where I was to come to his aid, but my legs felt stuck and my whole body was burning. My heart felt as if it was going to explode. Nephele looked back at me.

“Do not be a fool. Please use this time wisely so you can make the right choice, Isaac.” Azaziel dragged me back to the left side of the throne.

My body was not responding correctly. I could only stand straight, in a single position. This feeling killed me inside.

Nephele kissed Demetre on the lips and whispered something that I was not able to understand. The other Nephilins stood near the walls, heads bowed, and silent. I could not tell if they were communicating with each other in their minds or if they were just waiting for the Fallen Star to come out of Demetre. The sound of his screams relentlessly echoed in my mind.

Why would she kiss him?
I wondered.

“It was about time for you to come back to us. I could not bear to be away from you any longer than I’ve already been—especially now,” she whispered ominously, then looked at Athalas and nodded.

In a split second, Athalas grabbed his dagger and pierced Demetre on his chest. This time, his scream was so loud and desperate, my eardrums hurt. Devin and Adawnas looked at him with tears rolling down their faces.

Athalas repeatedly pierced him in the heart. Demetre’s blood was oozing out, flowing like a stream, making its course to the Diary. Nephele had her cold eyes set on him. Her face did not show even a glimmer of compassion.

As quick as a breath, my eyes opened and I found myself in a sort of chamber. The place was simply macabre. Around me I saw walls that were covered in mildew, iron bars placed at every window around me. I looked out and I saw the ocean, the waves crashing angrily against the outer walls. Where was I? Had I passed out and been taken to some prison? I had the feeling that time had come to a complete stop.

There was a door in front of me. I pounded on the door with all my might, but there was no reply. I turned around and saw a man seated on a chair on the corner of the room. Interestingly enough, I felt no fear. His garments were very similar to the Nephilins, only his garments were glorious, covered in small particles of light that shimmered with every slow breath he took. His eyes were not blue like theirs, but a brilliant gold that glimmered vibrantly in the dark. He had his legs crossed, hands resting on his knee, and he was staring out the window.

“I suppose you are probably thinking two things, young one.” Like the Nephilins, his voice was musical.

“Try me,” I replied. I waited for fear to strike me, but to my surprise, it did not.

“You want to know where you are and who I am obviously,” he replied, chuckling.

“Well, of course! I was just in the middle of what seemed to be some sort of sacrificial ceremony and—”

“You are weak, Isaac…
too weak,”
he interrupted abruptly. “That is why I brought you here, under the orders of the Creator.”

The weakness he mentioned was of no surprise to me.

“I assume you already know what is happening,” I asked.

“Don’t think that only this world feels the change. The Fourth Dimension also feels it. It now has its gates unguarded. With the Council being broken, Tristar has also felt this change.”

Silence reigned over us for a moment. A soft breeze was coming in from the ocean, blowing through the window, filling the room with a sweet aroma.

“I know Nephele has given you a choice, Isaac. Think of it as an offer. But you need to know why you were made this offer, and not the others.”

“You have my complete attention.” I frowned. “But before we go on, what is your name?” I asked.

“Forgive me. My name is Raziel, a Star.” I felt peace reach out to me every time he spoke. There was something about this being that stirred me inside. I did recall some old stories my parents used to tell me about Raziel. In the stories, he was an announcer, bringing messages to humans.

“They fear you, Isaac.” He took a deep breath. “Fear of what you might become if you deny their offer.”

I smirked. “How threating can I be, Raziel? I am just a mere human who happens to descend from those that guarded the Diary. I have no powers of my own.”

Raziel let out a soft laugh. “That is where you are mistaken.”

I felt my heart skip a beat. “Mistaken…”

“You are the son of Diane and Dustin Khan. Of course you have gifts of your own. You inherited them from your parents. You were unaware of them because of your age,” he said in a soothing voice.

I roamed around the room, astounded at what he said. “Then why have you brought me here? Will I not be able to fight with these gifts of mine?” I asked, looking him in the eyes.

“This time, the Creator himself wants to offer you something.” He calmly walked toward the window, his gaze set on the ocean.

“What would this offer be?” I approached him.

“The Creator himself wants to awaken powers inside of you. Apart from these inherited gifts, he wants to deposit in you more.” He smiled. “You are indeed very special, Isaac.”

I felt my eyes twitching as he spoke; my hands were suddenly shaking. “What is happening?” I fearfully asked.

“I have brought you to this place so you could physically feel the awakening of your inherited powers. The transformation would have been invisible to your naked eye but here, they are as real as the air you breathe.” He circled around me. “The gifts are in your blood. They run in your veins.”

My head felt as if it was going to explode; my heart burned and my body ached.

“Please make it stop,” I cried. When the words came out of me, my voice sounded different.

“You have to choose which path to take, Isaac. I cannot choose your road for you. I can only enlighten your choice,” he said as he touched my shoulder. “You can settle for your powers or you can choose what the Creator has in store for you.”

“What does he want from me?” I asked in a broken voice, eagerly waiting for an answer. This pain was unbearable.

“Let him give you powers. It is a much narrower road but it will be a road worth taking.” He smiled.
How could he smile in a situation such as this one?

“What do I have to do?” I screamed. My body trembled intensely.

“All you have to do is ask me to take you to him.” He smirked. “Keep in mind that your powers are in your blood. If you choose the Creator’s powers, your blood will change and so will your heart.”

The pain that was in my chest was excruciating, but the decision that I now had to make seemed even worse. Many thoughts rushed in my head. Finally I found the strength to speak.

“Yes,” I said.

Raziel quickly stood next to me. “Yes to what?”

“Take me to him,” I spoke with quivering lips.

“Very well,” he whispered, closing his eyes slowly. At that very moment, my eyes saw something that left me breathless. A surprising set of wings gently sprang forth from Raziel’s back. They were marvelous. Light emanated from them in colors that I don’t think I had ever seen anywhere in Elysium. Slowly, he flapped them toward me. A mighty wind blew in the room. The macabre walls melted away like ice in the heat of the day. The waters of the ocean rushed in, rising all the way to my waist. The pain ceased.

I splashed the water to see if it was real. The temperature was perfect; even the taste of the water was different. I looked around and noticed that I was standing in the middle of the ocean. When I looked up, I saw a picturesque mountain range lying before me. I could hear birds singing and whizzing about the gorgeous sky. Was this the pain Raziel spoke about? If it was, I would take it anytime.

My body already felt different. Something here gave me strength. It seemed as if nothing could touch me.

I looked down and I could see the fish swimming.

Where am I?
The moment the thought came to my mind, someone answered,

“The same place you were before.” The voice that spoke brought me amazing comfort. It was unlike anything I had ever heard before. My heart did not fear, nor was it hesitant.

“Isaac. I am glad you have made this choice of your own will. Many would not have done so, considering the benefits of being a Nephilin in Elysium.”

I could hear the voice, feel the strong presence, but I could not see the body of this person, or creature. I looked around earnestly, trying to see the face of the one that gave me such joy.

“Where are you? I can’t see you,” I asked frantically, spinning around feverishly, seeking to lay eyes on the owner of this magnificent voice.

The voice laughed.

“I am here.” When the voice said
, it sounded as if many voices had come together and formed some sort of choir. The voice resonated everywhere.

“I am in everything that you see. I am the Creator.” Instantly, I tried to think of things that I could say to him, but I was short on words.

“All that you see here carries a part of me. Of course I do have a body, a shape. But you are not ready to see me in my full form. Regardless…I am delighted you have chosen to receive my gifts!”

I took in a deep breath. “I am glad you came to me to speak. I have so much to ask…to say. Long have I thought you were distant,” I said, comforted by the peace that came from this voice.

“Distant?” The voice sounded preoccupied. “That was never my intention…to be distant from you. In order for me to come to you once again, some will have to willingly choose to fight for a greater cause.”

I noticed the water growing darker and the sky grayer as the voice spoke.

“I know you are aware of the pain that is to come with this choice. Not only when receiving these powers, but also on your journey ahead, but the pain is necessary.” There was a deeper, mysterious tone to the voice now.

“Know this, I am watching your every move and will be with all of you until the end. Do not let your heart be troubled with the turmoil of the future. Be sure of one thing: the future is already written in the hidden stones of the hearts of those who said ‘yes.’”

The entire scenario around me changed according to the mood of the voice. They were all directly connected, synched as one. “I hope you are ready,” said the Creator.

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