The Wicked Kiss (2 page)

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Authors: Trina M. Lee

BOOK: The Wicked Kiss
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Before sweeping the curtain aside, Shawn turned to me, a pensive look on his face.

“I’ll take you to his room and then go to this one.” He held up the key in his hand. “After fifteen minutes, I’m coming out, so you have to make it quick.”

I studied him, scanning for any reason not to put my trust in him, at least temporarily. “Thanks Shawn. I appreciate this.”

He cast a wry smile over his shoulder at me. “No problem. Just make sure to put me on Arys’ do-not-harm list.” He chuckled slightly, going silent when he pulled back the heavy curtain.

I really didn’t think he was joking though, and I made a mental note to do my best to do just that, as long as he was true to his word and didn’t somehow screw me over.

The curtain led us into a small foyer-type area. There were chairs and a small table off to one side and an ashtray and mini bar to the other. A hallway branched off either side of the foyer, a red carpet leading the way.

Wall sconces hung with candles burning to light the way down the dark halls.

Paintings hung along the way, but otherwise, the halls were dark and bare. Shawn turned to the right, and I felt my skin begin to crawl.

I followed him down the hall, noting the numbers on the doors. On this side, they were odd, going one, three, five and so on. I assumed the even numbers were the opposite way. Shawn stopped suddenly between doors, his voice low as he whispered.

“Number thirteen is Kale’s. I’ll be in seventeen. Remember, fifteen minutes.” Before I could reply, he had continued down the hall and disappeared into the dark.

The door closest to me was number seven, so I had a few more to go. As I drew closer to Kale’s room, I began to get increasingly anxious. I was a fit of nerves when I stood outside, staring at the number on the door. There was a strange energy in the hall that bit at my skin like angry red ants.

The hallway was so silent that I imagined each room to be soundproof. Either that, or there was something going on in these rooms that I did not want to know about.

I steeled my nerves, knowing that it was now or never. I raised my hand to knock but never even came close to landing the motion before the door jerked open, revealing a pale young woman with red hair, clad in a silky nightgown. Her neck was an assortment of red, swollen bite marks.

I stared at her in shock, and my words died before I’d given voice to them.





Chapter Two

I gaped openly at her, my tongue tied as I tried to spit some words out. She eyed me with an obvious disdain, and I resisted my sudden urge to grab her by the throat.

“What do you want?” she asked with contempt heavy in both her tone and expression.

Before I could answer, Kale’s voice rang out from behind her. “I told you to let her in.” The red head glared at me, but it was a pathetic attempt. I’d seen worse.

Despite the fact that she didn’t want to, she moved back to allow me entrance. I stepped into the room, afraid of what I would see. The room was dark, lit only by two matching candles in a fancy iron candelabrum that sat on the small night table near the bed. The air was thick with an aggressive energy that lingered almost painfully.

The carpet was more of the same from the hall. Everything was laid out just like a hotel room would be. A table with two chairs stood in one corner, a bathroom and a bureau adorned with alcohol, bottled water and small snack items completed the room. I didn’t like it one bit.

“Kale?” I couldn’t hide the worry in my tone. I cast a glance around while his donor continued to give me a death glare. I really wanted to slap her. “We need to have a little chat, buddy.”

Kale was lying in the bed amid black, satin sheets and a furry, zebra print comforter.

I had never seen him quite like this, and it scared me. He appeared to be nude, the sheets shoved down to his waist. His bare chest was firm, well built.

I didn’t like the look he wore. His different-colored eyes bore the look of a junkie soaring as high as he could get. He’d been born with heterochromia iridium, a gene condition that results in mismatched eyes. One was deep brown while the other was a pale blue. The effect was magnificent but, at the moment, a little eerie.

“Alexa, come in. Close the door behind you.” At his sudden gesture, the door closed behind me on its own before I'd even moved. This was not quite going how I’d imagined.

The energy soaked atmosphere picked at my flesh.

I stared at the vampire in the bed, more than aware that I was dealing with a side of Kale that was not the usual for me. I completely ignored the red-haired woman standing beside me, staring like she knew whom she was dealing with. Of course, being a human, she had no idea of what I was.

“Kylarai is really worried. You need to leave here … now.” I wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

My best glare was lost on him. The smile that adorned his handsome face reminded me of every vampire I’ve tangled with right before he goes for the bite. It was almost as evil as it was predatory, and it did not look right on Kale. It was nerve wracking, and I found myself on the defensive.

“Kylarai worries about everything,” he said, waving a hand as if to draw me closer. I didn’t budge from where I stood near the door. “I’m sure I haven’t been here that long.”

“If you don’t know how long you’ve been here, then that's too long. Come on, I’m taking you home.” I had to resist the urge to cover my nose. The room reeked of sweat and blood, among other things.

Kale sighed and ran a hand through his short, dark brown hair. It was just a few shades lighter than black and messy, like it hadn’t been washed or combed in days. He looked away from me, down at the zebra blanket in his lap. When he looked up again, I saw a semblance of the Kale I knew behind his eyes.

“Jennifer, it would be best if you left now. I’ll give you a call.” He gave her a look that struck me as odd. It was almost pleading. He was hoping she wouldn’t make a scene.

“What?” Her voice was flat, like she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Just like that, I’m out of here? I spend three days in here with you, and as soon as the next one shows up, I’m dismissed? That’s fucked, Sinclair.”

I stood back and waited for the awkward moment to pass. I hated being part of someone else’s drama. I watched Kale roll his eyes at her, motioning to where her clothing lay tossed on the back of a chair.

I cleared my throat, drawing their attention to me. “I’d just like to say that I am not a donor. I work with Kale. This is about business.”

Jennifer scrutinized my tight corset and killer heels before nodding as if she knew all too well. “It’s always business with Kale.”

She grabbed the clothes off the back of the chair and stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her and muttering a series of muffled curses. I stared at Kale, expecting some kind of serious explanation.

He met my eyes, and I was sure I saw the flicker of total humiliation hidden in the depths of his carefully constructed vampire gaze. It was quickly replaced with irritation.

Something in me did not like this situation. I realized that, though I wasn’t afraid, I was wary. Something wasn’t right. I again had the sensation of being prey in this place, something the wolf in me detested. I am a predator by nature, even more so since I’d formed a permanent metaphysical bond with a vampire. I didn’t appreciate being looked at as if I were lower on the food chain.

The sound of running water and drawers slamming came from the bathroom.

Jennifer didn’t seem too happy about being asked to leave. I would have been glad to take off right then myself.

“You shouldn’t have come here, Alexa.” Kale cast a glance around for a robe, which he spotted on the chair a few feet away. “It’s dangerous here. You’re like a dose of premium fuel in a place that only has regular. Someone will fixate on you in a heartbeat.”

I watched him slip from the bed in one fluid motion, pulling the robe secure around his slender but firm frame. Kale was certainly a sweet sight on most days, but right now, I was more interested in my safety than his lean physique.

“So I’ve discovered. But, it was either me or Kylarai, so be grateful for small blessings.”
That you don’t deserve
, I added silently.

Now that he was out of the bed, his presence seemed to grow. It was intimidating. I stood my ground when he came towards me, my pulse quickening in my veins.

“Why are you so nervous?” He asked softly, leaning in to reach behind me, to the hook on the back of the door where his finely pressed pants hung.

When he closed the short distance between us, I could feel the energy trickling from him to tickle me wherever it touched. I rubbed my arms but didn’t step away from him like I wanted to.

“Why do you think?” I looked up into his intense light and dark eyes, more than a little concerned. “You’re wired. Been doing a little binging, huh?”

Kale’s pupils were dilated. They shone with a strange, translucent shimmer. He made no attempt to get out of my personal space, and that instantly raised a red flag for me.

“I wouldn’t hurt you. You’re not food to me. You know I see you as an equal.” His words said one thing, but his actions said another. His clothing hung forgotten in one hand; his gaze transfixed on my throat, despite the choker I wore.

“Then why are you thinking about what I taste like, Kale? I think you need to take a step back.” I was careful not to move too much, cautious to avoid doing anything to set him off. I wanted so badly to gather the energy at my core in case I needed sudden defense, but if I did, he’d know.

He gave his dark head a slight shake before turning away from me. His energy grew strained; his sudden distress caused the power level in the room to rise further.

“Dammit, Jennifer! Get out of the bathroom and get out of here. I don’t have time for your dramatics right now.” I’d only heard that vehemence in his tone when we were hunting to kill.

I had a hard time believing he really found the awkward donor thing to be worth the hassle. It made me kind of glad that Arys frowned upon this lifestyle. I don’t think I could handle him becoming this involved with random women who were supposed to serve one purpose only.

When Kale glanced my way again, the shame was evident in his eyes. Maybe there was a really good reason he chose this way. I knew he’d been forced into a lot of things in the past, things that were beyond evil. I was clearly getting the feeling that there was much more to Kale’s preferences than I wanted to know. He was pushing it with this binging. It was junkie behavior and not at all healthy.

The angry sounds coming from the washroom filled the strange silence. Kale stood staring at the door as if he really didn’t know what to do with himself. He seemed to be fighting a battle within himself, one he was bound to lose, again. Perhaps that was it right there; he enjoyed the pleasure that came with giving in.

I could relate to that. After Arys and I had bonded our energy, we’d ended up sharing both our strengths and weaknesses. I’d slaughtered a man during a moment of uncontrollable bloodlust. There hadn’t been much left of him when I was done. Of all the things I’ve ever had to deal with, the affliction of the vampire’s hunger was the most terrifying.

Feeling odd, I cleared my throat. “Look Kale, just get dressed, and I’ll drive you home.”

He banged on the bathroom door, avoiding direct eye contact. “What about my car?”

As an afterthought he added, “It’s still out there, right?”

“Yeah, we’ll deal with it.”

The door to the bathroom swung open, and Jennifer strode out, a small overnight bag in her hand. “Have fun with your newest flavor, Kale. Don’t call me anymore. You’re much too back and forth for me. That’s not what I’m here for.”

Kale sighed but only muttered, “Good riddance.” I couldn’t help but wonder about the tension between them. I thought this was supposed to be some sort of business arrangement, like high-class prostitution.

The glare that Jennifer shot me was pure venom, and she even dared to go so far as to shoulder her way past me. I grabbed her elbow, reacting without thinking about it.

Before she could reach the door, I had her pressed up against it.

In one blink my brown eyes went from human to wolf and four sharp incisors filled my mouth, two on the top and bottom. I growled into her face, a jolt of excitement filling me as the fear rolled off her skin.

“I am not whoever or whatever you think I am. And, the next time you step out of line with me, consider yourself dead.” I smiled as I spoke. “Because I don’t stop at just a little.”

The color drained out of her face, and she nodded her head vigorously. Her eyes were wide with horror as she stared at my fangs. They were twice as long as any vampire’s, a good two inches or more. Vampire fangs are sharp and extend an inch or so longer than the rest of their teeth all the time. Mine only show up when the wolf comes out.

Jennifer didn’t dare squeak a word. Though I felt Kale’s high-strung energy behind me, he never moved to intervene. Smart vampire.

When I decided she knew I meant business, I let her go and stepped back. She stunk like wounded prey, and I wanted her to leave before any of Arys’ temptations got the better of me.

The door slammed in my face upon her hasty exit, and I physically had to resist the instinctual urge to follow her. My body hummed with energy that was quickly growing.

I’d need a release soon, like the impact of a good chase, or risk the consequences of building up too much, too fast. Ten deep breaths didn’t make me feel much better.

“I am not prey in this place. Don’t ever compare me to humans that ask for it again.”

My voice shook slightly as I rode a wave of adrenaline.

Kale seemed to think before speaking, choosing his words carefully. “Alexa, you know I never meant that. This place can be dangerous to anyone.”

“Obviously, Kale,” I replied, the words flying off my tongue. “Look at what it’s done to you.”

Was that a low blow? Maybe just a little bit. But, I was ticked that all of the crazy-ass power in this place was tempting me and his weakness had brought me here in the first place. That, and my concern for both him and Kylarai. I was there because I cared, but that didn’t mean that I had to be happy about it.

Without another word, Kale slipped soundlessly into the bathroom and closed the door. I felt like a jerk, but someone had to say it. I’m pretty well known for being the one to say what we’re all thinking when everyone else chickens out. True, it didn’t earn me many friends, but I’m not the type to fake nice when something needs to be said.

While Kale was busy dressing, I tapped out a fast text message to Ky to let her know I was with him. Then, I placed a call to have Kale’s car towed safely back to his house.

No way was I letting him out of my sight. Not until he was home and the sun was up.

There was a squeak as the bathroom door opened and Kale stepped out. Fully dressed, hair smoothed into place, he almost looked like the version of himself that I was used to dealing with.

I was painfully aware of the new and strange tension between us. It was both foreign and unwelcome. I had to say something.

“I’m sorry, Kale. I shouldn’t have said anything. It’s not my place.” My apology sounded forced. At least, it did to me.

He waved it away and began to gather his wallet from where it lay open on the table.

Money spilled out, and I wondered how much these vampires were handing out for a lame re-creation of the real deal.

I knew firsthand that the true thrill of the chase, the ecstasy and release that came with the kill could never be duplicated. Kale clearly had enough problems without me laying on the guilt trip. He wasn’t my boyfriend.

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