The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon (13 page)

BOOK: The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon
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“You’re … spending the night …” she
stammered. Not believing what she just heard.

“That is what I said.  You can go back
to the Ranch.”

Madison did not know how she got back
to the Ranch.  Her mind swirled with images of Logan and Daphne in bed.  She
could not believe how much it hurt just thinking of him in another woman’s arms. 
For the first time since her Grand pops’ death she cried herself to sleep.

It took a moment for Madison to
realize the sound that woke her was her landline ringing.  She grabbed the
receiver and mumbled sleepily. 

“Maddy!  Wake up!”  Shane’s loud shout
shook her out of her sleepy haze immediately.

“I’m awake.  What’s the matter?”

“We have to get to Mesquite.  There is
a major blow out at the rig there.  Ask Logan what he wants me to bring with.”

She was already up and gathered her
pilots’ suite from the cupboard.  She froze and the hurt slithered down her

“He’s … not here.”

There was dead silence.  “What do you
mean he is not there?”

“He decided to stay over in Dallas.”

Shane cursed a blue streak when he
heard the hurt in her voice.   “Is he staying at our penthouse?

“I don’t know. He didn’t say.  He …
told me to … pick him up at the … airport in the morning.  Madison had to
swallow hard to keep the tears back.

“We’ll pick him up on the way.  I’ll
be there in five.”

Madison was already waiting for him
when he arrived less than five minutes later.  Her eyes were red and swollen
and it was obvious that she had been crying.  He cursed and felt like murdering
his brother.  What made it even worse was the fact that he was not at their
penthouse but at Daphne’s house.  He did not know how to tell Madison that they
were picking him up there and just handed her the coordinates.

She circled over the area and could
not keep the tears from trickling past her eyelids.  Logan spent the night with
Daphne at her house. An imposing two storied house in one of the elite suburbs
in Dallas.  Her heart was meritoriously broken in two.  She lowered the
helicopter on an open area on the back lawn.  He came running across the lawn
immediately, still fastening his shirt.  He had ample time to get dressed since
Shane phoned him, so only dressing when they landed were testimony what had
kept him busy till now.

“You better find another pilot, Shane
and fast.  I want to be gone by the end of the week.”  Madison’s voice was so
soft he had to lean forward to hear what she said and he cursed again.

“Maddy … maybe this is not how it

She gave a short sarcastic laugh. 
“I’m afraid it is exactly as it seems.  Just do it Shane, because I am leaving
on Sunday, whether you have someone or not!”

Shane’s lips pulled in a straight
angry line when Logan got in at the front.  His eyes were immediately drawn to
Madison who totally ignored him.  His one foot was still dangling outside when
she bore upwards.

“Dammit, Madison!  I’m not even in

“Unfortunately the fire couldn’t wait
for you to finish your … tryst on your own time!  We could have been at the
site already if we didn’t have to … to … make this detour!”

He cursed and glared at her, willing
her to look at him, but her eyes were adamantly glued to the horizon. He
glanced back at Shane and sighed when he was met with even more hostility.  He
cursed his impulsive decision to make it appear as if he spent the night in
Daphne’s arms.  He cursed out loud when he saw Madison surreptitiously wiping
her cheek. 

“Wildcat, I …”

“Shut up, Logan!  Just … shut up.” 

The last words were swallowed with the
lump in her throat busy strangling her.  Logan drew his hands through his short
hair and wiped his eyes. 

This damn woman was going to be the
death of me yet! 

He had every intention of sleeping
with Daphne, but knew before they even landed at the airport that it was not
going to happen.  He could not drench up any desire for the beautiful
brunette.  The only picture that filled his mind was of his Wildcat walking
past him in her seductive naked glory.  The only reason he stuck to his
decision to go home with her was to make a point to Madison.  That what they
had was just sex.

Only now … he himself was not so sure
it was all there was anymore!  Her obvious upset and tears clamped around his
heart and he wanted to hold her tight and soothe her.

He wished he could rip the cap that
was pulled down low over her eyes from her head so he could see her eyes. 
Madison adamantly refused to even glance his way and he sighed again.

“What do you know of the blow out,

“What do you think?  It has to be

“I know that, little bro.  I want to
know how bad it is.  Was anyone hurt?”

Shane took a moment to get his own
anger under control.  Anger at the atrocious treatment of Logan against Madison
and anger against their mother.  A woman that had no compunction to cause fires
and blow outs that could take lives.

“So far two serious injuries.  A Derrick
man and a Roughneck.  Both were on the rig floor when she blew.  Then some with
only minor burns.  It seems there was a pressure build-up in the boreholes. 
They estimated there was a blockage and with the amount of pressure that was
build up in the well, the hydrocarbon was ejected nearly 60 meters the air. As
you know the hydrocarbons on this site were highly flammable and contained
methane and propane which is why you spend the extra money to safeguard against
this sort of explosion.”

“It exploded?”

“Yeah … the engineer said he has never
seen the likes.  It was as if there was a match that lit the gas in the air.”

“Maybe there was … even with gas blow
out and the friction, the added release valves and depressurizing at the top of
the boreholes, it should not have exploded.  Someone rigged that borehole to

Logan sat forward searching for the
fire they should have been able to see in the distance already, and sighed in
relief when he could only see a black cloud of smoke on the horizon.  Shane
also noticed it and slapped Logan on the shoulder.

“Now I am glad you overrode our
resistance and had all those additional measures installed on this well.  It
seems the fire is already under control.”

“Yes, the minute there is a fire the
chemical is released in the air so it must have contained the fire almost

Logan turned to Shane.  “Have they
found out anything more on her financials?  How strong is she monetarily?  Any
loans?  Does she own all the shares?”

“She is nearly broke, which is
probably why she is doing something this desperate.  She sold forty percent of
her shares a year ago to an investor, Rodney Davell and ten percent to a guy by
the name of Vernon Miller a few months ago.  We are still looking into that. 
She also applied with Phillips Financial Bank for a sizeable loan.”

“Which she won’t get if she doesn’t
offer something as collateral.  She probably offered her shares.  I doubt Bill
Phillips would approve such an application.  If she has no cash flow, her
shares does not offer that much collateral.  He didn’t strike me as the type of
man to accommodate such a risky loan.”

Madison winced when she realized the
Dalton’s must have met her father at some stage.

“Have you been able to get hold of

“Yes, she will be in Dallas on
Saturday.  Do you want to meet her somewhere in Dallas or at the Ranch?”

Logan sat pondering the options, his
eyes on Madison’s profile.  He noticed she was biting her bottom lip between
her teeth and he reached out to gently pull at her lip and she snapped at him,
glaring at him at the same time.

“Don’t touch me!”

He winced when he noticed her puffy,
red eyes, even in the dim lights of the helicopter’s dash lights.  He sighed
and rubbed his neck.

“Let her come to the Ranch.  It’s time
she realized what she’s missed out on all these years.”

Chapter Thirteen

took the helicopter down carefully and did all the necessary post flight
checks, knowing they would be there a while.  The Daltons jumped down and ran
towards the well where there was still a small fire burning.  The black smoke
was so thick you could hardly see ten meters in front of you.  Madison took her
earphones off, unsnapped the safety belt and slumped back in the seat. 

She startled in fright when the door
was suddenly pulled open.  Logan reached up to draw her out and into his arms. 
She struggled but he tightened his hold around her body.  He ripped the cap off
and threw it on the seat behind her.

“Let me go!  I don’t want you to touch

“Don’t!  Stop!” 

His arms tightened even further around
her and she gasped for air he held her so tight.  Her eyes were globes of fire
when they met his.

“I didn’t sleep with her, Wildcat.”

“How would I know that and even if you
didn’t you had every intention to! Damn you, let me GO!” 

She intensified her struggles which
resulted in his arms tightening around her again.

“I didn’t even touch her, Madison!”

“I don’t care!  Do you hear me!  I
don’t care anymore!  Let me go!”

The tears streamed unhindered down her
cheeks and belied her passionate plea.  Logan winced.  His voice was hoarse when
he whispered against her lips.

“Don’t honey!  Don’t say that and
please stop crying!”

His lips closed over hers and he
kissed her tenderly, taking her sobs into his mouth.  He stroked her back
tenderly and groaned, pushing his tongue past her resisting lips and kissed her
deeply.  He pressed her supple body tight against his and she gasped at the
hard length of him searing against her soft stomach. She could not deny her
need for him and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, her
tears salty on their lips.

He ended the kiss and stared into her
eyes.  He lifted his hand and tenderly wiped the tears from her cheeks.

“I swear I didn’t touch her – apart
from what you saw in the chopper.”

She shook her head and tried to push
him away.  “I don’t want to hear this!”

“Well, you’re going to, whether you
like it or not!  But not here and not now.  We’ll talk when we get home.”

He pulled away and caressed her lips
with his thumb.  “Now, promise me you will stay in the chopper.”

She nodded and he leaned down to take
a hard passionate kiss before he turned around and jogged away.

It was late Friday afternoon before
the Daltons were satisfied the blow out was under control and they headed home.
She was an emotional wreck.  Even though Logan claimed he didn’t touch Daphne,
she kept seeing him running towards the chopper buttoning his shirt. Her heart
ached, for that matter her whole body ached and she cursed him over and over. 

She came to the realization during the
time she was forced to immobility that she never loved Andreas. She caught him
having sex with another woman and it did not affect her even a tenth as it did
just imagining Logan with Daphne.  Logan Dalton … consumed her heart

Logan looked at her frowning face all
the way to the Ranch and sighed when she stubbornly refused to look at him. 
The moment they landed he was out of the chopper and strode towards Shane’s SUV
with long strides.

“Shane … remember what I asked you to

“Maddy, he told me he didn’t sleep
with her!  Surely then …”

She shook her head, her eyes smoky. 
“I realize Sunday is too soon, so I’ll stay until Friday next week.”

“Do you really mean that?” 

She nodded.  “Please don’t tell him.”

Shane shook his head.  “Sorry Maddy. 
Technically you work for him and I will not keep something like this from him.”

She looked towards the SUV where Logan
just climbed into the driver seat.   She nodded in that direction.

“You’re about to be left behind.”

Shane cursed and set off at a run,
cursing as far as he went.

Madison took a long shower and washed
her hair. With a towel wrapped around her she sat down in front of the dressing
table and blow dried her hair.  She just finished smoothing night cream on her
face when she heard a car screeching to a stop.  She sighed.  Damn Shane! 
Could he not have waited until tomorrow!

Logan slammed into the cottage and
thundered her name the minute the door closed behind him.  The next moment he
stood in the bedroom door. He stood breathing hard, his eyes glittering like
emeralds on fire.  He was intimidating – the huge, muscled specimen all male
and very, very angry.

Madison chose to remain seated in
front of the mirror and just stared at him.  His hair was ruffled and he only
wore a pair of jeans and was barefoot.  He ripped his jeans from his body and
her eyes widened as his fully erect arousal sprang free.  He had no underpants
on. She shook her head.

“NO!  You are no longer welcome in my
bed!  Go away!”

Naked, with his huge perfect manhood
and his toned muscles he was even more of a thread and she swallowed. He took
the two steps that separated them and yanked her in his arms.  Before her body
slammed into his, he ripped the towel off and she gasped when naked flesh met
naked flesh.

“You will not leave me!  Do you hear
me, Wildcat!  You will not leave me!  I will not allow it!”

He picked her up by her shoulders and
fell on the bed, spreading her legs as they went.  He surged into her hot and
wet sheath the same time her back hit the mattress and she cried out at the
unexpectedness of his entry.  He reared up and looked at her.  His eyes were
hot and sizzled fire into hers. 

He pulled out slowly and she moaned,
lifting her hips to entice him back in and he slammed back into her, hard and
to the hilt.  He kept her eyes captive as he started to move.  His thrusts were
spasmodic and slow.  Madison keened in need and wrapped her legs around him,
locking her ankles behind his back, desperately grinding her hips into his. 
Pleading for more, harder, faster.

“I swear I did not sleep with Daphne. 
Yes, I had every intention to, but I could not drench up one ounce of desire
for her!  All I saw was your beautiful sensual body below me … just like now. 
You’re the only one that ignites the fires inside me, Wildcat.  Only you!”

His eyes forced hers to remain on his
and she pleaded silently with him.  He pushed back, agonizingly slow and she
mewled like a cat in pain.  This time he started a rhythm, an agonizingly slow
pace.  If his aim was to drive her insane, he succeeded.  He filled her inch by
inch only to withdraw just as slowly leaving her to feel empty and craving his
thrust back in to fill her aching sheath.

Madison moaned with each stroke while
Logan kept teasing and torturing her with glacially slow thrusts. He was
breathing hard.  His body was tense all over and he appeared like a rock hard,
yet skin soft sculpture rearing over her.  His head lowered and he pulled a
nipple into the heat of his mouth and he sucked hard, exulting in her resulted
animal like mewl. He moved to the other and gave it the same attention.  Madison
felt ready to explode from her skin, she was that tense.

“Please Babe!  I … aahh … need more!”

Logan looked into her eyes, his rhythm
remaining slow and steady, the rigidity of his jaw testament to the effect it
had on him as well.

“Promise me Wildcat. Promise me you
won’t leave me!”

She shook her head and her nails dug
into his back, the pressure inside her bursting into an inferno of need. She
dug her heels deeper into his back, desperately bucking against him. She
screamed in frustration when he pushed her hard into the mattress and then
stopped.  Her eyes were feverish and begged with his.  He shook his head and
she keened.

“You can’t … oh God … Babe please!” 

Logan felt the quiver of her tight
walls around him and he knew she was on the verge of her climax.  He clenched
his teeth, forcing his body to immobility.  If it killed him, it would end here
if she didn’t give him what he was after.

She panted and begged; her voice
hoarse with need.  “You can’t ask … some … aahh … thing like that from me
now!”  She tried to thrash against him, but his body held her imprisoned
beneath his.

“Yet I am.  Hear me well … hmm …
Wildcat.  If you don’t give me what I want, I will walk away now!”

She cried and tears of frustration and
need escaped down her cheeks, yet he refused to relent.  He took her face
between his hands and forced her eyes back to his.

“Madison … give me your promise!”

Stubbornly she refused and then
remembered she needed to warn him.  She licked her lips and realized he would
most probably leave her once she told him anyway.  But she knew it was not
something she could set out to do without warning him of her intentions.

“I … told you I was going to take the
ultimate step … before you finish this … of God! You need to know what that

She thrashed under him desperately
grinding her hips against his and dug her head in the pillow as she drew him
even deeper inside her.  He growled and she felt the slight tremble in his

“That step had better not be walking
away from me!”

“Oh … I can’t think … you’re driving
me insane!  Please Babe!”

He ground his hips harder against her
and she mewled when she felt him caress her womb he was that deep.

“I … stopped taking the pill … on
Tuesday.”  She hesitated when his body stilled on top and inside of her. His
eyes burned her to cinders.   “So …uhhmm … if you don’t want my child … you
better leave … now!”

Whatever reaction she expected from
him it was not the loud growl of possession when he pulled back all the way and
then plunged back into her.  Slamming into her with hard and deep thrusts, his
passion totally unleashed in his possession of her body.  Madison’s body was
shaken by the uncontrolled passion that flowed from his and her entire body
shook from pulsating waves of explosive pleasure. 

With his next thrust her whole body
tightened and her walls clamped around his shaft so hard he cried out at the
strength of it.  In the throes of her earth shattering climax he lost all
control and pounded desperately into her, realizing she lost her ability to breathe
again when she tore her nails down his back in panic.  Yet he could not stop
the thundering need driving him into her and he shouted her name as his climax
ripped through him with such force it felt as though his skull was about to

Madison panted but could not breathe
and when his hot seed shot against her core she screamed. She arched her body
against him, lifting her hips high as a climax so strong it took the breath
from her body again and everything went black.  Bright spots of light flashed
behind her eyes and she concentrated on Logan’s voice soothing her and drawing
her back from the claws of pleasure still pulsing around his shaft.

Their eyes met and Madison asked
haltingly, still panting breathlessly.

“Why …?”

“Because that is even better than a
promise, Madison. It is a full on commitment. You just gave me the weapon to
keep you here.  When you bear me a child, you will be here to be a mother to

“When … not if?”

He chuckled.  “I tried, Wildcat, Lord
knows I did.  I can’t stay away from you and I can’t get enough of you.  I have
no intention of dressing up in a condom now that I am used to feeling your
naked skin against mine … everywhere.”

What he was not prepared to admit to
Madison was the utter elation that smashed into his heart when she told him she
was prepared to go to the extreme and have his child to stay with him.  In that
moment he saw a flash of her with his child in her arms, smiling up at him and
he felt the rightness of it.

She stroked his back and drew her hand
back when she felt something wet and gasped when she noticed the blood on her
fingers.  Her eyes clashed with his and she cringed.

“Oh Babe!  I am so sorry!  I didn’t
mean to …”

He leaned down to kiss her and
pretended a flinch of pain.  “Hmm … quite a punch you pack with those nails of
yours!  We’ll have to cut them otherwise I will have no skin left on my back.”

“Let me up.”

He shook his head.  “I’m far from
finished with you, Wildcat.  You can just as well treat them and the rest
you’re about to give me later.” 

He kissed her hard on her lips and
pushed his rock hard shaft slowly deeper and deeper inside her until she
flinched and groaned as he filled every inch of her.

“I love that you give yourself so
completely to me that you lose your breath every time, honey.  Let’s see how
many times I can take your breath away before the sun rises!”

And he set out to do just that.  Long
before the sun rose in the sky, Madison was as weak as a baby, her body so
sensitive from his continuous caresses that her skin tingled from her toes all
the way to her scalp.  Her nipples, clit and sheath were swollen and tender
from his mouth, lips and the numerous times he buried himself to the hilt.  She
lost count of the number of times he took her to reach shattering climaxes.  He
made sure she lost her breath every time!

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