The Wilde Side (24 page)

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Authors: Janelle Denison

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

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He pushed her legs apart and ran his hands up her stocking-clad thighs, all the way to the minuscule scrap of material covering her mound. He traced sensual, lazy circles through the damp fabric and stroked the pad of his thumb deep into the crevice between her thighs until she was writhing against his hand.

"God, you look so damn sexy like this," he murmured, his voice husky and filled with awe. "The only thing I want off you is your panties."

"Then take them off," she urged breathlessly.

With a wicked smile on his lips, he curled his fingers over the thin elastic band at her hip, and with one hard yank the flimsy undergarment ripped apart in his hand. She gasped, then laughed at how much his rough and ruthless actions thrilled her.

But all amusement ceased when he dipped his head and pressed his mouth intimately against the very core of her. He found her most sensitive spot with his tongue and quickly, relentlessly, took her to the brink of pure, unadulterated ecstasy. When her climax hit, it was intense and glorious and rippled through her entire body in long, shimmering waves of pleasure.

Before she could float back down to earth, Adam was looming over her, fitting himself between her thighs, and there was nothing gentle about the way he plunged into her and filled her to the hilt, nothing sweet about his deep, driving strokes.

She clasped her legs high around his waist, welcoming every hard thrust of his hips, loving the way he let go and claimed her as his. Her body embraced every inch of him, met him stroke for stroke, matching the pulsing, erotic rhythm that grew hotter and brighter with each fierce thrust.

She clenched her inner muscles around him repeatedly, putting to good use those Kegel exercises she'd practiced. He groaned and tossed back his head, arching into her, surging higher, grinding harder, moving faster, until she was gasping for breath and swept into another climax that took her by surprise.

Growling deep in his throat, he surrendered to his own fierce orgasm. His hips pressed her farther into the bed, then farther still, nearly crushing her with the violent force of his release. His breath ragged, he collapsed on top of her and buried his face against her neck.

Madison smiled, and caressed her hands down the slope of her husband's back as he recovered from his intense and draining climax, wallowing in the joy and contentment that filled her. They'd just survived a major hurdle in their marriage, and she'd emerged a stronger, more confident woman because of it – sexually and emotionally. Now it was up to the both of them to keep the passion and intimacy between them a priority, to be equal partners not only as husband and wife, but as lovers, too.

Judging by his enthusiastic response to her tonight, she didn't think that was going to be a problem any longer.

Moments later, he pushed himself up onto his forearms and gazed down at her, the primitive desire she'd seen in his eyes earlier gradually clearing into affection and the kind of tenderness she appreciated in the aftermath of their loving.

"Wow, that was amazing," he murmured, still looking a little stunned by everything that had happened.

She smiled at him dreamily, feeling like the world's luckiest woman to have Adam in her life. "Absolutely earth-shattering," she agreed.

He brushed her tousled hair away from her face, and his thumb grazed across her bottom lip. "I've never seen this assertive side to you in the bedroom before, but I have to say I like it. A little bit wild, and a whole lot uninhibited."

She glided her stocking-clad legs down the backs of his thighs and hooked her heels against his taut calves. "I'm glad you like it, because I've got a few fantasies in mind that I want to try out with you."

His deep chuckle turned into a groan. "You're gonna kill me, I just know it."

"Death by sex," she teased, and waggled her brows. "Just think, you'll die a happy man."

"Undoubtedly." Then he grew serious, his expression reflecting an endless well of devotion. "I love you, Madison, with my heart and soul. You're the other half of me that makes me whole. Don't ever doubt that."

Adam wasn't a poetic man, and she cherished his words like a romantic gift. "I love you, too."

He moved off of her and pulled her close to his side, so she was cuddled up against his chest and their legs were entwined. "Are you really okay?" he asked.

She knew what he was questioning – had he been too rough or forceful with her – his biggest fear. "I love when you get aggressive and demanding, and I've never been better."

He caressed a hand over the curve of her hip and down to the lace band holding up her stockings. "Good, because I don't think I'm done with you tonight."

She lifted her head to look into his face as her hand stroked its way down to his abdomen. "That's fine by me since we have plenty of lost time to make up for, but next time around, I get to be on top."

His eyes grew dark and hot with renewed lust. "Only if you wear those sexy stockings and heels while you're riding me, and nothing else."

She laughed, more than happy to fulfill one of
fantasies. "It's a deal," she said, and knew that everything was going to be okay.


Ashley kept herself busy at the front of the boutique, a perpetual smile on her face as she divided her time between inventorying their stock of designer handbags and watching out the display window for any glimpse of Scott she could get while he supervised the restoration project taking place out in the lobby.

She shook her head in amusement. God, she felt like an infatuated schoolgirl, hanging out in the most advantageous spot in hopes of the popular guy noticing her and giving her even a smidgeon of his attention. And every so often he'd glance across the registration area and smile at her in that sexy way of his, and that one small gesture was enough to carry her through the day, at least until they met up later that evening – either in person or on the phone.

That's how it had been for the past week, since the night she'd watched Sophie and he'd cooked dinner for her. There had been plenty of stolen moments and phone calls between them, along with a few meals at cozy, out-of-the-way restaurants. They always asked for a private booth, not only to remain discreet, but it also allowed them to touch and kiss and do naughty things with their hands beneath the table. They'd even gone to a movie together, except she didn't remember much of the comedy playing on the screen because they'd spent a good amount of the time necking in the far corner of the back row.

Their affair was definitely exciting and adventurous, but for all their kissing, heavy petting, and erotic foreplay, Scott always stopped short of consummation. It had been that way since she'd agreed to continue seeing him for the month, and her impatience and frustration level was rising. While he was always generous in giving her pleasure in other provocative ways, she craved that connection and sensual intimacy that came with him being deep inside of her, making love to her entire body.

The few times she'd expressed how much she wanted him and that he was driving her crazy making her wait, he'd soothe her with a kiss and a promise:
We're getting there, sweetheart. And it'll be so good when it happens.

Of that Ashley had no doubt, and she wondered if tomorrow, Saturday, would finally be the evening it happened. Two nights ago on the phone he'd told her he wanted to take her out for the day, but wouldn't tell her where, just that it was someplace special and that she needed to wear a pretty dress. In her way of thinking, what could be more incredible than finally making love with Scott after being mercifully teased and sensually tormented by him the last few weeks?

She ducked her head back to her inventory sheet, thinking of the possibilities. Ashley marveled about how light and wonderful and carefree she felt, despite what an upheaval her life truly was, not to mention the added realization that she was falling hard for Scott Wilde and she had no idea what to do about her feelings.

She continued to catalogue the boutique's stock and make notes for Joan of what items the new executive manager needed to reorder. When she was done with the handbags, she glanced back out to the lobby, a habit that paid off this time around.

A shiver of delight coursed through her. There Scott was, standing across the way, sexy as sin and larger than life. And he was looking directly at her, a charming smile canting the corners of his mouth. Her breath caught as it always seemed to do around this man, and she touched her fingers to her fluttering heart. Belatedly, she realized the intimacy of the gesture in a too public place and immediately dropped her hand, though her own private smile didn't falter one bit.

Suddenly, Scott frowned and made a quick motioning gesture with his head, indicating to the right of her, and abruptly looked away, leaving her to wonder what that was all about.


Then she knew, and her stomach dropped as she realized that Evan was standing a few feet away – to her right. She'd been so caught up in Scott that she hadn't seen Evan enter the boutique. Had he been privy to their flirtatious exchange?

One look at his perplexed expression verified that he had, indeed, witnessed the exchange, but he wasn't quite sure what to make of it. And she wasn't about to enlighten him, either.

She recovered her composure with amazing speed. "Hi Evan," she said, and transferred her smile to him. "What's up?"

He glanced one last time from Scott, to her, then slid his hands into the front pockets of his pressed trousers. "I wanted to talk to you about James and find out if you've heard from him."

Oh, God, just what she
want to discuss – her ex-employee who'd ended up being more unbalanced than she ever could have predicted. "I haven't talked to him directly, but I've called his place twice and left messages on his recorder."

Which had been a saving grace for her, because she wasn't altogether certain what she'd say to him if he answered the phone. It was an issue she'd have to confront sooner or later, but until she had a firm resolution to the problem in mind, she'd let things play out on their own.

"He has another week and a half to pay up before we press charges and have him arrested for grand theft," Evan went on. "Make sure you remind him of that the next time you leave him a message."

Nodding, she moved to the jewelry counter and away from the window – away from Scott's direct line of vision. "I'll be sure to do that."

Instead of leaving, Evan followed her, his gaze searching her features. "Are you ready for the move to San Francisco?"

She rearranged a display of inexpensive beaded bracelets and made a note of the various colors they were low on. "I'm getting there."

"You know your father—"

"Evan, don't," she said, cutting him off before he could finish his sentence. She knew what he'd been about to say, and her defenses rose. "I know what my father wants, but what about what I want? Doesn't that matter?"

Her direct, self-assured manner seemed to take him by surprise, and he stared at her for long seconds before finally answering. "Yes, it matters. You should be happy."

She sighed, hating the stress and pressure that was threatening to overwhelm her from half a dozen different directions. "Then let me do what I need to do."

"Alright," he said, but remained persistent on a personal level. "Though I have to admit that I have my own selfish reasons for wanting you to stay."

She knew exactly what those reasons were. She could see the emotions in his eyes, the hope, but he just wasn't the right man for her. So, she said simply, "I know, and you'll always be a good friend, no matter where I am."

A hint of resignation entered his gaze. Then he tipped his head, and a boyish grin made an appearance. "Do you think you and I can go to dinner before you leave? Just a friendly date, of course."

"Absolutely." She'd never wanted to hurt Evan, and she wanted to make sure that he knew they'd always be on amicable terms, especially considering his position within the company. "I'd like that."

After Evan was gone, she breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn't mentioned anything about the looks that had passed between her and Scott. She was so worried about keeping her relationship with Scott private that she was certain her imagination was working overtime.

Gathering up her inventory sheets, she went back to her office, sank into her chair behind her desk, and buried her face in her hands. She felt as though everything was closing in on her, and her time was coming to an end, with James, with Scott, and the deadline to move to San Francisco.

And she no longer knew what to do about any of it.

Chapter 14


cott pulled out of the driveway after Ashley arrived at his place and headed toward their secret destination for the afternoon and evening. Ashley was sitting beside him in his Corvette, wearing a dress as he'd asked – a pale pink creation with a fluttery type hem that ended just below her knee and swirled around her gorgeous legs when she walked. She'd worn her hair down, and she looked beautiful and classy – absolutely perfect for where he planned on taking her.

Now he just hoped she didn't panic or refuse him when they arrived at their final location, which was a distinct possibility. He was taking a huge risk, but today's date with Ashley was important to him, for a variety of reasons.

"I had no idea you owned such a flashy sports car," Ashley commented, bringing him out of his private thoughts.

Scott slanted her a boyish grin, pleased that she liked his silver Corvette Coupe. It had been a big indulgence for him when he was normally a very practical kind of guy. "I use my work truck on a daily basis, and I save the Corvette for special occasions. I keep it covered in the garage. That's why you haven't seen the car before today."

She caressed a hand down the soft leather seat, and he wished those fingers were on his thigh inside, giving him the same treatment as the chair. "Well, I like it. It fits your wild side."

He chuckled at her play on words. "I'll admit it's a fun toy."

Her green eyes sparkled with amusement. "For a fun day, obviously."

Grasping her hand, he flattened her palm on his thigh, right where he wanted it to be. "I hope so."

"Well, you certainly have me curious about today." She glanced out the passenger window, taking in the passing scenery as he drove away from the city limits. "Any hint on where we're heading?"

"Nope." He stroked his fingers along her hand, absently tracing the indentation of each finger, enjoying that simple connection between them. "We'll be there in about fifteen minutes, and you'll see then."

She leaned across the console and murmured huskily in his ear. "Is there any way I might be able to wear down your resistance and make you tell me what I'm dying to know?"

Her fingers brushed the fly of his slacks, tempting him to spill everything. His groin stirred, reminding him just how long it had been since he'd been inside of Ashley, and he pulled her hand away before he let her finish what she'd started.

"I really don't want to spoil the surprise."
I really don't want you to freak out on me before we even get there, was more like it.

A feigned pout appeared on her glossy lips, which did nothing to diminish the glow of anticipation in her gaze. "Oh, all right."

They ended up in a suburb outside of Chicago, and he watched Ashley's excitement turn to confusion as he drove down a street lined with cars parked in every available space, then guided the Corvette into a long driveway. He came to a stop next to his cousin Steve's black SUM cut the engine, and turned toward Ashley, preparing himself for her reaction.

She glanced from the big house in front of them to him and frowned. "Where are we?" Her tone was cautious and wary.

Still holding her hand, he laced their fingers together and caressed his thumb across her knuckles. "We're at my aunt and uncle's house."

Her eyes grew round with shock and disbelief as his words registered. "This is the special place you wanted to take me today? To meet your family?"

He nodded calmly, hoping she'd remain equally so, even though he could already see her panic rising. "Yes. My cousin Adrian is getting married today, and I wanted you to be here with me for the ceremony and reception, which is being held in my aunt and uncle's backyard."

She shook her head frantically and tried to tug her hand from his grasp, but he refused to let go, refused to allow her to withdraw from him or the situation. "Scott, we can't ... I can't do this!"

"Why not?"

"You have to ask?" she balked incredulously. "Meeting your family wasn't part of our deal. Not only do I not want anyone to assume that the two of us are serious, but I'd rather not have anyone know that I'm Ashley
St. Claire
. It'll just complicate matters."

In his mind, all her concerns were easily remedied. It was just a matter of him being able to ease her fears and insecurities. "First of all, no one is going to assume anything. I'll introduce you as my date with no mention of you being a St. Claire." And he knew he could count on his brothers, Steve, and Cameron to be discreet about her social status. "Secondly, I doubt there will be anyone here that you know since the wedding is a small, intimate, family affair, so having any of this get back to your parents or Evan or anyone else is not an issue."

She bit her bottom lip, indecision shining in her eyes. "Scott, I just don't know."

"Look, I understand your apprehension. I really do," he said in a low, soothing tone. "But it's only one day of our time together, and it would mean a lot to me if you stayed and met my family and were able to see a part of
life. However, if this makes you feel that uncomfortable and you want to leave, I'll take you back to my place for your car and return without you. The choice is completely yours."

Ashley stared at the man sitting beside her, holding her hand so affectionately while he waited patiently for her answer. Before the moment when they'd arrived at his aunt and uncle's home, she'd decided to put everything out of her mind, all the doubt and issues that had been plaguing her for the past month, and enjoy the day, Scott, and whatever he intended to do with her.

She'd never anticipated where he'd be taking her, that it would include something as intimate as his cousin's wedding and mingling with his family. No, she hadn't bargained for this, and she was torn over what she knew she ought to do and what she
to do. Her mind insisted that she leave, but her heart... Oh, God, her heart was telling her to stay, to share this incredibly special day with Scott and to hell with her conscience and that little voice in her head warning her to be careful.

She was leaving for San Francisco in a week, to begin that new life she swore was so important to her. But as for today, she was going to embrace what she wanted for a change, without guilt or regrets.

She released a deep breath, along with any last remaining doubts, and met Scott's gaze. "Let's go inside before the ceremony begins without us."

A devastatingly sexy smile lifted the corners of his mouth, and his eyes gleamed like polished sapphires. "Thank you, sweetheart. You just made me a very happy man." He leaned over and kissed her, a warm brush of his lips across her cheek that left her aching for so much more.

Hand in hand they entered the house, and she was instantly swept up into the warmth and hospitality that seemed a natural part of the Wilde family – immediate and extended. They quickly made the rounds of introductions before the wedding began, and she met his father and stepmother, and his sister, Mia, whom she immediately liked. In the younger woman, Ashley recognized a part of herself that she'd spent years suppressing – an adventurous spirit and boldness that Ashley envied.

She was formally introduced to his brothers Joel and Alex, both of whom made no mention of the night she'd met Scott or the bet that had prompted Scott to approach her, which Ashley appreciated. Dana, Alex's girlfriend, graciously welcomed her, as well.

Then there was Eric and Jill, and Ashley found it amusing to watch how the man doted and fussed over his very pregnant wife. She met Steve and had only a brief chance to say hello to Liz, who was in the beginning stage of labor and was resting in between contractions, though she'd insisted on staying to watch Adrian and Chayse get married. As for the bride and groom themselves, they were sequestered in separate rooms in the house until the wedding began.

Before Scott could introduce her to friends, an announcement was made that all guests were to take their seats outside, and the ceremony was set to commence in ten minutes.

The backyard had been beautifully transformed for the occasion, with a white runner leading to a wedding arch adorned in white and lavender flowers and draped in ribbons that flowed in the light afternoon breeze. Scott led her to the front of the row of chairs, and they sat down next to Cameron, one of Steve's good friends and his business partner.

The small bridal party took their positions, with Adrian's brothers, Steve and Eric, standing in as ushers beside their sibling. On the bride's side stood Mia, who Scott told her was a good friend of Chayse's, as well as another friend, Faith, both of whom were beaming as Chayse began her walk down the runner toward the arch while the wedding march played in the background.

Ashley was surprised to see Adrian's father escorting Chayse, until Scott leaned close to her and explained that Chayse's own father wasn't a part of her life and had declined attending the wedding. Ashley's heart went out to the other woman, though it was obvious that the elder Mr. Wilde was extremely proud and honored to walk his future daughter-in-law down the aisle to his son.

The actual ceremony was short but meaningful, and it was clear to everyone who looked upon the bride and groom that the two were deeply in love with each other. Ashley experienced a pang of longing as she watched Chayse and Adrian exchange their wedding vows, and knew that these two were destined to be together forever, that their relationship was based on honest emotion, respect, and devotion.

The minister pronounced them husband and wife, Adrian planted an enthusiastic kiss on his bride that had the guests cheering, and then the celebration began in earnest. A band played songs that got the crowd moving, and the chairs were cleared away for a wooden dance floor. A buffet was set up with an array of food to choose from, drinks and champagne flowed freely, and a party atmosphere ensued.

"Hey, everyone!" Steve Wilde stood up on the band's platform, microphone in hand, waiting until it was quiet and he had everyone's attention. It took a few moments, but once all eyes were on him, he grinned broadly and made his announcement. "Looks like I might be a dad tonight. Liz's contractions are increasing and I'm going to take her to the hospital, but I want everyone to stay and enjoy the reception and welcome Chayse to the Wilde family. I'll be sure to call with updates and let you all know when the baby gets here."

Steve's gaze scanned the crowd and came to a stop on his brother Eric and Jill. "As for those of you who are in on the bet of whose baby is going to arrive first, it looks like the odds are in our favor."

"The night is still young," Eric called out, displaying a good amount of sibling rivalry, "so don't discount the possibility that we're not out of the race yet!"

Jill placed a hand on her burgeoning belly and rolled her eyes at her husband's rebuttal, while the guests clapped and cheered as Steve ushered Liz on their way.

"Would you like something to drink?" Scott asked her once the merriment had died down.

"Sure." She smiled, realizing just how much she was enjoying herself. "I'd love a glass of champagne."

"You got it." He winked at her. "Be right back."

Ashley watched him make his way to the bar, her eyes drawn to his broad shoulders and that sexy swagger of his. The rapid beat of her pulse, the rush of desire that infused her entire body, was all part of her attraction to Scott Wilde. But it was the happiness filling her heart, and oh, Lord, the contentment settling within her that caught her off guard.


At the sound of someone calling her name, she turned to find a familiar face, and her shock rendered her momentarily speechless.

The good-looking man smiled as he approached, equally surprised to see her. "I saw you from across the yard, and I thought it was you, but wasn't sure."

"Oh my God, Matthew Carlton," she managed to say. The Carltons were longtime friends of her family, and she and Matthew, a pediatric surgeon, had always maintained an amicable friendship over the years. "What are you doing here?"

He pointed across the way, to the bridesmaids helping the new Mrs. Wilde pin up the short train of her wedding gown. "I'm here with my wife, Faith," he said, his voice infused with pride and affection. "You met her at the hotel boutique a while back, remember? She's one of Chayse's good friends."

What a small world, Ashley thought. And yes, she did recall briefly meeting the other woman, but she'd had no idea that's who Matthew had ended up with.

"I'd heard you'd gotten married recently," she said. "I guess congratulations are in order, though I'm sure I don't have to tell you that you caused quite a stir by eloping with your new bride, instead of opting for a big, formal wedding." Ashley had been privy to that bit of gossip from her own mother, who'd commiserated with the fact that Mrs. Carlton had missed out on planning an elaborate celebration for her son.

Matthew merely laughed. "A big, formal wedding is what my
wanted. Faith and I agreed we wanted to avoid a huge public display, so we took off for a weekend in Las Vegas and came back married."

Ashley silently applauded his decision. Having watched her sister go through all the pomp and circumstance of an extravagant ceremony and reception, it was something that Ashley wouldn't mind avoiding, as well, when the time came. "As long as you're both happy, that's all that matters."

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