The Wilderness Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America (166 page)

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Lincoln, Mary Todd, 132

Lincoln National Forest, 468

Lindsay, Vachel, 132

Linnaeus, Carolus, 65–66, 301

lions, 55, 630, 762

at Bronx Zoo, 279, 561

mountain lions

“Literature of American Big-Game Hunting” (Roosevelt), 263–64

Little Belt Mountains, 468

Little Big Man
(Berger), 157

Little Missouri, 150, 152–54, 163, 168, 169

Pyramid Park Hotel in, 150, 152, 163

Little Missouri River, 149–51, 158,
, 176, 193, 199, 232, 633

ice in, 178, 181

Little Missouri Stockmen’s Association, 190, 191

Little Plume, 581

Liverpool, 54, 55

Lives of Game Animals
(Seton), 505

Livingstone, David, 24–25, 446

Loch-Katrine Federal Bird Reservation, 790–91

Locke, George Herbert, 619

Locusts and Wild Honey
(Burroughs), 180, 222, 528

Lodge, George (Bay), 230

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 168, 186, 191, 197, 203, 227, 385, 389, 426, 583n, 788

Bigelow’s correspondence with, 312–13

on Merriam’s Darwinism, 299, 301

T.R. as vice-presidential nominee and, 355

T.R.’s correspondence with, 177–78, 211, 274, 299, 320, 356, 780

T.R.’s naval appointment and, 294, 297

Washington residence of, 223

Lodge, Nannie, 223

Loeb, William, Jr., 514, 532–33, 551, 612

log cabins, 256–59, 578

Lomax, John A., 812–13

London, 48, 140, 196, 276

London, Jack, 178, 308, 619, 679, 781–83

on Hawaii, 796–97, 799

Long, Chester, 523

Long, John, 708, 711

Long, John D., 355

Long, Secretary of the Navy, 302

Long, William, 505

Long, William Joseph, 619–20, 679

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 101

Longino, Andrew, 431

Long Island, 46, 81, 84, 89, 106, 305

birds in,
birds, of Long Island

Lotus Lake in, 89–90, 91, 372, 375, 494, 583, 648

North Shore of, 68–70, 96, 108, 148, 363

white pine campaign in, 648

see also
Montauk peninsula; Oyster Bay, N.Y.; Sagamore Hill

Long Island Rail Road, 149, 289

Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 166–69, 213–14, 393, 396, 429, 615, 725

Puerto Rico goodwill tour of, 552

T.R.’s correspondence with, 226

T.R.’s relationship with, 167, 169, 181, 190, 197

in Washington, D.C., 230, 630

wedding of, 443

Longworth, Nicholas, 808

Loomis, Dr., 71

loons, 139, 351

Loring, J. Alden, 412, 624, 628, 780

Lotus Lake, 89–90, 91, 372, 375, 494, 583, 648

Louisiana, 316, 414, 569–72, 733

bird reservations in, 16, 18, 570–72, 695, 712–13, 715, 803

in Reid’s work, 26

T.R.’s bear hunting in, 695–702,

, USS, 668–69, 733

Louisiana Purchase, 19, 75, 507, 521, 554, 567, 586–87, 695

Louisiana Purchase Exposition Grounds, 507, 567

Lowell, James Russell, 227

Lowell, Robert, 124

Ludlow, William, 188

Ludlow Expedition, 188, 189

Luffsey, Riley, 190

Lukas, J. Anthony, 259

Lummis, Charles F., 670–71

Lummis, Charles L., 274

Luquillo Forest Reserve (later the Luquillo National Forest), 445–49, 649, 669, 734

lynx, 379, 380n, 383, 619, 783

Lyon, Cecil Andrew, 585, 593, 600, 607

McAneny, George, 372

MacArthur, R. S., 658

macaws, 449

McCabe, Richard E., 206

McCarthy, G. Michael, 765

McClintock, James H., 323

McClurg, Virginia Donaghe, 654–56

McCrea, Roswell, 51

McCullough, David, 31, 56, 223

McCurdy, Michael,

McDaniel, Dick, 665

McDonald, Alvin, 461

McFarland, J. Horace, 568

McGinty, Billy (Little), 594

McGreary, M. Nelson, 794

McHugh, Tom, 151

McIlhenny, John, 434, 439, 695

McIver, Stuart B., 496

McKibben, Bill, 19

McKim, Mead, and White, 557, 630

Mackinac National Park, 287n

McKinley, William, 1, 11, 14, 20, 341, 344, 366, 384, 389, 391–98, 406, 421, 430, 740

assassination of, 391–96, 398, 406, 408, 421, 427, 457, 466, 580

Cleveland’s forest lands act and, 293–94, 295

in election of 1896, 289–90

“great land lottery” of, 587,

Puerto Rico and, 446

Spanish-American War and, 311–13, 320, 323, 446

T.R.’s naval appointment and, 297–98

vice presidential nominee of, 355–56, 373–76,

Wichita Mountains and, 611

McLaughlin, James, 154–55, 641

McLeod, Columbus B., 728–31, 742

Macmillan Company, 416

McNaughton, James, 393

Magnum, E. C., 434–35

Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 298, 310, 384, 397

Maine, 104, 108, 141, 324, 406

Bierstadt in, 260–61

deer from, 307

Thoreau in, 4, 110, 116, 117, 118

T.R.’s nostalgic essay on, 120

, USS, 311, 312, 313, 318, 323

Maine Woods, The
(Thoreau), 5, 110, 117

Maitland, Fla., 364–65

Malheur National Wildlife Reservation, 747
, 749

Malik, Terence, 328

Maltese Cross Ranch (Chimney Butte Ranch), 155, 162, 167, 168–69, 171, 172, 177, 178, 179, 181, 189, 198

Mammals of the Adirondack Region, Northeastern New York, The
(Merriam), 299, 307

Man and Nature
(Marsh), 6, 341, 342, 352

manatees, 721–23, 728, 738

Manderson, Charles, 240

Man-Eaters of Tsavo, The
(Patterson), 762

manifest destiny, 28, 75, 243
, 249, 354, 534, 638

Manliness and Civilization
(Bederman), 163, 164

mano, black (
Oreganis funera
), 686–87

Manti National Forest, 764

Marcy, Mount, 39, 346–47, 392–95

Marcy, William Learned, 346

Marines, U.S., 447, 739, 796

Maroon Bells, 380

Marquette, Father, 625

Marsh, George Perkins, 6, 143, 187, 238, 245, 340, 341, 390

Marsh, Othniel C., 187

Marshall, Edward, 325

Marshism, 245–47

Marsh Paleontological Expedition, 188

masculinity, manliness, 164, 184, 349, 351, 636

Mason-Baum, Henry, 642

Massachusetts, 87, 144, 169, 178, 244, 426–27

Massachusetts Bay Colony, 47

Masterson, Bat, 623, 641

Mather, Dave, 354

Matlacha Pass, 727–28

Matlacha Pass Federal Bird Reservation, 737–38, 742

Mattawamkeag, Lake, 111–12, 118, 119

Mattawamkeag River, 112, 115, 119–20

Matterhorn, 140

Matthiessen, Peter, 19

Maynard, Lucy, 813–14

Mead, Albert, 680

Mead, Margaret, 188

meadow-larks, 158

Mearns, Edgar Alexander, 780

meatpacking industry, 253

medical practice, 46, 378–79

Medicine Bow Forest Reserve, 472

Medicine Lodge Treaty (1867), 590–91

Medora, N.Dak., 5, 169, 172, 175, 181, 191, 193, 196, 198, 209, 273

“grand holiday” in, 230, 232, 233

Marquis de Mores in, 179, 189–90, 232

as T.R.’s address, 287

T.R.’s campaigning in, 374–75

as world, 767

Meeker, Colo., 378, 379

Meiji, Emperor of Japan, 576

Memphis, Tenn., 694–95

Mencken, H. L., 661, 703

Menelik II, Emperor of Ethiopia, 561, 577

Merriam, C. Hart, 13, 71–72, 99, 107, 210, 228, 246, 263, 274, 298–309, 379–82, 406, 410–13, 492, 493, 525, 616, 623, 641, 741, 808

Arizona focus of, 215, 306

background of, 299, 300

bird reservations and, 570, 712, 718, 790–91, 795

on cougars, 380

failure to produce big book of, 515, 555

Great Loop tour and, 509–10, 512, 537, 545

mammalogy and, 214–16, 298–303, 305, 306, 516, 555

Oklahoma trip and, 609, 615

T.R.’s correspondence with, 509–10, 512, 515–16, 563, 609, 762, 813

T.R.’s intellectual duel with, 298–307, 309, 377, 379

T.R.’s work for, 377, 379, 381, 382, 386, 388, 389, 510

at White House Governors’ Conference, 772, 773

“Merriam Report, The,” 300, 385, 469, 562

Merrifield, William, 155, 157, 158, 162, 168, 169, 170, 195, 197, 232, 273, 579

in Bighorns, 172, 174, 175

Merritt, John A., 309

Mershon, W. B., 687

Mesa Verde, 74, 415, 462, 616, 642, 644, 645, 649

Mesa Verde National Park, 19, 654–56, 662, 781

Metcalfe, Clive, 698, 699, 702

Metcalfe, Harley, 698, 699–700, 702

Mexican-American War, 26, 243, 251, 313, 354

Mexico, 193, 311, 359, 415, 790, 804

Meyer, George Von Lengerke, 788

mice, 32–33, 36, 54, 60, 333

Michaud, Albert, 760, 761

Michaud, Frank, 760, 761

Michigan, 372, 684, 685, 738

bird reservations in, 18, 18
, 569, 616

T.R.’s campaigning in, 211

Michtom, Benjamin Franklin, 442

Michtom, Morris, 442–43

Michtom, Rose, 442–43

Middle East, 55–58, 61–62, 103

Midway Island, 566, 739, 796, 797


T.R. in, 124–25, 127–37,
, 170, 292, 428

T.R.’s campaigning in, 211

Milburn, John G., 392

Miles, Nelson A., 332

Mill, John Stuart, 341

Miller, Char, 291, 407, 647, 655

Miller, Joaquin, 81, 265, 266, 300
, 623

Miller, William Henry Harrison, 226

millinery industry, 18, 360, 361, 366, 367, 372, 491, 548, 551, 714, 728, 739

Millinery Merchants Protection Association, 360

minerals, 74–75, 270, 295–96, 398

mining, 239, 244, 248, 259, 290, 292, 352, 379–80, 397, 643, 654

in Arizona, 451, 650

big business and, 295–96

Grand Canyon and, 19, 398, 451, 526, 527

Jewel Cave and, 760, 761

labor organizing and, 635–36

in Oklahoma, 589–90

strikes in, 431, 575, 636

Wind Cave and, 461, 462

Minneapolis, Minn., 126, 150

Minnesota, 37, 73, 125, 129, 141, 148, 152, 162, 194, 389, 605, 790

birds in, 6, 179, 367, 569

Red River country of, 134–37, 152

T.R.’s campaigning in, 211

Minot, Henry Davis (Hal), 104–6, 109, 110, 123

Miraflores Island, 447

Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
(Livingstone), 24–25, 62

Mississippi, 316, 405, 571, 585–86, 733

bear hunt in, 431–45,
, 502, 504, 585

Mississippi Flyway, 360, 367

Mississippi River, 129, 132
, 242, 250, 389, 571

T.R.’s crossing of, 128, 132

T.R.’s trip on, 692–95,
, 701

Missouri, 191, 225, 572, 634

Missouri Central, 522

Missouri River, 54, 187, 250, 624, 740, 770

Missouri River Indian agencies, 254

Mitchell, H. R., 625

Mitchell, John Hipple, 521–22, 543, 551, 579

Mix, Tom, 581

mockingbirds, 32, 108, 359, 700

Mogollan people, 706

Mojave Desert, 260, 529, 530, 556

moles, Eastern, 33

Molokai’O’o (
Moho bishopi
), 686–87

Momaday, N. Scott, 325, 632

Mondell, Frank W., 661–62, 790–91

monkeys, 60, 63–64, 82, 249

Monkey Wrench Gang, The
(Abbey), 467

Monroe Doctrine, 310, 312, 426, 511, 578, 597

Montana, 137, 149
, 171, 172, 178, 181, 235, 286, 377, 675, 786–87

antelope in, 184

buffalo hunting and, 150, 154, 281, 767

buffalo repopulation and, 511, 624, 628

game destruction in, 185–86

“golden spike” ceremony in, 152, 154

as grazing state, 153, 676, 681

Great Loop tour in, 512, 514, 516

lumbermen in, 231

mining in, 248, 635

national monument in, 770, 772

opposition to T.R. in, 249, 421, 445, 772

railroads’ purchase of land in, 238

T.R.’s attack on developers in, 248–49

Montana Mineral Railroad, 232, 236

Montauk peninsula, Rough Riders in, 324, 325, 326, 331–34, 776

Montezuma II, Emperor of Mexico, 671

Montezuma Castle National Monument, 670, 671–72, 689, 776

Moody, Dwight L., 426

Moody, William, 426, 739

Moore, John, 251

Moorhead, Minn., 129, 134, 149

Moorhead, William G., 134

moose, 257, 279, 285, 308, 420–21

Bierstadt’s hunting of, 260–62

bull, 117, 119, 816

conservation of, 19, 307, 406

Moose Family
(Proctor), 257

Moosehead Lake, 93, 105, 108, 110, 118, 164

Moose Hunter’s Camp
(Bierstadt), 260

Moran, Thomas, 74, 235, 450

Mores, Marquis de, 179, 189–90, 232

Morgan, J. Pierpont, 44, 445, 760

Morocco, 593

Morris, Edmund, 58, 67, 105, 155, 373, 408, 409, 686, 815

on Edith, 191

on “Winter of the Blue Snow,” 197

Morris, Gouverneur, 198

Morris, Sylvia Jukes, 190, 618

Mosquito Inlet, 721–23

mountain climbing, 126–27, 140–41, 346–47, 378–79, 392–95

on Katahdin, 110, 116–18, 140, 394

mountain lions (cougars), 59, 212, 257, 279, 302, 305, 324–27,
, 332, 377–87, 391, 635, 740

in Yellowstone, 382, 413, 502, 505–6, 510, 511–12, 514

Mountains of California, The
(Muir), 541

Mountains of Oregon, The
(Steel), 456

Mount Desert Island, 125–27

Mount Olympus National Monument, 809–11

Mount Rainier Forest Reserve, 291, 450, 455, 457, 542

Mount Rushmore National Monument, 662

Mudd, Samuel, 724

Muir, John, 5, 8, 16,
, 107, 240, 247, 271–72, 293, 410, 456, 466, 506, 536–48, 623

Alaska trip of, 469, 541

background of, 540–41

articles of, 235, 236

Cleveland’s public lands act defended by, 292

in Florida, 483, 540

Great Loop tour and, 507, 509, 536–47,
539, 542
, 553

Hetch Hetchy and, 789, 790

Mount Shasta and, 300
, 747

national monument in honor of, 751–53, 770

on Pacific Northwest, 714, 716

Petrified Forest and, 525, 645

Pinchot as viewed by, 345, 544, 579, 772

Pinchot’s dispute with, 295, 544, 636

Steel’s meetings with, 455, 457

T.R. challenged by, 636

T.R. compared with, 19, 21, 242, 249, 297, 467, 542–44, 607, 761

T.R.’s correspondence with, 542, 543, 546–47

worldwide tour of, 542, 543

Yosemite and, 536–47,
, 636

Yosemite Valley and, 107, 297, 306, 543–44, 636

Muir Woods National Monument, 751–53, 770, 771

mules, 49–50, 51

Munenori, Yagyu, 119

Murchie, Guy, 390

Murphy, John Mortimer, 733

Murphy, Nathan Oakes, 451

Murray, W. H. H., 39–40

murres, 716

muskrats, 72, 216, 715

(Stillman), 665

My Boyhood
(Burroughs), 219

My Brother Theodore Roosevelt
(Robinson), 233

“My Debt to Maine” (Roosevelt), 120

My Life
(Roosevelt), 33–34

“My Life as a Naturalist” (Roosevelt), 31

Mynick, Herbert, 785


Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Herald
(Seemann), 718

“Narrow Fellow in the Grass, A” (Dickinson), 133

Nash, Roderick Frazier, 70

Nast, Thomas, 35

National Academy of Sciences, 288, 445, 704–5

National Association of Audubon Societies,
Audubon Society

National Bison Range, 19, 628

National Conservation Commission, 773

National Drainage Congress, 736

National Editorial Association, 596, 691–92

National Forest Decree (1907), 712

National Forest Management Act (Organic Act; 1897), 239, 397

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