The Wildlife Games (9 page)

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Authors: Bindi Irwin


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Located near Australia Zoo at Beerwah in Queensland, Australia, the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital was opened in March 2004, inspired by the memory of Lyn Irwin (Bindi's grandma), who was a pioneer in wildlife care in Queensland.

It was her dream to establish a wildlife hospital, and now her dream provides a lifeline for nature's innocent victims.

The hospital is overwhelmed with patients and is getting busier every day. In November 2008 we were proud to officially open a new facility, Australia's largest wildlife hospital, to accommodate this growing need.

✩ Nearly 100 wildlife emergency calls are received
every day.

✩ Up to 30 different species are admitted to the hospital every day.

✩ Currently around 80 koalas are undergoing treatment.

✩ Approximately 70% of patients are victims of car accidents or domestic pet attacks.

✩ The cost to treat one animal ranges from $100 to thousands of dollars.

Thanks to the support of our major sponsor, Australia Zoo, a dedicated rescue team operates from the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital, collecting sick, injured and orphaned koalas and other native wildlife within south-east Queensland. These patients are provided with first-class care and rehabilitation before being
released back into the wild.

The Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital includes a veterinary facility with an intensive-care room and laboratory, and separate holding facilities for males and females, and diseased and non-diseased koalas. There is also an orphan enclosure designed specifically to allow hand-raised koalas to develop climbing skills and minimise contact with human carers before being released back into the bush.

The Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital has several full-time veterinarians on board, as well as a hospital manager, vet nurses and volunteers who all provide first-class care for sick, injured
and orphaned animals. The hospital team also undertakes research into koala diseases, migration patterns and wildlife health management, and consults on land clearing.

If you are interested in supporting the work the wildlife hospital does, please visit:

Also in the same series

An Island Escape

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Version 1.0
Bindi Behind the Scenes: The Wildlife Games
ePub ISBN 9781742748351

Copyright © Australia Zoo 2012

The moral right of the author has been asserted.

A Random House book
Published by Random House Australia Pty Ltd
Level 3, 100 Pacific Highway, North Sydney NSW 2060

Addresses for companies within the Random House Group can be found at

First published by Random House Australia in 2012

National Library of Australia

Cataloguing-in-Publication Entry

Author: Irwin, Bindi, 1998–
Title: Bindi Behind the Scenes: The Wildlife Games /
Bindi Irwin, Chris Kunz
ISBN: 9781742748351 (ePub)
Series: Irwin, Bindi, 1998– Bindi behind the scenes; 1.
Target audience: For primary school age
Other authors/contributors: Kunz, Chris
Dewey number: A823.4

Cover photograph © Australia Zoo
Cover and internal design by Christabella Designs

Ebook Producation by
Midland Typesetters

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