The Wizard King (11 page)

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Authors: Dana Marie Bell

BOOK: The Wizard King
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Gen turned to face the one woman who would never give up on getting Gen off the throne. “Aunt Vivian.”

Aunt Vivian sniffed disdainfully. “It’s disgraceful, what they allow into court these days.”

Gen hid her wince. She should have expected this, especially after Vivian’s circle of friends had attempted to run her off the night before. They hadn’t said anything that Vivian hadn’t already, so she’d done her best to dismiss them. Still, it hurt when a woman who’d given you hugs and sugar cookies suddenly wanted you banished. “What do you want, Aunt Vivian?”

“You gone.”

Well. No one could say Vivian Godwin pulled her punches. Apparently, she hadn’t gotten the memo on how dangerous, and territorial, the Becketts could be. If Gareth found out Vivian had confronted her, he’d probably do something they’d all regret. “I’m afraid that’s not possible.” She’d participated in the ritual that crowned Gareth, becoming queen-consort in the process. It wasn’t exactly something she could take back, even if she wanted to. What did Vivian expect her to do, renounce both the crown and Gareth?

I don’t think so.
Gareth, for reasons of his own that still eluded her, had staked a claim on her. Gen would be damned if she lost him due to politics.

“You are an abomination unto the Lady, and I plan to see you purged from this court if it’s the last thing I do.” Vivian took a menacing step forward. “You and your family are more than a disgrace. You are a blight, and I will burn you out of my family and my court.”

court?” Gen hid a smile as the most abrasive of the Beckett brothers placed his hand on her shoulder. “Since when? Last I checked it was a Beckett ass on the throne, Ms.
” Daniel sneered that last before bussing Gen on the cheek. “Good morning, your majesty.”

Gen understood the point he was trying to make. Declaring her queen, yet treating her like family, he was shoring up not only her status in the court but proving her worth to the Becketts. It was quite the statement to make to a woman like Vivian Godwin, clearly drawing lines in the sand and daring her to cross them. “Good morning, Daniel.”

He grinned, completely ignoring the sour look on Vivian’s face. “This place makes the best food.”

She smiled up at him. “It
New York.”

“True.” He took hold of her hand and tugged her forward. “Gareth was looking for you.”

“Oh.” She’d run from him that morning, afraid of what might occur if she stayed. They’d both been far too exhausted to do more than tumble into bed and pass out the night before. Between the coronation spell and the ball that lasted until the wee hours of the morning, Gen was surprised she was able to think, let alone walk.

Once the party wound down, they’d made their way to the elevator, both of them swaying and barely able to stand. He’d dragged her into his room, carefully pulled the gown from her body and helped her crawl into bed with a gentleness she hadn’t expected. He’d then undressed himself and curled up around her, holding her close while they slept. She’d never felt safer, and never woken more confused in her life. “He was asleep when I went to search for coffee.”

Daniel’s brows rose. He knew. He knew she’d run, because there was the best coffeemaker money could buy and an insane amount of coffee supplies in their suite. The fact that she’d left to go to the Starbucks attached to the hotel told all. She truly was a yellow-bellied coward.

“What did he want?”

His grin turned into an evil smirk. “If you have to ask…” His brows waggled suggestively, and Gen bit her lip to keep from laughing.

“I need to speak with my niece, young man. Alone.” The arrogance pouring off of Vivian would have made anyone’s hackles rise, but to speak so to Daniel Beckett?

Aunt Vivian had no idea the kind of beast she was daring him to unleash.

Daniel’s grip on her shoulder tightened almost to the point of pain. “I don’t think so. And that’s Chancellor Beckett to you.”

Gen patted Daniel’s hand. She had no doubt that Daniel could handle Vivian, but in doing so he would alienate not only the rest of the Godwin clan, but all of Vivian’s friends. They would make Gareth’s reign hell. “Congratulations, by the way.”

Daniel rolled his eyes even as he stepped in between Gen and Vivian. “It would have been nice to be asked, but thanks.”

“You would have said yes.”

“Of course, but that’s not the point. There’s nothing like going to sleep in Pittsburgh and waking up in New York.”

“Kerry will miss you.” She had no idea what devil prodded her to say it, but the look on his face was worth it. It was a combination of frustration and sour lemons. Daniel looked like she felt: ready to bolt for the front door and not stop until he reached Cabo San Lucas and all the mai tais he could swallow.

“Kerry will live.” Daniel turned his attention once more to Vivian, and scowled. “You. Go away. We’re busy.”

Aunt Vivian’s expression was priceless. Gen almost reached for her phone to snap a picture, because she might never see that look again. “Young man, I don’t know who you think you’re speaking to, but you have no right to—”

“Nope. Sorry. I have every right as her brother-in-law and chancellor to tell you to fuck off. You want a meeting with the queen-consort, you go through me or the steward, like everyone else. After the way you’ve spoken to Gen, I doubt it will be granted, especially when Gareth hears of it.” He gripped Gen’s hand in his and began tugging her toward the elevator, ignoring Vivian’s outraged gasp. “Get it through your thick Godwin head. Becketts mate for life.”

Gen started. With everything else going on she’d almost forgotten that. She glanced down at the emerald gracing her finger. “You do, don’t you?” The only thing missing from her mating was the shadow wolf on her shoulder, but she had no idea how, or when, it would appear. Perhaps there was a part of the ritual Gareth had not yet completed? And if not, why was he hesitating?

Daniel sighed. “It’s not complicated, Gen. You know us, know the spell we live under.” He got her in the elevator and pressed the button for the penthouse, ignoring the way Vivian Godwin stared at them both.

That expression did not bode well for any of them. Vivian was a dangerous enemy, and could potentially turn the entire court against Gareth to get what she wanted. Gen would have to figure out a way to head Vivian off, but appeasing her aunt would be no small feat.

The doors shut, hiding Vivian’s speculative expression. “Don’t ignore the threat of Vivian Godwin, Daniel. She’ll be a dangerous enemy, both to you and to Gareth.”

“We’re not the ones I’m worried about.” He pulled her into a tight hug. Was he trying to comfort her? “We’ll protect you, don’t worry.”

She laughed. “I’m an Own, Daniel. I’m capable of protecting myself.” No matter how much it hurt her to have to defend herself from family.

It wasn’t the first time, and she doubted it would be the last.

“You’re a Beckett, and we take care of our own.” The elevator dinged, the doors opened, and on the other side was a pissed-off looking Gareth. His arms were crossed over his chest, his hair was in disarray, and he was dressed only in jeans and a T-shirt. His bare feet were spread, as if he was prepared to chase her down if she ran.

She’d seen that look before. “Good morning?” Gen stepped out of the elevator and right into Gareth’s personal space.

Gareth reached for her and pulled her into his arms. “Good morning.” He cupped the back of her head, his fingers tangling in her hair, effectively shackling her to him. “You weren’t in bed when I woke up.”

“I have needs, Gareth.” She laughed when he snarled, his wolf clearly unhappy with her statement. “Coffee, you growly thing.”

He stared at her. “We have six tons of K-Cups in our kitchen.”

She shrugged. “Do you know how to make a venti skinny caramel macchiato, extra whip?”

He rolled his eyes. “Mac?”

“Yes, sire?”

“Arrange for coffee delivery, please?”

“Yes, sire.”

Gen leaned around Gareth, wincing when her hair got pulled. “Good morning, Mr. McDorman.”

“Good morning, your majesty. And please, call me Mac.”

Gareth was rubbing the back of her head, mumbling an apology. “Sorry, sweetheart.”

“Shh.” She stroked his chest, her attention mostly on Mac. “You can have Starbucks delivered?”

Mac shrugged, but she was distracted by the way Gareth leaned into her touch.
If I scratch behind his ear, will his leg do that doggy jerking thing?

Gen decided she would try and find out, but in private. No need for anyone else to see if she did get a reaction.

“We’ve set up your computer in the office, your majesty.” Both Gen and Gareth frowned at Mac, who shrugged. “Queen Genevieve’s, sire.”

“Please, call me Genevieve.” Perhaps the formality of her full name would get Mac to address her without the title.

Mac nodded his head regally. “As you wish, your majesty.” He pulled out his tablet PC and began scrolling, ignoring the way Gareth rolled his eyes at Gen. “Of note, you have several emails from a young woman named Kerry, and—”

“Kerry?” Gen had almost forgotten that Daniel had followed them up. His confused tone mirrored his expression. “I didn’t know you and Kerry had gotten close enough to exchange email addresses.”

Gen’s cheeks heated. “I, ah…” She blew out a breath. “Kerry took me in when I had no place else to go.”

Gareth’s arms tightened around her waist. “You could have come to me.”

She lowered her head, praying he couldn’t see her expression. As far as she was aware, he’d never wanted to see her again. But…he’d proven that wrong, hadn’t he? “Yes.”

He sighed. “What did Kerry want?”

Silence. Gen lifted her head to see Mac’s expression had turned confused. “Several of the emails ask how you are, and had you found what you were looking for. The last, however, is different.” He held out the tablet, but before Gen could take it Daniel grabbed it.

“Shit.” He tossed it toward Gen and she barely caught it before it hit the carpet. “Fucking hell in a hand basket.”

Gen glanced down at the email and was sorely tempted to curse as well. “Gareth? Do you see what I do?”

He read over her shoulder and tensed. “‘Remember the knife.’”

Chapter Seven

Gen was barely breathing, her face pale. “Annabelle was supposed to be watching over her.”

Gareth checked his phone for messages. Annabelle was a tough woman. If anything had happened to someone as strong as Lana’s grandmother, Kerry didn’t stand a chance. He swore softly when he realized there were no messages or missed calls. “I have nothing.”

“Me too.” Gen called Annabelle, her gaze glued to him as she held the phone to her ear. “Annabelle isn’t answering.”

“Fuck. We need to let Lana know what’s happening. She’d never forgive us if either of them gets hurt and she didn’t know something was wrong.” Gareth paced in front of the huge windows, planning his next move. It was clear Kerry was not safe on her own. Hell, he should have brought her to the family long ago. “When we find her we bring her here.”

Mac and Daniel were seated on the sofa, but Gareth could tell Daniel was far from calm. Whatever he felt for Kerry, the knowledge that she was in danger did not sit well with his brother. His eyes, usually a warm golden brown, had gone completely gold.

Wolf eyes. Daniel was ready to go on the hunt, to bring Kerry back to them.

“They were going after the mates.” Gen was using Mac’s tablet to flip through her emails. “Is he doing the same thing again?”

“Why remember the knife?” Daniel’s voice was almost inhuman. “We destroyed that, so why should we remember it?”

Gen winced. “I had a vision that Hugh was creating a new one.”

“And you didn’t think to tell us?”

Daniel’s tone was quietly lethal, but Gen faced him squarely. Either she understood Daniel would never hurt her, or she believed he had every right to be angry with her. “I told Gareth.” When Daniel’s only response was to nod, she continued. “One of the visions She sent me when I went on a vision quest was of Hugh working on a knife like my father’s, right down to the strange symbols. And I saw Gareth’s soul being sucked into the knife.”

“And Kerry?”

Gareth didn’t blame his brother for asking about Kerry first. If she was his mate, she would be his number one priority.

Gen shook her head. “I saw nothing about Kerry, or Annabelle, but the future is always in flux. It’s possible Hugh has decided to target her in order to lure Gareth out into the open. Gareth is protected here in the heart of the court, but out there he’d be vulnerable.”

“We need to find her.” Daniel stood, his shoulders stiff with determination. “Gen, I need you to do another vision quest.”

“No.” Gareth wouldn’t allow it. He had no idea what price the Lady would require of Her Own, but he had no intention of allowing Gen to pay it again so soon. “We find another way to figure out where she is.” When Daniel snarled, Gareth snarled right back. “I’m not risking Gen, Daniel.”

“The spell.” Both brothers turned toward Gen, who was holding up her hand. The Beckett ring flashed in the sunlight. She began tugging the ring off her finger, and Gareth experienced a moment of panic. “Daniel, cast the spell.”

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