Read The Wolf Fount Online

Authors: Gayla Drummond

Tags: #PNR, #Shifters, #Supernaturals, #UF, #Vampires

The Wolf Fount (28 page)

BOOK: The Wolf Fount
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Thane’s growl faded to nothing as Vitus released her arm. The holes his fangs had made sealed before she moved her arm to her side.
That wasn’t so bad

“Come kneel beside your mistress, Were.”

Morgan saw Thane’s eyebrows rise and his face smooth as he closed his mouth. She lowered her other arm, only then realizing she was still pointing at him. He stalked forward, his eyes flicking from Vitus to her, and for a moment, she thought he might attack the vampire.

Instead, Thane moved to her side and dropped to his knees as ordered, resting his hands on his thighs so that his arm touched her leg. Morgan turned to face the entrance, moving a few inches back to press her hip against him and put her hand on his back.
I’m crazy to think a vampire’s going to keep his word
. But he had said “taste your blood” and done exactly that.
Don’t start thinking you can trust him. He’s a... client

Clients weren’t to be trusted. Morgan had always stayed alert around them, watching for any signs things were about to go south. Sure, she’d done some fetish work, but only the mild stuff. Things that didn’t involve being tied or otherwise restrained herself. You didn’t want to be tied up in case your client turned out to be a dick, instead of just having one. At best, you’d end up with a few bruises. Worst case, you’d end up dead.

The armed vampires had moved to either side of the entrance and lowered their weapons, but Morgan knew they could aim and fire before she could take a complete step. Definitely before Thane could get to his feet. She moved her hand to the back of his neck, suddenly craving skin contact. He flinched when her fingers touched the end of a scar that protruded from the neck of his shirt.

She’d never felt him do that before, and she had touched every single scar on his body at some point during the past few weeks.
He’s afraid. I guess I would be too, if the person who’d kept and tortured me were about to walk into the room

Busy with her thoughts, Morgan started when Vitus grasped her hand and positioned it on top of his forearm as it rested on the throne’s armrest. “Stay in contact, my dear.”

She didn’t ask, leaving her hand where he’d put it. At least the sleeve of his burgundy coat prevented skin contact between them. The only things she knew for certain were that she was way out of her depth and that obeying Vitus was the only possibility of keeping Thane with her.
And that my feet are cold

The last put a smile on her face for some inane reason, but it faded as the draperies were drawn back and a hulking figure dressed in artistically ripped jeans and a leather jacket ducked his head to step into the room. The new arrival was larger than Thane and Cal by a good four inches, a walking mountain of muscle whose shoulders looked as wide as she was tall. Just looking at him made her feel tiny and insignificant.

Fucking hell, no wonder he was able to keep Thane prisoner for so long. He’s gigantic

Morgan realized Thane was frozen, and couldn’t even hear him breathing. She massaged his neck with her fingertips while hoping Vitus kept his word and didn’t turn the were-liger over to Vampzilla.

ne look at the newcomer, and Thane’s vision went black as his mind began gibbering in terror. He forgot how to breathe and the necessity of doing so, until the gentle motion of fingers on his neck reminded him that he wasn’t alone.
Morgan’s here. Right beside me.

He fought to keep from sucking in air as his lungs began aching. Instead, he managed a slow inhale, the intake of oxygen staving off an attack of dizziness. It took three breaths before the full scope of his vision returned. Then Thane met the eyes of his former captor.

The hulking vampire grinned. Only fear and Morgan’s touch kept the were-liger from attempting to bolt. He couldn’t leave her behind, terrified or not.

“You found my pet.” The vampire’s deep, gravelly voice suited his size. He had an accent, and his eyes appeared as pale as Vitus’s. “And in better shape than I left him.”

“Have you forgotten your manners, Eluf?”

Thane came close to gasping in relief as his former captor turned his attention to Vitus. How could he have forgotten who’d imprisoned and tortured him? Eluf’s—
Eluf’s—presence caused menacing shadows to dance in the were-liger’s peripheral vision, while the whispered memories of whips biting into his flesh made his back muscles twitch.

“No, my king.” Eluf half-bowed, inclining his head for less than a second. His eyes fell on Morgan’s hand and continued upward to her face. “Who is this? A new harlot?”

Thane slowly turned and tilted his head to look at her as well. She stared back at Eluf, her lips pressed in a thin line and her eyes narrowed. He’d seen the same expression on her face right before she’d lit into Cal, and prayed she wouldn’t try to verbally attack Eluf.

It wouldn’t end well.

“No, she’s something quite rare. Unique, actually.” Vitus smiled. “My dear, this uncouth lout is Lord Eluf.”

“Not impressed,” Morgan said, earning a soft chuckle from him, and a frown from Eluf.

“And this, Eluf, is Morgan. The Chimaera of the Wolves.”

Thane’s terror abruptly evaporated at the statement, his mouth falling open in shock.

Chapter Twenty-six

organ’s mouth opened and snapped shut as the need to protest Vitus’s declaration rose and died.
He’s lying
Has to be
I can’t be... Calhoun’s Chimaera

She didn’t want to be his Chimaera, or a Chimaera at all. Being a Were was enough trouble for anyone.
Just look at everything that’s happened since I found out that’s what I am

But at least the lie—it had to be a lie—had put a stop to the soft tremors running through Thane. She knew he was looking up, but kept her eyes on Eluf. At the moment, the huge vampire felt like the biggest danger present.
He could break me in half with two fingers

Eluf’s appearance had reduced to Thane to a quivering mess—not that she blamed the were-liger. She hadn’t suffered at Eluf’s hands, but was afraid of him anyway.
I bet we can’t even take him down together

“A Chimaera. Calhoun’s Chimaera.” Eluf threw his head back to unleash a bellow of laughter. “Oh, my king. A truly bold move, taking the Wolf Fount’s mate prisoner.”

That, she couldn’t let go unchallenged. “Fuck Calhoun. And fuck you.”

Vitus patted her hand. “Language, my dear.”

She considered telling him to go fuck himself with a rusty rake, tines-first, but remembered he was the only barrier to keep Eluf from taking Thane, who’d gone stiff when she’d spoken. She certainly couldn’t stop Vampzilla, and, glancing at Vitus, Morgan murmured, “Sorry.”

“Which means we’re both in possession of something unique.” Eluf used his chin to gesture at Thane. “By all accounts, my pet’s become someone Calhoun’s fond of.”

“What do you think, my dear? Is your friend important to Calhoun?”

Morgan really wished he’d stop asking her questions. Each answer felt as though she were digging a grave, though whether for Thane, herself, or them both, she didn’t know. “I know he trusts Thane.”

“Has the great Wolf King discovered who he’s placed his trust in?” Eluf’s question raised her eyebrows, resulting in another bellow of laughter. “He hasn’t.”

She looked at Vitus for clarification, not understanding the question—or  Eluf’s delight in Calhoun’s apparent mistake. The vampire obliged her with an explanation. “Your friend is the son of the Chimaera of the Tigers, sired by the Lion Fount.”

“Which means what?”

“Eluf has his theory, but the truth of the matter is, it may mean nothing. However, we do know that no mating between a lion and tiger Were has ever resulted in offspring prior to, or after, theirs. Which does seem to indicate a certain specialness. Don’t you think?”

How the hell would I know?
Morgan chose to nod before glancing down. Thane appeared in to be in shock, his pupils small and his mouth half-opened. She pinched his neck and he blinked. Then closed his mouth.

“He’s the product of two powerful individuals,” Eluf said. “A Fount and a Chimaera. He should have their power over other Weres.”

“If he did, you probably tortured it out of him,” she said.

“Don’t question my training methods, woman.”

Morgan looked up with a scowl. “I’ll question whatever the hell I want to, asshole.”

The huge vampire took a step forward, lifting his hand, only to freeze when Vitus cleared his throat. “Enough.”

“She needs training, my king. I’d be honored if...”

“I said enough.”

Eluf frowned, dropping his arm to his side. She turned her scowl into a smile.
Looks like Vitus is in charge here

“Language, my dear. It doesn’t befit a queen, resorting to such common vulgarity.”

Stuff a sock in it, dickweed
, she thought while nodding and again murmuring, “My apologies.”

“This discovery presents a dilemma, Eluf. Isolation has always proven detrimental to a Were’s mental well-being. The proof sits beside the Chimaera.”

“You intend to keep my property?”

“I rather thought you’d be eager to loan your property to your king, for an undetermined length of time. I’m not fond of that note of challenge I just heard, Eluf. Perhaps you’d prefer to gift your property to me instead?”

Morgan fought a smile as anger twisted the huge vampire’s face.
Hate that idea, don’t you?

Eluf didn’t respond quickly enough for Vitus. “I’m waiting for your answer.”

“My king is welcome to make use of my property for as long as he wishes.”

“Good. You may leave.”

The dismissal didn’t sit well with Eluf, judging from the way he smiled, baring his fangs. “It is my honor to serve my king.”

She realized the armed vampires had shifted their weapons to his back, and barely kept from grinning when Eluf glanced at her before turning. He stiffened upon seeing the rifles trained on him, but the sight didn’t stop him from stomping out of the room. A moment after the draperies fell, there was a thump and surprised yelp.

“Misha,” Vitus said, and the long-haired Mouth bowed before slipping through the draperies. She filed the name away for future use. “That’s settled for the moment.”

“I’m not a Chimaera.”

“Of course you are. I’ve tasted your blood, taken the memory of your Awakening. Four, not one, beasts found their places within you.”

Morgan shook her head. “I don’t remember that.”

“Minds choose interesting methods to defuse trauma. You are a Chimaera. Calhoun’s Chimaera, Queen of the Wolves, and by his execution of the other Founts, Queen of all Weres.” Vitus smiled, moving his arms to lace his fingers together and rest his hands in his lap, which allowed her to drop her arm to her side. “But Calhoun doesn’t know it, does he?”

She didn’t get the chance to answer, because Thane did. “No.”

“Don’t talk.” But it was too late. His face twisted in pain, and with a groan the were-liger fell against her legs, almost knocking her into Vitus’s lap.

ow much longer?” Time had alternated between speeding and crawling for Cal since they’d left the mansion.

“It’s been three minutes since the last time you asked. Do the math.” Laney met his eyes in the rearview mirror. “You’re worse than an entire carful of kids on a vacation trip.”

“Are we there yet? Are we, huh? Are we,” Dougie grunted when she slapped his chest. “Ow. I was just...”

“Being as annoying as Cal. Stop it before I break your nose.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

When she looked in the rearview mirror at him, Cal raised his hands in surrender. “I’ll stop asking.”

“Wise decision.”

Herman, the fourth assigned to his team, chuckled. He was a lanky Texan with close-cropped brown hair, covered by a camouflage-colored baseball cap. Seated behind Laney, he was staying occupied by filling speed loaders for his pair of six-guns. Though he was a wolf, Cal hadn’t met him before.

“Something funny back there?”

BOOK: The Wolf Fount
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