The Wolven (21 page)

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Authors: Deborah Leblanc

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fantasy

BOOK: The Wolven
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A Note from the Author

Writing may be a solitary job, but, for this writer anyway, it’s far from lonely. I’m blessed to have wonderful people in my life, and without the help and support of some of them, this book would not have been possible. I offer my deepest appreciation and heartfelt thanks to:

Heather Graham, a dear friend and the epitome of grace and selflessness. Thank you for inviting me to share in this project.

Leslie Wainger, a phenomenal editor and a true gift from the universe. Thank you for your patience, your guidance, and for simply being the extraordinary person you are!

Tara Gavin, a sweetheart of an editor and such a joy to work with. Your enthusiasm and joie de vivre are priceless and contagious!

Sarah and Rebekah, my beautiful daughters, my greatest gifts in life. Thank you for your help and for understanding every time I have to say, “I can’t, I’m on a deadline!”

New Orleans, my home, my soul. Thank you for holding me close and refusing to give up.

And to Richard Paul, the life in my life, my heart. Thank you for seeing me.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-7624-0


Copyright © 2010 by Deborah LeBlanc

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