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Authors: Delaney Diamond

The Wrong Man (9 page)

BOOK: The Wrong Man
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“I think you’re ready now,” he said.

Talia ached to offer the same unselfish pleasure. “I want to touch you,” she said.

She reached for him and wrapped her fingers around the distended staff between his legs. Tugging gently she pulled him closer, and a fierce fire lit his eyes when he joined her on the bed. Placing a leg on either side of his lap, she straddled his thick thighs. The tips of her fingers traced the bridge of his nose and over his mouth. He was an attractive man, even more so up close, and she marveled at the texture of his skin, how it was surprisingly soft and smooth. At the seam of his lips, she gently scraped the thumbnail over his skin, and he sucked her thumb in. That quickly, her loins flooded with heat as her body came alive again.

Her hair created a heavy curtain around them as she took her time dropping kisses on his eyelids and cheekbones. She feasted in much the same way he had consumed her, trailing her tongue over his shoulders, taking pleasure in the maleness of him and the spicy tang of his golden skin. His rough hands moved restlessly over her back, abrading with a sensual friction, sliding over the curve of her spine and caressing the swell of her derriere. A soft groan from him encouraged her to slide lower. She covered his chest and the sprinkling of hair with kisses, reveling in the involuntary jerk of his pecs when she flicked his flat nipples with her tongue.

Running her hands over his body, Talia was enamored by the abundance of muscle definition. Her touch lingered on his lean waist and she molded his hip with her palm. She massaged his abdomen and slid her hand over his pelvis, listening to the deep rumble in his chest as she moved to the tight muscles of his long legs.

She clasped his length in her hand, explored the veined exterior and stroked the broad tip. A drop of precum emerged from the slit in the end, and she rubbed the moisture over the head.

Tomas caught her wrist. “You’re playing with fire,” he said thickly.

She didn’t hesitate, her heart racing with anticipation and a type of excitement she could never before remember feeling. “I want to get burned.”

Talia eased down to lick the base of his shaft and laved the entire length. His salty taste coated her tongue, and with her hand on the base, she sucked the bulbous tip into her mouth.

Tomas’s face contorted into a pleasure-filled grimace. He stared at his hard flesh sliding in and out of her mouth, between those full, luscious lips he’d fantasized about. “Talia,” he groaned, gritting his teeth. He struggled not to thrust deep into the warm suction of her mouth, but she didn’t make it easy when she took him deeper, sucking harder.

He inhaled sharply and sat up. “No,” he said, though it was a difficult.

Confusion filled her eyes. “What’s wrong? You didn’t like it?”

“Oh yes. I liked it too much,” he said with a shaky laugh. “But the first time I come, I want to be inside you. Come here.” He pulled her up to him. “I want you to get on top of me. I want you to ride.”

He grabbed one of the packets, settled against the pillows, and sheathed his erection. Positioned above him, Talia eased down and gasped when he breached her entrance. It had truly been a long time for her. She was so tight and hot, his upper lip twitched.

For one endless moment, they stared into each other’s eyes. “Tomas…?” she whispered, a sound of alarm in her voice.

“Hold onto me,” he instructed.

Her nails sank into his shoulders. “I—”

“I’ve got you,
,” he said thickly. He cupped her face, drawing her lips down to his. “I’ve got you,” he whispered again before seizing her mouth. His hips shifted and he thrust upward. She gasped into his mouth. He stretched the tender muscles, filling the tight, wet cocoon. He groaned. She felt incredible, and being inside of her made him feel as if he hadn’t been with a woman in ages. His hips rotated to hit every corner, and she began to moan from the pleasure of it.

He knew the moment she became lost in the sensations of their joined bodies. She sat up straighter and began an excruciatingly slow, erotic slide up and down on his shaft. His hands ran over her shapely thighs. He grabbed a handful of her soft hair and gently tugged to arch her throat. He kissed her there, tasting the sweetness of her skin, savoring the flavor.

He couldn’t stop looking at her as she moaned, lips parted, breasts thrust forward as a delicious offering. He rolled her beneath him and bore down between her legs. Bodies crushed together, he plunged hard. The succulent chocolate fruit of her breasts, each crowned with dark plum-colored berries, bounced with each jerk of his hips. He couldn’t resist tugging one between his lips, suckling the puckered skin. The sound of her gasping cries were the sweetest sounds he’d ever heard.

Lengthening each stroke, he dived deeper and breathed words into her mouth in his native Spanish. “Talia,
t’eres tan bella



Like talons, her manicured nails dug into his back. “So good, so good…” she whispered in an anguished voice.

He twisted with her in his arms again and rolled them to the edge of the bed. Her head hung over the side, her ebony mane reaching almost to the floor. His breathing came harsher, the sounds of her breathless cries consuming him. One hand gripped her supple ass and the other fastened lightly around her throat to hold her in place over the side of the bed. He pumped faster, hard as steel, burying inside the slippery heat.

Her eyes rolled back in her head and mouth fell open. “Like that…give it to me…harder…

She stared unseeing up at the ceiling, her vision foggy. Hanging upside down made the blood rush to her head, her brain fuddled as he held her down and thrust like a piston. Her heels dug into the mattress as she lifted her hips into his. “I’m coming,” she whimpered. “I’m…coming!”

Talia reached for Tomas, clawing his shoulder and hanging on for dear life as blood rushed to her head and she was pushed over the edge. Her feminine muscles twitched and convulsed around his thickness. She let out a scream in a voice she would never have been able to identify as her own. And as the orgasm arrowed up her spine in a dark wave, it threw her body taut.

Seconds later, breathing hard, Tomas collapsed on top of her. He immediately rolled over and pulled her with him, and they lay wrapped in each other’s arms until their breathing returned to normal.

“I’ll be right back,” he said softly.

Watching him go into the bathroom, Talia slipped under the sex-scented sheets. When he came back to the bed, he slid on top of her and kissed her neck. He was already hard again. A powerful erection nudged her thigh, and she didn’t have the power to refuse.

She wrapped her limbs around him, feeling safe, warm, and desired. Ready for another round.

Chapter Eleven


Without opening her eyes, Talia knew she was in an unfamiliar place. Because of the sheets. They weren’t the soft silk she was accustomed to in her king sized bed at home. Cotton?

Wait a minute, she didn’t have any clothes on. She never slept naked.
What the

Her eyes flew open and she struggled through the sleepy fog to re-orient herself. Squinting against the morning light coming in through the window, she stared at the unfamiliar surroundings. Unfamiliar dark dresser, unfamiliar photos of smiling people on the wall, unfamiliar king size bed. She didn’t recognize the sounds outside, either, or rather the lack of sounds. No cars honked, doors slammed, or people yelled. All was quiet.

The man to her left was not unfamiliar, though.

The pale blue sheets wound around his waist gave her a good view of his muscular back and the thick arms that had held her close for most of the night, proving she was still very much desirable. Sex with him had given her a morale boost, and he’d more than lived up to the rumors.

Throughout the night he allowed her to doze for short periods, recharge, and then he’d awaken her with kisses and heated caresses that roused her desire to a feverish pitch. She’d been surprised at her unquenchable hunger for him.

Talia rolled onto her side and ran her hand over her hair, lengthening her body into a much-needed stretch. Exhausted, she didn’t want to get up. Last night had given her quite a workout, but she couldn’t stay in bed all day.

She slipped from under the covers and padded over to where her underwear lay on the floor. As she stepped into it, she caught her reflection in the mirror over the dresser and grimaced. Rumpled hair and no makeup made her look like a hot mess. It had been a long, rough night. Her body ached in places she didn’t even know had muscles, but she couldn’t complain. She’d enjoyed every minute of it. The man had skills.

Her cheeks burned when she thought of all the things they’d done to each other. The way she’d explored his sculpted body and wrapped her limbs around him. His lips on her back, hips, and inner thigh. The way he’d licked every inch of skin, as if to embed the taste of her on his tongue.

She let out a soft sigh, on the verge of collapsing from the memory of all the pleasure she’d experienced. They’d made good use of the bed and the chair beside it. Her thigh muscles ached from having her legs twisted in pretzel-like formations, and she was pretty sure the pain in her lower back had been self-inflicted as she curled her spine to take more of his commanding strokes from behind. He’d set the bar ridiculously high for any man who came after him.

“What are you doing?” Tomas’s husky voice filled the room, sounding even lower in the early morning and making her want to crawl back under the covers with him.

She turned in time to see him push his untamed hair back from his brow. He looked yummy as he stretched, with his disheveled hair and stubble covering his jaw. He folded his arms behind his head, a sexy, sleepy look clinging to his heavy-lidded eyes. Why hadn’t she ever paid attention to him before? Oh yeah, she’d been married.

“Good morning.”

Her own voice sounded hoarse and scratchy. Probably from all the screaming she’d done while under him. Thank goodness his closest neighbor lived a couple of miles away, but she wasn’t completely certain they hadn’t heard her, even from that distance.

She continued to get dressed.

“I guess you won’t be joining me for breakfast?” Humor filled his voice.

“No, it’s best I leave. I have a million things to do.”

“It’s Sunday.”

Talia took a deep breath and pulled her strapless bra over her breasts before facing him again. She’d have to be direct. “Look, last night was wonderful. Thank you. Actually, it was just what I needed, but it won’t happen again.”

One dark brow shot up. The same amused expression remained on his face. “No?”

What was he smiling about? “No.”

Qué lástima
,” he murmured.

He’d whispered all sorts of things in Spanish to her last night, most of which she didn’t understand, but they had turned her on. She recognized that particular phrase, but again, she failed to recollect much of what she’d learned of the language in school.

“What does that mean?”

“What a pity,” he said.

Silence fell over the room. His regretful tone set her heart to pounding at an accelerated pace. His gaze took a leisurely stroll over her covered breasts, down to her bare midriff and thighs. Any other man, any other situation, she would have been offended, but she was half-naked in his bedroom, and after all the ways they’d made love to each other, offended was the last thing she felt. Once again, the urge to crawl back under the covers with him overcame her. One night and she was already addicted to the man.

“It’s nothing personal,” she continued, in an effort to squash her rising libido.

“You got what you needed.” He shrugged and yawned. “I like a woman who knows what she wants, and when she gets it can move on. If only more women were like you.”

That hadn’t been the response she’d expected.

He rose from the bed. Large feet and powerful thighs took him across the room away from her. She watched the paler skin of his naked rear, admiring the firm, sinuous muscles of his glutes. Red lines criss-crossed his back where her nails had scored his skin. Her lips tingled with the desire to kiss those spots and soothe away the hurt. The same fine hairs on his chest were sprinkled down the length of his legs, and she gulped at the memory of his golden thighs sliding along the length of her darker flesh as he pried her legs apart.

Talia struggled to pay attention to his actions, but she finally registered he’d picked up her crumpled dress from the floor. He handed it over with an outstretched hand.

“Do you need any help getting dressed?” he asked. He sounded serious, but she knew he was kidding. He stood in front of her without a stitch of clothing on, making it incredibly hard to concentrate because she wanted to drop her gaze lower but was determined not to.

“No assistance needed.”

She turned her back to him and stepped into the dress, shirking the feeling of disappointment that he’d easily accepted this as a onetime hookup and didn’t have any problem with letting her leave. She hadn’t expected anything more, but did he have to be so agreeable about it?

“Are you sure this won’t ever happen again?” he whispered close behind her, so close his breath stirred the frizzy hairs on her head. He zipped the dress, the heat from his body touching hers. Before she could respond, two large hands came to rest on her waist.

His touch made her skin tingle, tempting her to answer in the negative, but in all honesty, she was in no condition to get involved with anyone right now. The breakup of her marriage was too fresh and raw. Rebounding with a man like Tomas would be enjoyable at first, but she knew it had the potential to become problematic. She was already fiending for him like a drug addict after one night. Clearly she couldn’t handle anything complicated. Last night she’d received the boost she needed, and it would have to do.

“Yes, I’m positive it will never happen again.”

Pulling away, Talia cleared her throat. “If you don’t mind, I’d prefer no one found out about this.”

He stilled and his face sobered. “Why not?”

BOOK: The Wrong Man
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