The Zombie Gang #2

Read The Zombie Gang #2 Online

Authors: Justin Tilley,Mike Mcnair

BOOK: The Zombie Gang #2
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Chapter 1


OH SHIT, Geez yelped at the sight of the AK in his face. He couldn’t understand the words of the man threatening his life but he knew if he didn’t do something quick, he’d get his head blown off. He put his hands up and tried to play the innocent role but the trail of bodies he left a few yards behind didn’t quite help the situation. The man’s screams got louder and Geez knew it was only seconds before his impending death, when all of a sudden the man just stopped. His mouth was wide open and his eyes went blank as he fell to the ground. Geez took a sigh of relief when he saw Avery standing behind the terrorist yanking a hunting knife from his skull. “Oh shit nigga, I thought you was dead! “Nope, not yet,” Avery replied. “HEY, ladder to your left if you wanna keep it that way,” Mike warned over the walkie talkie.


They didn’t hesitate to scurry up the ladder with Avery underneath covering his friend until his 9mm was empty. The bullets ricocheted all over the medal ladder as they climbed but luckily neither Zombie was hit. Avery’s blind shooting kept the enemy at bay, making sure none of them had the opportunity to follow too close behind. Once on top of the roof Geez radioed Mike for help, and using the cameras the military had set up all over he was able to hack them and spot the closest allies they had. He instructed Avery and Geez to take cover behind a large metal air unit as the terrorist reached the top. They followed his instructions and just as they dove behind, Avery took a bullet to the leg. “Ahh fuck,” he yelled. He pulled his pant leg up to check out the damage. “Man that’s just a flesh wound,” Geez teased, sucking his teeth. “POP!” Another loud shot occurred. Neither Zombie was willing to look around the corner yet, but they heard several more shots before Mike came back on the radio clearing them to move.


“I don’t even wanna know how the fuck he did that,” Geez said. “Neither do I, let’s just get outta here,” Avery replied. They knew better than to question Mike’s ways. The Zombies had allies all over and with the right radio frequency, Mike as able to call upon some friendly’s in the area that had no problem climbing on some roofs of their own and sniping out the enemy. After snatching two of the AK’s from a couple of the fallen men, Geez led the way from rooftop to rooftop following Mikes directions until they finally reached the medical center they have been creeping too.


“Shhhh look,” Geez whispered. He pointed out the massive amount of enemies guarding the entrance. “What the fuck,” he muttered. “They must have taken it over as a base or something,” Avery explained. “Ok so what’s the plan now then?” Avery was stumped for a second but it seemed the two had the same idea at the same time. Avery radioed Mike this time, who hacked all cameras in the area already, noticed the dilemma, and was already working on an escape plan. They had no other options but to cause a scene and unintentionally get the guards of a nearby safety camp involved. Avery, trying to survive, tossed grenade after grenade behind them as they ran from the dozens of men chasing them.


The explosions caught the attention of the nearby guards and added more trouble to their getaway. With the help of Mike’s camera views and the allies they had close by, they made it off the roof and into a manhole. Many of the vigilante groups used the underground tunnels as a way to get around unseen but this one was just a tad bit different. There seemed to be a lot more than just a few men down there. It was almost enough to start their own town, and this being any of the Zombies first time here, they felt like superstars. Everyone was happy to see the gang that wasn’t afraid to fight the enemy or the military. They looked at the zombies as the original group that started a movement further then the 4
street Zombies could ever imagine. A small group led them through the tunnels and brought them out to a small uninhabited spot in a small patch of woods. For everything that’s been going on the last couple years, this was actually quite a beautiful spot.


There was green grass and unharmed trees all around like a scene from a romantic movie, complete with a running waterfall and all. “Hurry up guys, we’re running outta time here,” Mike warned over the walkie talkie. They thanked their escorts; loaded up the meds they gathered and followed the directions they were given. They knew the sick people of Overlook Colony were running outta time. They could only hope that their counterparts were able to hold up their end of the bargain as well.





Chapter 2


Jordan and D.A. were on the same mission just in a different building in the opposite direction of Avery and Geez, but their experience was a little more difficult, and knowing that without the meds they were after, that innocent women and children would die, they had to work harder than they were used too. A rare but normally not so dangerous virus hit Overlook Colony and although the military called in for meds, they weren’t in a rush to bring meds to people who don’t matter to them. As usual the Zombie Gang took upon themselves to make sure the people of their hometown were taken care of (as usual). Only they knew two separate trips for meds would be needed. There were quite a few different types of meds for the cocktail to work and unfortunately each building was nowhere near each other. Unfortunately Jordan and D.A. were too far away for Mike to keep in touch or even help with cameras but they knew what they needed and would stop at nothing to get it.


They made it to an old Vet building that they were hoping had all the meds they needed but the closer they approached the entrance, the closer they got to seeing the building was now a medic station for the enemy. They stopped in their tracks and dropped to the ground, hoping in time to stop anyone from seeing them. “What do we do now,” D.A. whispered. “Dude, I dunno, we don’t come up with plans, we just do the work!” “Ok ok,” D.A. said, “Think like Avery or Geeze, what would they do?” “C’mon man, you’re making us sound stupid, we can do this,” Jay announced in a confident tone. “Yeah Jay, just me and you can take out a whole building of trained crazy lunatics,” D.A. responded in his famous sarcastic tone. “Well what else are we gonna do,” Jordan asked, “Are we just gonna go home and let everybody die?” “No, so the only option is to come up with a way to get inside that place and get the meds.”


D.A. didn’t have to think. Once Jay mentioned them being responsible for the death of their own people, he knew they had to come up with a plan to get inside. They talked it out for a few minutes and decided there was no way to do this. It was a clear suicide mission but D.A. would rather die trying to save his loved ones than to do nothing at all. They were more than prepared to take on the small platoon of guards outside of the old vet building. They were used to working in small groups and stalked their prey until it was safe enough to attack. Jordan went first and quietly slit the throats of two of the guards patrolling. He took their AK’s and snuck back to the meeting point. By this time D.A. was already creeping through the tall grass after the next two men patrolling. He quietly rammed his hunting knife in the back of one of their heads and quickly snapped the neck of the second man. He too then grabbed their guns and ran to meet Jordan.


“Ok Jay, you ready to do this,” he whispered. “I dunno man, this is crazy,” he unexpectedly answered. “We can really die in there!” “Fuck it; let’s go before I change my mind.” Jordan wiped the sweat off his forehead and the two headed off towards the front doors. They busted through the doors with the AK’s pointed and ready to shoot. There was a split second of silence that seemed to last forever, giving Jordan enough time to scan the area and quickly notice a cabinet filled with meds. Da opened fire first, aiming at everyone on his left and Jordan didn’t waste time following up on the right. The fired until the guns went empty and then dropped the useless machine guns only to grab the second ones they had strapped to their backs. This time Jordan ran to the cabinet and started filling his bag with anything he could grab. D.A. tried to cover his friend but it seemed more and more of them were coming in the front door. “Hurry up Jay, it’s getting real in here!” “Ok ok I’m done,” He quickly replied, “let’s get the fuck outta here.”


Just when it seemed hopeless the two Zombies threw their grenades one after another while they ran for the closest window. Jordan raised his weapon and started shooting the window seconds before they dove through. They hit the ground and immediately looked at each other with a smile. “Oh shit,” Jordan muttered, high from adrenaline. They scurried to their feet and ran as fast as they could as the grenades began going off inside the building. Bullets flew past their heads and barely nicked D.A.’s arm before they made it past the tall grass and disappeared into the night.





Chapter 3


Avery and Geezus were just a couple miles out from Overlook Colony and neither could help but go over the prior events that led up to their close encounter with death. All of the Zombies had been in situations ever since they decided to become the guardians of their small camp but none that led them so close to death. Just days before they The Zombie Gang made the decision to go directly into enemy territory they were doing what they do best, sitting at Avery’s (the zombie den) drinking and having fun playing video games. Besides the occasional raid by Slasher and the rest of his goons, The Zombie Gang spent a lot of their time just having fun and making the best of their fucked up situation.


Everyone noticed that a bug was going around Overlook but everyone brushed it off as just a cold or flu that would go away with a little bit of rest and some OTC meds. That is until Shawn busted in like shit was about to go down. “Yo, this bitch just died out in the street,” he informed the group. “What, who,” Avery asked as everyone jumped up and headed to the door. The was a crowd in the street watching as the ambulance took the dead body away and seconds later, it was pure pandemonium. Everyone was panicking, listening to rumors that the illness going around was the cause of her death. First, the majority took it as just another he said she said rumor going around the camp, but just a day later lots more civilians were getting worse and two more bodies dropped.


The Zombies kept up on vitamins and taking care of their health, not to mention they wouldn’t go near the quarantined area on 2
street, so they hadn’t caught the mysterious sickness yet, but the rest of their camp was catching it one by one, and quick. Avery called for a meeting to discuss the fact that the military didn’t give a fuck about these people and no matter how many times he’s told Slasher they need a doctor, he did nothing. On the 3
day a Dr. finally showed and explained it was a simple virus that could be cured with a small cocktail of meds. The only problem was she didn’t have the meds in the nearby medical station so she had to order them. On the fifth day another citizen of Overlook passed away, only this time it was a close friend of Miss Lisa (Geezus and Shawn’s mother). She took it pretty hard but later on that day Geez noticed that she was coming down with some symptoms and he quickly called a meeting of his own.


It didn’t take much for The Zombie Gang to decide that it was up to them to find these meds, so Geez and Shawn took a little trip to 2
street to speak with the nice Dr. that Slasher brought to help. They quietly watched until the second they had the opportunity for Geez to grab her from behind, being sure to cover her mouth, and drag her behind one of the run down townhomes. “Ok bitch I’m only asking once so let’s just make this easy, what the fuck is wrong with my mom,” Geez asked. She was too afraid to answer at first but after a few intimidating gestures from the worried brothers, she began explaining the virus that was taking over Overlook.


Her overuse of medical terminology and stuttering explanations were doing nothing but confusing the scared brothers. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT,” Shawn accidently yelled. “Look, Dr. Sonja Just tell us how to fix it,” Geeze interrupted after glancing at her nametag. “And talk fucking English,” Shawn added. She raised her clipboard and began writing. “Th-th- these are the things you need,” she stuttered, “but you’ll never find this stuff in a safety camp.” “Bitch you don’t worry about what we get, now go back to pretending you give a fuck about what’s happening to our people,” Shawn said before the two walked away.


“Shawn, you head over Fat Barbs and get Jordan, Mike you start working on finding the best chance we have finding meds, and D.A. start loading up what you guys are gonna need, I don’t think we ever had mission this big before,” Avery instructed. Once everyone was together, they went over the plan a few times and set off to save their town. Avery knew after the way geez approached the doctor, there was no chance she would help them but he did have a plan that although against zombie rules, he still decided to keep to himself until the right moment. Everyone packed up and headed out on the mission that would put in motion the destiny of The Zombie Gang.




Chapter 4


Mike gave Shawn the word that the others were close and needed a little help getting back inside the camp. Immediately he knew what to do. He ran outside of Avery’s on 4
street and ran down the street like a bat at of hell. He kept going until he reached the middle of the block where the majority of the younger crowd hung out and attacked the first person he saw. He was known to have issues with a few people in that particular group but his intentions were all part of his plan. The fight caused the guards in that nearby part of the camp to rush in and break up the fight, causing a distraction long enough to help the other zombies sneak in without any trouble.

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