TheDutyofPain (5 page)

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Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy

BOOK: TheDutyofPain
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There was something in her thoughts that she wanted to remember, but she couldn’t.

Keelor watched her eat a meal and gave her water. She rubbed at her forehead as she tried to remember what she saw the night before, but it was lost to her.

“Juhl will want to start soon. There is a new batch of minor talents in from Resicor, and he wants to use the enhancer on one of them.”

“Is it painful?” She frowned in concern.

“Excruciating, but when she is complete, she will be a weapon unlike any other.”


“A school teacher who can cause a gentle breeze to blow. She was caught by her government, and when she was found to be completely harmless, she was sold to the Raiders to see what they could make of her.”

The food was bland, but it sat heavily in her stomach. “Why would her people sell her?”

“The psychics on Resicor have a good thing going. They want to keep control over their people no matter the cost. That means they are willing to sacrifice any talent who has the smallest shred of physical application to the Raiders. The Raiders provide them with illusions by those such as myself, and the Resicor government terrorizes its folk into believing that physical talents are evil.”


“Power is power, and once felt, folks like to keep it.” He got to his feet. “Are you ready?”

She nodded and let him take her arm.

They walked down the white hall and back to the lab. The ache of pain struck Alda the moment that they came out through final doorway.

“Is Juhl here?” She looked around.

Keelor shook his head. “We are early. Why?”

“I want to ease those in the pens. It is the only way I can do my job today.”

He looked her over and nodded. He took her toward the pens, and her chest tightened as the waves of pain struck her.

Satut was dozing near the edge of the pens.

“Satut, wake up. Let her in. She will quiet them for the day.”

Satut looked around and shrugged, gesturing for Alda to approach. They passed through a bio field, and she immediately ran to the pen where Vek was lying and moaning in agony. She touched his arm and tears tracked down as his breathing evened out.

Metal was implanted in his body, shifting and flexing as he moved. He shuddered, and she took a chance, reaching for his hand. When she captured it, she pulled it to her lips and pressed a kiss on the back of his hand. He sighed and his body relaxed in sleep.

Satut nudged her elbow but instead of pulling her away, he showed her the next body in pain.

She made her rounds as quickly as she could and attended to the worst cases before Juhl’s voice called out, “Satut, bring her.”

Satut walked to one of the quiet cells, and he opened it to bring the woman out. Woman she was but only barely. Dressed in shredded clothing, the young woman with long, glorious lavender hair looked around her with fear.

Satut hauled the young woman along, and he shoved her through the barrier into Keelor’s arms before Satut turned back and grabbed her as well.

Keelor and Satut changed their charges and marched around the corner to Juhl.

Juhl was standing with a pale creature that looked at Keelor with interest. “You still live? Good. Good.”

The creature had chalky skin, was so thin, it looked made of sticks and tissue enough to cover it. Its eyes were huge, dark and set at a feline angle in its skull. The wisps of hair were moving in a light breeze, and it was that moment that it came to Alda that the terrified women with lavender hair was doing what she could to stop what was coming. It was not enough.

Chapter Eight

“I will take the pain of what they are doing.”

The woman whispered, “Why are you helping them?”

With a blank face, Alda caressed the woman’s forehead and temples. “What makes you think I am here willingly?”

“You are a prisoner? Why weren’t you in the cages?”

“They need me whole and able to work.” She blinked back tears as the enhancer prepared to do his work. “What is your name?”

“Ixa. Ixa Norwing.”

“Ixa, I am going to take your pain. It is all that I can do.”

The enhancer looked at the woman strapped to the slab, and the moment that he made physical contact, Alda went to work.

She was swaying with exhaustion by the time the strange creature was finished and Ixa was humming with power.

Keelor pulled her away.

Juhl had prepared for what was happening. “Bring the pod up and load her in.”

Alda leaned heavily on Keelor as she watched the lovely, young woman being placed in a long silver pod. When they slipped feeds into her body, Alda got the idea that it was not just for secure transport.

“What are they doing to her?”

Juhl was smug. “We have just made an unparalleled weapon with your help. Without you, it would have taken weeks.”

With the feeds in place, Ixa was sedated and the pod was sealed.

Rage started to well within Alda. They were turning a good woman into a weapon and there was nothing she could do. Her hands formed fists, and she watched as Ixa was pushed out under guard.

Juhl was rubbing his hands together and staring at the monitor. “I think we have time to do another.”

The enhancer shook his head. “No. I can only do one before I need to rest.”

Alda sighed. She knew her discomfort would not be taken into account, but this creature was listened to.

Alda drooped with exhaustion, but Keelor held her up.

Juhl looked at them. “Take your pet for a rest, Keelor. She will be needed tomorrow.”

Keelor nodded and lifted her in his arms. Alda rested her head on his chest and relaxed. Her body was exhausted and her mind was numb. She had just helped create a woman at the centre of a killer storm. Rage was only the beginning of her emotions.

She woke in the middle of the night, Keelor’s arm was around her waist, but her suit was still intact.

Alda got to her feet and slipped over to the door, examining the mechanism that would not open for her bio signature.

She concentrated and pulled Keelor’s pain out of her mind, focussing it on her palm. She pressed her hand to the door, and the lock popped.

Alda crept down the hall and headed for the cells. Satut was in his cot, leaning against the wall. She pressed her hand to his and took the aches and pains from him, allowing him to settle firmly into sleep.

With her mind whirling, she used his bio signature, the copy of his pain, to enter the cells.

Vek reached out to touch her the moment she appeared. She took his pain, then licked her lips and kissed his palm. He was burning through her analgesic quickly.

She did the same to nineteen others before a hand closed on her shoulder.

Satut was standing there with a frown on his face. He didn’t know how she had gotten in, and she wasn’t going to tell him.

He beckoned her to one side and he led her to a silent cell. Without saying anything, he opened it and gestured for her to enter.

A woman with a swollen belly lay on the small cot. Alda pressed a hand against her forehead and winced at the pounding pain that the woman experienced.

She bent her head to the woman, “You are not going to call out?”

“They will take my child. The moment I scream, Juhl will come for his offspring.” The woman’s face was pale.

“How long have you been in labour?”

“Two days. Satut does what he can, but he is trapped here, just like the rest of us.”

“Why doesn’t he speak?”

“His talent was enhanced to the point where his convincing voice became deadly. One word can shatter hearing or rupture organs. He lives in silence now, but he once was an amazing tenor. He performed all over Resicor.”

“What is your name, lady?” Alda took most of her pain but left her enough to know what her body was doing.

“Novi. Novi Grames.”

Alda checked and her eyes widened. “The baby is coming whether you will it or not.”

“How soon?”

“It’s here.”

“Can you help me?”

“Yes, just hold tight.”

It happened so fast, one moment Alda was helping Novi bring her daughter into the world, the next the baby was in her arms and the mother had left the living universe.

Satut handed her fabric, and she wrapped the tiny girl up. “Does Juhl have to know?”

Juhl entered the cell. “I believe I have a right to my son.”

“Wrong gender, asshole.” Alda’s anger surged again as she gathered the tiny one to her chest.

“A girl? Feh. It will go with the others, and I will try again. Perhaps you would be a good subject to bear my heir.”

Keelor appeared behind him and wrapped an arm around his neck. Juhl sank to the floor as consciousness fled.

Satut smiled grimly, made a gesture with his hand, and the sound of all the cells opening was heard.

“You are right, Satut. It has to be now. The signal has been sent, they are on their way.” Keelor got to his feet, and he blurred into five bodies. Each man was dressed in leather and soft woven fabric, as Keelor had been, but their eyes were familiar from a memory lost.

Alda was confused, but this was not the time. “We need to go. I can get us past any of the bio fields.”

Terlio smiled grimly. “You won’t have to. Carry the baby first, and the gates will open. Juhl’s DNA is in her.”

“Where are we going?”

“Back the way we came. The Sector Guard will meet us halfway.”

The prisoners left their cells and helped each other make their way down the hall and into the base.

The sounds of battle greeted them when they had dealt with two dozen of the guards. The baby hampered Alda, but anyone who got within touching distance, felt the agony of Salugh syndrome. It was an effective weapon.

The sight of the battle armour of Tech and Phase gave her a feeling of relief, and as those armoured women turned and began to lead the way back, Alda followed easily.

When they made it out of the facility, Alda looked up into the sky. “What is that?”

Keelor was at her side, “That is my home. Resicor. We are on the hidden moon.”

The baby in her arms started to cry.

“How did you get a baby?” Helsin came toward her through the melee. Dev was standing between him and danger while he rushed around giving aid.

“One of the prisoners died giving birth to Dr. Juhl’s child.”

Alda regretfully handed the little one over while Helsin ran scans on her.

“She is a little bundle of energy. What is her name?”

Alda swallowed a lump of grief. “Novi Grames Junior. I don’t know what talent her mother had, but she died birthing her.”

Larsilk was speaking quietly to Satut. The men gripped arms and Satut spoke. “She had the power to illuminate a room. She was scheduled to be enhanced into a weapon of light when her pregnancy took.”

“I thought your voice killed?” Alda put herself between Satut and the baby just in case.

“Larsilk is a nullifier. He is cancelling out my enhanced mutation. When he lets go, I will be back to my cursed self.”

Helsin was tickling the baby with the end of his long braid. “She is in perfect health though a little hungry.”

The fight stilled. Guardian and Pax walked toward their gathering.

Guardian addressed the prisoners. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have arranged transport for you to Teklan base. If you wish it, your powers and bodies will be reset to original specifications.”

Vek asked, “Can you do this?”

Guardian took in the man’s red skin against metal. “I can’t, but Reset and Flame can. They are waiting on the ships to begin healing those who need it most.”

Satut looked over at the baby. “Can I hold my niece?”

Alda took her from Helsin and brought her over to the man who could only speak when holding on to Larsilk. She crooked his elbow and placed Novi in his arm. The little one started screaming, and he seemed alarmed, but he held her carefully.

Larsilk nodded, and Satut released his arm, handing the baby back to Alda.

Helsin came over and took the child. “Alda-Xeri, you are still needed on duty. I will take charge of the child, and Dev will make sure she doesn’t hurt me.”

Keelor took her by the arm and tugged her away from the baby and to a small shuttle where his other four bodies were standing.

“Are you ready, Alda?” Terlio was smiling.

“For what?”

Bukel spoke quietly, “We helped them turn up Ixa. We need to stop her before she becomes nothing more than a weapon of destruction.”

Alda didn’t need to be told twice she was in the shuttle before any of Quad had managed to do more than take a few steps.

It was time to keep someone from using her talent in a way that would haunt her for the rest of her life.

Chapter Nine

Quuro was at the helm and Larsilk was at the navigator station. Alda was in the back with Keelor, Terlio and Bukel for her armour fitting.

“They are going to drop Ixa’s pod near a colony on Rishgar. We need to get in, calm her down and get her out before she can bring the heavens down on the city.” Terlio was briefing her while Keelor and Bukel helped stabilize her while they pulled the suit up and over her hips. She was gripping the handles in the ceiling so that they could smooth the armoured plates directly on her skin before covering them with the suit.

“So, what am I supposed to do?”

“We need you to get in, help her to calm down and then assist us in extracting her so she can be treated by Reset.”

“Can she be set back to normal? How is that possible?” It was taking all her concentration to ignore the hands putting the breastplate over her breasts. “What is this armour for?”

“Ixa should be able to generate hurricane-force winds. We don’t want you flying into anything and breaking an arm, leg or head. Keelor already cracked your ribs once on this mission.”

Terlio ran his hands along the metal, and it formed to her skin. He tugged the suit up around it and smiled. “Now, the arms, and then, I will form a helmet for you.”

“You shape metal. How do I know that you shape metal?”

Terlio looked at Bukel and winced. “It will be explained back on Udell. To get the answers, you have to survive this.”

She scowled. “That is devious.”

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