Read Their Master's Pleasure Online

Authors: B. A. Bradbury

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #historical, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #corporal punishment, #cp, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

Their Master's Pleasure (18 page)

BOOK: Their Master's Pleasure
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‘We did,' she said at last, her voice a little unsteady. ‘In a hay barn, out by a beech wood.'

‘Ah yes, I know it well. I believe lovers use it for trysts.' Another stroke and another flinch. Again I waited.

‘I think of Mr Porton-Jones as a friend,' she said at length, ‘no more than that.'

‘A friend, yes; I see. So it was conversation the gentleman had in mind when he took you off to the woods. A pleasant chat with a beautiful young woman to while away the time, is that it?'

She refrained from answering, so I made the next stroke a little firmer. The one that followed, some six or eight seconds later, was firmer still and Elizabeth let out a heartfelt gasp, her torso arching forward. Wisely she decided to answer before her situation became untenable. ‘He expressed a desire to spank me,' she said. ‘He... ohh! He was not harsh with me and it... ohh! It was just a few dozen, with his hand... ohh!'

‘I thought your bottom looked rather more pink than normal,' I said. ‘A hand spanking would explain it, of course. Knowing your fortitude I feel confident you submitted without fuss and did not shame me.'

I continued to strike her at intervals as I spoke, maintaining an even tempo and the same firm delivery. Having established the truth of it I pressed her no further on the subject of Humphrey. If she wished to enjoy a romp with the fellow, so be it, for Elizabeth was a grown woman and nobody's fool, despite a certain innocence in the ways of the world. She was entitled to lead her life as she saw fit, within reason, and was most certainly entitled to her privacy.

The only sounds in the room now were the swish of the cane, the
of wood striking tender flesh and Elizabeth's gasps of pain. She had accompanied me here to Chapsom Parva expecting to be beaten and had got off very lightly thus far. I fully intended she should have one thorough caning at least, to render her visit memorable.


That evening the party assembled in the lounge for the third and final time. Our slaves were late joining us and I began to suspect they were planning something special. When they finally put in an appearance I saw that I was right - and a most astonishing ‘something' it was too, for the trio were virtually naked. All that lay between them and our lusting eyes were costumes of the finest gauze imaginable, covering them from head to foot. They looked out through a rectangular slit in their head veils, and had each chosen a different coloured outfit: Belinda was in red, Queenie in violet and Elizabeth charcoal grey. Around their foreheads were slender, glittering bands of silver and they had silver bangles at wrist and ankle. Their feet were bare.

It didn't occur to me till later that the colours had been chosen most carefully. Belinda looked simply stunning in red, for her fair skin took on the hue of rose petals and her auburn hair flamed majestically. The violet of Queenie's gown emphasised her blue eyes, now darkened with liner so they looked huge and utterly exotic. And Elizabeth, dark-haired and dark-eyed - Elizabeth looked like a princess from some fairytale kingdom, wreathed all in smoke.

‘By thunder!' Nigel muttered hoarsely. ‘This is a sight to die for, what?'

Humphrey and I could only agree, and slave eyes shone with pleasure as we heaped much-deserved praise upon them. Even my ward seemed to join in the spirit of the thing, swaying her hips provocatively as she walked, which seemed to me truly remarkable. If her transformation from charming but rather prudish Elizabeth to this ravishing, tantalising creature was the result of Belinda's ‘woman-to-woman' talk, then our hostess had achieved nothing less than a miracle.

Since gowns of gauze, though undoubtedly alluring, are not exactly the warmest of garments, chairs and sofas were drawn up to the fire and we all settled down to hear what Humphrey had in store for us.

‘That most worthy institution FFF,' he said, as he began to explain his game to us, ‘whose principles we Spankers Seven Exiles embrace, has two equally important elements, namely flogging and fornication. No one can doubt this, for the very name makes this plain. The past two nights we've had spanking games, so tonight we will concern ourselves tonight with the second element. Not to put too fine a point on it, this is a sex game.'

Humphrey paused, a guileless expression on his face. Belinda and Nigel looked stunned, and I was equally taken aback - how could we play a sex game with one of our slaves celibate? My surprise lasted but a moment. Suspicion soon reared its head, for it seemed inconceivable Humphrey should have simply forgotten about our agreement concerning Elizabeth, especially as Belinda had obtained his solemn promise.

‘Is something wrong?' he asked innocently. ‘One minute you're all smiles, the next you're positively glum. Was it something I said?'

He played it convincingly enough, but I'd known Humphrey for years: naivety simply wasn't part of his nature. This was a sham - and if final proof were needed my ward's own expression remained completely unruffled, when she should have been looking as shocked as the rest of us. Obviously she had known about this in advance.

It was clear the others hadn't grasped what was afoot, for Nigel shifted awkwardly in his chair and Belinda appeared dazed, as if she couldn't believe she was hearing this. ‘Well...' she murmured, ‘actually...'

‘Forgive my interruption, Lady X,' Elizabeth said. ‘Mr Porton-Jones, a sex game sounds wonderful. Won't you tell us what you have in mind?'

I felt somewhat aggrieved at her words, I have to say, for the natural conclusion was that my ward had fallen for Humphrey's charms like countless women before her and now found him simply irresistible. Unwilling or unable simply to give in to the impulse - her innate sensibilities and pride wouldn't allow it - Elizabeth had engineered this situation to release her from her vow of chastity. Somehow during their afternoon together she had put this idea into Humphrey's head, or perhaps suggested it openly.

Had she forgotten Freddie already, then? It was possible, I supposed, though that suggested a flightiness I'd never suspected in her. I regarded her now, sitting serenely by the fire, breasts clearly visible through the revealing gown, and wondered again at her transformation. That she should remain cool and composed in front of virtual strangers whilst dressed in such a fashion seemed astonishing to me. The Elizabeth I knew - or thought I knew - would be horrified, and no matter how sympathetic, how warm and wise Belinda might be, it seemed to me unlikely all this could be the result of a single intimate chat.

I began to suspect things were more complicated than I'd first thought. Was my ward somehow able to set her feelings for Freddie and her moral scruples aside? Could she truly be Elizabeth at Bleekston Hall and Ursula here, or was it all simply more playacting? These were deep waters for me, for I never did understand the workings of the female mind.

‘Are you sure you don't mind, Ursula?' Belinda asked.

‘Not in the least, Lady X,' Elizabeth said. ‘Pray continue, sir.'

Humphrey took my ward at her word and proceeded to enlighten us concerning this sex game of his. ‘I am calling it the Game of Threes,' he said. ‘It may have escaped your notice, but three is a highly significant number here this evening. We have three masters and three slaves present and each slave possesses three orifices. Is this simple coincidence, or is it fate?'

‘Oh my!' Belinda said, turning to her fellow slaves. ‘This
sound promising, doesn't it?'

‘Ogden has in his possession three envelopes, each of which contains three pieces of paper.' As he spoke, Humphrey beckoned the butler forward. ‘The first envelope contains the names of the masters, the second the slaves and the third envelope the words “vagina”, “anus” and “mouth”. Ogden will make the draw, taking a single piece of paper from each envelope to pair one master with one slave and specifying which of her orifices he is to use. All clear so far?'

There were nods from the assembled company.

‘The nominated couple will then retire behind the screen to consummate the act.' Humphrey pointed to the ornate Chinese screen by the window. ‘We shall need a couch placing there and also a clock on a small table. The couple have five minutes, during which time the master must reach his climax. Ogden will sound the gong at the start and end of the period. The couple performing will be out of sight but within earshot and the rest are free to comment as they see fit in an attempt to disrupt proceedings.'

‘What happens if he fails to reach a climax in time?' Nigel asked.

‘Then the slave has clearly failed in her duties,' Humphrey said, ‘and will be given an immediate dozen from all three masters. As to her partner, he will be declared a poltroon who fully deserves the scorn that will undoubtedly be heaped upon him by his peers.'

Nigel and I exchanged thoughtful looks. There could be little doubt what the result would be of failing to ‘perform' in this company - put quite simply, one would never hear the end of it.

While the couch and clock were being organised I took the opportunity to draw my ward aside for a quiet word. ‘You are to be congratulated, my dear,' I murmured. ‘I'm certain the game will prove most entertaining.'

She became unnaturally still. ‘I'm not sure what you mean, sir. If you're implying I had a hand in it...'

‘Tosh!' I said. ‘Humphrey has many fine qualities, but an inventive mind isn't one of them. He could no more have thought this up than fly to the moon. This has “Ursula” stamped all over it, though I confess to being puzzled over your motive.'

She said nothing for several moments, then a faint smile touched her lips. ‘I see that it is impossible to deceive you, sir, for I did provide some small assistance to Mr Porton-Jones in the devising of his game. As to my motive... I'm confident a shrewd, clever person could work that out for himself.'

‘Oh I shall, never fear. And in the meantime we have another of your remarkable games to play. My main hope is that my name and yours are drawn together, along with the word “anus”.'

Her smile became enigmatic. ‘Should I wish you luck, then?'

‘Most certainly,' I said. ‘I've never seen you more beautiful than you are tonight, my dear. The thought of sodomising you is driving me to distraction. My only regret is the five minute time limit, which is far too short. You definitely slipped up there.'

The butler, having rearranged the furniture, returned to his station, at which point Humphrey called for everyone's attention. The game was about to begin.

Chapter 20



‘We will now make the first draw,' Humphrey announced. ‘Ogden, if you will kindly do the honours?'

The butler approached the table and placed the three envelopes in a row on the polished top. Averting his eyes in the interests of fair play, he slid his fingers into the blue envelope, extracted a slip of paper, and read out what was written upon it. ‘Lord Newburn.'

‘That's me!' Nigel exclaimed, as though surprised to discover his own name really was in there after all.

Slips from the pink and white envelopes informed us that ‘Yasmine' would be Nigel's partner and that he would use her vagina.

‘Off you go then, the pair of you,' Humphrey said. ‘Five minutes, remember.'

‘Close your eyes and think of England, Yasmine dear,' Belinda called out as her husband took Queenie's arm and led her behind the screen. As they disappeared from view Ogden sounded the gong. We heard the rustle of clothing, followed by a lengthy silence. There was no sound for a full minute, in fact, and the rest of us started to look at each other with raised eyebrows.

‘It's all gone very quiet behind there,' Belinda called out merrily. ‘Are you sure you know what you're doing, you two? Instruction could be arranged, if required.'

‘We know,' came Nigel's curt reply.

Soon after Queenie began to gasp.

‘Ah,' Humphrey said, turning to Belinda. ‘It sounds as if romance has blossomed finally. Either that, or your husband is strangling my housekeeper.'

Queenie's gasps became louder and Nigel began to grunt in tandem.

‘Should we clap, do you think?' Belinda asked. ‘It might help them keep time.'

‘Nigel might think we were applauding his efforts,' I pointed out, ‘and stand up to take a bow.'

‘I can just picture it,' Belinda laughed, ‘my husband graciously accepting our accolade with his trousers around his ankles!'

Judging by the sounds coming from behind the screen the pair were building rapidly to a climax. There was a flurry of ribald comments from the three of us, but our attempts to sabotage their passion failed. Nigel and Queenie cried out together, then there was silence once more.

‘That sounded rather like paired peaking to me,' Humphrey said, as the gong sounded.

‘It did indeed,' I said, thinking we would struggle to match our host's performance.

The couple eventually appeared to enthusiastic applause that had Queenie blushing and Nigel beaming. When they had taken their seats Ogden's services were called upon once more. James-Ursula-Anus was what I was hoping for... and I came so very close. The blue and white envelopes did indeed yield up the slips I'd hoped for, but it was Belinda's name the butler drew from the pink envelope, not Elizabeth's. Though disappointed, I took care not to let it show, for I would never risk hurting Belinda's feelings in that way. Besides, what right-minded man could object to anal sex with someone as lovely as our hostess? I took her hand, therefore, and led her around the screen to the sound of the gong. Belinda drew her diaphanous slave gown up over her head and dropped it on the floor, then sat me down on the end of the couch and knelt in front of me to unfasten my trousers. As she took out my cock she gave a conspiratorial wink and I guessed she had some mischief in mind.

BOOK: Their Master's Pleasure
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