Their Reason (6 page)

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Authors: Jessie G

BOOK: Their Reason
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The chorus of well wishes echoed through the bus as their friends toasted them and Bull couldn’t contain the swell of gratitude. To say he was lucky was a major understatement. Looking around at all the people they called family, whether by birth or circumstance, had him wondering what he’d done right to be so blessed. Yes, he who obscured all things religious, knew he was a blessed man.

“I couldn’t have said it better and won’t even try.” Javier took Owen’s spot and held up his hand. “Bull, Red, we had a little problem with your no presents rule. You do so much for all of us and never ask for anything in return, so we contacted our resident genius about possible loopholes in your request.”

Bull laughed at Alaric’s serene expression. “Let me guess, you put your legal team on it?”

Alaric flicked an imaginary speck of dust from his dress shirt and cast him a sidelong glance. “Wouldn’t that be a little over the top, even for me?”

“I don’t know if he got the legal team involved, but he was quick to point out the most obvious flaw.” Javier’s voice carried over the laughter and brought their attention back to him. “While your invitation clearly specifies a date for the event that we are not allowed to bring gifts to, it doesn’t say anything about today. Now don’t go getting your boxers in a bunch over there, big guy, I promise we kept it simple. One small gift from all of us.”

Javier handed a regular size envelope to Red and took his seat. Red’s hand trembled slightly as he opened the flap and unfolded the single sheet of paper. Bull scanned the page over Red’s shoulder twice before looking at Javier. “You said small.”

“It is small. Just one sheet of paper.” Javier grinned triumphantly.

“I don’t understand,” Red whispered as he handed over the paper. “Are we going to Ireland?”

“You are,” Saul agreed, leaning forward. “It’s all taken care of. Just meet with the travel agent during the week to go over the whole itinerary and get your travel documents. Billy and I worked out the schedule for the garage, and Owen and Colin grudgingly agreed that they can live without you for another week. So no arguments, no threats to cancel. Just say thank you so we can go to dinner.”

Bull looked down at Red and saw the excitement mingled with the emotion in his eyes. No, of course they wouldn’t reject their friends’ gift, even though it was entirely too extravagant. The things he did, and now Red did, for them came with no strings, but he could see how eager they were for them to accept their present.

“Thank you. I think we’re both shell shocked. This is an amazing loophole,” Bull finally said. Amid the hugs and handshakes, and more than a few tears, there was a noticeable grumble from the back of the bus.

“We’ve got a babysitter on the clock, man, don’t squander our adult time with all this mushy crap,” Ty called from the corner where he had been making out with Chase, seemingly oblivious to them all. Not that Bull was fooled for a second. Even wrapped up in his boy, Ty was never oblivious. A completely debauched Chase peeked over, swiping a thumb over his kiss swollen lips, and grinned.

It was just the diversion they needed and Bull was grateful that Ty had taken the spotlight off of them. Someone turned up the music, drinks were passed, and the horny couple in the corner went back to making out.

“I can’t believe we’re going to Ireland,” Red murmured as he snuggled in. The way he looked around the bus, seemingly both overjoyed and overwhelmed, had Bull pulling him closer. Being the center of attention wasn’t something either of them enjoyed. “Disney and Ireland.”

“I’m almost afraid to ask what you’re more excited for,” Bull teased. Most people would think a trip abroad was the ultimate vacation, but he knew Disney had the permanent top spot on Red’s bucket list.

“Honestly, I’m not even sure I could answer that. I’m still shocked that we’re going to Disney, that we’re
getting married
in Disney. We’ll probably be in Ireland before it sinks in that we’re going to Ireland.” Red shifted and crawled into his lap. “Do you have any idea how often you do that to me? Fulfill my dreams and leave me wondering if it’s real. How can this be my life? How could you have changed everything?”

“Me? You mean
, don’t you?” Bull knew then that he’d made a huge mistake. Bigger than allowing too many months to pass before solidifying their wedding plans. Life had seemed to settle into a routine and he missed the signs that Red was still waiting for it all to be ripped out from under him. To wake up from the dream.

“I didn’t do anything.” Red was shaking his head, refusing to accept his part in the changes their lives had taken.

Bull cupped his face, stopping the movement and forcing Red’s gaze to meet his. “You did everything. You forgave me for ripping you out of your comfort zone, allowed me in even though you were terrified, and trusted me even when your instincts told you that you couldn’t trust anyone. You pulled me back from the edge I’d dangled on too long, banished the nightmares, and gave me a safe place to rest. You refused to let the past hold you back from loving me. I didn’t do that, Ian, you did.”

“You really believe that, don’t you?” Red sounded awed. “Don’t you know I had to borrow your strength to do it?”

“You’re only proving my point. You may have borrowed what you needed, but you gave back so much more. That give and take, that’s us making all these amazing changes together. That’s what partners do. They work together to build each other up, encourage each other, support each other, and love each other.” Bull tugged Red forward until they were almost kissing. “You say I’m fulfilling all of your dreams, well, you are the fulfillment of all
dreams. Everything else is just a bonus.”

Red closed the distance, taking his mouth in a kiss that wiped out everything else—their friends and family, the music and laughter—and brought into sharp focus the only thing that was important. They were blessed to have such a wonderful support system, but the real miracle was in his arms, his to hold and love every day.

“Now it’s a party!” Ty cheered, someone whistled, and Red smiled against his mouth. Since he wanted to celebrate every second of having Red in his life, Bull could only agree.


Chapter 8

I now pronounce you Jon and Ian Connor

Red fidgeted with his tie and was just reaching for his phone to check the time when there was a knock on the door. Somehow he and Bull wound up in separate dressing rooms after the breakfast Paul arranged and Javier had been keeping him company—and laughing at him—for the last hour. An hour. What guy needs an hour to get ready? Not him and not Bull. Even if he hadn’t showered and shaved before they went down to meet the others, he still wouldn’t have needed an hour to get ready. Changing from his shorts and tee to his wedding clothes had taken five whole minutes. The other fifty-five had been spent pulling his hair out.

The door opened before he could reach it and then Bull was standing there. It was almost a year ago that he saw him for the first time. Tall and built like the truck he drove, the visible skin of his muscular arms and neck were covered in tattoos, and his brilliant green eyes were filled with so much love. Manly and huge, Bull was everything he ever wanted and everything he didn’t even know to ask for.

“Ready?” The voice matched the package, deep and dangerous, but he didn’t hesitate to take the hand that Bull offered. Was he ready? He was pretty sure he was born for this exact moment. The moment when he became Ian Connor, Jon’s husband.

Bull kissed his hand before tucking it in the crook of his arm and leading him out of the room, with Javier and Owen following behind. He thought he would be nervous having all of the attention focused on them, but in that moment he didn’t see the photographer and videographer trailing them, or even the smiling faces of their friends and family as they walked toward the officiant. How could he notice anything when Bull looked at him like he was everything?

Red was so engrossed in looking at Bull that it took a minute for him to realize they were standing in front of Lisa, the officiant they selected to marry them. After speaking with some of the people Paul suggested, they arranged to meet her halfway for coffee, just so they could get a feel for each other. She was both professional and comfortable, with an infectious smile and an obvious passion for her job. Now, seeing her standing there smiling at them with affectionate amusement, he felt the last of his nerves disappear.

She must have seen that he was truly ready because she cleared her throat and looked at everyone gathered behind them. “I can’t tell you how honored I am that Bull and Red chose me to preside over their ceremony today. In trying to come up with the right words to express the depth of love and devotion that I see between them, I looked back at the other couples I’ve married. Now, I’ve been doing this quite a few years, and I can honestly say that I believe all of my couples have been in love. But what I see here before me, the absolute serenity that comes with knowing you found the other half of your heart and soul, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that so openly expressed. There is no pretense here, none of those safeguards we use to protect our hearts, no doubts.”

Lisa tilted her head curiously. “There always seems to be last minute jitters. Cold feet. Whatever we call them, it’s that moment of doubt where a couple does that little internal check. Is this really the person I want to spend the rest of my life with? I’ve always thought it was understandable. After all, marriage is a huge commitment. The promise to love someone no matter what—good times and bad, sickness and health—is huge! But I knew when I met them that they were different, that I was in the presence of a truly special couple, and I will do my very best to honor that.”

Red sensed Bull looking at him and turned his head. Just like that Lisa’s voice became background noise. All the love and serenity that Lisa claimed to see in them was reflected in Bull’s eyes. Suddenly he knew exactly what Bull was trying to say on the bus, about doing this together. There was no pretense, safeguards or doubts, because they had opened themselves up to each other so completely. The strength he once believed he borrowed from Bull was actually a neverending loop between them, enabling them to battle the demons of their past and take refuge in each other’s arms. They were better men because they were together. They were whole because they were together. Pretense and doubt would shake the foundation that they had built together and that was something neither of them would ever risk.

Lisa said she didn’t know anyone else who had that, but they did. Ty and Chase, unequivocally. Alaric and Davin, absolutely. Clay, Evan and Tory, without a doubt. Maybe they had different ways of showing it, but their foundations were solid and unshakable because they worked at it together every day. That’s what Saul, Javier, and Kyle were working toward, and it was so simple, so glaringly obvious, that he suddenly knew exactly what Chris was looking for in Owen.

Owen once told Bull that they were all looking to them as the benchmark. That if their relationship could last, then maybe there was hope for the rest of them. The growing friendships with Ty, Alaric, and Clay’s families suddenly exposed them to possibilities they never considered. Everyone knew that part of the draw for Owen was Chris’s strength, but that had to be a two-way street, so of course Chris would want to know if Owen was capable of
creating that foundation with him. 
Probably not the best time to have that revelation, but the way Bull’s smile changed to a knowing grin let him know they were on the same page.

“Am I the only one that just saw them have a whole conversation with their eyes?” Lisa’s voice was louder, as if she were trying to get their attention. “I sure hope they got that all on video, it was my best speech yet.”

There was some commiserative laughter behind them and Red found himself grinning. Being called out like that would have embarrassed him once upon a time, but now he knew how precious their connection was and he would never be embarrassed by that. “I’m sure it was beautiful.”

“All those adoring glances and silent conversations are a pleasure to watch, but try to do this next bit out loud, okay?” She shook her head in amusement. “Bull and Red told me they weren’t interested in traditional, so at this point I’m turning the floor over to them.”

Red felt the flutter of nerves as he took Bull’s hands. They talked about getting new rings, but he didn’t need anything more than the one Bull gave him when he promised him forever. That was the ring he wanted to wear, and the ring he wanted to see on Bull’s left hand. “It makes me a little queasy to take that ring off your right hand. Even though I know it will only be for a second, it just feels wrong, so I’m going to get that out of the way first.”

As quickly as he could, Red transferred Bull’s ring to its permanent location and breathed a sigh of relief. “I guess I forgot what I was supposed to say when I did that, but you know. I’m marrying you, with this ring, because you are it for me. Lisa said she didn’t see any safeguards between us, but we both know I had them. Huge walls that weren’t going to come down willingly. You not only scaled those walls, you obliterated them, refusing to let me hide from you. You gave me your strength and showed me my own. Together we are strong, together we are whole, and together we have everything even if we have nothing else. There are a thousand, a million reasons why I love you, but it all boils down to that.” He had a whole speech prepared and someday he’d let Bull read it. These words poured out of him completely unscripted, heartfelt and true, and they were everything he wanted Bull to know. “You are it for me, Jon Connor. My heart and soul, my safe haven, my cheerleader, my partner, my best friend, and my lover. The only person I want to take this journey with.”

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