Their Second Chance (6 page)

Read Their Second Chance Online

Authors: Milly Taiden,April Angel

BOOK: Their Second Chance
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It had been something she’d done to help herself move forward more than anything. Finding herself cooped up in the house with no one but Harley had made it difficult to stop thinking about her failed marriage. So she’d taken Tricia’s advice and gone to some cooking classes. She’d also learned how to do some meditation to help her calm down and de-stress. Though it seemed her exercises weren’t helping her lately.

Instead of making fun of her, he smiled, his full lips calling her attention. “Thank you, but I know you’re exhausted. You didn’t have to, we could’ve gone somewhere.”

She shrugged, some of the insecurity she’d felt before returned, expanding inside her. “I wanted to…for you.”

He stood and prowled toward her. Her breath hitched the closer he came, until she was almost panting by the time he stopped in front of her, lifted a hand, and cupped her cheek. Spine-tingling electric currents crawled down her body. The feel of his rough hand on her face brought comfort into her heart, diminishing some of the anxiety filling her.

“Thank you. I appreciate your effort.”

The sound of the oven timer broke the momentary spell.

“Have a seat. I’ll bring the food over.”

He followed behind her into the kitchen. “Anything you need me to do?”

“Sure, open the wine for me.” She passed him the bottle and opener.

Once she’d placed the food on the table, a table she’d made to look as perfect as possible without going overboard into the super romantic first date feel, they sat down to eat.

He stared down at the Latin dishes she’d prepared and smiled. “Wow. When did you go back to your roots?”

She grinned and watched him place large amounts of food on his plate. He’d always loved Latin food. Other than the few times they’d visited her family, he’d been the one figuring out how to make it. For much of her youth, her mom had tried to get her to learn to cook. After multiple burned attempts, it was decided she wasn’t interested in cooking. When she tried her hand at baking, it pacified her mother to know her daughter wasn’t completely useless in a kitchen.

“I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve.”

He moaned with the first bite. Pleasure swelled within her, leisurely spreading its wings, replacing any bit of insecurity over their date.

“Hell, Ari. Have you been asking your mom about cooking?”

She chuckled. She’d stopped asking her mom to teach her to cook too long ago. Not to mention, most of her family lived in Florida—way too far from her. Her sister, Briana, was the closest one, and she was currently off on vacation with her husband and children to the family home in the Caribbean.

“If I told Mami I’m trying to cook again, she’d call the local fire department and put them on standby.” She lifted the wine to her lips and stopped. Her stomach burned and still felt pretty sensitive. Wine was probably not the best thing to add to the mix.  She left the table and returned with a pitcher of iced tea.

“What’s wrong with the wine?” He asked between bites.

“Nothing. I’ve just had a lot of stomach issues lately, and I didn’t want to aggravate it with liquor.” She took small bites of the delicious-smelling roast pork shoulder. It tasted almost as good as her mom’s.

“This is delicious. How long have you been hiding this new cooking skill?” He continued to eat with gusto, and it made all her hours laboring over the stove worth it.

“I haven’t been hiding it. I took some classes early in the year, and a couple of the things stuck. I can’t live on take out forever.” She sipped on her iced tea. “By the way, thanks for the food and groceries. They were life-savers. I’ve been so busy, I’d forgotten to go food shopping.”

He wiped his mouth and drank some wine. A moment later, he grasped her hand on the table. “I wanted to help ease some of your stress.”

“Thank you. It really helped.” She smiled. His thoughtfulness wasn’t something new, but it was nice to be the recipient of it again.  “How’s the business going?” She asked, poking at her food. Her stomach was still feeling delicate, and she didn’t want to eat much. Watching Nick enjoy her food spread a nice accomplished feeling through her. It had been the right thing to do.

“Great. Busy, but great. I am still in awe at how much it’s grown recently,” he said between bites.

“I know! I’m so amazed with your success. I mean you went from a local building company to a giant corporation in less than two years. How did you do that?” She had been so wrapped up in herself she’d missed his climb to success. All due to her internal turmoil and inability to cope with not being able to conceive. God. He’d been working so hard at the same time they’d been trying to have a baby. No wonder he was never around.

He shrugged. “I tried so hard to keep my name from being connected to my father’s. Not wanting to be seen as Nick Parker Sr.’s boy. I wanted to be my own man.
To control my success, and for it to be based on my achievement alone.”

She’d known that about Nick. He’d always tried to push away from his father’s name and money. It wasn’t just the tattoos or the blue collar workman clothing either. He was one hundred percent hands on when it came to his business. She’d seen him put in long hours whenever he’d gotten the smallest contract.

“So what changed things?” She stopped trying to force food down her throat and focused on him.

His gaze lifted from the plate and locked on to hers. There was that open door again.
Allowing her to view his shifting emotions. He looked a little unsure, and that bothered her. Nick had never had anything to worry about when it came to his work. He was damn good at it.

“I was hired by one of my father’s friends and things sort of took off from there.” He took a gulp of wine and sighed. “What I didn’t want was what ended up happening. His friends started hiring me, and all of a sudden, I had bigger jobs.
Bigger contracts. Huge clients wanting me to do overseas projects.”

She nodded. Understanding dawned over his insecurity. “Nick, you got those jobs because your work speaks for itself. Not because of your dad or how big he is in the architecture world.”

He smiled, showing off a tiny dimple by the corner of his mouth. “I like to think that. But sometimes I wonder.”

“Wonder what? Do you honestly think that if you weren’t as good as you are, those huge companies would want to do business with you, father or not? No. Trust me on this. When it comes to business, you can suggest someone, but nobody wants to recommend a company that won’t live up to their recommendation. You’ve earned your success. Enjoy it.”

He cupped her hand on the table again, drawing circles over her fingers. “You’ve worked hard for yours too.” His gaze bore into hers, heating her blood with a fizzle of arousal she hadn’t felt in a long time. “I’m so proud of you.”

Her heart flipped. He’d never actually said those words to her before.
Ever. She’d never really asked for his approval when she went into her business, but hearing him commend her on her work was nice. It made her realize how much she’d needed validation from him. The man she loved hadn’t for a long time acknowledged how hard she’d pushed herself to make her company a success.

“Thank you. I’m
—I’m proud of you too, Nick. We’ve both come a long way from the kids who got married right after college.”

He lifted her hand up to his lips. “We have. You’re still just as beautiful as you were then.”

She’d swear the temperature in the house shot up by a good twenty degrees. While she’d been used to Nick being a flirt before, he’d never looked so romantic praising her. It was surreal. Sexy as hell, but surreal. She realized she liked this Nick. She liked him showing more emotion and talking to her about business. She liked seeing this vulnerability about him. It made it easier for her to connect with the man she married.

He started gathering empty dishes.

“What are you doing?”

He grinned, showing off the dimple again. The one she’d fallen in love with. “You cooked. The least I can do is clean up.”

She bit her lip, trying to contain her laughter. “Why thank you. And your help will be duly rewarded.”

He lifted a brow in interest, blue eyes turning a deep sapphire.

“Yes...” She dropped her gaze to her plate. A second later, she lifted her face and smiled flirtatiously. Lust filled and brightened his eyes with a sexy spark of hunger. She licked her lips and waited a heartbeat before continuing. “I made flan.”

His eyes widened. He loved the sweet custard dessert. “You’re playing hardball now.”

She giggled and stood to help clear off the table. He filled the dishwasher, while she set the coffeemaker. It was strangely comforting to do these things with him again. The feelings she was getting were all soothing, almost like when their relationship had been on good terms, but better.

They sat down in the living room with dessert and fresh coffee.

“Feel like watching a movie?”

“Sure.” She turned on the television and searched through the massive collection of movies while listening to him talk about his trip to Japan.

Their favorite movie was on. She picked it without a second thought and sat back to glance at Nick. He’d eaten his dessert and was drinking some of his café con

A feeling of rightness enveloped her. It was nice having him with her again.

“So how’s everything going with the difficult client?”

“It’s…going.” She sighed. “She’s really needy and quite paranoid that her campaign is going to be a bust. Even though we’ve created a great set up to get her exposure.”

The movie started. Neither turned from the other to watch.

“Did you find it difficult to deal with the company after
we…” He glanced down at the coffee cup and then up at her. For a moment, he didn’t finish the sentence but watched her with a sadness she had never seen in his eyes before. It was obvious that talking about their past hurt him.  Keeping it locked in wouldn’t help them move forward.

She nodded. “I had a really hard time with it for a few months. I involved myself so much in work but also had a hard time focusing.” With every word she said, her breaths shortened. Gulping, she thought back to the initial days of their separation and the desolation she’d felt after things had broken between them. “What about you? Was work helpful at all?” 

He placed the empty coffee cup on her brown coffee table next to her dessert. “Not really. It was more than feeling unfocused.” He turned to her again and grabbed her empty hands in his, softly rubbing on her palms. “I felt lost without you.”

“Did you…really?” She had a hard time comprehending how they’d gone from a loving relationship to just two people who lived together.

Moving closer to her, he stopped when they were inches apart. “I did. Really. Ari, you’re the only woman I’ve ever wanted to be with.” He grasped a lock of her long hair, and she watched him rub the strands between his fingers. He’d always said her hair was softer than silk. “I felt like I failed you, like I failed us when you left.”

She lifted a hand to his face and caressed his scruffy jaw. She licked her lips. He’d known she liked it when he had the day’s growth. She’d always thought he looked so sexy, and tonight was no exception.

“I was lonely without you. I’m still lonely.” The admission hurt. She’d always thought herself so strong, but ever since she’d left she’d wanted nothing more than to go back.

“You don’t have to be lonely any more. I’m here with you.” He dipped his head and kissed her. A small brush of his lips first, followed by the swipe of his tongue, and then the full sensual invasion. She sighed into his demanding touches. Her body sang with each caress of his hands. Soft whimpers sounded in the back of her throat. She squeezed his biceps, loving the feel of the muscles rippling under her fingertips. He was hard, hot, and her panties went from damp to soaking in the space of a single moan.


He kissed her jaw, nibbling up to her ear and biting down on the area right below her lobe. Her pussy throbbed, wanting him inside.

“I want you, Ari. I’ve always wanted you.”

Her heart flipped in her chest. She slipped her hand to the back of his neck and gripped his short hair. She panted. “I want you too.”

He pulled back from their kisses. She met his gaze and gasped. He stared deep into her eyes, his gaze consuming her with the power of his lust. “I didn’t come here to make love with you. As much as I want you, I think tonight should be about us reconnecting in the area we had issues with: Communication.”

She nodded. He was right. Fuck. Why the hell did he have to be right? Her pussy ached. Memories of how good they were together taunted her. If she hadn’t been working herself to an early grave lately, she may have found some time to visit her toy drawer. As it was, she was horny as hell and her body wanted the man in front of her more than the last piece of chocolate while

“You’re right. Let’s watch this movie.” She allowed him to pull her into his arms and hold her, while she tried to tamp down fire in her blood.







ick wondered why Ari had
gone quiet on him. He glanced down at her head pressed against his shoulder. She’d fallen asleep. Should he move her? Or leave her there? He knew she needed the rest. He picked her up in his arms; glad to notice she didn’t waken, and headed for the bedroom. It was easy to find her room. She’d left her door open, and it was straight ahead at the end of the hallway.

He wasn’t surprised to see blue cover her bed and windows. It was her favorite color, and he’d come to learn that if he ever wanted her to wear something for him, he’d better buy it in blue.

After laying her on the bed, he covered her with the quilt at the foot of her bed. She snuggled into the blanket and sighed. The dark circles under her eyes told him she’d been working too hard. He was glad he’d sent over the food and cleaning help. He went to the kitchen and cleaned up the dirty dessert dishes and put the leftover food away.

He decided to stay a while in case she woke up. Looking through her DVD collection, he found their wedding video. Without a second’s hesitation, he put it to play. His chest tightened the moment he saw Ari in her wedding gown. She’d been the most beautiful woman, still was. A beaming smile lit her face and love shone in her eyes as her father walked her down the aisle.

A knot formed and expanded in his throat. Scene after scene, he watched them promise to love and cherish each other, to be there through good and bad, and to support each other always. Christ. What had they done at the first signs of a problem? They’d stopped talking, they’d let their relationship go downhill, and forgotten their vow to be there for each other.

The DVD ended as they got into the limo to go on their honeymoon.  He froze the screen on Ari sitting on his lap, gazing into his eyes with a smile, a smile he’d stopped seeing years ago. Sorrow clutched at his heart. He shook it away. This was a new opportunity to make their relationship whole again.  He’d do whatever necessary to ensure she knew how important she was to him. He didn’t want to lose her.  There was no way he’d survive it a second time.

A soft moan woke him from sleep. He jerked his eyes open and sat up in a rush. He’d fallen asleep watching TV and waiting to see if Ariana would wake up again. The DVD clock read four in the morning. Another moan sounded from the bedroom. He rushed to her bedroom and found her in a fetal position, cradling her stomach.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” He pushed her hair away from her face. She glanced up and met his gaze. Her eyes were dull with pain.

“My stomach hurts like hell.”

“How long has your stomach been hurting like this, love?”

“A few days,” she mumbled.

He didn’t like the sound of that. “How does it hurt, like a sharp pain or more dull?”

“Ouch. It hurts like somebody is stabbing me in my guts. Does that help?”

He grinned. Trust her to give him a drastic graphic description.
“Any burning?”

She nodded and groaned.

“I think you may have an ulcer. You really need to go to a doctor.”

She winced. “Ugh. Don’t you think I know that? I made an appointment for the day after tomorrow.”

He smiled at her snarkiness. “Do you have any ginger ale?” At her nod, he caressed her face. “I’ll go get you some.”

When he returned, she was still in the same fetal position. She appeared to be dozing.

She jerked her eyes open and groaned. “I am never working with that client again.”

He chuckled. He knew all about difficult clients. “It’s alright, baby. You’ll be done soon, and next time you pass her off to someone else.”

After helping her sit up, he sat next to her on the bed and watched her sip on the cold drink. She leaned her head on his shoulder, making him feel closer to her, needed.

“Stay here with me.” Her soft breath tickled his neck. “Please.”

“Anything you want, sweetheart.” He took the cup out of her hands and placed it on the bedside table. She scooted over to create more space for him next to her, and immediately curled into his body. Desire throbbed in his veins, worked its way through his body, and sparked embers of need in his cock.

He leaned back into the pillows and closed his eyes, ignoring the raging hard-on and enjoying the feel of her body draped over his side.



Nick woke to the feel
of Ari’s hands under his T-shirt, gliding up and down his chest. She rubbed her fingertip over his nipple, and then proceeded to pinch the little bud. He groaned, his cock instantly erect.


She unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his jeans, and slid down his zipper. He snapped his eyes open the minute her hand gripped his cock.


“Shh…” She gave him one of the sultry looks he loved, the kind that said she wanted to play and he should just shut the hell up and enjoy whatever she had in mind. “Last night is over, and I still want you. It’s a new day. I have no pain and I feel good right now. More than good.”

He couldn’t argue with that logic. She tugged on his pants and boxers. He lifted his ass off the bed, helping her in getting the material down his legs and off his body. She licked her lips, all the while staring at his cock as if it were a prized possession. Damn, he would never tire of the way she made him feel like the sexiest and luckiest man in the world.

“Now the shirt.” She didn’t stop staring at his cock while he removed the T-shirt.

“Someone’s still overdressed, doll.”

She curled a hand around his cock and grinned. Oxygen fought its way into his lungs. She glanced up and met his gaze. “I think I never thanked you properly.”

His mind reeled. He’d lost all track of the conversation as he watched her move to the open space between his legs and lower her head to his cock. He sucked air and fought the need to groan.

“Thank me for what?”

She caressed him, spreading the moisture at the head of his cock down his shaft.

“For doing the dishes.” She swiped her tongue up his full length, licked around his mushroomed head, and moaned. Her gaze never left his as she slid his dick between her lips, sucking him deep into her hot mouth. Slowly pulling back, she left a wet trail on his flesh and popped him out of her mouth. “And the food you sent over.” She jerked him in her grasp. “And for staying here with me.”

Hell. He never remembered doing the dishes getting him this kind of reward. Not that he’d fight her on it. He moved her hair away from her face, roped it around his hand and watched the show. Passion sizzled between them, caressing his body with each stroke of her tongue.

“Jesus.” He groaned when she hollowed her cheeks and tightened the suction on him.

She hummed and danced her tongue over his slick flesh.  Arousal sparked down his spine. It gathered into a shooting tension that wound his muscles tight. She’d always known how to blow his mind with her mouth. And it appeared she hadn’t forgotten the tricks to make him come like a damn teenager, only this time he wasn’t doing things without her. He yanked on her hair to get her attention. She glanced up at him with passion-dazed eyes.

“Come here.”

Her eyes sparkled with lust and a bit of humor. Taking her sweet time, she slid him out of her mouth, and he hauled her forward by her shoulders. He tugged on the blue dress. The sound of material tearing filled the room along with her giggle.

“Sounds like somebody’s a little impatient.” She breathed into his chest.

She sat over him, straddling his thighs and caressing his stomach with her hands. He cupped her neck and brought her close to him. She squirmed on his lap, her damp panties rubbing over his cock.

They kissed while he removed her bra and filled his hands with her breasts. He squeezed her flesh, knowing just how much she liked it when he tweaked her nipples just so. She moaned, shoved her chest closer into his hands and ground her hips over his erection.

She tore away from him, her movements frenzied. She sat back, slid the panties off her body and straddled him again.


He bit his fingers into her waist and hauled her closer to him. Need raged through him, calling for him to take her, to slide into her body and lock himself in her sleek, wet heat.

She lifted to her knees, grasped his cock in her hand and placed him at her dripping entrance. An inferno of arousal fused their gazes together. She slid down, impaling her body with his shaft in one smooth glide.

moaned and let her body guide her. Her pussy felt on fire from her building need for Nick. The loud pounding of her breaths and heartbeat made it impossible for her to hear anything other than her own sharp intakes of air.

“I can’t wait any longer.” His voice had that rough quality that turned her on. It was how she knew he was close to losing control.

He gripped her hips and helped her lift and drop up and down his cock. Her nipples ached in need to be touched. She slapped her hands on his chest, digging her nails into his hot muscles, using him for leverage, and riding him.

He groaned, she whimpered and together they made magical music. Tension spiraled inside her, tightening to a chokehold until she could do nothing but feel her body stiffen. She shut her eyes and became one with the flames consuming her insides. He continued to lift and drop her.


She jerked her eyes open and glanced at his strained face. The vein at the side of his cheek quivered, his jaw was clenched and nostrils flared. Possession lit his eyes. She gasped. His movements turned faster, rougher. He slid a hand between her slick pussy lips and flicked on her pleasure center.

“Fall, sweetheart, I’ll catch you.”

He’d said the words. The ones he’d said the first time they’d ever made love. Goosebumps broke over her skin. Her body unraveled, letting go into the wave of pleasure cascading through her.

“Oh—” She screamed. She panted. She let go. Her existence narrowed down to the feelings of joy and love coursing through her heart. Her chest burned from lack of oxygen. Her body lapped at the pleasure from her orgasm.

Still shaking to the core with each aftershock, she watched him stare deep into her eyes and tense. He inhaled sharply and groaned. The tension in his body made his frame stiff as a board before slowly turning lax. His cock pulsed inside her still quivering channel, filling her with his essence. He continued to jerk, grinding his cock
far into her sex and grunting. He tugged her down, kissed her and held her while still deep inside her.

She dropped her head on his chest and grinned. There was no moving her. Her bones had liquefied, and she didn’t mind laying over his warm body forever. They both sounded like they’d run a marathon. Exhaustion pulled at her. Maybe she’d close her eyes for a minute. She’d started to drift when she felt Nick kiss her forehead.

“It’ll be different this time. I promise.” His words unlocked another door in her heart. Hope. She wanted to believe in them again. Wanted the future to be different. She’d try her best to help make it so.



A hard thumping at her
door pulled her from the laptop screen. She glanced at her watch. Shit, she forgot to eat again. No wonder she was starving. She grabbed a banana and headed for the front door. Nick’s mother stood there.


“Hello, Ariana. May I come in?” Grace asked, eyeing the inside of Ari’s small house with pursed lips.

“Oh, yes. Sorry. Hi, Grace.” She pulled the door open wide and allowed Grace to enter.  Ari watched her take some steps into the house and glance around, taking stock of everything. She was probably mentally criticizing Ari but she’d stopped caring what Grace thought about two seconds after she met her.

Grace visiting her house was the last thing Ari expected, but she should have known Nick’s mom wouldn’t let them start to work things out without shoving her nose into their business.

“I realize you weren’t expecting me, so I’ll make this a brief visit.” Grace turned to face her. Wearing an immaculate suit and heels, she appeared to be ready for a board meeting. Grace’s short hair parted at the side to a perfect bob curling under her chin.

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