Their Virgin Hostage, Masters of Ménage, Book 5 (6 page)

BOOK: Their Virgin Hostage, Masters of Ménage, Book 5
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Riley sat back, sighing a little. “Is that really the worst
crime you can think of?”

He could think of worse. Murder, for instance. But once
Jansen had the money his sister had earned modeling and entrée into her glitzy
New York social world, Jansen hadn’t needed her anymore. So he’d killed her.
Carrie had married the bastard because she thought she loved him.

“She’s going to spread her legs for money,” Dominic
reminded. “You know what we called that back home?”

Riley’s face flushed angrily. “Yeah, I’m sure you called
those women whores. Of course I called her mom. I think I’ll go sit with Law
for a while.”

Dominic’s stomach dropped.

“I wasn’t talking about your mother,” he said, trying to
come back from the precipice of a really nasty fight. God, he wasn’t thinking
these days.

Riley didn’t bother to turn around. “Yeah, you were. I just
think you should stop for five minutes and consider that the world isn’t always
fair. Some people get dealt a shitty hand.”

“You think I don’t know that?”

“Do you? The world isn’t black and white.” Riley gritted his
teeth. “Good people can sometimes do bad things for the right reasons. The fact
that I have to say that to you is ridiculous. We just kidnapped a woman, and
you’re planning on making her life a living hell until she gives you the
information you need. In light of that, ask yourself if whoring really seems
that bad. I’ll see you when we touch down.”

“Riley,” he called out, but the other man ignored him and
disappeared behind the cockpit door.

didn’t move, just laid
there trustingly in his arms.

He heard a little whimper and looked down at the floor.
Somehow Gigi had managed to work free of the endless yards of freaking fabric
that made up
skirt. And now the little thing
was looking up longingly at its mistress. It whined and turned those bug eyes
on him.

God, he was the wicked witch in this scenario. He was taking
out Dorothy and her little dog, too.

“All right, then. Come on.”

Dominic reached down and scooped up the little dog with one
hand. As soon as he set it in
lap, it curled
against its mistress and immediately went to sleep.

Which left him holding his beautiful hostage, who would
likely hate him come morning, and her dog thing. It really couldn’t get worse.

He would make it up to Riley and Law. He had zero intentions
of really hurting the girl in a long-term way. But in the short term, she would
likely be…uncomfortable. At least she would be alive.

He wasn’t the fucking bad guy here.

“So warm.” She rubbed her head against his neck and her hand
petted the dog.

He had a sudden vision of that soft hand stroking his cock.
That quickly, he was the uncomfortable one.

Dominic closed his eyes and tried to not think about how
close his rigid dick was to her silken pussy and her lush ass. He could
withhold her orgasm until she told him exactly what he needed to know. God,
that would be a sweet bit of torture.

And then he would walk away and never think about her again.

Yeah, he was a real fucking good guy.

So he wouldn’t touch the girl sexually. Good thing he had
other methods to break her down.

He was just about to doze off when the dog started snoring.

It was going to be a long flight.

Chapter Four

Law looked through the windows in the great room, over the
lawn—not that the wilderness around the compound could be called that. The
River Run, Alaska, facility sat in the middle of endless miles of pristine
beauty toward the southeastern end of the state. There was a small town a few
miles away, but everyone who lived there was on the James’s payroll. They
wouldn’t be calling the cops. He doubted anyone even knew they were here with
the exception of the man who tended the grounds and had been dog sitting Butch
while they’d been in New York. An hour before they’d arrived, they’d called to
let the man know they’d care for Butch from here on out. No sense in putting
Gavin’s employee in the sticky position of being an accessory to a crime.

Morning in Alaska this time of year came mighty early, but
it was something to see. Fog around the mountains and brilliant colors lighting
the sky.

Right now,
probably didn’t
really give a damn about the view.

Down the hall, the banging on the door began again. She’d
been awake for half an hour, but he didn’t think she had complied with his very
reasonable request.

“Have you changed your clothes yet?” he called, striding to
her door.

“Go to hell. I’m not getting naked with you around,
voice got higher with each
syllable and carried quite well. The doorknob jiggled before the banging began
again. “Let me out of here!”

He leaned against the wall with a sigh. She’d been screaming
since the minute she’d awakened. With the exception of a few delirious
interruptions, she’d slept for almost fourteen full hours. He’d gotten worried
about her and had started looking up the names of doctors in the area, but once
she’d opened those pretty brown eyes, she’d started fighting. He’d left, hoping
that she would comply. And calm down. No such luck.

“Baby, you can’t run around in that wedding dress. Isn’t it
uncomfortable? And you can’t eat in it. You’ve got to be hungry, so why don’t
you take a nice long shower and change into the jeans and shirt I left for you.
Then you can eat some breakfast. I’ll fix it for you.”

He’d start out civilized, try not to scare her too much.

“I’m not doing anything you say! I’ll fight to the end.

“I know you’re scared, but we’re not trying to hurt you.” He
closed his eyes briefly. “Think about it for just a second. I’m trying to give
you a little privacy so you can change and be more comfortable. If I was a violent
rapist, would I give you clothes? If I was a crazed killer, wouldn’t I have at
least tied you up or something?”

That last phrase flashed lightning to his cock. When he tied
her up, he wanted it to be totally consensual, with their mutual pleasure in mind.

God, he had to stop thinking that way.

“Maybe you’re trying to lull me into a false sense of
security before you kill me because you like to play with your victims’ minds,”
she shot back.

The only thing he wanted to play with was her boobs. Hell,
that wasn’t the total truth. He wanted to play with her mouth, pussy, and ass,
too. He could even think of some fun things to do with her feet. “I promise,
I’m not trying to mind fuck you.”

That was Dominic’s job.

Riley joined him in the hall, a single eyebrow arched
quizzically. “No luck getting Sleeping Beauty to give up the white gown?”

Since she’d awakened, only Law had dealt with her. He hoped
maybe his brother could sway her with some smoother logic.

“Who is that? How many of you are there?”
whispered the question through the door as though
she was terrified of the answer.

“It’s just me and my brother right now, baby. Neither one of
us is going to hurt you. We’re here to help you.”

Maybe it was time to let her out. She was scared. If he let
her have her way this once, she might see that they could be reasonable.
Hopefully, they could start building some trust so she wouldn’t be terrified
out of her mind.

Trying to play Prince
You kidnapped her, dumbass. She’s not going to buy that.
Sometimes the voice in his head was annoyingly honest.

Dragging in a deep breath, he shoved the key in the lock and
opened the door. He spilled into the bedroom as though she’d yanked it open.
When she tried to run out and slam the door behind her, Riley kicked it open
and blocked her path, catching her between the two of them.

stopped dead in her tracks,
letting loose a breathy gasp. Law wasn’t surprised that she was star struck by
his younger brother’s Hollywood good looks. It was a typical female reaction,
but it hit Law squarely in the chest. Women preferred his brother, and he’d
never cared much until now.

As Law leaned around her for a peek, he saw her simply stare
at Riley. His gut clenched.

His brother frowned down at her. “Are you going to bite me

She gasped a little and scrambled back—into his arms. She
turned on Law. “You two! I remember. You came into my suite and pretended to
deliver food. You drugged me.”

stared at him as well. She
probably only saw a monster who’d kidnapped her from her wedding—a
rough-and-tumble ex-soldier who was better at killing than talking. Still, he
had to try to reach her. “It’s okay. Deep breath. No one is going to harm you

His reassurances didn’t make her look any less terrified.
“M-my fiancé is wealthy. He’ll pay you a big ransom for my return. Anything you

Jansen probably would, but Law didn’t give a shit. “We’re
not interested in money. Are you hungry? Do you want breakfast?”

She shook her head, her face paling beneath her smudged
makeup. Her hair was a complete mess and every inch of her dress looked
wrinkled and worn. And he both felt bad for
and found her adorable.

“So you can poison me after you drugged me? I’ll pass. If
you let me go right now, I won’t call the police. How late is it? I need to get
back to the hotel. I need to get married today,” she said with a grim look of
determination. There was no desperate pleading for her love, just a simple
statement of duty.

In his gut, Law knew he was right about her. It made him
very patient.

“It’s Sunday now, baby. You were supposed to get married
Saturday afternoon, so it’s all right for you to take a shower, change your
clothes, and eat some breakfast. I’ll make some eggs and toast.” It was all he
could cook.

Her hands shook a little. She put one to her head as though
trying to clear it. “It’s Sunday? How long was I out? Why did you bring me
here? What do you want?”

Law wanted to reach out a hand to steady her so badly, but
knew the tactic would be counterproductive just now. “We’ll explain everything
once you’re dressed and fed.”

“No! I have to get out of here now. I have to find Greg. How
am I going to explain this to him?”

Riley’s eyes narrowed, and Law knew whatever came out of his
mouth was going to be nasty. He was obviously taking on the bad-cop role.
Because he’d been listening to Dominic again. Because he wanted her and he
didn’t know how to not imagine that she wasn’t Simone all over again. Riley
hated being confused. It brought out his worst. Law sighed.

“You miss your sugar daddy?” Riley glared.

whirled back to his brother
and her voice shook. “He’s my fiancé.”

It was obvious to Law that she hadn’t enjoyed the

Unfortunately, it wasn’t obvious to Riley. “Really? You had
a very quick engagement. You went out with him for a month and decided you were
in love?”

Her eyes slid to the floor. “It’s none of your business. I’m
not talking until you tell me why I’m here. If you don’t want money…”

“You see, I think you don’t love Jansen any more than he
loves you. I think he bought you.”

“That’s utterly ridiculous,” she shot back. “I don’t have to
listen to this. Move out of my way. I’m leaving.”

“No, you’re not.” Riley didn’t budge, just crossed his arms
over his chest and blocked the narrow hallway. Then he invaded her space,
backing her up into Law. “I think Jansen wanted your social connections. They
would be very helpful to a man like him.”

“A man like him?”

Riley sent her an ugly laugh. “Like you don’t know
everything about Jansen. I have no doubt that you know exactly what he does for
a living and you just don’t care.”

“He’s an importer,” she replied hesitantly, nervously,
trying to stand her ground. “He imports merchandise, then he sells it. He also
helps foreign companies make connections in the States.”

sounded like she was
repeating something she’d forced herself to memorize.

“Baby, no.” Law kept his voice low because he was pretty
sure she was going to be hurt by the fact that Jansen had been lying to her.
“He’s a criminal.”

“You’re wrong. I’ve been to his offices. His business is
legitimate. Your accusations are preposterous, and I’m not talking to you. Stop
calling me baby.”

Riley pressed his advantage, towering over her, backing her
up again until her ass rubbed his cock. “His business is a front. He’s in bed
with more than one mafia group. He’s making a name for himself in the cleaning

Law gripped her hips to keep her from backing into his
granite-stiff erection. “It’s true,
… My brother
isn’t lying.”

“Greg doesn’t own Laundromats,” she argued.

Riley’s eyes rolled. “Going to play the dumb blonde, huh? He
launders money, cupcake. But I suspect you knew that. How many people died so
you could have that ridiculously expensive luggage or wear that overdone bling
all over the ass of your jeans? You think you’re just selling him your social
connections and that pretty, tight pussy of yours, but he’s Satan and you sold
him your soul.”

A loud smack cracked the air around them as
slapped Riley’s cheek. She didn’t back down an inch
now. She tilted her head up and glared at him. “Don’t talk to me that way! I
might be here against my will, but I won’t have it. I’m still a lady.”

Riley stepped back. “Sure you are, cupcake. The sort who
sells herself to gangsters.”

Law sighed. His brother was fucking this up. “Enough, bro.
Let her shower and eat and take a fucking breath.”

ignored him. “I don’t know
what your game is or what you want, but I don’t deserve this. If you’re some
enemy of Greg’s, then take up your problems with him. Why involve me, especially
by taking me from my wedding?”

Tears streaked down her face, ruining what was left of her
makeup, and Law couldn’t stand it a second longer. “
we’re not going to hurt you. I promise. We really are here to help you. You
don’t know Jansen or what’s going on behind the scenes. If you’ll calm down,
I’ll explain it to you.”

“Go to he—”

“Did you realize that your fiancé took out a life insurance
policy on you two weeks ago?” Riley butted in.

Her eyes widened. That got her attention… Then her body slumped,
shoulders curling in as though she was protecting herself from a blow. “No.”

“He did,” Riley confirmed. “I have copies of the policy,
. In the event of your death, he’s the sole

She took a deep breath and seemed to rally. “So? Married
people take out policies on one another. They protect their future, just in
case. I’m sure he took one out on himself, too. He probably meant to tell me,
but life has been so chaotic. All we’ve been able to talk about lately is the
wedding. After the ceremony, he would have told me.”

“No, he wouldn’t. And he didn’t buy a policy that would
protect you in the event of his death. He only made sure that he’d pocket money
if you died.” Law hated stripping away her illusions. She might not love Greg
Jansen, but she’d certainly thought well enough of him to marry him and trust
her future with him. His guess?
felt guilty
for not loving her fiancé.

“That doesn’t prove anything. I’m sure after our honeymoon,
he would have talked to me about taking out a policy on him. You’re acting like
insurance is a crime. I’m sure he just…wanted to feel secure.”

“And he needed a ten-million-dollar policy to do it?”

“What?” She half gasped, half choked the question. “Ten
million dollars? Why would he need that much money if I died? He’s already

Now she was finally listening. “That’s a good question, one
we’ve been asking since we discovered the policy.” Law nudged Riley out of the
way and led her to the great room. “I know this is a lot to think about. Sit
down and I’ll get you some coffee, baby.”

She put a hand up to stop him. “No. I’m not going to sit
down and have a civilized conversation with the men who drugged me and took me
to…god knows where. Just because Greg did something that doesn’t make sense to
you, you’re casting him in the worst possible light. There must be some
reasonable explanation. If I asked him to explain it, I have little doubt it
would be perfectly logical. Why are you even telling me this? You’re criminals,
men who kidnap innocent women. And I told you to stop calling me baby.”

Riley was right back to his interrogation. “Use your head,
. We know why you’re marrying Jansen, and it has
absolutely nothing to do with love.”

“How would you know that?”

Riley shrugged a little as though he didn’t really give a
shit. “It’s the way women like you work.”

Her perfectly plucked brows rose. “Women like me? What do
you mean by that?”

“Beautiful women.”

“You think I’m beautiful?” She frowned, then shook off the
question. “Never mind. It doesn’t matter.”

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