Theodore Roosevelt (15 page)

Read Theodore Roosevelt Online

Authors: Louis Auchincloss

Tags: #History, #Biography

BOOK: Theodore Roosevelt
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Selected Bibliography

I have listed only the works of particular value to this study.

Adams, James Truslow.
The Epic of America.
Boston: Little, Brown, 1931.

Beale, Howard K.
Theodore Roosevelt and His Rise to World Power.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1956.

Blum, John Morton.
The Republican Roosevelt.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1977.

Brands, H. W.
TR, The Last Romantic.
New York: Basic Books, 1997.

Busch, Noel F.
The Story of Theodore Roosevelt and His Influence on Our Times.
New York: Reynal & Co., 1963.

Cooper, John Milton Jr.
The Warrior and the Priest.
Cambridge: Belknap Press/Harvard University, 1983.

Einstein, Lewis.
Roosevelt, His Mind in Action.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1930.

Graham, Frank Jr.
Man's Dominion: The Story of Conservation in America.
New York: M. Evans & Co., 1972.

Harbaugh, William Henry.
Power and Responsibility: The Life and Times of Theodore Roosevelt.
New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1961.

Jessup, Philip.
Elihu Root.
New York: Dodd Mead & Co., 1938.

McCullough, David.
Mornings on Horseback.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1982.

Miller, Nathan.
Theodore Roosevelt.
New York: William Morrow, 1992.

Morris, Edmund.
The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt.
New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1979.

Pearson, Edmund Lester.
Theodore Roosevelt.
New York: Macmillan, 1920.

Pinchot, Gifford.
Breaking New Ground.
New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1947.

Pringle, Henry F.
The Life and Times of William Howard Taft.
New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1939.

Theodore Roosevelt.
New York: Blue Ribbon Books, 1931.

Renehan, Edward J. Jr.
The Lion's Pride.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.

Roosevelt, Theodore.
An Autobiography.
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1920.

The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt.
Edited by Elting Morison. Vols. 1-6. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1951.

The Winning of the West.
New York: Current Literature Publishing Co., 1906.

Roosevelt, Theodore, and Henry Cabot Lodge.
Selections from the Correspondence.
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1925.

Thayer, William Roscoe.
Theodore Roosevelt: An Intimate Biography.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1919.

Wagenknecht, Edward.
The Seven Worlds of Theodore Roosevelt.
New York: Longmans Green, 1958.


The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

In this index, TR stands for Theodore Roosevelt.


Adams, Henry

Africa, safari to


Alaskan-Canadian border dispute

Albert, King

Aldrich, Nelson

Alexandra, Queen

Algeciras conference

Alger, Russell

“Alone in Cuba” (Dunne)

Alverston, Lord

Amador, President

America, ideal

American Asiatic Squadron

American Commonwealth, The

American Indians

American Museum of Natural History

antitrust suits

Archbold, John

Arthur, Chester A.

Associated Press

Astor, Mrs.

Bacon, Robert


Baer, George F.

Ballinger, Richard

banks, run on




Bismarck, Prince Otto von



Blaine, James G.

Bliss, Cornelius

Blum, John Morton


Brandeis, Louis



French Convention with

World War I

British Columbia

Brown, Henry

Brownsville, Texas

Bryan, William Jennings

Bryce, James

Buchanan, James

Bulloch, James

Bull Moose

Bull Moose campaign

Bulloch, Irvine

bully pulpit

Bunau Varilla, Philippe

Bush, George W.


campaign contributions

and government

Taft and

TR's attitude toward

Wilson and

Butler, Nicholas Murray

Butt, Archie


campaign contributions


Canal Zone

Cannon, Joseph G. (“Uncle Joe”)

capital punishment


Carnegie, Andrew

Carnegie Steel Company

cavalry, volunteer

caveat emptor

Chanler, Mrs. Winthrop

child labor

Choate, Joseph H.

civil service

Civil Service Commission

Civil War

failure of TR's father to serve in

Cleveland, Grover

coal mines strike


Columbia Law

combinations, controlling



and Panama Canal

TR message to

conservation policies


constitutional law

Cooper, John Milton, Jr.


limiting power of

political contributions from

TR favored

Cowles, W. Sheffield



and presidency

Cromwell, William Nelson


Rough Riders in

culture, contemporary

at odds with TR's views

currency reform (proposed)

Czolgosz, Leon

Davis, Richard Harding

debtor states, defaulting

democracy, politics in


Department of Agriculture

Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Corporations

Department of the Interior

General Land Office

depression (the)

Dewey, George

Dickens, Charles


disadvantaged (the)

government and


Disraeli, Benjamin

District of Columbia

liability law (proposed)

Division of Forestry

Dolliver, J. A.

Dunne, Finley Peter

Edmunds, George

Edward VII


eight-hour day

Eliot, Charles W.

Elk Horn (ranch)

Elkins Law

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Employers' Liability and Safety Appliance Laws


European tour, triumph of

executive action, constitutional authority for

executive branch

Fairbanks, Charles W.

fear, conquering

federal power, limits of

Ferguson, Robert

Ferris, Joe


First United States Cavalry

Fish, Mrs. Stuyvesant


Founding Fathers, intentions of

Fourteenth Amendment


and Morocco

French Convention

Frick, Henry Clay

George, Henry

George V


imperial power

and Morocco

World War I

Gibbon, Edward

good of the nation

Gould, George J.

Gould, Jay

government regulation of business

government relation to business

Grant, Robert

Grant, U. S.

“great white fleet,”

Groton School


Hague treaties

Hamilton, Alexander

Hanna, Mark

Harriman, E. H.

Harrison, Benjamin


hate crimes


Hay, John

Hay-Pauncefort Treaty

Haymarket Square bombing (Chicago)

Hepburn Bill

Hewitt, Abram

Hill, James J.


TR's knowledge of

History of the Standard Oil Company

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.

Homestead riots


Hoover, Herbert

Hopkins, Harry

House, Colonel

Hughes, Charles Evans


in Africa

idealists, antiwar

imperial presidency


income tax


Influence of Sea Power upon History, The

Initiative, Referendum, and Recall


Inland Waterways Commission

insurance companies, supervision of (proposed)

Interstate Commerce Act

Interstate Commerce Commission

irrigation projects

Isthmus of Panama

Jackson, Andrew

James, Henry


emigrants in California

menace from

war with Russia

Jefferson, Thomas

Jessup, Philip

Jews, persecution of

Joseph, Charles


Jungle, The

Jungle Book

Jusserand, J. J.

Kaiser (the)

Kaiserin Augusta Victoria

Kennedy, John F.

Kipling, Rudyard

Knickerbocker Trust Company

Knox, Philander



TR's attitude toward

labor disturbances

La Follette, Robert M.


Las Guasimas

leadership, heroic



TR turn to

legislative achievements

legislative branch

Lehr, Harry


Lincoln, Abraham

funeral procession

image and performance of

liquor sales on Sabbath

Lodge, Henry Cabot

TR correspondence with

TR friendship with

and TR's career

Lodge, Mrs. (Nanny)

Lodges (the)

Long, John

Longworth, Alice Roosevelt

Longworth, Nicholas

Low, Seth

lumber interests

McAllister, Ward

Macaulay, Thomas

McKinley, William

Mahan, Alfred Thayer


Maistre, Joseph de


Manhattan Elevated Railway Company

Manila Bay

manly virtues, TR on

Marshall, Edward

meatpacking industry

Medal of Honor

Meyer, George

military preparedness

military programs (TR)

Miller, Nathan

Mitchell, John


Monroe Doctrine

Moore and Schley

moral stance (TR)

Morgan, J. P.


Morris, Edmund

Morton Hall



national forests

National Guard

National History Museum

National Monuments Act

naturalist, TR as

navy (U.S.)


disenfranchising of

Nevins, Allan

New Deal

New Granada

New York City

Board of Police Commissioners


TR police commissioner of

New York Forest Commission

New York State


New York State Assembly

Newlands, Francis

Nobel Peace Prize



North (U.S.)

Northern Pacific Railway

Northern Securities case

Odell, Benjamin

outdoor life, TR's passion for

Oyster Bay

Panama, Republic of

Panama Canal

Panic of 1907

Parker, Alton B.

Parkman, Francis

Payne, Sereno W.

Payne-Aldrich Tariff Bill

Peabody, Endicott

Pelican's Island

people (the), presidents and

Philadelphia Ledger

Philip II, king of Spain


governor-generalship of

Phillips, Wendell

Pinchot, Gifford

Pius X

Platt, Thomas


in democracy


see also
Roosevelt, Theodore, political career

Pollock, Sir Frederick

Porcellian Club

Port Arthur

Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Prescott, William H.

presidency, American

presidential nomination

presidents, great


public domain

Puerto Rico

Pulitzer, Joseph

Pullman strike

Pure Food and Drug Act

pure food and drug law (proposed)

Pure Food and Meat Inspection Laws

race relations

radicalism (TR)


Reagan, Ronald

recall, issue of

Reclamation Act of 1902

Reid, Whitelaw

Renehan, Edward J., Jr.

representative government

Republican convention(s)

Republican Party

business support of

liberal wing of

New York State

presidential nomination

progressives in


split in

TR in/and

restraint of trade

River Doubt

Robinson, Douglas

Robinson, Edwin Arlington

Roosevelt, Alice Lee

death of

Roosevelt, Anna (Bamie)

Roosevelt, Archibald (“Archie”)

military service

Roosevelt, Cornelius Van Schaack

Roosevelt, Corinne

Roosevelt, Edith Carow

European tour

as first lady

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Elliott

Roosevelt, Ethel

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