Theresa Caputo: The Medium Who Talks to the Dead

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Theresa Caputo: 

The Medium
Who Talks to the Dead











Rita Mary Campbell







Table of Contents

Who is Theresa Caputo?

Discovering Her Gift

Figuring Out What It Is

Theresa Accepts Her Gift

Theresa Using Her Gift

Theresa Caputo Interview

Dr. Oz Segment


Acquaintance of Caputo Says – “It’s a Hoax”
















Who is Theresa Caputo?

Theresa Caputo was born and raised on Long Island
in Hicksville, NY. She is married to her husband Larry and has two children, Larry and Victoria. Theresa has been a practicing medium for over 10 years and is a certified medium with the Forever-Family Foundation – an organization dedicated to connecting science with the afterlife.


Theresa describes the process of receiving information as “feeling” spirits. She sees shadows and hears voices, but the overwhelming process is the sensory feeling and presence of those wishing to get messages across.

Those who have witnessed her readings will attest to her “rapid fire” style and the abundance of significant evidence and messages. In seven short years of practicing
mediumship professionally, Theresa has earned an extensive following in the New York area. With a two year waiting list, Theresa’s clients are holding on to every glimpse of hope for a cancellation just so she can read them sooner.

It doesn’t matter where she is or who she is with, Theresa Caputo is likely to be helping someone through her
psychic ability. She is so undeniably good at her craft that skeptics become believers and believers are in total disbelief.

Long Island Medium
is an American reality television series that follows real-life psychic medium
Theresa Caputo as she takes clients on an emotional and spiritual journey with the afterlife. As a psychic medium, Theresa has an ability that most people can’t comprehend.

She spends her days helping individuals find closure and connects people to their loved ones who have passed in order to validate that they are still with them. For Th
eresa, this is not just her job - this is her life, as she tries to balance the past with the present on a daily basis.

resa has a dynamic personality.  Everyone who meets her absolutely loves her.

Theresa makes some uncanny connections that seem impossible if she wasn’t getting some sort of external information. Furthermore she has a charming and loving personality and seems to
really care about the people she’s talking to. At the very least, she’s an emotionally insightful person who deeply cares.

Still, there are some who don’t believe Caputo has any psychic abilities and she is a fake. 
As someone wrote on a blog recently of which the subject was Theresa Caputo, “She has a lot of fans because there are people who want to buy what she's selling even if it isn't real. Losing someone is hard and it's appealing to hear that you can still communicate with your dead relatives. Just like people wanted to believe Bernie Madoff because a sure thing investment that has incredible returns is something everyone would love to have. However it just isn't real.”

There’s also something called “The
Forer effect” which relies on the individuals to be so eager to believe that they fill in essential information. The medium may say something like “Your father passed on due to problems in his chest or abdomen,” and then the person says “Oh yes, he had a heart attack,” or “My stepfather passed from colon cancer.”

So is she the real deal or not?  You’ll have to decide for yourself.



Discovering Her Gift

Image seeing “people” standing at the foot of your bed at just four years old! What do you think your reaction would’ve been to realizing that you can see spirits? Many clairvoyants begin to discover their gifts at a very young age. In fact, many people who have this gift have been able to communicate or at least sense spirits for as long as they can remember.


Many people believe that young children and animals have a much stronger sense of spirits around them than adults do. It is possible that most everybody has some form of this gift, but
many people reject it as it begins to develop, and thus never develop it to the full potential or at all.


For Theresa Caputo, “The Long Island Medium,” her story is very similar to this, but with a much different ending. Theresa remembers being able to communicate with the spirit world from about the age of four years. As she recollected on a recent talk show, she was not initially frightened because it was normal for her. However, as she realized that others could not do this and that it was not “normal,” she began fearing this ability and tried to stop it from happening. This ended up causing her a great amount of anxiety as a child, which her mother attempted to help her deal with.


Figuring Out What It Is

As with most people who discover that they are clairvoyant, when Theresa realized she was seeing people and things that nobody else saw, this frightened her and her mother. Her mother took her to see countless doctors and specialists in an attempt to discover what was going on. Many professionals were unsure about what she was seeing or sensing, and the standard “imaginary friend” or “she will grow out of it” was common for the doctors to say.

Finally, Theresa’s mother took her daughter to see a healer and spiritual counselor who happened to have the gift of clairvoyance. This person was able to mentor Theresa, dispel her fears and help her develop her gift and talents as a medium.


In Theresa’s case, she had been able to communicate with spirits since childhood, however; it was not until about ten years ago that she decided to completely develop her gift and work as a medium.


Theresa has expressed that she receives messages in many different ways. In most cases, Theresa is a mental medium. She usually gets messages through clairvoyance, clairempathy, clairaudience, and clairsentience. She says that it is hard to describe how the spirits communicate with mediums, and unless you have experienced it on some level it is hard to understand or comprehend.

Theresa has commented that spirits tend to line up to communicate with her and pass messages onto loved ones. On a recent talk show, she had told the host about a couple messages she was getting about audience members while they were backstage. She was then able to go on stage and relay those specific messages to the correct people based on what the spirits shared with her. These techniques and gifts can take a while to perfect, but with practice mediums get very good at differentiating what they are being told and who it is meant for.


Theresa and Larry

Theresa Accepts Her Gift

It was only after her decision to stop denying the spirits communication through her that she came to slowly accept being a medium as a huge part of
who she is and learn to love what she is able to do by comforting people.

Once Theresa Caputo acknowledged her gift and decided to use it to help others, it continued to develop and grow rapidly.

There is an episode where she is reading for a group of guests at a house party and she asks a woman if her deceased son had a tattoo of his daughter's baby feet on his forearm.  Not only can you tell the woman is completely shocked, but she looks like she is going to faint because she says NO ONE could have known that.

The messages Theresa delivers to guests on the show are spot-on and detailed.
 The show films interviews with people after they have received readings with Theresa wherein people claim that they were extremely skeptical about mediums before having received a message.

You can clearly see by their elated and tearful reactions that they are comforted and feel more at peace with the loss they have experienced.

Some people, like Theresa Caputo, have the gift of using their intuitive mental abilities while awake or conscience to communicate with the spirit realm. This has been described by many mental mediums as opening up to a higher level of energy that seems to occur on a different plane of existence.



It took Theresa five years going back and forth to spiritual healers to realize that she could in fact talk to the dead.  She says she had to learn and control what it was that the spirits were trying to show her.  She can never shut it off, but she can choose to ignore the spirits trying to come through h
er.“They’re always there, ready to communicate.”

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