Thin Ice 4 - Resurrections (36 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 4 - Resurrections
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Yeah, better than his green ass was a year ago,” Creeper joked.

Now he just needs that baptism by fire,” Pirate spoke again as Creeper smiled slightly.

That’s coming sooner than he thinks,” he told Pirate handing him a photo and relaying Ian’s instructions.

Damn, you ain’t never lied,” Pirate returned looking at the photo of Ian and Jalen’s mother, glad it wasn’t him on the receiving end of the orders.


Mook sighed deeply as Kim walked into the room.

So when you gonna tell me what the hell is up with you,” he asked tightly.  

Mook wanted another child, but Kim was absolutely adamant about not having one.
Her stubborn ass,
he mused irritably as Kim grabbed a bag of chips and sat down across the room from them.

Oh so you still not talking huh,” he asked again, growing angrier.

What do you want me to say Mook,” Kim finally returned, taking a break from her chips.

I want you to say you’ll have my baby, but you too busy telling me how much you don’t want too,” he spat, his temper flaring.

Kim sighed deeply. She was tired of the argument, but he just didn’t seem to want to let it go.

Why do we have to have another baby Mook, we have KiSean,” she threw out.

Because I’ve always wanted at least 2 or 3 kids, you knew that,” Mook returned quickly, his tone unchanged.

Kim sighed deeply again. She liked their life the way it was right now and she tried to explain that too him. Mook, however, wasn’t hearing her.

You have given me every jacked up excuse in the book,” Mook began again. “So lets just try the truth now, how about that,” he threw out, his eyes boring into her own.

What are you talking about,” Kim asked, genuinely at a loss.

You probably didn’t want KiSean either did you,” Mook said acidly. “He was an accident and you didn’t want to abort is that it,” he continued as Kim gave him and incredulous look. “You telling me you don’t want our lives to change, but hell they didn’t change with him. I hired a nanny and you didn’t hafta do shit, just like you wouldn’t with this baby, but you still don’t want to have one,” Mook told her, not allowing Kim a word edgewise. “So that lets me know it’s not the baby you don’t want,” he told her as Kim’s mind finally registered what Mook was saying.

That’s not true Mook, why you gotta go there,” she asked hurt from the inference.

He shrugged slightly and rose from the chair, grabbing the glass of José and walking into the bedroom, leaving her alone. The tears cascaded down her face recalling his words and the anger and hurt present when he’d poured out his feelings.
I love that man with my whole heart,
Kim thought to herself as her mind told her to open her mouth and tell him that.

Rising she made her way to the bedroom where Mook was sitting on the side of the bed sipping his drink, eyes glued to the TV, but not watching.

Baby,” Kim tried softly.

He didn’t move or acknowledge her presence. Sighing deeply she tried again.

Mook, baby, please listen to me,” Kim tried again as he finally turned to her and she saw the tears in his eyes.

She’d hurt him deeply and she felt lower than dirt at the moment.

I love you Mook, with my whole heart, and I never meant to hurt you,” Kim told him honestly. “I know you want another child,” she went on as he quietly regarded her. “I’m just scared, scared as hell,” Kim admitted finally, her own tears overflowing. “This last year made it so real to me how easily and quickly I could lose you, KiSean and our entire life together,” she told him as Mook continued to watch her. “KiSean was a surprise yes, but not a mistake, never that,” Kim told him adamantly.

She opened her mouth to speak again, when Mook leaned over and kissed her deeply, silencing her. He proceeded to undress her, gently laying her down and caressing her body, kissing her from head to toe. Kim sighed softly as his tongue found her clit and brought her quickly to the first orgasm. Kim groaned deeply as Mook’s erection slid deeply inside her saturated opening and they began making passionate love to each other.
Guess you should call your doctor about having the IUD removed hmm,
her mind threw out as Kim smiled to herself and returned her focus to the mindblowing orgasm that was swiftly descending on her.


Tariq was checking his books and smiling at the results. Remaining in Gary with Ramell and Jacoury had been a great decision. He’d managed to lure his cousin out of retirement and back into the game. They owned several clubs and hidden gambling houses. They supplied large scale to the local drug lords who needed supply and they had several high ranking police and political officials on their payroll. Life was good and he’d never looked back once he made up his mind. His family was great.
Everybody having kids,
he chuckled thinking of Tae and Shells, Jaron and Gabrielle, who after months had finally managed to conceive. There had been medical issues and for a while the young woman had been completely despondent over her assumed inability to have children. They’d gotten the news almost a month ago that she was indeed pregnant and they were excitedly looking forward to the new addition. Tweety and Jacoury were doing really good and enjoying their son too, Tariq thought, feeling no animosity anymore toward the woman. He’d let go of the past and whatever had happened in it. Tariq knew she had to be suffering everyday thinking of her children and her mother, none of whom she would ever see again.

Riq are you going out tonight,” Kaitlyn asked, coming into the room where he was.

Yeah,” he replied turning toward her. “But if you’re not feeling well I can have Mook handle everything,” he told her giving her a look.

Kaitlyn chuckled and told him she was fine.

Are you sure,” Tariq asked worriedly.

Riq, I’m fine, really,” Kaitlyn replied. “We have done this before you know,” she teased of her current condition.

You weren’t double pregnant then,” he threw back making her burst into laughter.

Kaitlyn was carrying twins this time and they couldn’t have been happier. The doctor confirmed they were both girls and Tariq felt that God had given them back the daughter they lost and blessed them in abundance with a new one.

I’m fine, seriously,” Kaitlyn told him easing herself into the overstuffed rocking recliner they had in the den.

She was due in another month.

Ok, well that’s cool, but I don’t want you doing anything strenuous, and call me if you start to feel bad, or start contracting,” Tariq told her grabbing his keys and standing right in front of her.

I promise,” she told him sincerely as he leaned down and kissed her gently.


Leaving finally he thought about their life together and how happy he was. He frowned deeply thinking of Ian and the fact that the man was still alive.
Relax, he doesn’t know where you are now,
his mind tried as Tariq continued to brood. He didn’t think Ian would give up, not ever. The man was obsessed with Kaitlyn, not to mention twisted and insane.

Shit, I wanted to kill his ass,” he mumbled arriving at the warehouse where Ramell and Jacoury were going to be waiting.

He knew about their plans, asking if they wanted help. They told him the score was personal and Tariq left it alone. He thought again of Ian, making plans to put some spies in place in the Bayou.
I need to know just what exactly this crazy sonofabitch is up too until I can finally put the plan in place to stop his heartbeat forever,
Tariq thought as his cell rang and brought him back to the now.

Wassup Mell,” he greeted his cousin.

I got her,” he threw out laughing hard.

What did you do now, Mell,” he threw back beginning to chuckle as well.

Sam is pregnant, I’m gonna get my princess finally,” he told Tariq, repeating what she said about getting even with him for knocking her up.

Tariq burst into laughter telling his cousin he would see him soon. Still smiling Tariq again thought of Ian, and how bringing his life to an end would give him complete peace of mind. He also thought of the two interesting Puerto Ricans he’d met on a business trip to Chicago some years ago.
Wonder if they’re still ruling the streets,
he mused of Boss and Mo.
Those two would definitely give Ray Lockhart’s ass a run for his money,
Tariq thought once more, scrolling through his phone and locating a number. Dialing he waited on it to connect so he could get the ball rolling.


Kaitlyn sighed softly as she rubbed her stomach. The babies were more active these days and she was anxiously awaiting their birth.
Please let this come out right,
she thought of her concerns. Her doctor had made a completely innocent remark at a previous appointment she’d had without Tariq.
“One of them is a bit bigger than the other,
he’d said in passing, going on to assure Kaitlyn it wasn’t an unusual occurrence. For some reason though, the statement stuck with her and she began to question him further. She began to scour the internet looking for information about the thing she suspected. The babies would be here in another three or four weeks and her nerves were beginning to get the best of her.

Kaitlyn sighed deeply looking at the 3-D ultrasound they’d had done. You could see the babies very well, almost like a picture. They looked very much like her, favoring greatly evening though they were fraternal. They’d decided on names already; Tejdra and Tajdra. Her eyes traced their faces, bringing a smile to her lips.
They’re so cute,
she thought eyes continuing to scan the image, taking in their plump little bodies. The smile faded once her eyes found the butterfly shaped mark on Tajdra’s inner thigh. It was only visible because of the angle she was laying when they did the ultrasound.
her mind said simply as Kaitlyn continued to look at the mark and the tears began to blur her vision. Superfecundation was the medical term, she found out during her research, but for Kaitlyn it was simply devastation. Tariq was so excited about his girls, and she vowed he would stay that way. Only she would ever know the significance of the unusual birthmark; that it was Ian’s seed and not Tariq’s that had fathered Tajdra. It was a secret Kaitlyn vowed she would take to her grave.


Iris was careful not to wake him as she rose and headed to the bathroom to shower. She’d been seeing Ian for the last six months and while he provided well and was an exquisite lover, he scared the hell out of her with his crazy mood swings. Last night he’d beat her within an inch of unconsciousness before stopping and commanding her to give him head.
What have I gotten myself into,
she thought as the hot water cascaded down her body. When they first met, she knew who he was and what he did, but the sexy body and handsome face allured her in. They’d made love the first night they met with Ian telling her he wanted her in his life.
If I knew then,
she thought hearing him stir and swallowing hard. “Please,” she pleaded softly, audible only to herself, as he entered the bathroom and began using the toilet.

I have business today,” he told her plainly. “I’ll call you later tonight,” he added dismissing her as he flushed and left her alone.

Sighing deeply and thanking the stars he hadn’t hit her again, Iris quickly finished her shower and walked back into the room to dress.

Mmm, you look sexy,” Ian told her, looking her nude body over. Iris forced a smile, not wanting to make him angry again. “Why don’t you come relieve me before you go,” he told her, his erection evident.

Iris wasted no time coming to the bed and going to her knees as she took him in her mouth.

Nice,” Ian murmured loving the warmth of her mouth on his hardness.

In his mind he saw Kaitlyn, felt her warm body as he made love to her the last time they were together. He couldn’t help it. Even though she’d chosen Tariq over him, Ian still loved her completely. He’d tried to make himself hate her, to make himself want to hurt her, but he couldn’t. His heart wanted what it wanted.

Mmm, KiKi,” Ian murmured as he expanded and exploded in Iris’s mouth.

She dutifully swallowed and made no comment about the other woman’s name he’d called. It wasn’t the first time. Ian called her name often when they made love.
I wish he’d find her and go back to her,
she thought but didn’t voice as Ian thanked her for the time and dismissed her from his presence.

Once the woman left, Ian began thinking back over the events of the last year. He smiled as he thought of Creeper and Pirate. The men were lethal and meticulous. He loved that about them. They’d enjoyed killing the few pockets of resistance they encountered when they relocated to the Bayou. Ian only had to oversee the operation. Both men were fully capable and they ran the territory with an iron fist.
They’re going to be great for the expansion,
he thought. Ian had no intention of being relegated to the one state. D.E.A. or no, he was going to have a multi territorial empire once again. Thinking of the D.E.A. brought his mind back to Ray Lockhart. Ian had done his homework and the man was absolutely his cup of tea. Ray was ruthless, and he had the money and connections to make almost anything happen.
People disappear, evidence,
Ian brooded, liking the idea of collaboration with the man more and more with each passing moment. Pressing play on the DVD, he again watched himself making love to Kaitlyn and their interaction afterward.
She loves me, I don’t give a shit what her mouth says, I’m looking into her eyes, and KiKi loves me,
Ian thought, pulling out his cell and dialing.

BOOK: Thin Ice 4 - Resurrections
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