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Thin Ice 5 - Checkmate (13 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 5 - Checkmate
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What’s the combination,” she asked giving him a look.

He remained mute, pissing Kim off more as she slapped him hard once again with the gun.

Kai grudgingly told the woman what she wanted to know and Jaleesa easily opened the case. Rambling for a few moments, she finally found all the documentation she was seeking and various added bonus pieces.

Thanks asshole,” she told him calmly. “Get dressed,” Jaleesa barked.

He was about to protest, surprising himself when he lifted his arm without effort.

Drug is temporary, you’re okay now,” she told him as Kai complied with the command and put his clothes on.

Kim go ahead and get the car,” she told her friend.

Kim nodded and turned to leave, handing Jaleesa the other .380 from her pocket. Kai was eyeing the woman murderously as she held him at gunpoint.

You want to kill me don’t you,” she asked calmly.

I wanted to make love to you,” Kai returned honestly. “I can’t let you go now, you realize that don’t you,” he asked, pleading with her to just give him the documents back, tell her friend she changed and her mind and they could pretend none of this ever happened.

Please Tweety,” Kai told her, turning on the charm. “I won’t hurt you baby, I won’t turn you in, none of that,” he went on as Jaleesa pretended to mull it over.

You hit me before,” she told him, her voice small as she played her role.

Baby, I’m sorry, I promise though, I won’t hit you again, I swear,” Kai pleaded.

Sighing deeply Jaleesa removed the safety from the gun. “I’m walking out of here and you’re not going to follow me,” she told him, her voice shaking.

Jaleesa had to pat herself on the back for the performance she was giving right now.

Tweety, please, don’t do this,” Kai pleaded, not confirming her statement.

Jaleesa backed her way to the door, opening it as she continued to hold him at gunpoint.

Don’t follow me Kai,” she told him, faking tears. “I don’t want to kill you, I just want my life back,” Jaleesa added, pretending to choke up. “Please,” she said softly one last time before bolting out of the door.

She got a twenty second head start before realization kicked in and Kai came running out of the door after her, screaming her name. Kim waited calmly until he ran into the center of the parking lot, then she gunned the engine on the truck, aiming directly for him. Kai heard the vehicle but didn’t see it in the darkness until Kim turned on the headlights, already fixed on bright, and blinded him. He didn’t have time to react before the trucks grill connected with his body at 45 mph, sending him airborne onto the hood, crashing into the windshield, neck twisted in an unnatural angle, eyes wide open but sightless. Kim braked hard and Kai’s body rolled back in front of the truck with a loud thud as it connected with the ground. Wasting no time, she bolted from the truck darting into the darkened wooded area immediately behind the motel. Jaleesa was waiting in the BMW when Kim emerged from the other side. Satisfied that all the police would find was the stolen abandoned truck, the dead DEA agent, and the kilo of cocaine Jaleesa planted in his car while she was outside, the two women high fived each other and enjoyed the new CD Jaleesa picked up earlier as they drove home.


Carlita sighed deeply taking in her surroundings. She hated coming back to Kansas. There was nothing here, nothing except the grave she found herself sitting before.

Mama, I’m almost there,” she spoke softly, lovingly, to the picture encased on the tombstone.

Meredith Shale was Carlita’s mother and she’d adored her. When she died almost five years ago, the pain was unbearable. Carlita would never forget having to beg to pay for her mother’s funeral. Any insurance they had was long since used up paying for her medical bills. For years, Carlita had existed in extreme poverty. Never having any of the necessities many of her peers had. If it hadn’t been for her best friend Sheila, Carlita was sure she would have been dead now. Sheila was the one person who didn’t judge her, or make fun of her circumstance. She shared her clothes with Carlita, shoes and anything else that she had in order to lessen the pain of her existence. Carlita vowed when she made it, so would Sheila.

I met a wonderful man,” she continued to talk to her mother’s grave. “He’s sexy,” she giggled slightly. “But he’s really nice, decent, and he deserves so much more than he has with that terrible wife of his,” she hissed angrily.

Carlita thought about Tariq and how he was trying to pull away from her.
That can’t happen,
she thought. Carlita had done quite a bit of research and she knew Tariq was very wealthy. She also knew he was a serious player in the game.

I’m going to marry him,” Carlita continued aloud, returning to her conversation. “I’m going to give him a son, maybe two,” she said, starting to pull weeds from the grave as they were trying to overtake the stone. “I promise mommy, I’m going to make it this time,” she added as the tears came and she thought about her not to distant past.

Carlita had been promiscuous for many years, since losing her virginity to the neighborhood supplier at age eleven. She didn’t really have anyone to teach her about men and the games they played, so she fell victim time and again to ruthless exploiters who used her and threw her away. Her last serious romance had come just as her mother’s illness worsened. Santana was so sexy. He made her feel sexy; wining and dining her when he came to town on business.

They had been seeing each other for almost four months off and on when her mother had to be hospitalized. Carlita told him about it and Santana had been so supportive. Buying her the things she needed for her mother while she was confined. Thankfully Meredith improved enough that they let her come home. Things came to a head the same night. Carlita went to meet Santana at the hotel where they always met for their dates. This time she arrived early, just as another woman was leaving the suite.
“What the hell Santana,” Carlita yelled angrily. The woman regarded her momentarily before laughing and continuing on her way. Santana snatched her inside and closed the door. “You need to stop acting stupid and embarrassing me,” he hissed angrily, the light complexion turning beet red. “Embarrassing you,” Carlita screamed again. “I find my man with some bitch, right before we’re supposed to be together and I’m supposed to be cool with that,” she asked incredulously. “Where the hell is that practice acceptable,” she added, impulsively slapping him hard across the face.

Santana raised his hand, but didn’t hit her. “Get the fuck out of my room,” he hissed angrily. “How stupid can you be,” he added, growing angrier. “Carlita, I’m a married man,” he told her bursting her bubble. “I got a fine ass wife at home who has great sex,” Santana taunted. “I fuck you when I come here cause its convenient. I give you a little change here and there cause I got it, and I don’t miss it,” he growled. “But don’t ever get it twisted, you ain’t shit to me except a warm hole to jack off in.” Crushed she charged him. Santana easily subdued her, picking her up and physically placing her outside his hotel room. He then called security once Carlita began banging on his door.
Carlita would never forget the humiliation and shame of that day. From that point she vowed never to let another man use her and throw her away without paying the price. Tariq was her man now and she was going to get everything that life hadn’t given her and the one who should have, had taken away.


Mmm, don’t you look like an orange I wanna peel,” Jacoury teased as Jaleesa walked inside.

You are so nasty,” she threw back jokingly.

Jacoury followed her into the bedroom, walking up behind her.

You need me to help you with that zipper,” he asked calmly, kissing the nape of her neck.

Dre sleeping,” she asked trying hard to concentrate as Jacoury’s hand stroked her nipple through the material.

Mmhmm,” he murmured as the zipper slowly came down and he turned Jaleesa around.

Leaning in he kissed her deeply as her mind raced. How was she going to explain the paperwork they’d taken from Kai tonight? Jaleesa knew without a doubt that they needed to know, especially the plan for Shells, but how, without incriminating herself was she going to pull that off.

Nice,” Jacoury murmured of the lacy Victoria secrets, bringing Jaleesa out of her thoughts.

She returned the favor, removing the fitting boxers he’d greeted her in, loving the view of his hardness as he went to his knees, draping a leg across his shoulder.

Jacoury, shit,” Jaleesa mumbled as her other leg threatened to give way and land her on the floor. Without interruption Jacoury picked her up on his shoulders, her throbbing sex still in his mouth as he held her mid-air and sucked her clit gently.

Damn boy, what the hell,” Jaleesa managed to mumble as she arrived and her body trembled from the orgasm.

Jacoury walked to the bed, lowering her onto it and kissing her stomach gently.

You like that,” he teased as his fingers slid inside her wetness.

Jaleesa moaned loudly arching her back as he went deeper and found her spot.

Aaah,” she breathed, her hips matching his movements. “Jacoury, that’s it, yeah,” Jaleesa moaned when he began sucking her nipples.

He gently removed his fingers, still massaging her hard clit, as he placed himself between her legs. Jaleesa wanted him desperately, telling him the same. He pushed himself inside her, sinking deeply into her pliable warmth.

Tweety, damn,” Jacoury moaned the tightness of her walls almost pushing him over the edge before he was ready.

Don’t stop Jacoury,” she moaned again almost at her peak.

Jacoury thrust into her again and again, holding her tightly as she cried out her pleasure and he felt her body’s offering. With one final effort he finished, erupting inside her as she held him tightly, both their bodies convulsing in that final delicious pleasure.


Kim was still smiling when she reached home. Killing the smart ass DEA agent had been the highlight of her week. She also liked the fact that she and Jaleesa were closer now.
Always did like her, its KiKi’s ass I can’t stand,
she thought, heading into the bedroom and stripping her clothing. She beat Mook home she realized as she looked around the apartment. KiSean was at Ramell and Sam’s spending the night. Kim was glad he had plenty of friends to play with and that Sam was so cool about taking the kids in and keeping them. Turning on the spray, Kim left the bathroom to turn on the stereo. She wanted some music to cut some of the deafening silence that permeated the house at the moment. Finding an oldies station that was grooving, Kim headed to the kitchen grabbing a glass and the bottle of wine, pouring herself a glass. Satisfied she returned to the bathroom, took another sip of the wine before setting it on the counter and climbing under the steaming hot spray.

Mook heard Al Green crooning as he made his way into the house. Smiling he headed into the bathroom hearing Kim in the shower singing along. He also spotted the wine on the counter and knew she was in a good mood tonight. Something had been on her mind for the past few days, but he hadn’t pushed, allowing her to deal with whatever it was. Mook was glad it was seemingly rectified now, so he didn’t have to add yet another issue to his already overloaded plate. They were meeting tomorrow to go over the next phase of the plan. He smiled again thinking how smoothly the hit on Nero had gone.
Bet them muthafucka’s ain’t see that shit coming did they,
he chuckled as he undressed. Walking into the bathroom, Kim was still singing along as Mook carefully peeked inside the shower. Her back was to him as she lathered and swung her hips from side to side. Loving what he saw, Mook continued to watch wordlessly after silently climbing into the tub with her. The music on the radio suddenly changed and Blackstreet was soon singing.

That’s my shit right there,” Kim declared, still believing she was alone, slow grinding with the beat.

Mook was rock hard as his eyes stayed glued to her firm butt and she continued to gyrate seductively.

Mook smiled at his good fortune when she dropped the soap. When Kim bent over to retrieve the errant bar, he stepped up behind her, held her tightly around the waist and entered her.

Mook, you ain’t right,” Kim moaned as he thrust into her, hitting her clit with each stroke.

Ssshh, girl hush and get this nut,” Mook told her playfully.

Kim bit her bottom lip not wanting to give him the satisfaction of screaming. Mook knew she was trying to hold out and held her tighter, going deeper.

Mmm, yeaaah,” Kim groaned losing the fight as she came hard and her body betrayed her.

Mook smiled behind her back, slowing down and allowing her to enjoy the orgasm a moment longer. Pulling out he allowed her to turn around as they embraced and kissed passionately. Mook lifted her and placed her back against the tiled wall, wrapping her legs around his waist as he slid inside her once more.

Say it,” he told her biting her ear softly.

No,” Kim replied stubbornly.

BOOK: Thin Ice 5 - Checkmate
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