Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates (12 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates
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Who the hell is Aarick Taylor,” Hope murmured.

I am,” Roderick told her calmly walking back into the room.

You shouldn’t snoop through people’s things,” he continued, taking the badge from her.

What, I don’t,” Hope sputtered. “You’re a --,” she began again unable to continue as the tears came.

I don’t understand,” Hope continued to weep.

Sighing deeply Roderick sat beside her on the bed.

Hope, this was never about you,” he told her kindly. “I had to do my job,” he went on as her head snapped up, eyes blazing through the tears.

So you used me, used my relation to Carlo,” she threw back, the picture becoming clear for her.

You did this, you’re the one who destroyed my niece’s life and put her on the streets god knows where,” she screamed at him.

Roderick sighed deeply. “I never intended for Lauren to get hurt,” he told her honestly. “You were supposed to get custody of her and Carlo goes to prison forever,” he explained as Hope slapped him hard across the face.

I can’t believe how damned stupid I’ve been,” she yelled rising to leave. Roderick grabbed her and pulled her back to him.

Hope, I never meant to hurt you, or Lauren, please believe that, please,” Roderick tried as she glared coldly at him.

Get your hands the hell off me,” Hope returned icily.

Roderick kissed her instead as she struggled and fought him.

How dare you, let me go dammit,” Hope continued as he began undressing her.

No, Roderick, no,” she told him as her resolve slowly weakened.

She hated how weak she felt in his arms, hated how much she still loved him, hated how the sight of his muscular body made her wet with desire.

Hope, let me love you, let me help you,” he whispered, kissing her neck again as he removed her panties and pushed her back onto his bed.

Roderick quickly freed his own erection and entered her as Hope moaned softly and allowed him to have his way with her. Roderick couldn’t explain it; he just needed to make love to her.
Because you hurt her, you destroyed her life,
his conscience assailed.
And because you’re about to leave her high and dry once again,
it convicted as Hope cried out softly having reached orgasm. Roderick continued his own accent to release, becoming more and more aggressive with each thrust.

I never meant to hurt you Hope,” he told her, spitting each word out in syllables as he came hard and his seed flowed inside her.

Hope pushed him off her, ashamed of letting things go that far between them and grabbed her purse running out of the apartment, blouse half buttoned, pulling her skirt down, panties still on Roderick’s bedroom floor.





You do realize I’m in prison right,” Carlo told Meredith calmly.

She sighed deeply and composed herself. “Carlo, I realize that, I’m just letting you know about your child,” she told him as he laughed bitterly.

How do I know that,” he replied flippantly. “Shit as easily as you fucked me, you’ve probably sucked and fucked half the dicks in this place,” Carlo spat acidly.

Meredith was furious, slapping him hard as Carlo slapped her back.

Don’t forget I’m a guard, Cisneros,” she threatened glaring at him now.

So what,” Carlo returned his rage boiling.

He wanted to kill her. He wanted to hear the crack of her bones as he snapped her neck.

You’re going to be sorry for treating me this way,” Meredith again threatened gathering herself and preparing to return him to his cell.

I already regret it,” Carlo told her. “I only have one child, and that’s all I’ll ever have,” he told her through clenched teeth.

Meredith broke down, her hormones and the hurt of his rejection and dismissal of their child being too much at the moment. Carlo wasn’t impressed. He didn’t budge to comfort her or offer one word of apology.

After crying herself out, Meredith cleaned her face and silently took him back to his cell.

Do us both a favor and get rid of it,” he told her one final time before entering his cell and lying on his bunk.

Meredith stood at the prison door watching him, her heart breaking.
Give him time, he’ll come around,
it told her as she took a deep breath and hung onto that small sliver of promise. Deciding she wouldn’t press the issue with him anymore Meredith continued her shift reminding herself she would need to take leave time to have the baby. Carlo heard her walk away and sighed deeply. He was furious that she was claiming to be carrying his child. He needed a fix, among other things he needed at the moment. Closing his eyes Carlo fell into a light sleep, the dream vividly playing in his vulnerable subconscious.
“Mama what’s this place,” he asked as Piper took him down the long flight of stairs to the small dark apartment at the bottom. “Shh, don’t ask questions and stay out of the way,” she returned simply. Arriving they knocked on the door and waited for it to open. Carlo remembered catching his breath at the sight of the tall, lean, masculine looking woman with shocking white hair who opened the door. “Come in Piper,” she said kindly enough, looking at Carlo and smiling. He remembered shivering from the coldness of it. Walking inside his eyes grew big at the various artifacts, candles, and potions contained. “Mama, are we staying,” he whispered as the woman walked away to get something.

Piper again admonished him to hush and do as he was told. The woman returned and told Piper to follow her into another room. “No, don’t leave me here,” Carlo cried out. He wasn’t ashamed of his fear, being only ten years old; this place was scarier than any haunted house he’d ever been inside. “Don’t be frightened little one,” the woman told him. “He doesn’t understand Mama Sease,” Piper told her as the woman smiled and told her she knew. They spoke again but in another language and Carlo had no idea what was being said. His mother’s face shadowed and she looked at him long and hard for a while before turning her attention back to Mama Sease and speaking again. “Oui,” she said simply as the woman smiled and took her hand. Carlo swallowed hard looking around the room his eyes resting on the masks with various skeletal figures painted on them. He was ready to bolt and run from this place, but tried to be brave. He began to hear murmuring, almost like praying and singing combined. The longer he sat the louder the sounds got.

Curious, Carlo rose and tiptoed to the door his mother and Mama Sease entered, peering through the keyhole to see what was going on. Piper was lying on the bed, secured to it, and she was naked. Carlo felt his heart racing and could hear the beating in his ears as he continued to spy. Mama Sease was walking around the bed sprinkling white powder all over Piper and reciting some sort of litigious connotation. His mother’s eyes were closed and her body convulsing in waves and twists as her mouth opened and unworldly sound escaped. “Light the candles,” Mama Sease instructed as Carlo saw the man step out of the shadows with the fire and light the black and red candles present. He was dark as night and as tall as the ceiling it seemed to Carlo. Mama Sease said something in Piper’s ear causing her to writhe more as the dark man began removing his own clothes. Carlo didn’t understand what was going on and he was growing more and more scared by the moment. He clamped both hands over his mouth as Mama Cease held up the live chicken and slit its throat over his mother the blood careening onto her body as Piper began to scream and pull against the restraints.

Mama Sease quickly had her gagged and continued the ritual as Carlo began losing his fear and gaining a sense of fascination. He watched as the dark man climbed onto the bed with his mother, sliding his man part inside her. Mama Sease continued to pour the chicken blood on them as she closed her eyes and went into her own trance like state, words flowing from her mouth again in that language Carlo couldn’t understand. The man was moving up and down on his mother, again and again, murmuring incantations of his own. His movements became faster as Mama Sease became more animated. Their incessant murmuring became louder and louder as Carlo’s head began to swim. “Accept him, and pay his price,” she screamed as Piper began murmuring her own litany, the gag now removed. “Do you give him freely,” Mama Sease asked. “Oui,” Piper said without hesitation as the dark man stopped moving, and Piper became still, the darkness descended and Carlo saw and heard nothing else. He woke with a start jumping from the couch he found himself laying on.

Careful little one,” Mama Sease told him calmly. “You’ll hurt yourself,” she added, giving him a glass of water. Carlo took the water drinking it as he watched her warily. Piper entered the room moments later, not a hair out of place. Carlo still wasn’t sure if what he’d seen was real or he’d been dreaming. “Let’s go home,” Piper told him sweetly, reaching for his hand. Mama Sease gave her a look and quickly rattled something off in their special language. Sighing softly she addressed Carlo then. “You’re going to come and help Mama Sease for a little while, only a few days a week,” Piper told her son as he regarded her curiously. “Why,” Carlo asked simply. Piper smiled and told him because being charitable and helping others was a good thing. Carlo simply nodded and took his mother’s hand again. He was delivered to Mama Sease the following day and the lessons began, by the time he was sixteen, Carlo was a master of the black arts and a bonafide Hougan, the high voodoo priest.

The slight sound startled him as Carlo jumped up from his bunk ready to defend himself.

I’m sorry Hangman, I didn’t mean to wake you,” Loomie told him.

Loomie was one of a central group of openly gay inmates who dressed and presented themselves as women.

It’s okay, why are you in my cell,” he asked giving him a look.

I was delivering your supply,” Loomie quickly told him, aware of how volatile Carlo could be.

Hmph, okay,” he returned sitting back down and relaxing.

Do you need anything else,” Loomie asked wanting to be sure Carlo wasn’t angry with him.

He knew that would quickly get him gang banged or killed. Carlo regarded him for a while, his mind wandering. The man looked very much like a woman and Carlo was feeling needy.
Just let him release your tensions,
the demon told him as his manhood began stiffening.

Come here Loomie,” Carlo said softly as the inmate immediately complied.

I need you to relieve me,” he told him stroking his face gently.

Loomie almost burst with excitement hearing the request. He’d wanted Carlo from the day he walked into the prison but definitely kept that desire to himself.

What do you want me to do Hangman,” he asked, praying he wanted to have sex.

Suck me off,” he replied simply as Loomie nodded and readily complied.

Carlo closed his eyes, blocking out the fact that a man was pleasuring him, instead choosing to think about Auriel and all the times he’d made love to her. Carlo guided Loomie’s head keeping a constant rhythm; remarking to himself how skilled he was. Carlo came soon after, erupting in Loomie’s mouth as the man swallowed wordlessly. Finishing he rose from his knees waiting on Carlo’s direction.

That was good,” he replied calmly. “I’d better not hear it anywhere,” he threatened as Loomie nodded knowing it was his life if he did.

Carlo again closed his eyes after the man left, this time drifting into a deep dreamless sleep.


I need you to push with all you’ve got,” the doctor was telling Hope as another contraction hit.

She couldn’t believe she was here in the hospital giving birth to Roderick’s child.
They said I couldn’t have children,
she thought before remembering her nights at Mama Sease and the things she’d bargained for. Hope hadn’t given any thought to the foolish ritualistic practices since she was raped and the botched abortion destroyed her uterus. The only good thing to come out of that time was her learning to speak French. She had totally renounced any association with the dark arts and repented her way back into the church. Finding out she was pregnant some eight months ago was the shock of her life. Added to the fact that Roderick left without so much as a goodbye nearly destroyed her. Now though she was excitedly looking forward to the birth of their daughter.

That’s good, the head is almost out,” the doctor told her as the nurses assisted.

Hope saw one of them lean on and whisper something to the doctor who frowned slightly.

Do you feel all right, Hope,” he asked as she nodded that she was fine, just in pain.

It was as if on cue her head started spinning and she couldn’t catch her breath.

Put her under,” she heard the doctor say as the assisting physician put the black mask over her face and the gas sent her on a darkened journey.

She awoke with a start, crying out for her baby.

Shh, relax Ms. Cisneros, I need you to calm down,” the nurse was trying.

Where is my daughter, I want my child,” she continued to yell.

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