Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning (28 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning
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No, Sapphire, everything is fine with all that, and with Sa’Cari,” he told her as she sighed in relief.

Just as quickly she again regarded him with the question in her face.

So what is it then,” she asked not looking away.

Can’t we just let it go, Sapphire, it’s nothing,” Horse tried growing more and more uncomfortable.

No, you’re acting like Socrates now,” she told him as Horse smiled slightly.

Uggh,” she told him exasperated knowing he’d taken her statement as a compliment.

Unable to think of anything else, Sapphire picked up a pillow from the couch and hit him with it.

Horse laughed aloud making her even more determined as she hit him again and again. He finally grabbed her, pushing her back on the cushions as he continued to laugh.

It’s not funny,” Sapphire pouted.

Horse continued to chuckle as he looked into her face watching her pout. Without thinking he kissed her softly. Taken aback she said nothing, simply watching him as he continued to look into her eyes.

Now you know,” he said simply.

She swallowed hard a torrent of emotions flowing through her right now. She was pleased at his feelings, even returning them, but should she. Sapphire wasn’t sure how Sa’Cari would take a new man in her life, especially one who had been so close to his father.

I’ll leave now,” Horse told her as she continued to remain mute.

No,” Sapphire told him, reaching out and grabbing his arm as he rose and turned away.

Please, don’t leave,” she tried softly as Horse sat down once more.

I never wanted to tell you for this very reason,” he told her as they continued to sit together. “I don’t want things to be awkward between us,” Horse added.

Sapphire sighed lightly, turning her face to him and looking into his eyes.

Horse, I’m feeling you too,” she told him honestly as he smiled slightly.

But,” he said, seeing it in her eyes.

I’m just scared, that’s all,” she again replied honestly.

Sapphire you know me,” Horse told her. “I would never hurt you, ever,” he added as she smiled and gently stroked his face.

I know,” she replied, adding her fears about Sa’Cari.

I think he’s a lot more mature than you give him credit for,” Horse told her.

Sa’Cari had actually confronted him about his feelings for his mother six months ago when he came home for a visit.
“How long have you been carrying that torch for mama,” Sa’Cari asked point blank. Horse’s mouth dropped but he admitted nothing. “Look, I don’t know what the deal is and I won’t press you,” the young man began again. “Dad is gone, but man you’ve got to be the closest thing to him still here,” he went on as Horse listened without comment. “I don’t want mama to be alone, but I know she has to heal, so I’m just sayin’ when you think the time is right, you should tell her how you feel about her.”

You’re probably right,” Sapphire remarked breaking his thought.

We don’t have to rush into anything Sapphire,” Horse told her sincerely. “I just wanted to put it out there,” he added as she smiled, leaning over and kissing his lips.

Horse stopped her as she went to pull away, engulfing her in the big strong arms and kissing her passionately. Sapphire’s body immediately betrayed her. It had been far too long since she’d been held and touched by a man. Horse felt the change, his own body screaming its desire as he pushed her gently back onto the couch, kissing her softly as he began removing her clothing. Sapphire offered no resistance, moaning quietly as she welcomed his kisses to her neck, breasts, stomach. Horse moved lower and her body shook in ecstasy and he brought her to orgasm. He returned to her lips looking into her eyes as they both breathed hard desiring the other. She smiled slightly and he kissed her deeply in response as his manhood found its home and they began their new union as a couple.


Brent was smiling walking into the house. Everything had gone as planned and he was more than sure that this time Ray and India’s brat wouldn’t survive. Chuckling aloud at the thought he headed into the dining area, stopping at the bar and making himself a drink. The house was still quiet for now. Necie and Diamond wouldn’t be in until later. Thinking of Necie he was pissed all over again. She’d come back from her weekend with Sam smiling and relaxed, sending his mind on a tangent that she and Jacoury Slaughter had hooked up again.
If she messed around on me with that bastard I will kill them both,
he thought ominously. She was still denying him and Brent was way past done with that drama. Tonight he planned to have sex with her, willing or not. Quickly downing the first drink, he made another and headed toward the master bedroom. He wanted to get a shower and relax a bit before dinner. Arriving, he quickly undressed and started the shower. Standing under the spray he patted himself on the back once more for his genius and outstanding performance today at the mall. He felt a small twinge of remorse for hurting India, both physically and emotionally. She’d always been a great friend to him.
This has nothing to do with her personally,
he thought climbing out and drying himself.

Walking into the bedroom he found Necie who was changing from her work clothes.

Where’s Diamond,” he asked as he watched her sexy body clad only in bra and panties now.

Charisma is bringing her home,” she told him walking by him to the shower.

Brent grabbed her pulling her to him and kissing her.

Stop Brent,” Necie told him trying to pull away.

Hell no, I’m sick of this bullshit Necie,” he exploded slapping her hard, knocking her onto the bed.

Brent was a madman as he quickly jumped onto the bed ripping the undergarments from her.

Brent, no, stop,” Necie continued to scream, crying now as well. “Stop,” she cried as he held her arms above her head, violently pushing her legs apart with his own.

I don’t want this,” she screamed as Brent told her to shut up.

I don’t give a damn what you want,” he hissed. “I bet you didn’t tell Jacoury no that weekend did you,” he yelled, plunging into her as Necie screamed and continued to cry while he assaulted her.

You’re my damned wife,” Brent told her as he punished her, thrusting again and again. “I’ve been without you for almost four fucking months,” he growled in her ear, biting her neck hard now.

Necie felt his breathing grow even more ragged as his strokes increased.

This is the beginning of a new muthafucking day,” Brent said as a final thought before his body tensed and he released his semen inside her.

Necie was still crying almost hysterically went he got off of her.

Damn, that’s better,” Brent threw out, actually laughing as he pulled on his jeans and threw on a shirt.

I’m going out for a while,” he told her as Necie lay sniffling atop the bed.

Brent got into the Benz coupe belting himself in and starting the car. He made it to the end of the cul-de-sac before he felt the cold steel at the base of his neck.

Follow my instructions and your brains won’t be splattered all over the inner console,” Rahja hissed in his ear.

Brent immediately recognized the voice as the hair on the back of his neck stood up and he got a very bad feeling.



Cameron wasn’t happy at all about Nikki and Ryan’s apparent reconciliation. Still, she was spending time with him so he didn’t rock the boat just yet. Cameron had plans though. He knew Nikki was comfortable with their friendship and coming to his home would be nothing out of the ordinary. Of course once she got there, well, that would be a horse of another color he continued to muse heading home himself. He’d run a couple errands this morning before calling and inviting her over under the guise of research for her term paper.
You know Nikki will curse you out if you act stupid,
his mind told him. Cameron knew he was gambling, but he’d sat back passively once and let her get away, there wasn’t going to be a replay of that nonsense this time. Cameron was going to make her see how unhealthy her relationship was with the hustler, of course leading her to the logical conclusion of the two of them being together. Arriving at his condo, Cameron went inside and tidied up, starting breakfast. He wanted everything to be perfect when arrived. He added the fresh flowers he’d picked up to the vase resting on his kitchen table, setting it as well.

The knock came right on time Cameron thought looking at his watch. Nikki was always punctual, even in casual settings he chuckled inwardly heading for the door. “Good morning,” Cameron greeted her sweetly.

Nikki smiled and returned the greeting coming inside and putting down her books and laptop.

It smells good in here,” she remarked as Cameron smiled and thanked her.

Coffee,” he offered as Nikki graciously accepted.

She opened the case and removed the laptop while he was gone, getting set up to do the research for her paper.

Slow down girl,” Cameron teased coming back with her coffee. “We have plenty of time,” he added as Nikki chuckled and took the coffee from him.

Sipping it she sat down and relaxed while Cameron sat with her.

How are you these days,” he asked giving her a pointed look.

Nikki smiled slightly and told him she was fine.

So you’re back with him,” Cameron asked.

Yes,” Nikki told him with a smile. “We managed to work things out.”

Hmph,” he replied simply. “You ready to eat,” he asked as they headed into the kitchen.

The flowers are nice,” Nikki remarked in passing.

Making her plate he sat it down before her, joining her moments later as they began to eat.

I’m sure your daughter is happy you and him worked things out,” Cameron fished once again turning the subject to her personal life.

Rayne actually had no idea anything was wrong,” she told him as she ate. “I will give Ryan credit for that,” she added as Cameron frowned, unseen by her.

Nikki, look,” he began as they finished and both still sat at the table. “I have to be honest and tell you I think you’re making a huge mistake staying with this guy,” Cameron told her point blank.

Nikki frowned deeply. She knew he didn’t like Ryan and she had a good idea why.

Why is that Cameron,” she asked, wanting to see if he would be honest and admit it to her.

Taking a deep breath, he shored his resolve and began talking to her.

Nikki, you’re about to be a lawyer,” he began. “This dude is a hustler, half the shit he does is either borderline illegal or outright illegal,” Cameron explained patiently. “How the hell is that going to work out when you’re sworn to support the legal system, and you’re obligated to report any illegal activity you know of,” he threw at her.

Nikki had to admit his argument made sense, and it wasn’t something she hadn’t thought of before.

Cameron, my man owns several tax filing, law abiding, businesses,” she told him evenly. “Whoever said he did anything other than that,” she fired off. “And can they prove it,” she added, jaw set, alerting him she was angry.

Cameron breathed deeply telling Nikki he wasn’t trying to offend her. “I just want you to really think about what you’re doing Nikki,” he told her mellowing his tone a bit.

She could see the emotion in his eyes, verifying her suspicions that Cameron’s motives were purely self-interested in his illumination of her situation.

Cameron,” Nikki began calmly. “I know you have feelings for me still,” she told him as he looked away guiltily.

You’re my friend, and I love you to death, as a friend,” she iterated once more. “Please understand though that I love Ryan, and Rayne, with all my heart,” she told him plainly, no room for error or misconstruing of her feelings.

He swallowed hard but said nothing, rising and clearing the table. Nikki felt bad knowing she’d hurt him, but she had to be honest. Deciding that it was best if she left, she rose while he continued cleaning the dishes and went back into the living room, putting the laptop back into its case.

You don’t have to leave Nikki,” Cameron told her coming to where she was.

Standing she turned and regarded him.

I think its best,” she told him as he again pleaded with her to stay. “I promise, strictly business, no more talk about your private life,” Cameron promised, crossing his heart with his fingers causing Nikki to chuckle at the gesture.

OK,” she replied as he smiled and she unpacked the laptop again.

More than one way to skin a cat,
Cameron thought behind the smile. He may have lost the battle for now, but he was still more than determined to win the war.


Brent woke to find himself restrained. Last he remembered was driving to the warehouse his father kept for them to do business out of. Rahja had ordered him out of the car and then a searing pain, after that, nothing.

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