Thinking, Fast and Slow (65 page)

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Authors: Daniel Kahneman

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pretentiousness language

pricing policies

priming; anchoring as


Princeton University

probability; base rates in,
base rates; decision weights and,
decision weights; definitions of; and disciplining intuition; less-is-more pattern and; Linda problem and; overestimation of; plausibility and; and predicting by representativeness; prior, insensitivity to; professional stereotypes and; of rare events,
rare events; representativeness and,
representativeness; similarity and; subjective; as sum-like variable;
see also
predictions and forecasts

probability neglect

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

professional stereotypes

professorial candidates

prospect theory; in Albert and Ben problem; blind spots of; cumulative; decision weights and probabilities in; fourfold pattern in; frames and; graph of losses and gains in; loss aversion in; reference points in

“Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Under Risk” (Kahneman and Tversky)


psychiatric patients

psychological immune system

psychology, teaching

psychopathic charm



see also
expert intuition punishments: altruistic; rewards and; self-administered

pupil dilation



questionnaire and gift experiments

questions; substitution of,



Rabin, Matthew


rafters, skilled

rail projects

randomness and chance; misconceptions of
Random Walk Down Wall Street, A

rare events; overestimation of; regret and

rational-agent model


Rationality and the Reflective Mind


Reagan, Ronald

reciprocal priming


recognition-primed decision (RPD) model

Redelmeier, Don

reference class forecasting

regression to the mean; causal interpretations and; correlation and; difficulty in grasping; two-systems view of

“Regression towards Mediocrity in Hereditary Stature” (Galton)



remembering self

Remote Association Test (RAT)

reorganizations in companies


representativeness; base rates and;
see also
base rates; in Linda problem; predicting by; professional stereotypes and; sins of; in Tom W problem

research: artifacts in; hypothesis testing in; optimism in

resemblance; in predictions



retrievability of instances

reversals; unjust

rewards; self-administered

Rice, Condoleezza

risk assessment; aggregation and; broad framing in; decision weights in,
decision weights; denominator neglect and; by experts; and format of risk expression; fourfold pattern in; for health risks; hindsight bias and; laws and regulations governing; loss aversion in; narrow framing in; optimistic bias and; policies for; possibility effect and; precautionary principle and; probability neglect and; public policies and; small risks and; of technologies; terrorism and;
see also

risk aversion

risk seeking

“Robust Beauty of Improper Linear Models in Decision Making, The” (Dawes)

Rosett, Richard

Rosenzweig, Philip

Royal Dutch Shell

Royal Institution

Rozin, Paul

< Philip

Rumsfeld, Donald

Russell Sage Foundation




Saddam Hussein


safety; health risks and; health violation penalties and; precautionary principle and

samples, sampling: accidents of; and bias of confidence over doubt; law of large numbers; law of small numbers; size of; small, exaggerated faith in

Samuelson, Paul

San Francisco Exploratorium

Savage, Jimmie

Save More Tomorrow

Schelling, Thomas

Schkade, David

school size

Schwarz, Norbert

Schweitzer, Maurice


Scientific American

scientific controversies

scientific research: artifacts in; hypothesis testing in; optimism in

Scottish Parliament



Seligman, Martin

selves; experiencing; remembering


Shafir, Eldar

similarity judgments

Simmel, Mary-Ann

Simon, Herbert

Simons, Daniel

Simpson, O. J.

single evaluations; joint evaluations vs.

ski jump event

skills; acquisition of; environment of; feedback and practice in; illusions of; in stock-picking

Slovic, Paul

Slovic, Roz

slow thinking

smiles, in face reading

smiling; availability heuristic and

Smith, Vernon


social science

Soll, Jack

somatic marker hypothesis


Sources of Power

Soviet Union

Spinoza, Baruch

Sports Illustrated

Stalin, Joseph

Standard & Poor’s (S&P)

Stanford University

Stanovich, Keith

statistics and statistical thinking; and accidents of sampling; base rates and,
base rates; Bayesian; and bias of confidence over doubt; causes and; chance in; deciding on size of sample; extreme outcomes and; faith in small samples; law of large numbers; law of small numbers; sample size decisions and;
see also

status quo, defending

Steiger, James H.

stereotypes; causal; about professions

Steve the librarian

stock market

stock picking

stock portfolios

stock trading, insider

Stone, Arthur

stories, life

St. Petersburg paradox

Strack, Fritz

strangers, assessment of

Strangers to Ourselves

Streep, Meryl

strength, assessments of

structured settlements

Stumbling to Happiness

substitution; and mood heuristic for happiness; and 3-D heuristic

success, uot

sum-like variables

sunk-cost fallacy

Sunstein, Cass

Super Bowl

supply and demand


Surowiecki, James


survey and gift experiments

survival-mortality experiment


System 1; characteristics of; conflict between System 2 and

System 2; conflict between System 1 and; laziness of



Taleb, Nassim


task sets

task switching

Tate, Geoffrey

taxes; child exemptions and



Tenet, George


Tetlock, Philip

Thaler, Richard

theory-induced blindness


thinking like a trader

Thomas, Lewis

threats; possibility effect and

3-D heuristic

tickets; buying and selling of; sunk cost in

time; use of

time pressure

Todorov, Alex

token experiment

Tom W problem

“Trading Is Hazardous to Your Wealth” (Barber and Odean)

transactions and trades

Traviata, La

Truman, Harry

trustworthiness, assessments of

truth, illusions of

Tversky, Amos



understanding, illusion of

unique cases

University College London

University of California at Berkeley

University of Chicago

University of Michigan

University of Minnesota

University of Oregon

unlikely events,
rare events unknown unknowns

utility; decision; experienced; indifference map and; injection puzzle and; meanings of

utility theory; certainty effect and; decision weights and probabilities in





validity: of clinical vs. statistical predictions; evaluating; illusion of

Vallone, Robert

see also
utility Vancouver Island

Venn diagrams

venture capitalists

victim compensation

vividness; of outcomes; of probabilities

vocabulary: of girls vs. boys; simple vs. pretentious

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