Third Time's a Charm (Halloween LaVeau) (19 page)

BOOK: Third Time's a Charm (Halloween LaVeau)
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Kelley and her gang of witches started walking toward the trees. They didn’t look back, but instead they just marched across the yard,
then disappeared behind one of the trees. Had they disappeared for good this time? I hoped so. I looked down at the book. Thank goodness it was safe. This scene had been uncannily like the last spell when the 1785 coven members and I had thought we’d gotten rid of Giovanni and Kelley. Was it finally over this time?

I hurried across the lawn toward the manor with the book in my arms. I had to get it back inside before something else happened. I glanced over my shoulder repeatedly to see if Kelley and the others had returned, but so far they weren’t back.

After making it inside, I immediately took the book upstairs and locked it away in the trunk at the foot of my bed. I moved over to the window and looked out across the yard for Giovanni, but he wasn’t there. Releasing a deep breath of relief, I placed the key for the trunk on a chain and slipped it around my neck. The key would be secure tucked under my shirt. I locked the door to my bedroom and headed back downstairs. Finally the book was secure in my room. No one would be able to get near it now.

The sound of the front door opening caught my attention. I held my breath waiting for movement. When I reached a place on the stairs where I could see downstairs, I spotted Nicolas in the foyer. The coven members stood around him with giddy smiles on their faces.

A smile immediately spread across my face. “Am I happy to see you,” I said as I rushed down to hug him.

“We thought you were going to hug us,” Rebecca said.

I released my hold on Nicolas and reached over for a group hug with the ladies. “I can’t thank you all enough for what you’ve done.”

“You’re welcome, dear. At least now we know why we were here. You needed our help to fight the coven. Who else would be better to fight their symbol magic th
an a coven who used the same symbol magic?”

“What happened?”
Nicolas asked, looking me up and down, then looking at the coven members. “You look like you’ve been in a fight.”

I smoothed my hair down and nodded. “You could say that.”

I explained about Kelley and her newly formed coven returning for the book. The coven members beamed as I recounted their heroic efforts. I wasn’t so overjoyed though because I had no way of knowing if Kelley and her coven were truly gone for good. Only time could tell.

“What I want to know is how did Giovanni add the spells?” Nicolas asked.

“He’d unlocked the magic and created a spell that would allow him to add spells to the book. Kelley had been a part of an evil coven and had returned to seek revenge for having her leader status stripped away. She couldn’t stand not having the power. She’d used Giovanni to get the book for her. She never intended on allowing him to be the leader. It figures the time when I’m put in charge is when all hell breaks out within the Underworld.”

“I’m so sorry that I wasn’t here for you.” Nicolas caressed my cheek.

I shook my head. “You can’t always be here, and apparently there is always something crazy going on around here.”

“We’ll leave you two alone,” Rebecca said as the coven members walked across the room and in the direction of the kitchen.

“No magic spells in the kitchen,” I called after them.

They’d just disappeared around the corner when the doorbell rang. I honestly didn’t want to answer the door. It was never good news. In spite of my reluctance, I forced myself over to the front door.

Nicolas stood beside me in his ready-to-fight stance. He nodded. “Okay, I’m ready. Open the door.”

With my hand on the doorknob, I released a deep breath and opened the door. Misty Middleton was standing in front of me. Nicolas relaxed his stance.

She smiled widely. “Hi, Hallie. How are you? You look great today. I like that sweater. Is it new?”

o amount of flattery would save her now. “What can I do for you, Misty?” I asked drily.

She paused,
then said, “Look, Hallie, I know I betrayed you, and I am sorry, but you can forgive me, right?”

I shook my head. “I’m not sure I can do that, Misty.”

She scowled. “Don’t you believe in second chances?”

“Of course I do, but your actions have to have consequences.” She stared at me blankly as if that concept was totally foreign. I continued, “I think you should be suspended as leader for the time being.”

“What! You can’t do that.” Shock tightened he delicate features of her face.

“If you don’t have any other mishaps, then we can discuss you being the leader again,” I said.

Misty glared at me. Without a word, she spun around and stomped down the steps and to her car. She glared at me one last time as she hopped in her car and then took off down the driveway. Gravel spun out from behind the wheels. Misty was no longer leader of the coven. This left me with a dilemma. Who would be the leader? It would be a temporary position until Misty proved that she wasn’t going to screw me over anymore.

The thought had barely left my head when Nicolas stepped closer to me.

“Misty was in a bit of a hurry.” He gestured with a tilt.

I shook my head. “I guess getting the news that you’re no longer the leader will do that to you.”

He nodded. “It’s the only thing you could do after what happened.”

“Yeah, except now I need someone to replace her for the time being. I think she’ll end up as the leader again, but in the meantime…” I looked at him.

He met my gaze. “What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking what if you stayed in Enchantment Pointe as the leader of the coven for a while
.” I gave him a long, searching look.

“I think people will know that you gave me special treatment
in giving me that position,” he said.

“I know, but honestly, you are the most qualified person for the job

Okay, so
as far as I knew, there were no specific qualifications to be a coven leader. And to be honest, I had no idea Nicolas’ true experience or skill level that would make him qualified for the position, but I trusted that he would be a great leader. Call it a hunch.

He stared at me, but didn’t answer.

“It would be a favor to me, really.” I smiled.

Nicolas rubbed my arms, sending a chill down my body. A tingly sensation zipped through my body when he leaned in closer and placed his warm lips against mine. Needless to say I melted into his kiss, allowing the stress to flow out of my body. It was hard not to succumb
to his charm. The room began to spin as his tongue moved across mine. I pressed my body closer to his. Nicolas released me from his arms and grabbed my hand, leading me into the parlor.

“What’s going on?” I asked. “Did something happen that you forgot to tell me about? It’s more bad news, right? Of course it is. What else could it be?”

“Would you please calm down,” he said with a smile in his voice.

I released a deep breath. “Okay. I’m calm. Now tell me what’s going on.”

He gestured toward the sofa. “Would you like to sit down?”

“Is the news that bad? Now I need to sit down?” I asked.

He quirked an eyebrow.

“I’m doing it again. But can you blame me?” I released another cleansing breath. “Okay. I’m ready.” I eased down on the sofa, not taking my eyes off Nicolas. “So let me have it.”

He grabbed my hands in his and looked me in the eyes. “I’d love to stay in Enchantment Pointe for a while, if the offer is still on.”

A huge smile spread across my face. “Are you kidding? Of course the offer still stands. I just asked you, didn’t I? I need you. I can’t think of anyone more qualified.”

“Well, I think you’re just being biased, but I appreciate the compliment.” Nicolas kissed me with a long soft kiss.

Annabelle burst through the door—without knocking or hesitating to come inside like a skittish cat. “I couldn’t wait to tell you the news.”

Okay, I could tell by the smile on her face that it was good news. Why couldn’t Nicolas have given me that same look? He was always so serious.

“What’s going on?” I jumped up and met her across the room.

Annabelle’s eyes were wide and she was talking so fast that I couldn’t understand her. I grabbed her hands. “Okay, tell me what’s going on. The suspense is getting to me,” I said.

“Remember the other day when we were at your mother’s shop?” she asked.

I nodded. “Yes, I remember.”

“Well, remember how I did the spell stuff with her,” she said.

“Yeah.” I nodded again.

“I was talking to your mom and she asked if I wanted to help her at the shop. I can’t believe that I can do magic too.”

I smiled. I never thought she’d be this excited over the paranormal. She’d always wanted to run in the opposite direction. But why she’d never known she had this special talent before now I didn’t know. That was something I would have to find out.

I hugged her. “That’s fantastic, Annabelle.”

“Congratulations,” Nicolas said. He pushed to his feet and closed the distance between them, shaking Annabelle’s hand.

“Where’s Jon?” I asked. He’d been almost invisible since I’d questioned him about his association with Kevin.

“Oh, he’s in the car. He thinks you’re mad at him.”

“What? Why would I be mad at him? Tell him to come inside,” I said.

Just as I’d erased the jumbled thoughts from my mind and given in to the happiness of the moment, we were interrupted by a loud rap on the door. Nicolas, Annabelle, and I froze, turning to gawk at the door. Who could it be? Had Kelley returned? Not another bed-and-breakfast guest, right?

I prayed it wasn’t someone looking to take the Book of Mystics away. I’d hoped that I’d put that all behind me now. The knock had been loud as if someone really wanted in. That was the only sign I needed in order to know that this was going to be bad news. I jumped up and hurried to the front door.

Nicolas looked out, then looked back at me. “It’s a woman.”

“Oh no.
Do you recognize her? Is it the woman we saw at the festival? Because she’s a part of Kelley’s coven.”

Annabelle stood behind me, using me as a shield.

Nicolas shook his head. “No, I’ve never seen her before.”

I’d let my guard down too soon. It had been wrong for me to think that this was over that easily. I couldn’t get that lucky. I stepped over to the door and looked out. Nicolas was right. It wasn’t the woman from the festival or anyone else who I recognized. That was odd. I eased the door open and looked at the woman.

“May I help you?” I asked.

She nodded with a little smile. She was a petite woman with long wavy hair and high cheekbones and gorgeous big brown eyes.

“I saw your bed-and-breakfast sign. You have a charming place here,” she said.

This was not happening. There was no use in fighting it. I might as well invite her in.

“Please won’t you come in?” I stepped out of the way so that she could enter.

Nicolas and I watched as she stepped across the threshold and placed her bag on the floor.

“This place is even lovelier on the inside,” she said.

“Will you need to stay long?” I asked
, hoping that she would say no.

I looked at her suspiciously. Nicolas was even giving her that same odd look. Annabelle leaned closer, waiting for her answer.

“Oh, I’m not here as a guest. I’ve been called here to investigate your recent magic,” she said.

She didn’t even look me in the eye
s when she said this, as if this was an everyday occurrence. Had the leader ever been investigated before?

I was sure I had a confused look on my face. “What are you talking about?”

“You brought an entire coven back from the dead. They called us. They said they’re not ever going back to the other dimension. We have a huge problem on our hands because of that. You really should watch your magic,” she said sweetly.

I couldn’t believe the coven members had called to rat on me.

“And who are you?” I asked.

“My name is Charlie Scott. I work as an Underworld investigator, but I like to call myself a full
-time witch. The Underworld Board called me as soon as they heard from the coven members. You are under investigation.”

I looked at Nicolas. He looked just as shocked as me.

“There’s an Underworld Board? I knew there were small committees for each coven and such, but an actual board? Can the leader of the Underworld be under investigation?” I asked, looking from her to Nicolas for an answer.

“I’m afraid so,” she answered.
“Now if you’ll please show me to my room.” She picked up her bag and moved over to the staircase.

Well, I hadn’t seen that coming, but honestly, I should have. I exchanged a look with Nicolas again. He shrugged.

“Can she do this?” Annabelle whispered.

I didn’t answer because Charlie
was staring right at me. After motioning for her to follow me, we made our way up the long and winding stairs.

BOOK: Third Time's a Charm (Halloween LaVeau)
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