Thirsty (7 page)

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Authors: Mike Sanders

BOOK: Thirsty
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Cross shook his head with pity as if he wanted to say “that’s a damn shame.”
Just then, D.C. was smiling as he walked back over to where we were parked.
He said, “Yo, I don’t know who them bitches fuckin’ with but whoever it is gotta be holdin’. Did you see them diamonds on them bitches’ fingers an’ shit?” D.C. was climbing back onto his bike as he spoke.
“Yeah, I peeped that,” I replied. “You come up?” I was hoping he’d gotten the girl’s number.
“You know I did. Hell, I knew
wasn’t,” D.C. responded, laughing. He waved a piece of paper. “You know I got the gift of gab, nigga. A bitch don’t stand a chance if she sit there and listen to me for more than five minutes.”
It was a good thing he had come up with the digits because we would surely need a way to contact the girls if we planned on getting at their niggas. While we were talking about the broads in the Beemer we heard the sound of motorcycles with loud ass pipes coming down Beatties Ford Road, nearing the park. The bikes were so loud it sounded like a thunder storm was headed in our direction. I looked around and tried to pinpoint the noise and I saw four bikes being stalled near the entrance of the park. The two bikes in front were painted with that candy shit that looked like it was dripping wet. The two in back were flip-flop painted and all four were Italian-built Ducatis, the most expensive bikes on the market.
The sound of Cross starting his bike made me look over at him. He was putting on his helmet as he watched the four bikes slowly progress up the strip in the slow moving traffic.
He looked at me and D.C. and said, “I’m about to bounce. Y’all comin’?”
D.C. and I looked at one another.
“I ain’t goin’ nowhere; it’s too much pussy floatin’ ’round out here,” D.C. answered.
Cross then looked over at me with raised eyebrows.
“Hell nah I ain’t ready either,” I answered.
Cross continued to watch the strip before abruptly pulling off. As I watched his bike with the new paint job he’d recently gotten I realized how much differently his joint looked. It looked like a totally different bike.
“Paranoid ass nigga,” I mumbled to myself while watching Cross pass the four Ducatis as he exited the park.
“What that nigga goin’ through?” D.C. asked.
“He act like he geeked up.” I replied while watching Cross disappear around the corner.
Moments after Cross had left, the four Ducatis were pulling up next to me and D.C. Once they were all parked they killed the engines and removed their helmets. I looked over at D.C. and saw him looking the niggas up and down. The driver of the bike that had been leading the pack spoke first. He looked over at D.C.
“What it do Dark Cloud. Or is it Dick Cheney? I never know what D.C. stands for from day to day. Is it Don Cornelius today?” His partners laughed.
“Nah, it’s Dying to Creep, ’cause I’m waitin’ to catch a nigga slippin’ today,” D.C. replied with a serious expression glued to his face.
The nigga turned to me and said, “What up bruh-in-law?”
It was Carlos. He had an arrogant smirk on his face. I looked at him and responded non-chalantly.
“Fuck you think’s up? A nigga’s hot, frustrated, and here y’all come fuckin’ up a nigga’s aura.” I was waving my arms around as if they could really see some type of aura going on. I was also bobbing my head to the beat of someone’s stereo that was bumping loud as hell off in the distance.
Ali spoke to both me and D.C. while Supreme and Scarface played the back and sat there mean-mugging like Carlos’ little watchdogs.
“Aura? Nigga you can’t afford an aura!” Carlos stated as he pulled a knot of hundreds from his front pocket. “Want me to buy you one?” He was laughing.
He stuffed the money back inside his pocket and moved his wrist back and forth so I could see the diamonds sparkling in his platinum watch.
“Seriously though, you got my number. You and D.C. sniper get at me when y’all ready to stop playin’
Robbin’ in da Hood
and ready to make some real guap.”
He reached over from where he was seated on his bike and held my ski mask charm in his palm for a second, then let it fall back to my chest.
With much sarcasm he laughed and told his boys, “Aw, that’s so cuuuute.”
He pulled his chain from inside the neck of his t-shirt and held up his platinum Versace charm, which was flooded with baguettes.
He pointed at mine once more and said, “Look, y’all, my chain had a baby.”
I laughed and told him, “Fuck you.” I knew he was only clowning as he always did with me and D.C., but it was entirely too hot for that comedic shit.
After another joke or two, Carlos and his crew pulled off burning tires, leaving thick clouds of white smoke in their wake. I fanned the smoke from my face and coughed up a few fumes while slowly shaking my head at their feeble attempt to show off. They rode over to where the girls in the BMW were parked and they all greeted one another like they all knew each other.
After they’d left I thought about that nigga Carlos and just how much street money he was out there getting. Carlos was known for holding more weight than the scales at a Jenny Craig convention! He was also rumored to be a millionaire, but I didn’t know if that rumor had any truth to it. He was an arrogant ass nigga but we had always gotten along, except for one time.
I thought back to the day he had put his hands on Justice. They had a little lovers’ spat and he ended up smacking Justice. Needless to say, I was beyond heated. Fucking with my fam’ is a definite no-no! True enough, I’d heard about Carlos’ reputation and the bodies he’d supposedly had under his belt but I wasn’t fazed. I’d stepped to that nigga with my “problem solver” and checked his ass. And low and behold, Ice was right back with him a week later. Since that little incident had occurred I made it my business to stay out of their domesticated rifts. A woman gets her ass beat, leaves the nigga, and then ends up going right back to him? I still couldn’t figure out the logic in that shit. Women can be simple-minded as hell!
Carlos knew I was a robber and he said he respected my hustle as long as I “Never try
Never try him?
This thought caused me to chuckle to myself because I wondered who had died and made his ass God. That nigga actually believed that he was Mr. Fuckin’ Untouchable!
After Cross had left the park, D.C. and I stayed and hollered at a few girls for about an hour or so before heading to my sister’s place to give her the rest of her money from the Embassy Suites robbery. I’d finally sold the jewels we’d taken from those football niggas and we ended up with a nice stack.
Me and D.C. left the park with a few numbers from some bad bitches, but D.C. had the most important number of them all in his pocket. It was a number that we would undoubtedly put to use in the near future. It was the girl’s number from the BMW.


t had taken Monk a few days to get rid of the jewelry that they had taken from the football players but he ended up breaking me off real proper-like just as he’d promised. I had to admit, I was thoroughly satisfied with my share. I was thinking that maybe I could sit my ass down for a minute and possibly find a real job for once.

The money I’d accumulated from the streets would’ve lasted long enough for a sistah to go to school and acquire some kind of bankable skills. Besides, all I knew how to do was find a way to get something for nothing. I had no idea what field of work those skills would be useful in other than some type of criminal activity. The only legitimate job I’d ever had was at Neiman Marcus as a cashier years earlier. However, when Sapphire had gotten stopped by security with over two thousand dollars worth of clothing and a receipt showing that she’d paid only fifty dollars for it my days as a cashier had come to an end. That had been before I’d gotten a taste of how sweet and how addictive that street money could be. Needless to say, I hadn’t done anything legit since.

That same day Monk had come through to break me off Carlos had called and asked if he could “stop by for a few.” I was no fool; I already knew what time it was. He wanted some punanny. I don’t know
I kept falling into that trap. It was as if Carlos had some sort of sexual spell over me because I could never refuse him. The dick had me whipped! No matter how hard I tried to resist him, I just couldn’t do it.

I told him he could come over but only for a brief moment because I had some things to take care of. He knew I was lying and didn’t really have anything to do because I could see that damn smile on his face all the way through the phone.

After showering and lotioning myself in apricot body oil, Carlos’ favorite scent, I decided it was time to tighten up—literally. I reached beneath my sink in the bathroom way behind the Massengils, tampons, and other feminine items and grabbed my secret weapon. I called it my “Rebirth” because after using a teaspoon of it with my douche, the kitty would be almost as tight as it was when I’d come into the world. This coochie tightening cream had by far been my most rewarding purchase from my favorite on-line sex shop.

With a few “Oooh, Daddy, you so big,” “Ouch, you hurtin’ me,” and “It’s been a minute since I’ve done it,” a man’ll think he struck gold. The best thing about it was the fact that it was tasteless and odorless. Vinegar and water didn’t have shit on this concoction. Yep, tricked many niggas with this one!

After becoming “born again,” so to speak, I threw on the tightest pair of gym shorts I could find and donned a wife beater. I didn’t even waste time putting on panties or a bra because I knew I wouldn’t have them on long anyway. I let my still damp hair hang loosely over my shoulders and I put a thin coat of gloss on my lips before taking a seat on my living room sofa to await Carlos’ arrival.

I curled my feet up under my butt and clicked on the television with the remote. I tried to get my mind off Carlos and that good lovin’ that was on its way over, but my coochie seemed to have a mind of its own as it continuously throbbed with anticipation. I had to place a pillow between my thighs to try to temporarily soothe the sudden ache.

I’d been on the sofa for only a few minutes before my telephone rang.
My first thought was,
This nigga’s on that BS. again
. I thought it’d probably be Carlos calling with some tired ass lie as usual that would have him running another hour or so late, or would have him not able to show up at all.
Without looking at the number, I snatched up my cell with an attitude, “See, I knew this shit was gonna happen. I’on’ know
I keep on fall—”
“Guuurl, what the hell is wrong with you? Who pissed in yo’ coffee dis morning?” It was Sapphire.
“My bad, sis, I thought you was Los, callin’ with another lie. You know how dat nigga do.” I softened my tone as I inserted my Bluetooth.
“Lemme find out you still messin’ wit’ Carlos? I thought you cut his ass off.”
“A bitch still got needs.”
“A bitch
to leave his tired ass alone,” Sapphire stated, then added, “You always tellin’ me about no good ass niggas, but you won’t even take your own advice. Practice what you preach sometimes.” She was speaking in a sisterly tone.
“See, the difference between me and you is the fact that I know where to draw the line at and you don’t. Love ain’t nowhere on my agenda! I’m just gettin’ my thang off. When I cum, they go! Simple as that.” I paused, and then added, “And best believe a nigga definitely ain’t gettin’ ready to be getting no keys to this spot.”
I let that sink in for a minute because Sapphire knew I was calling her out about her choice of men.
“I ain’t never gave but two men the keys to my house before. And in both instances they was my
at the time.”

Yeah, yo’
who dogged yo’ ass out. One stole everything that wasn’t nailed down and the other used his dick as a thermometer to check your cousin’s temperature.” I was laughing. I was thinking that the shoe must’ve fit because she definitely stuck her foot into it.
“See, you wrong for that,” said Sapphire. She took a deep breath and added, “But you tellin’ the truth though.”
“I know I’m tellin’ the truth ’cause you and I both know...” I paused because I heard the sound of Carlos’s loud ass motorcycle nearing my building. I told her, “Lemme call you back, Los out there.”
“Alright. Don’t you hurt that nigga up in there wit’ yo’ freaky ass,” Sapphire joked.
“Bye, bitch.” I laughed along with her while ending the call. Just then, my intercom buzzed and I heard Carlos’s deep voice telling me buzz him in.
After a few short minutes my doorbell rang and I hurried to my bedroom to check myself in the full-length mirror to make sure I was flawless before answering the door. Glancing through the peephole, I saw Carlos standing there dressed in baggy shorts and an Ed Hardy T-shirt with his helmet in his hand. He was looking just as edible as the first day I’d laid eyes on him at C.J.’s nightclub years earlier.
I couldn’t stop throbbing!
When I let him in I tried with all my strength to ignore the undeniable chemistry that had always brewed between the two of us. I was testing myself to see how long I could hold out before falling weak. However, as soon as he walked in the smell of his Prada cologne had a sistah ready to crawl into his arms.
He took a seat on my sofa and I plopped down beside him. I tried to avoid looking at him I but couldn’t help it. As usual, he looked like he was fresh from the barber shop. His thick waves were spinning out of control and his beard and goatee was trimmed to perfection. Before I could stop myself, my hand had moved on its own. I was reaching over and tracing his wave pattern with my fingers. That was something I used to have a habit of doing back in the day when we were together.
Carlos looked at me with those sexy ass eyes and flashed that smile which always made me melt.
“So, what’s been up, ma? How you been?” he asked. He was still smiling, knowing he had me.
I turned away and looked at the television while still stroking his head.
“I’m good, I’m good. How ’bout you?”
“I’m aiight. Niggas been tryin’ to carry me like a duffel bag lately, but other than that I’m straight.” He shifted a bit before pulling a pistol from his waist. He placed it on my coffee table as he usually did whenever he visited.
“What you mean ‘niggas been tryin’ to carry you’?” I asked.
“You ain’t hear ’bout them niggas kickin’ Mark’s door in?” He was surprised that I hadn’t heard the news.
“Huh-uh, what happened?”
He started telling me about the robbery. “Some bitch tried to get Mark to open the door but he peeped game. But some niggas still ended up kickin’ it in and duct taped him and his girl. They took Mark’s jewels and a lil’ bit of dough. But it’s all good though.”
Carlos was acting nonchalantly about the incident, but I knew him well enough to know he had revenge on his mind.
“You don’t know who did it?” I was rising from the sofa and heading towards my kitchen area to fix a drink.
“Yeah, I know who one of ’em is. A lil’ bitch ass nigga from Lake View. You pro’lly don’t know ’em.” Carlos was watching my ass as he spoke.
I changed the subject and asked if he wanted something to drink. I was bent over with my ass in the air while looking through my refrigerator.
“What kind of beer you got?”
“Corona,” I replied while grabbing him a cold one and closing the fridge behind me. I walked over and handed him the beer, then started to go back into the kitchen to fix myself a drink. As I turned to walk away from him I felt his hand smack my ass.
“Boy, you betta quit.”
I tried not to smile but the stinging sensation sent a shiver up my spine. He knew I loved having my ass spanked. I switched my ass harder than usual as I headed back into the kitchen area. I knew he was watching and it would only be a matter of time before he made his move. I looked over the bar and saw him rise from the sofa and head towards the kitchen where I was now standing. I was on my tiptoes reaching for a glass in my cabinet so I could mix myself an apple martini.
As soon as I reached up for the Vodka I felt one of Carlos’s hands running through my damp hair and his other hand was circling my waist. I tried to turn so I could face him, but he kept me with my back to him as he moved my hair aside and begun kissing and licking on the nape of my neck, just like I liked it. I felt another shiver creep down my spine when his hands moved over my bare stomach and up to my breasts. He always knew exactly how to caress my titties with just the right amount of pressure to make a sigh escape my lips. With one fluid motion, he raised my wife beater and freed my breasts, causing my nipples to stiffen as soon as the cool air from the overhead ceiling fan kissed them.
While cupping a breast in each hand he teased my erect nipples and continued to kiss my neck. The sensation caused my hips to instinctively push backwards with hopes of feeling the bulge of his erection through his jean shorts. And just like I’d figured, his probing dick was poking out in his shorts and tapping me on my ass. This nigga was
making my kitty purr with anticipation. My eyes closed involuntarily due to the exquisite sensations I was experiencing.
I was gripping the countertop with one hand to steady myself because Carlos was making my knees weak. My other hand was reaching up and caressing the back of his head as he continued to kiss my neck and upper back. I felt his hand slide from my breasts back down to my stomach. Then I felt him venture further south until he was stroking my kitty through the thin fabric of my shorts. I knew he could feel my wetness because with each slight movement of my legs I could feel the sloshing between my nether lips.
I moved my hand from his head and moved it down to his hand, which was between my legs. I helped him stroke my pussy just the way I liked it to be stroked until I got lightheaded. As I stood there with Carlos grinding his crotch against my ass while strumming me like a violin, I wanted him
so bad
Moments later, we were heading to my bedroom while shedding articles of clothing along the way. By the time we reached the room I was completely naked while Carlos was still undressing. I lay on my bed, propped up on my elbows and watched as Carlos took off the remainder of his clothes. He was watching me watch him with that sly smirk on his arrogant ass face. After stepping out of his boxers he approached the bed and positioned himself on top of me. He kissed me, searching my mouth with his tongue while his hands rubbed, squeezed, and caressed my body. I was running my hands along his back, feeling the muscular contours as he began to kiss and lick my breasts with aggression.
A whispered, “Oooh shit,” escaped my lips when he took one of my nipples between his teeth and bit down gently. This nigga had me
When I felt his hand glide across my hairless vagina, I instinctively parted my legs so he could have better access. He tickled my clit with his skillful fingers, which sent tiny tremors vibrating through my stomach for a brief moment. His fingers were drenched with my juices when he raised them to his lips and sucked them clean. Nothing turns me on more than a man who loves to eat pussy. Carlos definitely had a knack for the acquired taste and I was more than willing to whet his appetite.
He slid his body down mine until he was face-to-face and lip-to-lip with my kitty. He spread my throbbing lips so delicately you’d think diamonds were about to drip from that spot where my thighs met at the V.
Carlos stuck his tongue so deeply into my tight hole it felt as if a baby snake was slithering around in there.
“Oh, yeah, baby. Mmmmmmm, shit.”
He had me moaning and gyrating my hips. I grabbed his head and tried to force his entire skull up into me.
He paused momentarily and looked up at me, “Damn, ma, you really enjoyin’ this shit huh?”
He was smiling with wet lips. He replaced his tongue with two fingers and I flinched a little from the sudden intrusion because my pussy had really tightened up. He continued to probe with his digits, loosening me up a little as he attached his lips to my sensitive clit and began to suck away.
“Oh, shiiiit! I’m cummm, I’m cummm.” I couldn’t even finish the sentence because his swirling tongue felt like a million tiny men doing a rain dance on my swollen nub. I lost it! I came with violent, thigh quivering tremors as Carlos continued to lick me low.
He rolled me over onto my stomach and spread my ass cheeks so he could eat the pussy from the back. He knew this always sent me over the edge. He placed a pillow under my stomach so that my ass was slightly elevated and both holes were exposed. I loved being in such a vulnerable position. I felt Carlos make a wet trail with his tongue from my asshole all the way down to my clit. He did this again and again until I felt like I would pass out from the pleasure of it all. After only a few minutes of this I had to make him stop before he caused a bitch to have a damn seizure!
Once I was able to regain my senses I took the liberty of returning the favor. I sucked him into a frenzy until he was at the point of near-explosion! But I was determined not to let him cum without penetrating me. I stretched a condom over his rigid dick and climbed on top so I would be able to control the depth and speed of our thrusts. I slowly guided him into my tight, dripping hole while lowering myself an inch at a time until my ass was resting on his thighs. His penis was stretching my walls beyond belief and I didn’t even have to use my internal muscles to squeeze him for that snug fit. I leaned down and licked his chest, letting my tongue ring graze his nipples. I loved to watch the expression on his face while we fucked so I looked into his eyes while caressing his abs. I saw the pleasure he was feeling as my pussy gripped him like a glove.
Carlos began to thrust his hips upwards causing his member to penetrate me deeply.
“Oh shit! Ummmph, ummmmph, oh yeah! I love this big dick baby! Oh, Looooosss.”
I was loving it! Carlos gripped my ass and rammed his stabbing dick up into me with such force it tapped my G-spot, sending me into a whirlwind. My head whipped side to side as my hair swung all over the place like a mad woman!
“Oh, yeeeeah, my God!”
I was about to come again when Carlos suddenly lifted me up off him and lay me on my back with my legs thrown over his shoulders. He entered me a second time. He beat the pussy up so bad from this angle it felt as if he were trying to re-arrange my uterus. It was a little uncomfortable for about all of ten seconds, and then it felt as if a large water filled balloon inside my womb was aching to burst. The pressure started building, and building, and building…until all of a sudden… the damn thing burst! All of my love came raining down on him!
“Oh, shiiiiit, don’t stopppp!” My body felt like one gigantic nerve as I climaxed, creaming Carlos’s condom-clad dick with my juices. My thighs were shaking and I couldn’t control my breathing.
Seconds after my climax, I heard Carlos grunt as he climaxed also. The thin barrier that was preventing skin-to-skin contact was instantly filled with his seed.
As I lay there with Carlos still between my thighs, sweating and panting, I absolutely
this nigga for knowing my body so well. However, in the same instance, a part of me
him for making me feel so damn good.
Street niggas,
I thought as I lay there stroking Carlos’s back, which was glistening with sweat.
I really need to put an end to this shit,
was my last thought before drifting off into a sex-induced slumber.

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