This Is Love, Baby (War & Peace #2) (13 page)

BOOK: This Is Love, Baby (War & Peace #2)
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Don’t think about it.

Don’t think about it.

“Son, do you remember that time we saw that stingray over at Coronado’s beach? He had to have been four feet long. Just swam right up to you.”

His twinkling eyes meet mine and he grins. I nod and try to smile around the tube in my mouth.

“Your mother started screaming like a wild banshee. You’d have thought you were being attacked by a great white, not a stingray. How old do you think you were? Ten? Eleven?”

Nodding, I smile again. I remember at first being terrified by the sea animal but then I couldn’t take my eyes from it. I’d reached out my shaky hand and stroked the smooth side of the creature, careful to stay away from its tail, before it floated back out into the water. By the next big wave, it had disappeared. Dad told me animals know a kind spirit—that they’re drawn to them. He said that magnificent creature was fascinated by me as much as I was about him. A mutual respect and curiosity between species. To this day I still wonder about that stingray.

“Wasn’t so bad,” the nurse chuckles and starts cleaning up. “Last time we had to sedate you. You’ll be walking out of here before you know it.” She winks and leaves me here with my dad.

“Good job, son. I knew you could do this. Focus on the good—focus on Baylee. We’re going to get her back. Just as soon as we get you out of here, we’re going to find her and keep her safe so that bastard never messes with her again.”

My nod this time is curt and I stare at him with an intensity that I hope conveys my serious determination to get better so I can help her.

“Now rest,” he urges and squeezes my hand. “You’re going to need your strength because when we leave here, you’re going to slay that dragon and save your princess.”

I close my eyes and immediately bring forth those innocent, kind blue eyes. She’s been through so much and I can only imagine what she’s going through now. But she’s unflappable and resilient. Her strength is more than a thousand men. My girl will survive that asshole’s clutches. I just need her to keep staying strong until I get there.

Dad was wrong.

I won’t be saving a princess.

No, I’m going to save my queen.

the shower running, I toss the piece of chicken back into the styrofoam box and sling the entire thing into the cellar.

“What did you say to her?” I snarl through clenched teeth.

Gabe’s eyes remain narrowed as he watches my every move and takes his time chewing what little of the food I gave him. Once he swallows, he smirks at me. “I told her she’ll never be satisfied with your limp dick.”

A deep growl rumbles in my chest and I seize his throat with my hand. “Fuck off and tell me what you really said. Do you think you have enough air to last through her shower? Little Baylee isn’t going to come rescue you, dumbass.”

He refuses to speak, so I squeeze hard enough to cause him to struggle in the chair. I enjoy the way his face turns purple. So fucking purple. Death will never be a good enough punishment for the bastard who stole my girlfriend. But I’ll sure enjoy seeing him die, that’s for damn sure.


I release his throat and he gulps in air.

“What did you do to Tony?” he rasps out.

My eyebrows fly to my hairline but I quickly mask away my look of shock. “I didn’t do anything to him.” Dragging my gaze from his penetrating glare, I stare at the doorway and listen for signs of Baylee. The shower is still running.

“You’re lying and she’ll find out, you little shit,” he seethes and struggles with his bindings as if he’d actually be able to tear through them to get to me.

“No, Gabe,” I tell him calmly and lean forward until my face is inches from his scowling one. “She won’t find out. I’m going to make sure of it. Because before we leave this shithole, I’m going to cut your throat.”

He scoffs. “Oh, yeah? And then what? You two gonna ride off into the sunset together? You’re fucking delusional, kid. Have you seen the way she looks at you?”

Rage surges through me, painting my insides red with hate. I ball my hands into fists. One more stupid word out of his mouth and I’ll break my promise to Baylee about not hurting him. “She loves me.”

My entire body quakes with barely contained fury. He keeps pushing and fucking pushing. I don’t know how much longer I can take his shit before I snap.

“No, she
you. You were a teenage crush. Nothing more than a pussy-ass boy. You’re friend-zoned now. She just doesn’t know how to break it to you and your fragile little wussy feel—”

Hate overwhelms me and my restraint is no longer something I have control over. Before I can think better of it, I backhand him across the side of the head, hard enough to reopen a cut on his eyebrow which immediately starts bleeding. He spits out a wad of blood and glares at me.

“Mark my words, boy.”

With a huff, I storm out of the kitchen ignoring his psychotic laughter that echoes behind me. It takes everything in me not to beat him to a bloody pulp.

Stalking back into the bedroom, I dig around the duffle bag until I find one of Baylee’s favorite nightgowns. It’s my favorite too—an old, oversized pink thing with Tweety Bird on the front. She loves it because it was handed down to her from her mother. I love it because it’s short and shows off her pretty long legs. Also, I locate her a sexy black thong and toss it onto the bed as well.

The shower shuts off and I pace around the room waiting for her. Between her distant behavior toward me and Gabe’s taunting and threats, my nerves are shot. I need to fix this.

“I laid out your clothes,” I tell her with a proud grin.

She’s wrapped up in a white towel that stretches over her gorgeous tits and hangs just low enough to cover her pussy. I crave to finally lose my virginity to her.
Her eyes fall to the bed and tears well in her eyes.

“I love that nightgown,” she murmurs, emotion making her voice hoarse. “It used to be Mom’s.” Her long legs glide over to the bed and she fingers the thin, worn fabric as the memories assault her. When her shoulders quiver with silent tears, I stride over to her and hug her from behind.

“That’s why I brought it, babe. I want you to be happy. To remember Lynn. I grabbed a few pictures for you too.”

Her sobs are quiet, but I’m overcome with joy when she lets me hold her. My arms are locked around her stomach and I keep her back pressed to my front. As she cries, I press kisses to her bare shoulder. I want to tear the towel from her body and make love to her. To pump into her and kiss away her sorrow.


After some time, she sniffles away the last of her tears. “A thong. Really Brandon?”

I chuckle and tickle her sides, making her squirm away from me. I shrug. “I just grabbed the stuff I like seeing you in. Was I supposed to grab the granny panties that were shoved to the back of your drawer?” I question and smirk at her.

She rolls her eyes and throws the black scrap at me. “I’m not wearing those.”

I feel myself grow hard as I shove her panties into my pocket. “You won’t see me complaining,” I tease and drag my eyes down her body, eying her suggestively.

“Go away and let me get dressed,” she huffs but the playful tone is still in her voice.

“I’ll just be brushing my teeth.”

Once inside the bathroom, I quickly brush my teeth in hopes that we can at least kiss while we cuddle before bed. I drop my jeans and leave on my black boxers. When I finally emerge from the bathroom, she’s bent over the bed tugging the sheets into place and baring the backs of her smooth thighs to me.

The idea of sleeping in this bed still fucks with my head, but having her curled up next to me will outweigh the fact that Gabe fucked her on it. “Tomorrow, we’re leaving. With or without his compliance. I’m ready to take care of you and staying here is a constant reminder of what that asshole did to you. A reminder of what he did to us.”

She whirls around and glares at me. Her bare tits are visible through the thin pink gown and her hardened small nipples poke through. What I wouldn’t give to put my teeth on one of them and—

“Us?” she snaps. “He did nothing to you here in this cabin, Brandon. But me? He did everything to me. Don’t say shit like that.”

I growl and storm over to her. She flinches again and it pisses me right the fuck off. “Stop acting like you’re afraid of me, goddammit!” I say with a low rumble in my voice. “I’m not going to hurt you. You’re my everything. And just because you’re upset doesn’t mean I should be the recipient of every outburst you have. He’s the one who raped you, not me. Gabe fucked what was mine, not me. So he did do something to me in this cabin. He robbed me of what was supposed to be mine.
Next time you want to have a bitch fit, remember that I was the one to rescue you from that, because it seems like you are easily forgetting. I’m the one who fucking loves you. I’m the only one who wants to keep you safe. So cut the shit, Baylee.”

Tears well in her eyes and her body quakes with sobs. She throws her arms around my waist and buries her face against my chest, heating the flesh where her name is surrounded in tattooed flames. It seems fitting and right.

“I’m sorry, Brandon. I’m just so upset. Everything hurts. Losing my mom and War,” she sobs. I try not to flinch at the mention of that asshole. “And not knowing where Dad is. Being around Gabe, knowing he’s the blame for all of this. But being around you is the hardest. You want things from me that I simply can’t give to you right now.”

Right now.

But she didn’t say not ever.

My heart soars and I stroke my fingertips up and down her spine causing her to shiver. “It’s okay. Let me hold you while you sleep.”

She tenses in my arms but I don’t let it affect me. I peel myself from her and motion toward the bed. Then, I walk over to the bag and retrieve a picture for her, as well as her mother’s sweater. When she sees them, her cries turn louder as she releases the grief she’s been holding on to. I help her into the sweater before she crawls under the covers, clutching the picture. It only takes me a few minutes to turn off the lights and then join her beneath the sheets. She lets me pull her back against my front.

I want to roll her onto her back and push into her tight body. But I don’t. I refrain and settle with simply holding her. My fingers stroke her skin everywhere in an attempt to calm her. When her hiccups eventually turn into soft breathing, I know she’s fallen asleep.

We lay there for hours, her sleeping and me awake holding her. When she rolls onto her back, I stare down at her pretty face, the moonlight from the window casting an ethereal glow on her pale flesh. Her lips are parted open as she takes even breaths. Dark lashes flutter as she dreams. Leaning forward, I press a kiss to her pouty lips. So soft and perfect like I remember.

My dick thickens against the side of her thigh and I am fucking desperate to make love to her. She may no longer be a virgin but I am, and she’s the one I want to lose mine to. The way it was always supposed to be. For the both of us. I’m about to come simply from the idea of it. I drag my fingers over her stomach gently and then up to her breasts. With one finger, I tease the hardened peaks of her nipples through her gown. Then, I slide my finger up her throat, over her chin, and stop at her lips.

Pushing my finger into her mouth, I revel in the heat that she breathes over my flesh. I run the pad of my fingertip over her pink tongue and over the grooves of her teeth. Once my finger is damp, I pull it from her mouth. Rolling to my back as well, I push down my boxers enough to allow my stiff and eager cock to spring free. With my wet finger, I circle the tip of my cock. Knowing her juices are on me is enough to almost have me come right there.

I groan when a bead of pre-cum rolls down the head of my soft tip.

I want her to taste it.

Heat warms my body as I jerk my hand from my dick and bring it back to her lips. I push my finger back into her mouth and drag my smear of semen along her tongue. A soft moan escapes her and it makes me ravenous for her.

Removing my finger once again, I then drag the bottom of her gown up to her belly button, revealing her pussy to me.

God, what I wouldn’t give to devour her right now.

But she’s not ready for me.

I should roll back over and go to sleep.

Yet, I know I can’t. I need to touch her and make her feel better again. Even if I am only able to reach her subconscious.

Grabbing onto the back of her thigh, I pull her knee toward me until it touches the bottom of my thick shaft. I slightly buck my hips against her thigh and groan at how perfect her smooth leg feels against it.

My fingers slide over her cunt and I probe at her opening with my longest finger. She’s slightly wet. I drag my finger over it several times. The craving to taste her is intense. I pull my finger to my mouth and suck on it.

God, she tastes fucking amazing.

And now she’s all mine.

I need to fuck up Gabe once and for all. Get her away from all of this.

Just her and me.

Once my finger is good and wet, I slide it back over her slit. I find her opening and slowly push into her. She whimpers and my cock lurches with desire.

BOOK: This Is Love, Baby (War & Peace #2)
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