This Love's Not for Sale (2 page)

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Authors: Ella Dominguez

BOOK: This Love's Not for Sale
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Chapter 2

After stopping to buy groceries, Lilliana made her way to her new home. She was still in the process of unpacking her belongings and going through the last of her Auntie’s memorabilia. Margo had been very organized and kept her home in perfect order, making it easy to sort through things, but Lilliana was finding it difficult to actually get rid of anything without going into an emotional meltdown.

She had no sooner put her
provisions away when she heard the unfamiliar sound of another car driving up her long driveway. She peered out her large kitchen window to see a black, four door Maserati pulling around her circular driveway.

Lilliana was bewildered, wondering who the hell would be visiting her.
In the month she had lived there, not one single person had paid her a call. She quickly made her way to the front door and stepped out onto her front porch, watching with interest as the shiny, diplomatic vehicle parked.  When the door opened, loud music came from the car to the tune of
Koop Island Blues
. She was charmed to hear such an obscure song that she absolutely adored being played. She smiled, but her grin promptly faded when out of the car stepped Tucker McGrath.

belly did a flip-flop and her nether regions began contracting. Irritated with her bodily response, she stepped off the landing and approached him, ready to swiftly kick him off her property. She knew he was a realtor and it didn’t take a genius to figure out why he was there.

Tucker walked to the front of his car where he
met Lilliana. His desirous eyes moved over her body unabashedly and a small smirk stole onto his face. He furrowed his eyebrows and scratched his chin while continuing to take inventory of her.

took the moment to do her own inspection of Tucker now that he was cleaned up and more presentable. Aside from his blackened and swollen eye, Tucker was striking beyond comparison. He had skin a warm shade of praline; slightly long, wavy hair the color of dark chocolate with silver undertones; a rugged, handsome face that revealed a square chin with a hint of a dimple in his left cheek, and a wicked mouth that Lilliana was sure he had done sinful things with. He had a straight Grecian nose, eyes that a girl could get lost in, and a smile that could bring her to her knees.

As for
his body - sweet heavenly sculptors had done a number on him. He was superbly proportioned, firm and solid without being too muscular with massive shoulders that filled out his expensive white button down shirt, a broad chest and long, lean legs. The way Tucker stood as if he prided himself in his good looks and carried himself with an air of confidence, it was no wonder he had bedded so many women. How could they resist his demigod facade?

“Have we met before?” Tucker asked a
s his eyes roamed over Lilliana.

It was apparent h
e had the feeling of déjà vu, but he couldn’t quite place her, and Lilliana was pleased he didn’t recognize her.

” she stated mysteriously without further elaborating or telling Tucker that she had her hands in his mouth not two hours ago.


Tucker’s stance shifted and he stood quietly appraising her while he rubbed his chin, trying to place the dark-haired beauty whose eyes seemed familiar to him. He gave her body a raking gaze and a lascivious thought came to mind that perhaps he had fucked the woman before. He was annoyed with himself that he couldn’t remember if he had his cock in her or not because surely he would’ve remembered dicking such a lovely specimen.

He eyed the small, curvaceous woman with
wispy, short hair the color of onyx, taking a mental snapshot of her features. Her face was arresting with hypnotic and deceptively colored eyes that appeared brown at first glance and malachite in the direct sunlight. Tucker was mesmerized by the delicate and ethereal quality about her. Lilliana had a small snub nose and a lightly tanned complexion with flushed pink skin set against high cheek bones, but her most appealing feature was her mouth. Fuck yes, those lips – heart-shaped, generously curved and the color of amaranth.

“Did we…” he trailed off as he waggled his eyebrows suggestively at Lilliana.

Lilliana immediately picked up on his lewd insinuation and was appalled.

“Have you been with so many women that you can’t recall who
m you’ve been with?” she wrinkled her nose.

Tucker’s head cocked to one side and he grinned, “Maybe."

“That’s disgusting.” Lilliana replied snottily.

“If you say so,” he answered, fighting the urge to laugh.

“What are you doing on my property?”

hat’s what I’m here to discuss,” he replied with a cool nod.

Lilliana waited for the rest of Tucker’s reply, but he stood watching her without a sound,
enjoying keeping her in suspense.

Lilliana shook her head impatiently at him. “Are you just going to stand there or tell me what you're here to discuss?”

Tucker had the strange urge to tease Lilliana, though he didn’t know why. “You’re an impatient little thing, aren’t you?”

“I don’t have time for this,” she rebuked, turning to walk away.

When Lilliana didn’t give into his kidding, he got straight to the point. “Your property, Ms. Norris, that’s what I’m here to talk about, and how I want to buy it.”

Lilliana spu
n on her heel to face him again a contemptuous wrinkle in her brow. “You don’t have enough money to buy my property,” she sneered, looking away from him and into the grassy field that stretched out behind him.

“Oh, I have enough money.
In fact, I have more than enough. You just need to tell me your price.”

was defensive and was quickly becoming irritated with Lilliana’s insolence. Twice in one day he had a vision of a woman bent over his knee with red ass cheeks. Was it a coincidence or just the fact that he hadn’t had a woman spread across his lap in more than six months? Probably the latter, he guessed. The image was so vivid in his mind, it was as if he could feel the tingle in his palm and his cock twitched thinking about spending some quality time in his time-out room teaching this little girl how to behave. Tucker tried to clear his wayward thoughts and focus on the task at hand, which was to put Lilliana in her place.

“You’re not understanding me. What I’m saying is: Even if you have enough money, you don’t have enough money. To. Buy. My. Property,” Lilliana declared

Tucker took
a slow, deliberate step toward her and narrowed his eyes, barely able to contain the impulse to pull her over to him, shove his tongue down her throat to shut her smart-ass mouth up, and then spank the living daylights out of her. Gritting his teeth, Trucker tried to withhold his overwhelming frustration and arousal.

“Everything has a price, Ms. Norris.
,” Tucker growled as he continued to move slowly and gracefully, like a wolf stalking its next meal.

eyes rounded and she took a step back. Tucker hadn’t felt the uneasiness of a beautiful woman in a very long time and he found it enthralling that she could at least recognize his animalistic intentions and power, despite her willfulness and disobedience. His elation was soon shot down when she responded.

"This might come as a shock to you, but not everything is for sale," Lilliana huffed back,
her tongue heavy with sarcasm. Lilliana pretended not to understand Tucker’s look of agitation and refused to back down despite their physical proximity and the hungry look in his eyes.

Tucker tempered his agitation the best he could.
"I have yet to find something or
that isn't."

Well now you have. I'd appreciate if you and your amazing bicuspids would leave now,” Lilliana stated, waving her hand in dismissal.

Who the fuck did this woman think she was to try and dismiss Tucker so easily?
Tucker seethed
He opened his mouth to voice his plans to paddle her backside, but right at that moment it dawned on him who the sassy-mouthed, cock-tease was as he recognized her eyes and attitude.

"I thought it was my molars that you liked?"
Tucker smirked as Lilliana’s jade-flecked eyes widened with surprise.


Tucker’s picture-perfect face split into a large, crooked smile in an attempt to disarm Lilliana with his dazzling smile. She raised her eyebrows at him as his realization of who she was hit her. While she found Tucker's grin sexy as hell and his manly features damn near impossible to resist, she wasn’t about to give in to his obvious attempt at manipulation. He not only had sizeable wealth, but an ego the size of Texas.

Lilliana’s pulse rate was still elevated after her near show-down with Tucker. The way he
had moved toward her as if he was about ready to make a meal out of her still had her on high-alert, but it still didn’t stop her from attempting to deliver another blow to his fat ego.

"It just so happens that I admire all of your teeth, but it’s your ass I want off my property," she responded in a
n unaffected, controlled voice.

Completely ignoring Lilliana's flat tone, he asked, "Are you seeing anyone?"

Lilliana was shocked at Tucker’s bluntness and caught off guard by the sudden vibrancy in his voice. "And why the hell is that any of your business?"

“I suppose technically it’s not, but seeing as I plan on fucking you until you can’t walk, I thought it would be polite to ask," Tucker rejoined, pushing his hair back and revealing his devilish, whiskey brown eyes.

Lilliana gaped at him, astonished at his unpredictability. The burning flame she saw in his eyes startled her and she doubted he knew anything about being polite. She was even more aghast than before at Tucker’s audacity and his sheer lack of verbal restraint.

I’m surprised you can stand upright or walk with a set of balls that big. If you hadn't just had dental work, I'd slap that filthy mouth of yours," she scolded him, casting her angry eyes on him and pouting her bottom lip.


Tucker chuckled out loud while he watched her mouth keenly, fascinated with the luscious shape of it. Lilliana had no idea the size of his testicles and the lengths he would go to get his way. Every curve of Lilliana’s body spoke defiance, but if she thought being rebellious was going to deter him, she was dead wrong. Stubbornness had never stopped him before from pursuing what he wanted and this little succulent tart with a fierce tongue and ass that begged to be swatted sure as hell wasn’t going to send him running the other way. Tucker suddenly wondered what it would feel like to have those full lips wrapped around his shaft and that sharp tongue licking his big balls. He bet her smart-ass mouth would look absolutely divine glistening with his warm cum.

Tucker showed no signs of relenting.
"Gee, how polite of you to restrain yourself on my behalf. Just for future reference, Ms. Norris, I'd love to put my filthy mouth all over every inch of you.”

Lilliana was obviously becoming incensed
and Tucker was quite enjoying their verbal foreplay.

"Dream on. And just fo
r future reference, Mr. McGrath, I don't fuck - I make love," she replied, rolling her eyes at him and turning her body sideways away from him.

The way she was standing to the side gave Tucker a perfect view of her slender
figure, the curve of her ass, and her voluptuous breasts as they hung and jiggled with her movements. Her nipples stiffened in response to the cool Connecticut breeze and Tucker clenched his jaw as he fantasized about rolling them through his teeth and plucking at them with his fingers.

Tucker was
inexorable and continued to prod Lilliana. He was a man known to love the chase and this mulish woman was giving him exactly what he wanted by persisting with her rejection.

"Well that's unfortunate to hear because a good hard fuck is exactly what you need, little girl," he answered ferociously as he slicked his tongue across his mouth like a hungry wolf.


The sight of Tucker's wet tongue poking out momentarily
shook Lilliana. Feeling her lower belly ache with sexual tension, she did her best to quickly regain her composure, even if he was slightly correct in his assumption. Though she didn’t
a good hard fuck, she sure as hell

"How dare you presume to know my needs. You have no idea what makes me tick. I’m no
little girl
, Mr. McGrath. I’m a lady and a grown woman with desires you’ll never comprehend. It’s very obvious to me that from your attitude, I doubt you know what
woman needs."

Tucker moved in closer. "Why don't you educate me then, sweetheart," he simpered,
clearly trying to ignore the sting of her harsh words.

Lilliana had heard more than enough.
She was getting nowhere with this ridiculously handsome, egotistical fat-head. "Are you done? Seriously, you just don't know when to stop, do you?" she snorted as she backed away from him.

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