Thong on Fire (9 page)

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Authors: Noire

BOOK: Thong on Fire
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Chapter 6

lot for me to keep myself together as I waited for the elevator to come. Any other time I would have been riding upstairs to my own damn apartment and crawling into my big-ass bed to crash. Instead, I pressed the down button and when I got to the lobby I looked around for Frank. He was standing outside the building dressed in his navy blue uniform with the shiny gold buttons. His stomach was triplet-sized, and the toes of his pointy shoes was curled up in the air. I left my bags by the door and stepped outside and got ready for what I was about to do.

“Whassup, Frank?”

He turned and looked at me and a smile spread across his face that reminded me of that syrup running over Tai’s pancakes.

“Little Miss Saucy! How’s everything, darling? You doing well in school? You’re such a smart girl. I bet you’re making all A’s, aren’t you?”

He made me sick with that “friendly doorman” shit he pulled with all the tenants. I hated the way he pretended to kiss everybody’s ass and grin all over himself like a happy-ass slave. And he could cut all that how I’m doing in school bullshit. This motherfucker had rubbed his little tiny balls all over my nipples and shot his load on my neck. What did he care about how I was doing in school?

But I needed him.

“I’m doing good, Frank. Look, you working all night tonight, right?”

“Surely, surely! Why? Are you going out for awhile? I’ll be right here waiting to open the door for you when you get back.”

I shook my head real quick.

“Nah, I’m not hanging tonight.” I gave him the sad face. “My uncle is in some trouble, you know. My aunt got sick and went upstate to stay with her sister. I’m locked out. I was gone ask you if I could, uhm, stay at your place for a minute. You know. Since you don’t be there at night anyway.”

His fat little tongue slid across his lips.

“Er—I don’t know, Saucy, I mean, I’m sorry your people are having troubles and you don’t have anywhere to stay, but you’re kind of young. I could get in a lot of trouble, you know. Maybe even lose my job if anybody found out I let a tenant’s child stay in my apartment.”

I wasn’t too young when he was titty-fucking the hell outta me, but he had forgotten that small point. “Look, Frank. Nobody has to know. Just give me your address and your key, and I’ll catch a cab. I’ll be waiting there when you get off work in the morning and I’ll give you the best damn breakfast you’ve ever had.”

I could read his nasty thoughts in his eyes. I knew damn well his little dick was sticking straight up underneath all that stomach too.

He looked around nervously, then peered into the building to make sure nobody was coming out.

“Okay,” he said, digging into his pants pocket. “Get your bags. Breakfast sounds real good. You can skip the eggs and the toast, though. I’m a meat man. I like mine soft, brown, and warm.”

I stayed with Frank for a few weeks. I stayed high outta my mind for a few weeks too. He paid my cell phone bill and kept a roof over my head. We actually got us a little routine going. I gave him “breakfast” every morning, and he put some money in my pocket every night. He lived in East Harlem and every night when he left to go to work, I was out the door right behind him.

“You be a good girl while daddy’s gone,” he would call out before he left. Just hearing that shit made me mad. Frank was a sick motherfucker and I had to get my head tore down before I could even let him touch me.

“You have beautiful breasts,” he told me one morning as I held on to both of his man-titties to keep myself from being thrown off of him. My head was spinning. I was on top of his great big stomach, riding his little tiny dick. That was the only way I could really fuck him because his dick barely reached the gushy when he tried to get on top.

“Just hurry up,” I muttered as he gripped my ass and moved me back and forth on him. He was laying on the living room floor enjoying his “breakfast.” I had just killed a case of beer before he came in, and I was dizzy as fuck. His stomach felt like a waterbed. It was covered in stretch marks, and it was jiggling and sloshing all over the place. I honest to God did not know if his dick was inside me or not. I couldn’t feel a thing down there. The only thing I felt was sick, and even though I tried, I couldn’t help it when that beer came rushing up outta me and splashing all over him.

“Saucy!” he yelled as I gagged some more, then rolled off him and hit the floor. “What’s wrong?” He sniffed the air. “Have you been drinking, young lady?”

I almost laughed at the sternness in his voice and the concerned look on his face. He musta thought he was my father for real. One of those fathers who have no problem fucking their own daughters.

Three nights later I was partying with this down-south baller. I’d met him in Saks Fifth Avenue and he whipped out his green and paid for the Prada dress I had been thinking about boosting. His name was Dante and he was a newly signed artist who had come to New York to shoot his first music video. I told him my name was Saucy, and his silly tail sang to me all the way to the cash register.

Some mistake me for a pimp cuz I walk with a limp, so good yeah!

And some mistake me for a gangsta and they be saying I’m too damn hood, man…But I’m just your average hustler, yep from up around the way

With that dirty-dirty down south flavah like Cajun steak!

I like Prada…On my fine, sexy women…

I like Cristal, gold bottles let’s keep it poppin till we get finished!

By the time old boy was finished paying for my Prada dress and told me I could go back and pick out a bag and some shoes to match, I was singing right along with him.

“Yeah you like Prada…on ya fine, sexy women!”

He started laughing. “They call you Saucy, huh? Well let’s do us a down-south remix, then!
I like hot sauce…on my fried fish and chicken!”

He was funny as hell and sexy too! I told Dante my dream was to break into the video scene and asked him if he had any connections to help me get in the door.

“Girl, you so damn fine niggas would pay good money to have you in they production. If I hadn’t already paid for all my video hoes you woulda definitely had the top spot. Next time I hear about something opening up, I’ll put you on.”

Dante wanted to party, so we hit a few clubs and we drank and smoked until we was both sweating and feeling good.

“Yo, Shawty. Why’ont we go to your crib and hit some skin?” he suggested. He told me he was staying at his boy’s crib and he said the cat’s wife was real religious. After dealing with Frank’s soft fat ass, I was all over old boy. He was young, fine, and best of all, hard as hell. I’d already put my hand in his lap and felt what he was carrying, and his country-ass was a true piper.

We got to the crib and hit some lines, then I danced for him while he took off my clothes. We were tearing Frank’s sheets up when I heard the door slam and some keys hit the table.

“Sweetie, I’m home!!!” Frank yelled from the living room and I panicked like a mother.

“Get up!” I tried to push Dante off me. “Get the fuck up! Frank is here!”

Dante held my waist and thrust deeply down into me as hard as hell. He had the cum face on, and his dick was jerking when I pushed him off me. He collapsed on the bed next to me just as Frank walked in the room.

All three of us was breathing hard.

I jumped up and grabbed the sheet and put it over me, ready to fight Frank’s ass if I had to. I figured he would go for me first since I was the one who had brought some stray nigga home to his bed, and I was hoping Dante would be able to pull his big ass off me before he killed me.

But Frank surprised the hell out of me. Instead of jumping bad or trying to kill us both, he stood there in the doorway…and cried. The perverted motherfucker cried! Fucked my head up!

Big, fat tears rolled down his jiggly cheeks. His eyes were full of pain and disappointment, like my betrayal had cut him in his heart.

“Saucy. You have to leave my house, Saucy. Please. Leave.”

My mouth was wide open as he turned and walked out the room. I had expected some kind of fight. A knife. Some fists swinging. Shit flying through the air. But the tears? Never! I heard the front door open and slam, then I looked at Dante.

He reached between his legs and squeezed his wet dick then grinned. “Your daddy’s a good-ass man, girl. If you was my daughter I’da fucked your fine ass up.”

I slapped him on his hard stomach. “Shut the hell up. That is
my father. Where the hell am I gonna go now?”

Dante rolled over and stood up. He peeled the soggy condom off his long black dick and dropped it on the floor. “Well, ya can’t come home with me. Maybe you can find a hotel room or something. But first lemme introduce you to my man. His name is Greco. He pulls a hellacious grind down at a club called the G-Spot.”

I was seventeen and a half and I had just landed my first job.

I’d heard a lot of good things about the G-Spot, but the cover charge was high and I’d never been inside. The minute I got in there I loved it. Everything about it was live and exciting and I knew I could make enough bank to get me an apartment and get on my feet.

I was never one to click with a lot of females anyway, but I figured out real quick that I needed to keep my distance from some of the crazy-ass chicks up in the Spot.

“I don’t have no dance gigs open right now,” Greco told me. “Give it a couple of weeks, though. These bitches in here be illing so much that somebody’ll be getting tossed in a minute.”

Two days later I had a prime spot. One of their top dancers, Money-Making Monique, was cool enough to give me a hookup, and I worked that stage with her and her girl Honey Dew like I was born for it. I had a prime body and it turned me on to show it off. I liked the way I moved on the stage, and got a thrill out of what I could do to the men in the audience. It didn’t matter what kind of man it was. Old, young. Married, single. If he was in the Spot when I got on the stage, I left him with a rock in his pants.

It was wild! And I was having a ball. The hours were good, the cash was great. I got to sleep all day and party until the sun came up. I started working the back rooms regularly too, and it wasn’t long before they started calling me Brainiac due to all that good neck action I was laying down. I can’t tell you how many cats told me that hands down, out of every other bitch they’d ever been with in life, they’d never had their top done the way I put it on them.

One of my most famous clients, and the one who had the biggest, sweetest dick, was the NBA rapper Thug-A-Licious. For real! I was actually with him the night before he got took down, and if I had known it was his last night on earth I woulda put that neck pussy on him ten times harder!

But it was right about this time that the worst damn thing in the world happened too. It caught me by surprise and rocked my world so hard I didn’t know if I would ever get back up.

I was coming outta my cheap little hotel room when I stopped dead in my shoes. Aunt Ruthie was standing in the lobby talking to the desk clerk. Didn’t nobody but winos and hoes live up in here, and she looked so outta place in her long frilly grandma dress that for a second I was struck dumb. What the fuck was she doing here?

I was just about to turn around and run back up the stairs when she looked up and saw me. We stared at each other for a moment, and all the old shit between us was in both of our eyes.

I took my time walking toward her, bouncing my steps like everything in my world was grand. Her hair was longer but she still looked old, tired, and drug out, like somebody had wiped the damn sidewalk up with her.

“Whassup, Aunt Ruthie? Did Uncle Swag get his deal?”

She looked at my skimpy clothes, ass and titties busting out everywhere, and shook her head. “No. He got dead, Saucy. Dead. The streets caught up with him and choked his ass dead.”

Dead? My knees wobbled and I fell against the wall. Dead?

“Don’t lie like that,” I moaned, tears falling from my eyes. “Bitch you ain’t never liked me! But you ain’t gotta lie like that!”

“He’s gone,” Aunt Ruthie said quietly. She reached for me and held on to me as I howled. “They got him in the shower, Tollie said. Came up behind him and strangled him with a towel. He’s gone, Saucy.”

I cried from the bottom of my soul. All I could see was my Uncle Swag. My hero, my
daddy, the only man who had ever loved me from the heart and not the body.


I broke loose from Aunt Ruthie and slid down the wall. I fell on my knees trying to catch my breath, then stretched out on that nasty floor and wailed like somebody was ripping my heart outta my chest.

“I know you loved him,” Aunt Ruthie kept saying over and over again, and as bad as I was hurting I could tell she meant it. “I know how much you loved him, child.”

I went through the next few days in a coma. I smoked and drank until I couldn’t see shit, let alone feel it. Aunt Ruthie came back to my room two days later and gave me the address to the funeral home. There wasn’t gonna be no wake. She was having a viewing and the service all at once, to get it done and over with.

We buried Uncle Swag on a rainy Tuesday morning.

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