Thrasher (13 page)

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Authors: K.S. Smith

BOOK: Thrasher
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My father was on his feet to hug me. “We’ll see you back at my office.” He kissed my cheek and then walked to Megan’s chair before escorting her to the front door.

She glanced over her shoulder, and I could tell she was concerned and wanted to kill me for pawning her off on my father.

But I needed to be alone, to figure out what I was going to do next, and I needed to do it fast. I darted up the stairs and flew into my bedroom. It was cold and unfamiliar as I hated staying in Tallahassee, but, nonetheless, it was mine. I rushed into the closet and forced myself from the outfit that now felt like it was suffocating me.

As I stood there, in my closet in nothing but my bra and panties, surrounded by the emptiness of an unfamiliar home, the reality of the fact finally hit me. My body slumped back against the floor-to-ceiling glass mirror, and I slid down its cold surface until I was on the floor. My knees tucked up under my chin, my arms wrapped around my legs, and the tears began to seep out of my eyes. I wanted to scream, to break things, to yell at someone, but it was pointless.

My mother had always told me that we never show our emotions in public; it was something that made us weak. If I wanted to cry, I did it in a room all alone, get it out of my system, and when I finished, I cleaned myself up and moved on as if nothing had ever happened.

But I didn’t care. I wanted to scream at Duke the minute I’d seen him emerge from my father’s office. I’d never hidden anything from him; he’d seen every emotion I’d had from the minute he’d met me. But for whatever reason, I knew that letting him in on this pain would only make it worse for me. So I sat there, alone, crying.

I cried so hard I didn’t think I’d be able to catch my breath. My body shook with every sob, causing my muscles to contract each time, leaving me aching from my head to my toes. And when the very last tear I had left in my body to cry fell, I wiped my bloodshot, puffy eyes, pulled myself up off the floor, got dressed, and emerged from the closet, leaving Duke and everything that came with him right there. I closed the closet door and inhaled deeply before I made my way into the bathroom, where I freshened up and made my very first phone call since my life had come crashing down on top of me.

“Mom, I need the jet. I’ve got to come home early from the trip. Can you send it to the airport?” I begged.

Her response sounded sincerely worried. “Honey, is everything okay?”

“Yes, everything is fine. I just need to get home.”

“Okay, I’m twenty minutes out of Tallahassee. I was flying in with the hopes of spending some time with you and your father. Meet me at the airport with the car. I’ll have them gas up the jet so it’s ready when you arrive.”

I ended the call with my mother and went downstairs. I hopped into the car that my father left for me. “Please take me to the airport. My mom is meeting me there with the jet.”

The driver nodded and went on his way.

We arrived at the airport just in time; my mother was waiting in the private lounge, and the jet had just finished being checked for its departure. Not wanting to get into the details with my mom, I hurried into the lounge, gave her a hug and kiss, and said goodbye. Then I climbed up the stairs of the jet and was greeted by the staff.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Hamilton. Is there anything we can get you?”

I shook my head no, made my way back to the bedroom, and climbed into bed. I shot Megan a quick text.


On the jet headed home. We’ll talk on Monday.


As usual her response was nothing other than instant.


It’s okay, just get some rest. Love you.


I powered my phone off and continued to ignore the incoming calls and texts from Duke. I hit the light switch and pushed the earlier events of the day out of my head as I drifted off to sleep.



As I stepped into the front door of my parents’ huge home, the emptiness left me feeling even more alone than I already had. I hesitated as I came to terms with the fact that I needed to check in with my parents and Megan. I made my way into the kitchen, grabbed a tub of Ben and Jerry’s peanut butter cup ice cream, and headed into the living room, turning my phone on in the process. I lay down on the couch and popped the lid off the container then turned the TV on. My phone began chiming continuously until all my missed calls, messages, and texts came through. I scrolled through the brunt of the texts, which were mostly from Duke.


Brie, please answer my calls.
I’m sorry you had to find out this way.
We really need to talk. I’m worried about you.
Answer your phone. Ignoring me isn’t doing either of us any good.
Brie, please pick up.
Your father and Megan are back. Where are you?
I know you’re mid-air, but your phone still works. Answer the phone.
Please just let me know that you’ve landed safely.
I’m so sorry. I don’t know what else to say.


I shot a quick text to my mom and Megan.


Made it home. All is well.


Then I turned my phone back off before they had the opportunity to respond. I tugged the covers over me and scrolled through the
TV Guide
, settling on
A Walk To Remember
and my pint of ice cream.

Nothing like a good rip-your-heart-out movie to help me feel better about myself,
I thought.

An hour-and-a-half later, the movie was over, my ice cream container was practically licked clean, and my eyes were swollen with tears. My hands wiped my face, and I stood to fix the couch before getting rid of the evidence that I’d gone through an entire container of ice cream by myself.

Halfway up the stairwell, I was startled by a pounding on the door.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
I glanced down at my watch to check the time and noted it was almost nine in the evening. After quietly making my way back down the stairs, I darted into the formal living room and peeked out of the window, which had a full view of the front door.

“Damn it,” I whispered to myself before heading to the door and pulling it open, crossing my arms over my chest as I glared in his direction.

“Brie,” Duke exhaled. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

My foot tapped against the hardwood floor, indicating my irritation. “I’m fine, not that it’s any of your concern. What do you want, Duke?”

His eyes pleaded with me. “Can I come in?”

Against my better judgment, I rolled my eyes, turned hastily, and marched up the stairs as loud as I possibly could toward my room, allowing him to follow.

Duke closed the front door behind him and ran up the stairs after me, closing my bedroom door behind him and twisting the lock in the process, a trait I used to love because I knew it meant he wanted my undivided attention. Although now, it made me uncomfortable and angry.

My body rested down on the edge of my bed, and I looked out the window, trying to avoid eye contact with Duke.

“Brie, talk to me, please. Damnit. I never meant for you to find out this way. I’m... I’m...”

I cut him off, standing as I glared into his eyes. “Don’t! Don’t you dare tell me you’re sorry.” My lip began to quiver, and the tears welled in my eyes.
Do. Not. Cry. Brianna.
I thought, forcing the lump in my throat back down where it belonged, inhaling deeply before I went on. “I’m not doing this, Duke. How could you forget to tell me that you were working for my father, for God’s sake. This entire thing has been a setup. We’d have never met had you not tried to jump in and save me that night in the bar. And to be perfectly honest, I wish you would have stayed out of it. We could have avoided all of this. Here I thought you were coming to my rescue out of the kindness of your damn heart, when it was all really just an opportunity for you to show my father that you could handle your job. Or better yet, save your ass from being fired. Had my father found out I’d ended up in the hospital on your watch, he probably would have fired you and your entire team.”

Duke stood there, taking the tongue-lashing I was giving him like a champ as I continued on.

“You have the gall to tell me this relationship is all or nothing, and then you go and pull this shit. I don’t get it. Why not be honest with me from the get go? Why act like your job and my life are two separate things when really I am your job?!” I screamed.

My blood was boiling, and it took everything I had not to slap him across the face out of pure anger and frustration. Exhausted from the entire day, I collapsed onto my overstuffed chair in the corner of my room and just sat there, eyes locked with Duke.

He stood in complete silence, staring at me, speechless, until I’d finally had enough.

“Obviously you have nothing to say, so I think it’s best you leave.”

His head shook, and he backed up toward my bed until his legs met the mattress and his body slumped down, anger taking over his face. “You really think I have nothing to say?” he growled. “I have everything to say, but I know you, Brie. I know you better than I’ve ever known anyone else, and I know it doesn't matter what I say. You’ve already made up your mind, and there’s nothing I can do to change it. You think I don’t know that I screwed this up. You think I don’t know that things would have been different had I told you everything from the get go. Of course I know that. But what difference does it make? I didn’t, so here we are, dealing with the now. I could sit here for hours and plead my case, but you’re black and white, so what’s the point? I fucked up. I’m sorry. I wish I could change it, but I can’t.”

He rose off the bed and walked over to where I was sitting then knelt down in front of me, placing both hands on my hips. “Look at me, Brie,” he demanded.

But I couldn’t. Closing my eyes, I shook my head no, praying to God the tears wouldn’t spill down my cheeks.

Duke let out a heavy sigh and then stood, leaning in so his breath caressed my ear. “I’m sorry, Brianna. I’m sorry I fucked up. I never meant to hurt you.”

A single tear trickled down my face just as Duke’s lips met my cheek. The sound of his shoes thumping against the hardwood floors toward my door for the very last time left me feeling paralyzed all over again.

The door closed behind him, and I glanced to ensure he was out of my room before I let the rest of the tears flow rapidly down my cheeks. I rose up out of my chair and walked toward the window. I watched on while Duke made his way toward his truck. Turning, he glanced up into my window, and I quickly shifted behind the wall so he wouldn’t see me. At the sound of his engine starting, I peeked back out the window and watched him drive away from my house. I collapsed into bed and tucked myself under the covers, doing my best to convince myself, yet again, that there would be no more tears cried over Duke Thrasher.



The following morning I was awoken by the constant ringing of my cell phone. Checking the clock, I was amazed it was almost noon. “Hello.”

My father's voice came through the speaker. “Brianna Elizabeth, I’m not sure what is going on between you and Mr. Thrasher, but you have created a mess, and I want it cleaned up this instant, young lady.”

Confused, I sat up in bed. “I have no idea what you are talking about. What happened?”

I could hear my father’s voice rambling in the background as he passed the phone to my mother.

“Sweetie, your father received a call from Mr. Thrasher and his team this morning. They notified your father that this Friday will be their last day as our families’ personal security team. Your father is very upset. Mr. Thrasher’s team has been the best team we’ve had since he’s been in office. I’m not sure what you did to force them out, but by God, you better see to it that they have a change of heart before Friday.”

Livid with my parents, I hung up and in that very moment decided I was tired of being treated like a child. I was twenty-four years old, for God’s sake, and they were going to start treating me like an adult.

First things first. I jumped out of bed, threw on a pair of yoga pants, a UF sweater, my hot pink running shoes, and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I swiped my favorite pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses from my dresser and went downstairs to my car. Then I sent Duke a text as I flew down my driveway.


I’m on my way. Keep the guys from killing me.


As I pulled into their warehouse, there were only three cars out front, including Duke’s. I burst in the front door and immediately had the attention of the four men sitting around the conference-room table.

Duke jumped out of his chair to walk toward me, but I passed him and stood directly in front of all of the guys. “I’m here for one reason and one reason only. It appears to be my job to keep you all from quitting. My father seems to enjoy your team far better than any other team he has ever had working for him, and his specific instructions were for me to come deal with this situation. I don’t like having you all follow me. I think it is a complete waste of time, but apparently, my parents do not concur. Therefore, they deem you all necessary, so I’m asking that you please stay on as our private security. I’m not sure who looks after who. All I ask is that someone other than Duke be in charge of me, at least until I can get past my anger toward him.”

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