Read Thrasher Online

Authors: K.S. Smith

Thrasher (6 page)

BOOK: Thrasher
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I woke out of a deep sleep to a ringing cell phone, checking the clock before answering. Half-past midnight. “Hello.”

Duke’s voice came through the speaker. “Did I wake you?”

Not wanting him to know I’d already fallen asleep, I did my best to sound wide awake. “No, I was just watching TV.”

Instantly, I heard laughter in his response. “You’re a terrible liar. Feel like company?”

I smiled into the phone. “Yes, please.” And just as quickly as I’d answered, the phone call ended, only to be followed by the sound of the doorbell. I climbed out of bed and pulled my silk robe around my shoulders as I scurried down the stairs. I made a quick stop to check myself in the hallway mirror before opening the door.

Duke stood there, eyes glistening in the moonlight, in a pair of cargo shorts, flips flops, and a dark grey Under Armour sweater.

I quickly reached for his hand and pulled him into the house. “It’s freezing. Get inside.”

He followed me up the stairs and into my bedroom, then pulled the door closed behind him and locked it like he’d done the night before.

“Paranoid?” I asked teasingly.

He shook his head. “It’s just a habit.”

As I approached my bed, I quickly remembered my sleeping attire was a bit different than what I’d worn to bed the previous night as I’d had no plans for company.

Suddenly nervous, I began to fidget with my robe before I glanced up at Duke and then back to my bed.

I suppose he could tell where my mind was by his response. “Want me to close my eyes?”

I laughed nervously at his remark and nodded. “No peeking.”

His hands went to his eyes, allowing me to slip my robe off and climb into bed.

I pulled the covers up to my chin so my barely-there silk nighty wasn’t exposed. “Okay, all clear.”

He grinned and then dropped his hands down to the bottom of his sweater. In one quick swoop, he was standing before me, chest fully exposed.

I drew in a breath before speaking. “Peeking permitted tonight?”

His fingers undid the button of his cargo shorts, and he let them slip to the ground. Now standing there in nothing but a pair of boxers, his V muscles fully exposed for my enjoyment, “Looks like it” he replied before climbing into my huge bed. His warmth instantly radiating toward me as he slipped under the covers.

Goosebumps took over my skin at the touch of his frigid hands, “Your hands are like ice.”

Duke hooked his arm around me and tugged my body toward his as I snuggled up in the crook of his arm. His fingers trailed my back over the silk nighty. “These seem a little more fancy than last night’s pajamas. You have company before me?” he asked jokingly.

I couldn’t help but get excited at the possibility of him being jealous when I formed my response. “Yeah, six or seven different guys. In fact, you just missed the last one. He slipped out of the window on my way down the stairs to let you in.”

Duke took in a deep breath and then exhaled, and before I knew it he’d rolled our bodies so he was hovering over me. His arm muscles bulged on each side of my face while his serious eyes peered into mine. “I don’t share, Brie. You need to know that from the get go. It’s all or nothing with me. You understand?” His tone was menacing, but I couldn’t help the laughter that escaped my throat.

I slowly reached up around his neck, pulled his face down toward mine, and lightly placed a gentle kiss on his lips. “Don’t you think it’s a little early to be staking your claim on me?”

His eyes grew darker at my comment, and his next words were harsh. “I’m not staking my claim. I’m stating a fact. When the time comes, I just want to make sure you understand my rules. I don’t give second chances. Like I said, it’s all or nothing.”

I kissed his lips again and pushed his body off me so he was once again at my side, snuggled up next to me. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. For now, I just want you to stay the night with me so I’m not alone in this big house.”

He groaned into my ear as his arms wrapped tightly around my tiny frame, and I quickly drifted off to sleep.

My alarm clock went off at exactly five in the morning, and I rolled over in bed to shut it off, noticing Duke was no longer lying next to me. I scanned the empty room in search of a sign of his presence, when I noticed a note on my nightstand.


Early morning at work. Will call you later.


I climbed out of bed and tossed on my running gear then headed downstairs toward Bayshore for my morning run, where I met up with my Monday-through-Friday usuals. Twenty years of running the same course at the same time, I’d become friends with the regulars, and we’d all chat along the route at some point during our morning routine.

As I caught up to one of my favorites, I fell into place right next to my father’s college roommate, Henry. “Morning, Henry. How was your weekend?” I asked, slowing my pace to continue running alongside him.

He smiled over at me. “Great. I was actually with your parents yesterday at the benefit in Tallahassee.”

My thoughts escaped my mouth. “Must be nice. You’ve actually seen them more this month than I have. I’m happy my dad loves his job, but it comes at a price for all of us. Mom doesn’t care because she is just as busy as he, and the same goes for my brother. You know how it is for the girls. We’re expected to graduate college and then come home and frolic around the Yacht Club until we find a suitor that our fathers approve of.”

Of course, Henry defended his best friend. “Now, Brie. You know your father would love to spend more time with you. He is just an extremely busy man. And as for frolicking around the Yacht Club, that’s just the way it’s always been. Your family lives in an elite society where the men still take care of the women. It’s been like that for as long as I can remember and will continue to be that way long after I’m gone. You’ve always been independent, but one day you’ll have to settle down and be a wife, a mother. You don’t want to have to juggle all of that on top of a full-time job. Your time will come. Enjoy Tampa Prep. I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about your teaching, but just remember, one day you’ll follow in your mother’s footsteps. And who knows? Maybe you’ll be on the arm of our future governor.”

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at his old southern mentality as I waved, needing an escape. “Alright, Henry, I’ll see you tomorrow.” My runs were usually relaxing, but my conversation with Henry was a buzzkill. I loved the life my parents provided for me. It was all I’d ever known, but sometimes the expectations came at a price.




Upon pulling into the parking lot of the school, I reached for my things and began my walk to my classroom. Occasionally along the way, a student or teacher stopped to say good morning and ask how my vacation had been. My classroom door was wide open, and when I stepped in, I was greeted by Megan, who was sitting behind my desk eating her breakfast of choice: a cranberry bagel with enough cream cheese to feed a small country. How in the world she kept herself in such great shape was beyond me. She was blessed to be one of those women who could eat whatever she wanted and still resemble a goddess.

“Morning, sunshine!” she shouted across the room.

I smiled back at her and tossed my things onto my desk. “Good morning to you. Do anything exciting last night?”

Before she had time to answer, we were interrupted by one of my seniors, who walked in carrying a huge bouquet of red roses. “Ms. Tate, I looked for you in your classroom, but you weren’t there, so I figured I would find you in Ms. Hamilton’s room. These flowers were just delivered to the front office for you.”

Megan leapt out of my chair, rushed over to the student, and pulled the vase from his hands. She hurried back over to my desk and set it down then swiped the card right off the holder and tore it open. A huge smile took over her face, and her cheeks began to flush bright red.

She peered over the roses and handed the card to me. I read the message out loud.
“’There’s nothing better than a woman on top. Let’s do that again, soon. —Tripp’”

My jaw dropped, and Megan fell into my chair, laughing hysterically.

“I take it last night was very eventful?” I asked curiously.

She nodded just as the school bell rang. “Saved by the bell. We’ll chat over lunch.” And on that note she scooped up her bouquet of flowers and scurried toward the door as my students began filtering in.

It was our first day back after Christmas vacation, so there was not much time for Megan and me to catch up over lunch. She’d been busy with a few students who’d needed extra help on an upcoming project, and I’d gotten caught up on the phone with one of my father’s aides, planning the spring break, senior-class trip to Tallahassee.

The first day back after a vacation was always the hardest, which was why the younger teachers always went out for drinks afterward.

Megan pulled my classroom door open. “You ready to rock and roll?”

I grabbed my purse, flipped the lights off, and followed her to the parking lot, where we hopped into my car and took off toward our favorite happy-hour hangout.



Five days back in the classroom with a bunch of seniors after a three-week vacation was enough to drive anyone crazy, so when Friday afternoon finally rolled around, I was very much looking forward to my date with Duke.

Pick you up at six. Wear something warm.


I raised an eyebrow, curious as to what his text meant before I shot back with my response.

Something warm? I thought we had dinner reservations. I hope whatever restaurant you’re taking me to has central heat and air.




I plugged my phone into the charger and opened my closet door. I began my search for the perfect outfit. After all, it was our first real date since meeting. I couldn’t help but stand back and admire myself in the mirror. I grinned at my ability to ensure my outfit was warm, but most importantly, sexy.

I’d picked out a pair of dark denim skinny jeans, a mint-green button-up, which I layered with a chic grey sweater and a pair of brown riding boots. A scarf and the perfect pieces of jewelry complemented my outfit. Just then, the doorbell rang. I reached for my purse, made my way to the front door, and pulled it open as I posed in all of my glory for Duke to appreciate.

He looked so handsome, yet much more casual than I, standing there in relaxed jeans, a black long-sleeved shirt accompanied by a leather jacket, and some type of outdoorsy man boots.

“Wow,” he breathed, “you look great, but I thought I told you to wear something warm.” He seemed perplexed by my current choice of wardrobe.

“This is warm. I have a sweater on, and the shirt underneath is long-sleeved. I can grab a coat if that helps.”

Duke’s body shook with laughter as he stepped into the foyer, linking his arms around my waist while gently placing a kiss on my cheek. “Babe, there’s a huge difference between warm and sexy. You can’t wear this. You’ll freeze.”

Aggravated, I huffed and turned for the stairs. I climbed back up them toward my room, Duke on my heels.

He stepped into my closet with me, and I showcased my clothes. “What would you suggest?”

He laughed. “First off, I’ve never seen a closet with this many clothes in it. Secondly, I can barely dress myself properly, much less a woman.”

I lifted my scarf over my head and began to disrobe. “Well, if you want me dressed warm, and this isn't warm enough for you, then it’s up to you.”

Duke shook his head as he began to rummage through my things, his back to me while I shimmied out of my top and bottoms. I watched him rifle through my closet, utterly lost, as I stood there in my matching bra-and-thong set, awaiting his reaction once he turned around.

“Here, I think this will...” he said, apparently proud of what he’d found. He turned around and handed me my new outfit. “Damn, maybe we should skip our date.” My clothes slipped from his hands, and he closed the space between us. Duke gripped my hips with both hands, examining me from head to toe. “Is this your way of telling me you’d rather skip the date and stay in? Because if it is, it’s working.”

I slid my hands up his firm chest and linked them around his neck as I pulled him in. “This is my way of telling you I need an outfit.”

I nipped at his lower lip with my teeth, and his body shook lightly with laughter. He groaned before picking my clothes up and handing them to me on his way out of the closet. “You’re trying to kill me, woman. Now get dressed before I rip those expensive undergarments right off your sexy body.”

I couldn’t help but grin as I slipped into the outfit Duke had picked out for me before turning around to take a look in the mirror.

I began to shake my head as I emerged from the closet. “This may be the only time I ever let you pick out my outfit. I feel like a lumberjack.”

BOOK: Thrasher
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