Three Hearts Beat as One (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (12 page)

BOOK: Three Hearts Beat as One (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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No, of course he expected her to participate. It would just take some getting used to, some adjustment. Now, as he took the back of her skull between his fingertips and guided her to mouth the head of the prick, he murmured in her ear, “He’s a delicious stud, Lacey. You’re lucky to have him. Some of the most erotic moments of my life have been sucking down that big, fat cock. Here.”

Chase assisted by expertly unbuttoning the over-large cowboy belt buckle and buttons of Devin’s 501s using just one hand. He was momentarily chagrined he hadn’t thought to have a cock ring handy, as that would make Devin’s mouth-watering muscular dick bulge out even more urgently. But when Chase yanked down the jeans and boxer briefs and ran his hand over the steamy pubic mound, the cock nearly slapped the woman’s face, full and eager.

“See, Lacey?” Chase gathered the scrotum in his fist like a cock ring. Above them, Devin was quickly unbuttoning his plaid cowboy shirt, probably because he knew how delectable he looked shirtless, jutting his hips forward like that, having his cock sucked. The shirt flew into a puddle on the floor, and Chase was looking up at the rippling six-pack, the pointed nipples. He couldn’t resist taking a bite from the meaty pubic mound, either, pleased when Devin sighed and groaned. “He’s delicious, Lacey. If you suck the cockhead and rub it against the roof of your mouth, you can feel the velvety—”

But Lacey had already done so.

Devin’s groan now was nearly a cry of agony. Chase studied the woman closely to ensure she wasn’t hurting his lover. Inexperienced cocksuckers could really do some damage with their teeth, Chase knew from being on the receiving end. Chase saw that Devin howled like a steer because Lacey was doing it correctly, deep-throating the fat cock with the skill of a hooker.

So skilled, in fact, jealousy again reared its head. Chase took several deep breaths and retained control of the situation by jiggling the butt plug that was snug inside the woman. “That’s it. Use your tongue. Stroke the underside of his prick with big, fat licks.” His free hand diddled her oily clamped nipples, and he briefly wondered if women could come with little to no stimulation, just as he did when anything rubbed up his rectum against the prostate gland.

Chase wasn’t sure he would know how to make a woman come. He’d need to ask Devin for lessons. Had he ever achieved it, back in his womanizing days? Boys and girls alike were so inexperienced back then. Who would’ve known an orgasm if it hit them upside the head? No, it was far better to be a seasoned, experienced cocksucker!

Only… How to make women orgasm? He’d seen Devin achieve it surprisingly fast with Lacey. Chase released Lacey’s nipple and tentatively slid his fingers between her pussy lips from behind. He felt the jutting clitoris and tickled it with his fingertip, imitating what he’d seen Devin do with his tongue. She gasped with her mouth full of Devin’s cock. It looked as though her rectum wanted to suck in the butt plug, always a good sign, so Chase kept tickling her clit.

He instructed her. “Isn’t his cock delicious? He’s a well-hung stud, Lacey. It makes you hungry, doesn’t it? Makes your mouth water to be here submissively on your knees, servicing such a well-hung stud. Your goal, your achievement in life is to give him pleasure. Devin’s pleasure is your pleasure.” That wasn’t really true, since at the moment Chase thought he was doing a pretty good job jacking her off with his fingertips. So her pleasure was important as well. “You have to work hard to satisfy Devin with your mouth. He’s accustomed to the best and he won’t climax without the hardest work on your part—”

Chase could tell by the way Devin clutched the back of Lacey’s head, how his entire body suddenly stiffened, that he was coming.
Rat bastard
. Chase always imagined that because Devin’s dick was so accustomed to his precise, talented cocksucking, it was taking him longer and longer to come. Lacey’s unschooled gobbling had him arching into her mouth and spewing his load within two minutes flat, easy.

And Chase’s immature fumbling at her clitoris seemed to be making as much an impression as a fly on a wall!

But he couldn’t display his anger. “Good,” he coaxed Lacey. “Guzzle it down. Delicious mouthful, isn’t it? His spunk tastes like salty champagne, doesn’t it? Pretzels and champagne. Champagne and caviar…”

As Devin continued to jerk and flood Lacey’s pretty mouth with his seed, Chase didn’t lose hope that he could bring Lacey off. When he’d watched Devin bring Lacey to climax with his tongue, it had looked so easy. Now it seemed like solving a Rubik’s Cube and finally Lacey pushed Chase’s hand away with her bound one. She detached from Devin’s oozing dick with a gasp, falling back into a squat on the little heels of her boots.

This shoved Chase from her even farther, and for a while he sat like a rejected suitor—which he sort of was—admiring the trembling of Devin’s pectorals, his hissing as he sucked in air, the quaking of his beautifully sculpted abs as he held the woman away, too sensitive to be touched any longer.

Chase squeezed the waning prick in his fist and took a few soft, gentle sucks himself. His sucks were like cloudy pillows of cotton candy, but apparently Devin’s orgasm had been so explosive he couldn’t tolerate
, either. He pushed Chase away, too, and strode back to the stove, pulling up his pants along the way.

“Wow,” breathed Lacey, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She looked shyly at Chase. “Can you…”

“Sure.” Like an obedient brother, Chase undid her furry handcuffs, gazing fondly at her. “See? It can be quite fun sucking off that intolerable dom.”

“You just have to get into the right mindset,” Lacey agreed.

“Right. There are different levels to that, but it’s a sort of dissociation, right?”

“Yes! That’s what I felt. I was acutely aware of swallowing his big prick, but suddenly I could swallow a lot…a lot
than I ever could before. I was sort of numbed, some weird sort of endorphin dump.” She looked down at the nipple clamps as though surprised they were still there. “I mean, I didn’t even notice

Maybe that was why she hadn’t orgasmed around his fingers. Chase reached out to remove the clamps, but Lacey held out a staying hand.

“Leave them. I like them there.”

They shared a conspiratorial look then Chase helped her stand. He allowed her to pull her tights over her reddened ass, but she voluntarily left the heart sweater off as they sat properly at the butcher block table to eat Devin’s stew.

“Do you like country and western music, Lacey?” Devin asked as he ladled stew.

Lacey shrugged. “I don’t particularly seek it out. Most of the songs sound the same to me.”

“Then what do you prefer?”

“Well, I’m old-fashioned, I suppose. I listen to things like Green Day and The White Stripes, but I’ll usually fall back onto bands like the Ramones.” Lacey’s hand reaching for her spoon froze in mid-air, and she stared at the two men. “Oh, dear. I should say I
to like the Ramones. I don’t anymore, especially now that I’m convinced Ben Pearson is the one behind all of those threats to your store, Chase.” She dipped her spoon into her stew bowl. “I’m convinced. I’ve got Cal and Katrina on high alert for any suspicious doings.”

“Don’t worry about it,” said Devin. “It’s not your fault your ex is on a rampage. I doubt that stupid referendum would ever make it onto a ballot, anyway. Too many people are in love with Chase, and the store brings in too much revenue. So you don’t see the point in country and western? Well, wait till you hear
band, the Surging Monkey Preps. We play in a sort of rockabilly style…”

Chapter Ten


Devin was eager for Lacey to open her eyes, but he didn’t want to wake her. So he dragged a chair to the edge of the bed and sat, staring at her like a dog waiting for his master to let him out.

She still wore the nipple clamps from last night but otherwise was as naked as the day she was born. She laid on her side with her palms pillowed together under her face in the men’s king-size bed. The bedspread was drawn up only to her waist, revealing the beautiful shelf of her breasts pressed together, the red beads that decorated the clamps glittering in the sparkling winter sun that poured in the tall windows. The bedspread was of a camouflage design, a manly decision by Devin last year, and suddenly it looked ridiculous.

Like I ever go hunting? I’ll let Lacey put some female touches around here. Listen to me. Already acting married.

Chase dragged a chair and sat next to him, butt plug in hand. It was his idea to make Lacey wear it all day long, to stretch her out, to remind her of them while she was horseback riding. It was a good plan. Once Katrina arrived, Devin would take them out to where the herd grazed below the snow line and check some live coyote traps. Women always liked seeing how they relocated the predators instead of killing them.

Chase placed his hand on Devin’s knee. “That was amazing last night.”

Devin squeezed Chase’s hand and they shared a warm look. “The best ever. I hope she stays.”

“I’m glad you’re coming around to my way of thinking. I knew you wanted a woman to join us but were afraid.”

Devin snorted. “I’m
afraid. But I’m not going to let that stop me from trying to keep her with us. I have to realize that my luck with women may have changed.”

“I think it has. And I need you to teach me how to make women come. You’re a natural. I should’ve known that, seeing how talented you are with your mouth.”

Devin rolled his eyes. “It’s years of experience, man, not talent. I work hard for women.” His heart leapt. “She’s waking!”

The two men leaned forward with anticipation. Their whispering must have worked, for she fluttered her eyes and opened them.

“Oh!” she cried, raising herself to her elbows. Her beautiful honeyed hair fell in shiny locks around her breasts. She looked to the men so expectantly that she hadn’t seen the box they had placed before her.

Devin was forced to say, “Happy Valentine’s Day, missy.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day,” echoed Chase, less certain. He had probably never celebrated a Valentine’s Day with a woman.

“Oh!” she cried again, looking down at the velvet-covered box. “I’d forgotten it was Valentine’s Day.”

She was probably lying. Devin knew from romantic comedies that women always became very distraught when a Valentine’s Day rolled around after they’d split with someone. Their distress involved playing sappy songs and slamming a bunch of ice cream. Besides, the gala auction had been a Valentine’s Day auction, with garlands of hearts festooning the rafters. “You won my ranch vacation fair and square in the silent auction, missy,” Devin reminded her. “This is part of the deal.”

It really wasn’t, but he didn’t want her to reject the gift. She took the box between her fingers, looking from Devin to Chase, then back to Devin. “I would’ve bid much higher if I had known what a spectacular package I was getting.”

“Package.” Chase laughed.

As he’d hoped, Lacey’s eyes widened at the sight of the ring. She picked it from the box, but only sat up straighter, gazing at it. She didn’t put it on. “This is much too much!”

“It’s only garnet,” Devin admitted. He hadn’t wanted to scare her off with three ginormous intertwined heart-shaped rubies set in gold, which would’ve cost ten times the price of garnets. Rubies might come later. Garnets were good for now. “This ring is to symbolically cement our relationship. We had to guess at your size.”

Chase added, “It must fit one of your fingers.”

She obviously decided to accept the gift, for she slid it over a couple of different fingers before settling on her left index finger. Her eyes were moist when she looked back to Devin. “Oh my God,” she whispered. “I can’t believe how sweet you are.”

Chase squeezed his hand, reminding Devin of his existence. “It was Chase’s idea, too. We do almost everything in tandem.”

The moment must’ve gotten too corny for Chase, for he said, “Except insert butt plugs. Here, slap that glittering hand up on the headboard and give me your ass.”

As Lacey followed instructions, Devin kneeled beside her, too, and slid the O rings down the nipple clamps, releasing her tits from bondage. He murmured into her ear, “It won’t do to have your pretty nipples permanently dented. I’d like to make my mark on you, but not in this way.”

“Like one of your tattoos?”

Devin was surprised she brought that up. A tattoo was a fairly permanent way to commemorate a fuck. “Maybe something like that.”

“There,” said Chase. He’d wedged the butt plug up inside her and gave it a little jiggle for good measure.

Devin watched as Lacey’s eyelids became heavy then fluttered. He couldn’t tell if it was pain or if she was finally getting some pleasure from it. Suddenly her eyes opened wide and she declared, “I want to watch you fuck.”

Chase and Devin looked at each other, then back to Lacey. Had they just heard correctly? Devin frowned. “Excuse me?”

She looked delicious, balancing on the headboard like that, her ass jutting out with just the purple silicone plug base showing. “I want to watch you fuck Chase. Reminds me of Romans wrestling or something. I don’t know—there’s something in my past that makes it a turn-on. Maybe from reading the wrestling scene in
Women in Love
in high school.”

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