Three Hundred Words

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Authors: Adelaide Cross

BOOK: Three Hundred Words
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Three Hundred

Adelaide Cross




Chapter One


My mind was a
mess. I’d only needed a C to get the grade, but it was an E that taunted me
from the sheet I’d just been given back. I slammed my hand over it when Emma leaned
over to look, really willing myself not to cry. There were still four months
left to go at school and I’d just found out that they were pointless.


I couldn’t go to the
university I’d chosen with this.


“Come on, just let
me see. It can’t be that bad, you’re good at English.”


I shook my head,
really trying not to panic.


“It really can be
that bad.”


I bit the bullet
and showed her the grade. “I’m screwed. I can’t get an A overall with this


Emma tapped her
hand. She didn’t know what to say, either, because I was right. That was the
end of my plans to go to Nottingham University. “Just go and ask him at the end
of the lesson. He might agree to give you an extension.”


Our gazes both
fell on Mr. Lane, who was lecturing from the front of the classroom with a
stern expression. There was no way this man was giving me an extension. The
very first words out of his mouth when he began teaching were that there wasn’t
going to be any lenience from him.


He’d stuck to it,
too, even when Michael had started crying about his grade in front of the
entire class.


I was stuck with


Slouching in my
seat and resting my cheeks on my fists, I blinked back the tears and tried to
listen to what Mr. Lane was saying. Perhaps I could do well enough in my exams
to drag my grade up to something reasonable, then at least I might get a place


Mr. Lane spoke
with a controlled tone, as always, but his Irish accent just made everything
ten times sexier. Normally, I’d have been enthralled. Today, I was just sad and
listening to the gorgeous man in front of me wasn’t doing anything.


I wondered if he’d
give me an extension if I tried to convince him it was because he’d been too
sexy every lesson for me to concentrate. It was unlikely. I couldn’t really
think of any reason why my grade would be so bad, though. Sure, I had ogled him
a lot during lessons and hadn’t paid
much attention to the actual
words leaving his mouth, but that shouldn’t have dropped my grade so far.


I must have just
made some kind of horrible blunder, or missed the point of the essay entirely.


The bell rang and
people started packing away before Mr. Lane had instructed, much to his


I remained seated.
I couldn’t have been the only one who had failed the essay, but I was the only one
left in his classroom when people had filtered out.


Nerves filled my
stomach and it took a lot just to bring myself to stand up. I’d fancied Mr.
Lane since he’d replaced my old teacher and that made me feel incredibly
uncomfortable. It was weird, to fancy someone who was at least ten years older
than me and I kept that buried completely.


Not even Emma knew
about my weird obsession with Mr. Lane.


And my boyfriend
certainly didn’t.


I clasped the
straps of my rucksack and approached Mr. Lane’s desk. He was sitting straight,
looking as graceful as ever, and I swallowed. He wasn’t likely to shout at me,
just to say that no, I couldn’t have an extension, and that I should be on my


“Sir,” I cleared
my throat when he lifted his green eyes to mine. They suited his black hair so
perfectly. It was a combination I’d always wished I had myself – brown hair and
brown eyes was so boring. “I was coming to ask if I could have an extension for
my coursework. I didn’t get a good enough grade to get into my first university


There wasn’t even
any sympathy in Mr. Lane’s expression as I gave him my most despairing look. I
knew I was being pathetic. I’d even undone my top button before I approached
him, in the hopes anything might sway him. If anything worked, I’d be over the
moon. “I said no lenience,” his voice wrapped around me as he crushed my
dreams. “I’m sorry, Lily.”


I bounced on my
heels, trying desperately to think of something. Speaking had never been my
strong suit – I didn’t have the skills to persuade Mr. Lane to give me what I
needed. “
, Sir. I’ve wanted to go to this university forever and I
know I can do better than this essay. I’ll do anything, please.”


I’d tagged it on
the end without really thinking, but I knew how it sounded. I wasn’t really
implying that I’d be quite happy to clean his classroom or carry his textbooks


Mr. Lane raised an
almost amused eyebrow and my cheeks burned. Of course I’d had to say that. It
wasn’t that I didn’t love the idea of Mr. Lane taking me right here in this
classroom – I’d imagined it enough times – but I wasn’t ever intending to let
him know that.


Right then I’d
just sounded like a desperate student, anyway.


He finally put
down his pen and granted me all of his attention. I practically shivered when
his eyes swept my body. We didn’t have a uniform at sixth form, which I was
almost disappointed about right now. My jeans and blouse weren’t the sexiest,
even if they were tight enough to give away I had some curves.


I banished the
thoughts from my mind. He was just humouring my mistake to amuse himself. In a
moment, he’d tell me that I couldn’t have the extension and that he wanted me
to leave.


“Anything, huh?”


I blinked and my
eyebrows knitted together. He was definitely humouring me. “Anything.” My voice
was stronger than I’d expected and I barely managed to maintain eye contact.


Mr. Lane was


I’d never been
looked at like that before – he’d folded his hands under his chin and let his
gaze bore into mine. His face was still stern, but the glint in his eyes gave
away amusement.


I wondered if he
did find me attractive – I was young and not overly ugly. I was just a bit
bland, but that was enough for plenty of people.


He was probably in
a happy relationship, at his age.


“Then I have a proposition
for you.”


I stood straight,
still before him, and tried not to show any discomfort. My mind was racing with
possibilities and flooded with the images that normally made me hot at night.
Mr. Lane bending me over a desk, Mr. Lane backing me up against a wall.


Mr. Lane doing all
the things my boyfriend, Luke, never would because he was


“Your coursework
was one thousand five hundred words long. I’ll rewrite 300 words per sexual
encounter with you.”


My eyes widened
and I was too stunned to respond for a second. Mr. Lane had leant back in his
chair to observe my reaction. His eyebrows were knitted and I wasn’t sure he
felt entirely comfortable with what he’d just suggested. Perhaps he was betting
on the fact I fancied him – I’d really tried to be subtle, but there was a
chance I’d given him too many adoring gazes during our lessons.


“I have a
boyfriend,” I muttered, trying to remember that if I did this I’d probably
never forgive myself and my relationship would probably be over. “I can’t do


Mr. Lane’s
expression faltered slightly and he opened his mouth. I wondered if he was
going to revoke his offer, or to tell me that it was take it or leave it.


I didn’t wait to
find out. “But I’ll do it.”


This was a once in
a lifetime opportunity. Sleep with my teacher, get to be intimate with someone
I’d been crushing on for two months. It was
and I didn’t do
exciting things.


Mr. Lane narrowed
his eyes at me and I wondered if he was going to question my answer. Instead,
he stood up, until his tall stature was dominating mine. The classroom door had
a piece of glass in it, so unfortunately there was no way I was going to be
bent over a desk, but Mr. Lane clearly had a plan.


He took my hand in
his and brought me to the patch of wall beside the door. The door was in a sort
of alcove, so we couldn’t be seen from here.


I looked up at
him, waiting for the moment when we finally touched. Mr. Lane wasn’t gentle
about it.


He backed me into
the wall, his entire body pressed against mine, and pressed hard lips against
my own. I shut my eyes straight away, already becoming lost in his touch. My
skin felt almost feverish as a coil of desire built in my stomach.


Mr. Lane knew
exactly what he was doing and I was slick between my thighs in seconds. His
hands were rough on my hips as his mouth plundered mine. I arched my back into
his, my hard nipples pressing into his chest, even through my bra.


I’d known sleeping
with my teacher would be exciting, but I could barely catch my breaths as he
lavished attention on me. Even when his mouth left mine to adventure down my
throat, I was gasping – probably far too loudly considering we were still in


I’d had sex
before, but only with Luke and it had been nothing like this. I almost felt
nervous and unsure of what to do with myself under Mr. Lane’s expert hands.
Having stuck to safely threading my fingers through his hair, I decided to be brave.


It wasn’t that I
wanted to rush things, but I was beginning to feel increasingly desperate.


It had been nearly
three weeks since I last had sex and masturbation wasn’t always all it was
cracked up to be. The thought of having Mr. Lane’s cock inside me now was
almost enough to drive me mad.


And so I began
undoing his trousers. Beneath the tight suited trousers he wore for school, I’d
been able to feel his erection pressing into my stomach, but after undoing the
zip, I could feel its entirety. And it was big. I worked down his boxers with
ease, more than happy to wrap my hand around its length.


Slowly stroking up
and down, I received an immediate reaction from Mr. Lane. He groaned, halting
slightly in his kisses to focus on the pleasure I was giving him. His hands
gripped my waist tightly and I bit my own lip, revelling in the sounds Mr. Lane
was giving me.


If there was one
way to make sure I was definitely riled up it was knowing that I was driving
the older man on top of me to the height of pleasure, even considering my


My panties were
soaked and so I halted my pace before Mr. Lane could find his release.


He still had to
fuck me yet.


Allowed to come
back to his sense slightly, Mr. Lane brought his lips back to mine and I felt
far less shy about grabbing every part of his skin I could get to, now. I
pulled him closer to me with his bum, his erection pressing against my stomach
evocatively; I let my hand slip up his shirt to drag nail marks down his chest.


All the time
curses and moans fell from my lips.


It was the most
turned on I’d ever been with someone.


I’d never have
this with Luke.


When I thought he
was going to start undoing my trousers to get to the main event, Mr.  Lane
instead pushed me to my knees, so my face was level with his long cock.


I’d never given
head before. Luke wasn’t interested in sex at the best of times, but when he
was in the mood, it was all soft touches and then missionary sex.


A blowjob wasn’t
something he’d ever requested and the one time I’d tried, he’d redirected me to
his mouth.


Still, I’d watched
enough porn to have some idea of what I was doing. Grasping his cock in my
hand, I took the tip into my mouth. Maintaining eye contact, I watched the
pleasure spasm across Mr. Lane’s face.

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