Read Three Is Just Enough Online

Authors: Jon Keys

Tags: #Contemporary, #Mainstream, #Menage

Three Is Just Enough (24 page)

BOOK: Three Is Just Enough
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Cole grinned and reached between Dalton’s legs and wrapped his fingers around his hard cock. “I knew I’d find this. You want to use that thing now, or talk more?”

Dalton grabbed Cole’s hips and spun him in the tub. Grinding himself against his bare ass. He rubbed his cock up and down Cole’s crack. The delicious friction stopped and Cole looked back to find Dalton scanning the deck. “What’re you looking for?”


Cole thought for a minute, then grinned sheepishly. “It’s inside, in my stuff.”

Dalton shook his head at Cole. “Well, that’ll have to wait then, because I’m not walking through the house naked to get the lube. Tara might say she’s fine with it, but everyone has limits.”

Cole squirmed, wanting Dalton inside him. After a few moments he pressed back against Dalton. “Come on, stud. Just do it. Spit on it and it’ll be good to go.”

Dalton reached down and worked his finger against Cole’s hole. He tightened around the probing. His body tensing as Dalton pressed inside. He pushed forward a little further and Cole’s breath hissed in through his clenched teeth. The pressure disappeared and he breathed a sigh of relief. Dalton ran his hands over Cole and pulled him up. His teeth nibbled at Cole’s ear and he whispered. “I don’t think so. Or you’re going to be hurting all weekend.”

Cole tilted his head and kissed Dalton. “Yeah, you’re right. I just wanted it so bad. You’ve got me all horny.”

“Come on, and relax.” Dalton guided him to sit on his lap with both of them submerged in the bubbling water. He slid his hands over Cole’s torso. The sensation of Dalton’s hands gliding over him was building the pressure inside Cole. He sighed when Dalton’s fingers trailed through his bush. The tug on his pubic hair made his cock jump in anticipation.

Dalton’s hand coiled around Cole’s stiff member and stroked his dick. The tension wove through them as Dalton’s other hand joined the first and he started double-fisted stroking on him.

Hot breath jetted across Cole’s ear, adding to his building pleasure. As Dalton jerked Cole’s cock, his lips trailed down the edge of his jaw and relished the rough sensations. Cole could feel Dalton’s hard cock pressing against his back as the euphoria built.

Dalton turned his head and met Cole’s lips, pinning his face, and kissing him hard. Thrusting upward, overcome by the stimulation, Cole pressed harder. The pressure built in rapid progression and Cole felt the building knot in his groin.

“Ah, shit. I’m gonna come.”

Dalton whispered into his ear, “Do it. Shoot.”

Cole’s body trembled as the first surge coursed through his system. With a groan, the volley shot into the water, leaving a white stream in its wake. Cole released himself to the blissful orgasm with a loud groan. Dalton’s hands continued to move up and down the length of Cole’s cock. The waves of pleasure washed over him as he shot out a weeks build up of spunk.

With a low growl, the last wave washed through him, and he collapsed against Dalton. “Oh my god. I think I’m good for awhile.”

Dalton released Cole’s dick and caressed him for a few minutes before giving Cole a kiss. “One of us isn’t done yet.”

Cole rolled in the tub so Dalton was pinned under him. He ran his hands down Dalton’s torso, enjoying the smooth skin under his hands. He ran them lower and took Dalton’s cock in his hand. As he began to stroke his lover’s hard cock, Dalton tensed and arched his body. “Damn, I’m so close.”

“Just enjoy yourself.” Cole squeezed his cock as his hand slid through the water. They moved in unison, Dalton’s face contorting and his mouth hung open as Cole teased his cock.

“Man, Cole. That feels so good. I’m getting close.”

“Blast it, D. It’s so hot when you cum.”

Cole worked Dalton, stroking his cock and teasing his balls. His breath was soon coming in gasps. His body tensed and shook as the first ribbon of white shot from it. A cloud of murky white surrounded his groin. The pulses flowed under Cole’s fingers. The feeling of connection built with each passing moment. Dalton finished with a shudder, then rolled in the water so they faced each other.

“That was good. I loved doing it in the water,” Dalton said.

Cole leaned into Dalton and kissed him. “It was good, wasn’t it?” He touched Dalton again, enjoying the texture under his fingertips. The quiet solitude of their private retreat, the hum of the hot tub and the gentle bubbling sounds sent him drifting off. The moment stretched out as they touched and cuddled with each other.

After several wonderful minutes, Dalton kissed Cole and then sat up. “I think we’ve pushed our luck with Tara enough and it’s getting a little hot. We need to go back inside and see how she’s doing.”

Cole popped up and gave Dalton a quick kiss. “Good plan. We’re starting to shrivel up like prunes anyway.”

They grabbed towels from the deck and quickly ran the cold fabric over their wet bodies. Wrapping the cloth around themselves, they scurried back into the house. As they skittered across the floor, Tara laughed. “You two look like you’ve been in the cold a little too long. How do you feel about checking penis size now?”

Dalton darted into the room without a word. Cole managed to bite off a
hell, no!
before disappearing through the doorway.


Dalton plunged his spoon into the bowl of chili with his feet drawn up under him. Cole sat beside him and they shared a blanket between them. The great room of the cabin was pretty amazing, Dalton had checked it out earlier. Each of them finished their second helping and set their bowls on the floor, then Cole belched. Dalton’s only response was laughter.

Tara rolled her eyes. “Boys.”

“Yeah, and we all like ‘em,” Cole said.

Tara and Dalton both nodded in agreement and then snickered. They sat pensively for several minutes, contentment filling the room. Dalton started to stand, and yelped.

Cole looked at him with concern. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know. It’s like my leg is glued to itself.”

Cole moved to look, and an uncharacteristic squeal filled the room. “Ow! Damnit that hurt.” Cole dropped back and scratched at the spot. “There’s something on my leg. What the hell?”

They dug at it for several minutes while Tara looked on with amusement. The guys found a half-dozen spots on each of them where the substance glued hair together. Tara lifted an eyebrow and sat down her cup of hot chocolate to take a look. She scratched at a spot on Cole, then sniffed her finger, and began laughing.

Cole looked offended. “What?”

“You finished up in the hot tub didn’t you?” asked Tara.

Dalton sat confused for a few moments before he understood Tara’s question. He decided an honest answer was needed. “Yes, we did.”

Cole’s face turned slightly red, but he nodded in agreement.

“It’s boy glue, you dumb asses.”

“Boy glue?” Cole said.

“Yeah, boy glue. You know.” Tara made a jacking motion in front of her crotch.

Dalton and Cole’s eyebrows shot up. “We’ve glued ourselves together with cum from the hot tub?” Cole said.

Tara laughed. “Yup. Lots of boy glue.”

Dalton stood and yelped again when he found another spot where the hair on his legs had stuck to his skin. “I’m going to wash this junk off!”

Cole moved to join him, ripped hair from his skin and squealed.

Tara’s laughter followed them down the hall as they grumbled on their way to the bathroom, and a much needed shower.


“What’s that?” asked Dalton pointing to an official looking packet with Cole’s name on it.

Tara looked up, her brows furrowed and her lips twisted as she considered the looming mail. “I’m not sure. I’m trying not to think about it. Everything’s been going so well.”

Dalton nodded, considered the packet and read the return address. Tillamook State Forest. That didn’t sound Minnesotan. He decided Tara was right, obsessing over the package wasn’t going to change its content. Besides, it was his night to cook, and the campus farmer’s market had just reopened. Dalton had planned a bunch of fresh vegetable dishes for Cole. This early in the season it was mostly greens, asparagus and lettuce, but Dalton knew Cole would enjoy them.

He had made a lush salad and was working on stirfry when the door opened and Cole arrived. He stripped off his boots and coat at the door, grinning the whole time. “I’ve so got the senior seminar class nailed. I rocked my presentation today.”

“That’s great, Cole,” Dalton said.

Tara nodded in agreement. “Yeah, that’s great.”

“What’s wrong with you two? You look like the cat died. Oh. My. God. Fluffy didn’t die did she?”

Tara rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. “Well since we don’t have a cat, that would be impossible.”

Cole chuckled and playfully nudged Tara. “So if it’s not the cat, what’s wrong that you two look so serious?”

Dalton looked at Tara, who shrugged. He took a deep breath and pointed to the table. “You got a packet today.”

Cole walked over and spun the thick envelope. After a few moments pause, he turned back to the other two. “So, what’s for dinner?”

Dalton dropped his jaw in disbelief and looked at Tara whose eyebrows shot up. “You can’t seriously think we’re going to pretend it’s junk mail. It’s been killing us all afternoon,” Tara said.


“Yeah, oh. Now sit down and open it so at least we’ll know what it is.”

“It’s an interview with Tillamook State Forest in Oregon. They called a couple of days ago. This is some information stuff from them.”

“When’s the interview?” asked Dalton, feeling as if he’d been punched in the stomach.

“Friday. My flight leaves in the morning.”

Tara scowled at him. “And when were you planning to tell us?”

Cole walked over and turned off the flame under the now burning meal. “After dinner…”

Tara stood, looked at Cole, tears rolling down her face. “I’m not hungry. I’m not feeling well. I’m going to go lie down.”

Tara walked out of the room, then Dalton turned back to Cole. They stood looking at each other for several long minutes, the silence overwhelming.

“It’s a good job.”

“I bet.”

“They really want me.”

Dalton’s voice caught in his throat.
So do we, you idiot.

Cole looked at him while the clock in the corner quietly ticked off the seconds. “Would you at least eat with me? And…”

“What else?”

“I need someone to take me to the airport.”

Dalton choked off something half way between a laugh and a sob. “Okay. I’ll take you.”


* * * *


“When should he find out the results of the interviews?” Tara asked.

“He said today. He had another on-campus interview scheduled,” Dalton said.

“Who with?”

“I don’t remember. Probably some state park in Alaska or Guam. Somewhere there’s no chance of us ever staying together.”

Tara’s shoulders hunched over, her face a study in dejection. “I thought we might make it, you know, after all the crap over the winter.”

“I know. I did, too. I thought we’d dodged the bullet.”

Dalton felt as down as Tara looked. He exhaled slowly. “Are we still okay? I mean, all that stuff we said at the cabin wasn’t just crap that didn’t mean anything.”

Tara gave him a sad smile, came over and sat on his lap. “No, it wasn’t just empty promises. I love you, Dalton Webb.”

Dalton blinked, feeling the moisture seeping along his lashes. He pulled Tara tight against him and his body shook as he tried to deal with the inevitable loss of their partner. He heard Tara sniffle and pulled back to find her eyes filled with tears, too.

“God, aren’t we a pair,” Dalton said as he wiped Tara’s eye’s.

“Yeah, sorry.”

Dalton kissed her soft cheek. “Shh, don’t worry about it. We’ll get through this.”

Tara wrapped her arms around Dalton and pulled him close. “How about we have a little fun? You feel up to it?”

Dalton chuckled and cupped Tara’s breast. “It doesn’t take much from you to get me in the mood.” He let his fingertips play across Tara’s nipples. She leaned in and ran her hands over his chest, then pushed his shirt over his head and quickly stripped off her top and bra.

The heat of Tara’s touch burned through him, his cock hardening in his pants. They wrapped their arms around each other as they kissed. Dalton ran his tongue along the edge of her deep red lips. Her mouth opened and he slipped his tongue inside. The heat of their kiss intensified. Tara grabbed Dalton’s crotch and squeezed his shaft.

“Ah. You’re so hard.”

Her hands popped open his jeans and slipped her slender hand inside his underwear. The heat built for Dalton as Tara stroked and fondled his cock. He ran his hand down Tara’s taut abdomen and slid them into her jeans. His fingers quickly found her wet folds and sunk inside. Tara gasped and her back arched in response as the two of them teased each other until she moved away with a moan.

“I need you in me. You have me so hot.”

Dalton grinned as she stripped him and then herself. She smiled at him as she pulled out a condom from the end table drawer and unrolled it down his length. Dalton slid down the chair slightly and enjoyed the sight of Tara crawling on top of him. She straddled his body, trapping his hard shaft against the wet folds of her pussy as she slid back and forth.

Suddenly she stopped, grabbed Dalton’s cock and aimed it at her wet slash. With a groan she sank down, pausing for a moment before slowly riding Dalton.

The slick delicious sensation was pounding through him. Tara’s speed increased and he ran his hands over his beautiful girlfriend. As the heat built, he reached between them and flicked her clit. The moan that resulted filled the room.

“That’s it. Finger me. Oh, fuck!”

Dalton grinned, always enjoying the result when Tara let herself go during sex. He doubled his efforts. His reward came when Tara ground against him and her body shook. Dalton ran his hands over Tara’s breasts and torso as he enjoyed watching her orgasm. The wonderful moments slipped past until Tara collapsed against him panting for air.

Tara snuggled against Dalton. “Oh, shit. That was good. I’m shaking all over.”

BOOK: Three Is Just Enough
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