Three Men and a Bride

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Authors: Opal Carew

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Three Men and a Bride

Opal Carew

What do you do when you can’t stop lusting after
your new husband’s two gorgeous brothers?

After a whirlwind romance, newlyweds Drake and Marie return from their honeymoon to begin their life together.
 Knowing how close Drake is to his two brothers, Marie expected to be nervous about meeting them. What she didn’t expect was the overwhelming lust they stirred in her.  Whenever they are around, Marie is left breathless with an all-consuming longing to be taken by all three once.

Can she successfully suppress her fantasies of the three brothers making wild, luxuriant love to her, or will she have to endanger her happy marriage by admitting her feelings to Drake?

Volume 2 of the Three series.

Praise for Three


Grab the ice water ladies, this one is scorching hot
THREE is the latest erotic short by Opal Carew, and it is off the charts "is it me or is it hot in here?" hot!
...a tale about a woman's fantasy turn reality. ...this little erotic gem ... was an absolutely intense sexual journey that left me panting for more!"
Rho, The Romance Reviews

I finally read Three....OMG love it......."

"It's an excellent read!
Definitely going on my suggested reading list beside "Blush". Great work!"

"I have read all of Opal Carew's books and love them.
This is a little different - a short story with lots of good loving, well-written characters. I love it...


Three Men and a Bride

Copyright 2013 Opal Carew

Discover more books by Opal Carew at her website

All Rights Are Reserved.

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

This is a work of fiction.  All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this story are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

First edition:
October 2013


ree Men and a Bride



To my readers.



“You look nervous?”  Marie’s new husband, Drake, glanced at her as he sped along the highway toward their new home.

“A little,” she responded.

Her stomach fluttered.  Of course she was nervous.

She and Drake had had a whirlwind romance while on a singles’ tour in Costa Rica and, throwing caution to the wind, had gotten married.  It was the craziest thing she’d ever done.  Not that she had any doubt that she loved Drake.  Truly and deeply.  Sometimes you just knew when it was right.

And this was right.

Drake reached for her hand.  “Everything will be fine.”

But now came the reality of life.

They had just gotten off the plane an hour ago and now they were going home. But to his house which she’d never seen.  They had discussed it and it made sense that she move into his two-storey, four bedroom house rather than her tiny one bedroom apartment.  He had offered to go back to her place first so she could pick up some things, maybe even stay overnight tonight so she’d feel more settled, but they were both tired after a day of travel so she just wanted to settle in.  And she’d been excited to see her new home.

Now she wondered if she should have taken him up on his offer.  Spending a night in her own place would have allowed her to get acclimatized to being back in Toronto again.

Too late now.  And she was sure she would love his place and feel right at home.  As long as she was by Drake’s side she would be happy.

“Craig and Abel will probably call this evening to come over and meet you.  If you’re not up to it, I’ll defer.”

She nodded.  “Tomorrow would be better.”

Drake had told her about his brothers and she was intrigued.  She had never met triplets before.  She couldn’t imagine talking to three men who looked exactly alike, especially when they all looked like her husband.  It would be a strange experience.

Drake took an off ramp and about ten minutes later, turned onto a quiet, tree-lined street.  She peered out the window at the lovely homes along the road.  Most of the yards had mature trees, professional landscaping, and brilliant displays of flowers.  He turned into a wide driveway with its two-car garage and she gazed at the large brick house with the stone path leading through an array of blossoming plants to a welcoming front door.

“It’s beautiful.”

He smiled as he leaned in to give her a kiss.

“You stay right there while I get the car door.”    He got out of the car and opened her door, then took her hand.  As soon as she was standing, he scooped her into his arms.

She laughed.  “Hey, I can walk you know.”

But he carried her along the stone path.  “And deprive me of carrying my bride over the threshold?”

She gazed at his rugged face, his square jaw lightly shadowed, his blue eyes twinkling, and she stroked his raspy cheek.

“You’re such a romantic.”

A chuckle rumbled from deep in his chest.  “And that’s why you love me, right?”

She leaned in and nuzzled his neck, remembering how for their first date, he’d set up a romantic candlelit dinner on a secluded beach, and once they’d started seeing each other, he’d brought her a beautiful blossom for her hair every night.  And the first time they’d made love, he’d arranged a romantic setting by filling the room with candles and vases of lovely, fragrant  flowers, had soft music playing, and chilled champagne at the ready.

Not that she’d needed any of that.  After three days of his attentive courting, she’d been so hot for him she could barely stop herself from ripping off his clothes as soon as they’d stepped into the room that night.

And her anticipation had been worth it.

“Well, my sweet man, there are a great number of reasons why I love you.”  She nipped his skin between her teeth, feeling that same desire rushing through her.  “And I’m hoping you’ll treat me to my favorite one as soon as we get inside.”

He growled and captured her lips, showing he knew exactly what she had in mind.

They reached the front door and he fumbled in his pocket for the key, then opened the door and stepped inside.

“Hey, great, thanks.”

She felt herself scooped from Drake’s arms and suddenly glanced from him to another male face.  Her hands automatically hooked around his neck to steady herself.  Her heart jumped a beat.  It was Drake’s face.  Or rather, one of his brother’s.

“Great gift, bro.  I hope you have another for Craig.”

She glanced at Drake again and then back at… this must be Abel.

“No such luck, man,” Drake said.  “This one’s all mine.  Marie, this is my brother Abel.”  He glanced at his brother.  “Where’s Craig?”

“In the kitchen,” Abel answered.  “We thought you’d be hungry so he whipped up some chili.”

“I need to get the luggage.”  Drake kissed Marie on the cheek and smiled.  “You’re in good hands here.  I’ll be right back, okay?”

No.  It wasn’t okay. It was very unnerving to be in this strange man’s arms, even though he looked exactly like her husband.  In fact,
because he looked exactly like Drake.  But she nodded, ignoring the nervous flutter in her stomach.

“Abel, get Marie a drink, will you?  Then show her around the main floor.”

“Sure thing, bro.”

“And maybe put me down,” she suggested.

Abel grinned at her.  “Tired of me already, eh.”

He lowered her to her feet and she released his neck, then smoothed down the skirt of her sundress.

Drake had disappeared out the front door and now she stood alone with his brother.

“I could use that drink,” she said.

“Sure thing.  That way.”  He pointed to a doorway and gestured for her to precede him.

She walked through it to a large gourmet kitchen with dark wood cabinets, glossy granite counters and slate floors.  The wonderful, spicy aroma of the chili filled the room.

“Hey, there.  You must be Marie.”  Another Drake stepped from behind the counter and held out his hand.

She placed her hand in his, thrown totally off balance by the feel of his big, warm hand enveloping hers as he shook it.

“You must be Craig.”  The words came out as a croak and she cleared her throat.

Instead of releasing her hand, he pulled her against him, his arms tightening around her in a warm embrace.

“Welcome to the family.”  He squeezed, then released her.

She gazed up at his smiling face and, for a moment, could almost believe this was actually Drake standing in front of her.  She smiled faintly at him.  Oh, God, they looked so much alike.  And they were probably alike in a lot of ways.  Their voices were the same.  Their physiques were the same, all three quite fit and muscular.  Her brain then darted to where she forbade it to go.  They were identical triplets, so all parts of their anatomies would be the same.

Visions of Drake’s exceptionally large, erect cock shimmered through her brain and suddenly she could imagine Craig standing before her, with his big cock standing erect.  She could imagine wrapping her hand around it, then Abel stepping beside Craig, his cock swelling to attention, too.  She would wrap her hand around his, too, then crouch down and—

La la la la la....  She could not think about this.  She forced her brain to change direction and glanced around her new kitchen.

“Drink?” she squeaked.

“I think we’re overwhelming her,” Abel said behind her.  “We’ve got beer, wine, and a pitcher of marguerites.”

“Marguerite, please.”

Craig went to the stove to check the pot of chili and Abel handed her glass tinkling with ice.  She sipped the tart drink and sighed.

“So how about that tour?” Abel said.

“Oh,” her hand tightened around the cold glass.  “Maybe later.  Right now I’d just like to sit down.”

Abel led her to a bright, spacious living room with dark brown wood furniture and rust colored  couch and chairs.  Craig followed them a beer in his hand.  She sat on the couch and the brothers sat in the two armchairs facing her.

“So it must have been great getting married in Costa Rica,” Craig said.

She nodded.  “It was.  The setting was idyllic.”  She sipped her drink, not feeling particularly chatty.

“We’re sorry we couldn’t fly down,” Abel said.

“Oh, no, we understand.”  She sipped her drink again, feeling like she was seeing double with the two identical Drake’s sitting in front of her.

“Did any of your family come?” Abel asked.

“No.  My parents are divorced so I didn’t really ask them.  It would have been awkward.  I would have liked my best friend, Lori to come, but she wasn’t able to.”  She turned on her phone and pulled up her favorite picture of her and Lori.  “That’s her.”  She handed the phone to Abel.

“Very pretty.”  He handed the phone to Craig.

Craig glanced at the picture, then his focus intensified.

A sound in the entryway signaled that Drake had come in with the luggage.

“Hey, layabouts.”  Drake popped his head in the doorway.  “Some help here?”

Marie stood up, but Drake chuckled.  “Not you, sweetheart.  I mean my lazy brothers.”

“Who’s lazy?  Didn’t we come and make dinner for you and you new bride?” Craig said, a big smile on his face.

“And cut the grass while you were gone.  Plus watering all those flowers of yours,” Abel added.

“And I am most appreciative.  Now maybe you wouldn’t mind carrying a few bags upstairs, so my new bride can settle in a little sooner.”

Craig slapped Drake’s shoulder as he passed.  “Admit it, man.  You just want to get back to your beautiful new wife.”

He grinned.  “Well, can you blame me?”

“Sit, bro,” Abel said as he headed down the hallway.  “We’ve got this covered.”

Drake disappeared for a moment, then returned with a beer in his hand.  He sat down beside her and she slid her hand into his.

“Miss me?” he asked.

She nodded.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”  His relaxed expression turned to one of concern.

“Oh, nothing.  I’m just really tired.  I’m really happy to meet your brothers, but…”  What could she say?  Send them away?

“Do you want me to ask the guys to leave?”

“I… uh… well, Craig made dinner and all.”

“Okay, quick dinner, then I’ll tell them I’m beat.  They’ll understand.”

She smiled, tightening her hand around his.  “I would like to get out of this dress.”

His lips turned up in a lascivious grin.  “And I would like to help you do just that.”

He pulled her close and captured her lips.  Her tongue met his and slid into his warm mouth.  Her body responded to him as it always did.  Melting heat and raging desire.

“Well, clearly the honeymoon is
over.”  From the khaki pants he wore, she knew it was Abel.

“Maybe we should leave these two lovebirds alone,” Craig said.

“Nonsense.  You made dinner for us.  Let’s enjoy it together.”  Drake stood up.  “In fact, I’m starving.  Why don’t we eat now?”

He held out his hand to Marie and led her toward the kitchen.

“I’ll serve it up,” Abel offered.

Craig grabbed cutlery from the drawer set it on the table in the eating area while Abel scooped the steaming chili into bowls.

“Smells great, Craig.  As usual.”

She sat down at the table and Drake settled beside her.

While they ate, the brothers talked about sports and made some tentative plans to visit their family cottage together.  She ate in silence, totally overwhelmed by the sight of three copies of her husband chatting animatedly together.

Drake cleared the empty bowls from the table and the three men had the kitchen cleaned up before she had a chance to offer help.

Drake’s arm slid around her.  “We really appreciate the reception, guys, but we’re both tired after the trip.”

“We can take a hint.”  Craig grabbed Drake in a big hug and patted his back.  “I’m so happy for you, man.”

He released Drake, then pulled her into a hug.  She stiffened at his arms around her and he released her and stepped back.  At his warm smile, she forced a smile onto her own lips.  She hoped he didn’t think she was standoffish.  He was so nice, but when she was close to him, especially when he hugged her, she had to concentrate on stifling the rising feelings of lust within her.

Abel stepped toward her.  “Congratulations, Marie.”

He offered his hand and she shook it.  Tremors tingled along her arm.

“Thank you,” she said weakly.

Then they both disappeared out the front entrance.  She stared at the closed door.

“I hope they don’t think I’m unfriendly.”

“Not at all.”  He stepped close and pulled her into his arms.  “Now, just how tired are you?”

* * *

When they got to the bedroom, Marie opened her suitcase and pulled out the sexy basque and thong she’d worn the second time she and Drake had made love.  She’d intended to put it on for the first time, but they’d gotten so aroused, they’d simply stripped off each other’s clothes and gone for it.

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