Three Way, the Novel (11 page)

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Authors: Olivia Hawthorne,Olivia Long

BOOK: Three Way, the Novel
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It hadn’t occurred to me that him being in Hell’s Warriors might actually be dangerous. Until then it had felt more like manufactured fear, like I knew we would be safe from harm.

After Quinn’s reaction, I wasn’t so sure.


Chapter Nineteen


The days went too fast and soon I had to get back to work. I mean I didn’t
to, I knew Ryker would provide for my every need if I asked, but I wasn’t ready to ask just then.

I was planning on taking a car into the city to my place and gathering up the rest of my things. I still had to let Tawny know I wasn’t going to be living with her anymore.

I couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when she realized she’d have to pay her own rent or find some new sucker to push around. It certainly wasn’t going to be me anymore.

“I’ll drive you,” Ryker said when I was nearing the front door. He was already waiting for me, keys in his hand.

“I thought you were busy tonight,” I said with a wide smile.

“I decided to make time for you, kitten,” he told me. “Club business can fucking wait. I’m not ready to let you leave my side.”

“That’s going to make waiting tables pretty tough,” I laughed. I was thrilled that he wanted to come with me, I’d been having my own pangs of sadness over leaving him.

“I’ll watch,” he said with a lopsided grin. “I can keep the perverts at bay.”

“They’ll definitely leave me alone if you’re glaring at them,” I laughed.

We took a sleek fast car, an over priced Audi or something. I wasn’t exactly big on cars but I knew expensive and I knew fast.

I held onto Ryker’s thigh as he sped through the streets. He made me gasp a couple times with his crazy maneuvering, but I quickly realized he was in complete control.

Ryker was in complete control in all aspects of his life, and in complete control of me. That much was clear. I love it though, I wanted to be taken care of and loved my entire life, our entire lives.

Mel didn’t even raise her eyebrows when Ryker followed me in. She mumbled something under her breath and walked to her back office. She knew when she was defeated, and she knew she needed Ryker’s club protection.

“Hello there,” Jake said and looked Ryker up and down as he sat at the bar. “Are you sure you’re solidly hetero?”

Ryker laughed, grabbed my hand, pulled me close and said, “Without a doubt. I’m completely and utterly in love with Margot and the last time I checked she was all woman.”

Jake pouted exaggeratedly and rolled his eyes at me. “You bitch, you took the best one off the market.”

“I can’t help it, it’s love,” I laughed and grabbed my apron, tied it on and picked up my drink tray.

The night went smoothly enough although I could barely keep track of any orders. Every time I looked over at Ryker his simmering gaze almost knocked me off my feet and screwed up my head.

I didn’t know how he could spend the entire night sipping his drink and watching me. I thought he’d get bored, but he seemed complete enraptured with my every move.

I supposed if the tables had been turned, I would have felt the same way. I could watch him for hours…days even. I was fascinated with every little thing that he did.

After my shift we went to my apartment. To my surprise Tawny was there with a couple of her friends.

“Ryker, how nice to see you,” she purred and leapt to her feet. She tried to hook her hand into his arm and lean on him, but he gently pushed her back.

“Tawny,” he said, “we’re here to pick up Margot’s things.”

“You’re moving out?” Tawny asked incredulously.

“She is,” Ryker told her and I nodded.

“But what about the rent!” Tawny whined. “I’ll be evicted.”

“I’ll pay six months of Margot’s rent. You’ll have time to find another room mate and get on your feet,” Ryker told her.

“Is there any way I could pay you back?” Tawny preened and looked up at him from under her long fake lashes.

“Not at all,” Ryker said coolly and we swept past her, leaving her standing with her mouth gaping and confusion on her face.

I laughed, “I don’t think she gets shot down like that very often.”

“She’d better get used to it if she’s putting herself out on display like that,” he said. “Unfortunately women like Tawny have an expiration date.”

“I never thought of it like that,” I said. “What about women like me?”

“Well first of all there are no women like you,” he said and closed my door behind us. “There’s only one woman like you. And you’ll be perfect until your last breath, kitten. You’ll have my rapt attention until that moment and beyond.”

“You’re assuming you’ll outlive me?” I laughed.

“I hope I don’t,” he said, “but if I do, I won’t live for long.”

I felt a wave of emotion roll through my body, my stomach clenched at the thought of either of us being gone. I wanted to be with Ryker from that moment until our last breaths together. I couldn’t imagine a world without us together.

I fell into his arms and he wrapped them around me, holding me tight. “Shhhh, kitten, it’s just talk. We’ll be together forever, you know that.”

“I want to believe it,” I said and took a long shuddering breath. “I can’t imagine my life without you”

“Neither can I,” he said and pulled back to look down at me. “But if it ever happens that I’m gone, do what I told you. Live your life and be happy. Let my brother care for you.”

“I can’t talk about this anymore,” I said, “kiss me and make these thoughts go away.”

“I’ll do what I can, kitten,” he laughed and bent down to kiss my fears and sadness away.

It worked. His touch made everything right in the world again.




Each night Ryker took me to my job and watched me work. I smirked to myself every time I looked over and saw some stripper or girl trying to gain Ryker’s attention. He brushed them off so effectively I almost felt sorry for them when they walked away crestfallen, faces saddened.

Almost. Most of me felt triumphant that I was the focus of a man like Ryker.

The third night was the first sign of trouble. I looked over and saw him angrily talking to three men in suits. They looked like cops, the way they carried themselves and the way they looked around sizing everyone up. I worried they were here checking for IDs, to make sure all the girls were legal age.

I walked towards them but Ryker saw me, shook his head and held his hand up, stopping me in my tracks.

I realized they were solely there for him.

I raised my eyebrows in question, but his look told me everything I needed to know. He didn’t want to include me in it now.

I backed away and tried to watch him while I did my job from afar.

“What’s up with that?” Jake asked as I got a drink order from him.

“I don’t know,” I said. “It’s weird though.”

“They look like they mean business,” Jake said and set the shot glasses on my tray.

I frowned and went about my work.

On the drive home I tried to ask Ryker about it, but he shut me down.

“They were looking for some guy we used to work with,” he told me and I sensed he was lying to me.

“They looked pretty interested in you,” I said.

“They just wanted to know when I saw him last. He’s apparently wanted for some petty larceny or something. Now don’t you worry yourself about it, kitten,” he said. “I want to get you home and get you naked, let’s concentrate on that.”

I let myself believe him and I let myself relax to enjoy the rest of the night with him. I would have plenty of time to figure out Ryker’s connection to them in the long run.

We did manage to get home and get naked in almost record time. Now I understood why he had such a fast car, if it gave us even ten more minutes in each other’s arm it was worth it.

I should have known it was too good to be true though, it’s not like I’d had a particularly bad life but I’d had one that was fraught with misfortune and bad timing for as long as I could remember.

From my dog being hit by a car when I was nine, to my senior prom dress ripping up the back right before the first dance, my life had been plagued with unfortunate events.

I had a few days off again, and I was considering not going back afterwards. I was tired of working for Mel and tired of the snotty looks the other girls shot me when they didn’t think I could see.

Ryker took me on a sunset cruise again, and we stayed out until almost sunrise.

We rolled into bed and fell into an exhausted sleep after hours of sex. God, I couldn’t get enough of him, I wanted him touching me and tasting me as often as I could.

I had restless dreams all night, not exactly nightmares but dreams in which I lost something and couldn’t find it.

I woke some time in the early afternoon and felt positively indulgent. I hadn’t slept in that long in forever. I rolled over and reached for Ryker only to find the bed empty.

I sat up and slid off the bed. I had a quick shower and pulled on some comfortable clothes before heading downstairs to find Ryker.

Quinn was lounging in the kitchen reading the paper and eating sandwich.

“Where’s Ryker?” I asked and took the seat opposite him.

“Don’t know, but he left a note,” Quinn said. He slid an envelope across the table to me.

I picked it up, tore into it and read:


I’m away on business for a short time.

Can’t say when I’ll be back.

Trust no one but my brother.

I love you forever,


“What’s this supposed to mean?” I asked and held the letter up.

“I don’t know, I haven’t read it,” Quinn replied looking at me over the top of his newspaper.

“Did he say anything before he left?”

“Not really. Just told me to keep an eye on you.”

“I’m not a plant, you don’t have to water me or anything.”

“I don’t think that’s what he meant.”

“Is he concerned for my safety?”

“He should be. He’s in a dangerous profession.”

I sighed realizing Quinn wasn’t going to tell me anything that I didn’t know. I felt sick with worry for Ryker’s safety but helpless to do anything about it.

I went back upstairs and wandered around the bedroom as if looking for clues to Ryker’s leaving. Some of his shirts and pants were gone, but generally it looked as though he’d be back at any moment.

I felt in my heart and in my gut that this wasn’t the case though. I felt it in my bones that he was gone.

For how long, I didn’t know.


Chapter Twenty


“Is there any word today?” I asked Quinn a month or so after Ryker’s departure. I’d done almost nothing but hide in our room and cry the entire time he’d been gone, and this was the first time I’d come down for breakfast. The staff had been great though, it was like living in a fancy hotel complete with room and laundry service.

“Nothing yet, sweetheart,” he told me, looking up from his paper. “I’ve decided you’ve been moping too long though. We’re going on a little trip today.”

“What if Ryker comes home while we’re gone?” I asked, hating the edge of hysteria in my voice. Ryker’s absence was threatening to make me a shrill woman, something I’d never wanted to become.

“He won’t mind,” Quinn said. “He asked me to take care of you if something happened.”

“Did something happen? What aren’t you telling me?”

He smiled. “I’m not saying something happened, but there is a possibility that he might not be back for a while so let’s take care of you.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“A drive down the Oregon coast, to see the ocean along the way. It’s extraordinary this time of year.”

“Don’t you need to work?”

He chuckled and held out his hands. “Our family money paid for all of this, neither one of us has ever worked beyond a hobby.”

“You mean Ryker didn’t have to be part of the club?”

His face darkened and he frowned. “That’s not exactly true, but that’s Ryker’s story to tell.”

“If he comes back,” I said miserable.

he comes back. Now finish your breakfast and pack your bags for three nights. We’ll leave in an hour.”

I nodded and watched as he stood and left the room. He was more refined than Ryker on the surface, but he still possessed that cat like quality that made Ryker seem so dangerous. Both twins seemed like they’d be ready to spring into action at any moment, they were so alert and focused.

I shoved a few comfortable outfits into a small suitcase I found in Ryker’s closet. It was monogramed with his initials and made me feel connected to him somehow.

Right on the hour I picked the suitcase up, opened the door and found Quinn standing there waiting for me. He took the case from my hand and I followed him silently down the stairs.

He had chosen a larger Land Rover to drive, it was as equally luxurious ad Ryker’s Range Rover but had more room for our things. He lifted our bags into the back, held the door for me and got into the driver’s seat.

“You’re quiet today, sweetheart,” he said as we pulled away.

“Just thinking about Ryker,” I admitted.

“Sit back and enjoy the day,” Quinn replied. “You can think about him or not, either way it’s not going to change how things play out. Remember, worry is a misuse of imagination.”

I smiled and looked over at him. “Do you really believe that?

“I do,” he said. “I believe that you should focus your energy on being happy and getting to know me a little more to be honest.”

“Why’s that?”

“It feels natural to me,” he said, his eyes on the road. “It feels like this is exactly what we’re supposed to do.”

Ryker’s presence hung over us, but Quinn’s words seemed to cut through it and strike something in the heart of me. “You might be right,” I said and glanced at him shyly. “So what do you want to know?”

“Where did you grow up? Are your parents still together? Any brothers or sisters?”

“Wow, that’s quite a list,” I laughed but I realized Ryker had never asked me much about my life. It felt nice to talk about it. “I grew up in Nebraska, my parents are still married and I have a brother and a sister, both older.”

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