Three-Way Tie (Neighborly Affection) (3 page)

BOOK: Three-Way Tie (Neighborly Affection)
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“Bet I know what you’re thinking about, stud.” She shifted her hip and pushed at his cock. Oh fuck yeah. He twitched. The fabric gripped him. “Whatever it is, you must like the idea.”

“I do.” He wrapped his arms around her until she squeaked. “Life is good.”


Chapter 3: Henry


Tattered brown leaves swirled and crunched at Henry’s feet, the final remnants of a leaf peeping season laid to rest. The deserted parking lot tempted desire, but the broad windows of the diner across the two-lane road stamped it out. Public display belonged in the club with controlled variables, not in the real world where an entrepreneuring smartphone user might make money off Alice and Jay’s beauty or a child might witness something inappropriate.

“Wait, nudge that box left. More left.” Alice wrapped her arms around their strong, slender boy and pointed as he bent over the trunk. Bouncing sunlight blended their bodies into a single whole. “See, perfect fit.”

The family cabin in northern Maine would offer privacy and the beauty of red and golden leaves. Too late this year. He’d make a note of it so Alice could request vacation time in advance next year.

“I’m always a perfect fit.” Jay wiggled, playing the puppy for their sweet girl. Gentle and intuitive, his giving submissive boy. “Delivery boy, at your service.”

Early October, with Jay splayed on his back on the hood of the car, his jeans opened enough to allow Alice to mount him.

service, huh?” She stilled Jay’s hips with a simple clasp and a murmur in his ear. The glance she threw over her shoulder sparkled with mischief. Alice, his challenge and his respite. “I’d have to get permission for that.”

Kneeling over their boy with her skirt
rucked up and Jay’s cock deep in her pussy. Her smiling face thanking her master as he pressed forward and claimed her ass.

“A fine thought for another day, my dears.” Theirs and his. Arousal stirred, a calculated flex tugging his attention to his cock. He’d put it to good use soon enough. Patience. An exquisite torment with lovers whose every breath whetted his desire for them. “I’ve other ways for you both to serve tonight.”

Eager smiles and teasing chatter flowed between them. The most important layer of his life—balancing the freedom and discipline his lovers craved in a satisfying mix for all three of them. The security of rules and structure for Jay. A sense of give-and-take for Alice. Each welcomed his control with a unique palette. Some days he managed to blend the colors beautifully, and gratitude for their trust overwhelmed him. Other days he revised his image of the larger picture, scraped away his errors and painted anew.

The diner seduced Jay as he loaded the trunk with their newfound dishes. No doubt he thought his glances subtle. The sign advertised fresh homemade pies. Hmm. A well-deserved treat, after he’d found outstanding tableware for their first Thanksgiving dinner as a family. Later would be soon enough to explore the beauty of the curved triangle, the shape their backs would form as the three of them delivered oral pleasure with their heads bent to their work upon one another.

The trunk latched with a gentle click, Alice’s thoughtfulness in evidence. Jay would have slammed the lid and apologized after for his boisterous energy. Constant movement, grating in others, formed a harmonious symphony in his brilliant, shining boy. Percussion and brass, the pulsing heartbeat beneath Alice’s trilling woodwinds and his own muted strings.

“Thank you for packing us up, my boy. Come here, please.” Sneakers pounded asphalt at a crisp trot. Mere seconds passed before he cupped Jay’s smooth cheek and cherished the novelty.

More than five years together, and only in the last two months had he enjoyed the freedom of claiming his boy in public. No trace of shame or embarrassment or fear in the sweet brown eyes fixed on his.

“You’ve been such a good, patient boy today.” Simple love and trust. Had it not been for Alice, Jay might never have reached this comfort.

“Hours spent in an activity that bores you, yet I couldn’t leave my dear boy behind.” The fullness of his life expanded, and all because of Alice’s exceptional courage and Jay’s persistent, well-timed honesty. A blessing granted despite his own shortcomings. “Alice and I would have come home empty-handed without your discovery.”

Jay trembled, a delightful shiver starting in the warm cheek beneath his hand and traveling down the boy’s body to his tapping feet. Short breaths passed between parted lips, tempting him to consume them.

“Because you’ve pleased me so much, Jay, I’m going to offer you a choice.” Allowing himself a single swipe of his thumb across Jay’s cheekbone, he savored the sweet tilt of his boy’s head into his palm. An entranced pet, giddy at earning the master’s favor. The title meant nothing without these gifts, these tangible proofs of happiness. “We may stay here and have dinner across the road—yes, with pie—or we may go straight home and indulge the arousal we’ve been clutching so tightly today.”

“Home.” Jay breathed the word like a prayer. “Better than pie.”

Smothering his smile at the expected answer, he bestowed a tender kiss on Jay’s forehead. “Into the car, then.” Control, protection and approval. As necessary to his boy as oxygen. “Backseat, please.”

Leaning her hip against the side panel, Alice unlatched the door and pushed it open. “Good choice, stud.” Her whisper carried. She rubbed Jay’s back as he ducked inside. Closing the door behind him, she rolled her shoulders and shuddered.

Her delight lured him to her side, urging him to replace the discreet marker of his claim with the real thing. No frail reed in the breeze, his sweet girl. He hummed, and she swayed as a cobra. Seductive and striking. The glints of green and brown in her hazel eyes challenged him.

The primary hues in his boy’s color wheel merited only secondary, even tertiary, weight in hers. She met him as an equal, a partner who understood his need to dominate as well as she did Jay’s need to submit. His bold adventurer tested him as she learned from him.

“Did you wish to stop for pie first, Alice?” He crowded her in restrained fashion, discarding scenarios as quickly as he conjured them. Though the car’s bulk shielded them from restaurant patrons, he would not raise her dress, spin her about and take her from behind while Jay watched through the car window. His cock disagreed. Holding back tormented him with delightful, buzzing need.

“I could make it through the meal,” she murmured. A brazen dare. “Jay would have to excuse himself before the appetizer hit the table.”

“And how much would you squirm in your seat, waiting alone while I followed him to the restroom and permitted him the release he needs?” Increasing the stakes drew her full attention. Dilated pupils. Rapid respiration. His satisfaction lived in her responses.

“Staring at your menu, picturing my hand around his cock, wondering when I might grant you your own sweet rush? Riding…” He gripped her waist for the primal joy her gasping shudder awoke in him.

“Riding all the way home with slick thighs. Untouched.” Sweeping his hands up her sides, he fingered the edge of the taut jute hugging her skin beneath her dress. His claim on her. “Your every breath a reminder of my embrace, your heart beating out an empty rhythm, driving and seeking, swelling your flesh and readying you for me.”

She moaned, low and needy, the sound of her surrender pitch perfect.

“Into the backseat with you, my dear,” he whispered. “Mind you stay on your own side.”

“My own side.” Eyes raised to the sky, she
bared her throat to him. A supplicant pleading for mercy. “No touching?”

Clasping her face in his hands, he turned her head in a slow side-to-side stroke. “You wouldn’t need that, now would you? Not the girl who insisted she might sit through dinner with no trouble at all.”

He brushed his lips against her ear. She trembled, caught between his body and the car, her strength masked by his. Not his equal now, but his submissive. His good girl. “You’ll wait on my pleasure, Alice. And when I allow you to come, you’ll thank me for the exquisite rapture.”

Her eyelids fluttered, a delicate and captivating dance. “Thank you, Henry.”

“Don’t thank me yet, sweet girl.” He pressed his lips to her forehead. She’d sit behind his seat and struggle with her desire all the way home, a delicious vision in the rearview mirror. “Hold that thought. Clasp it tight between your legs for me, hmm?”

Silent anticipation thickened the air on their ride home. Alice sat with her eyes closed, her head tipped against her seatback, her breathing slow and deliberate. Jay stared at her with unceasing hunger. Vibrating with want, the pair of them.

They embodied the fulfillment of his wish for the day. Rationing touches and teasing denial at uneven intervals forced desire to the forefront of their minds, overwhelmed the work stress preoccupying Alice and the family inadequacy plaguing Jay. Tangible reminders of his ownership guided them toward happier, more playful pursuits.

He entered the apartment last, ensuring their adherence to his ban on contact. The flip of the deadbolt reconfigured casual control into command.

At his sharp tug, Jay stumbled backward into his arms. Rough-woven cotton bunched in his hands as he yanked his boy’s shirt over his head to an accompaniment of excited tenor whimpers. The smooth, taut abdomen beneath his fingers shuddered with each new sound.

“Take off your dress, Alice.” The door supported his back as he unfastened Jay’s pants by touch alone, the flush in Alice’s cheeks too lovely to ignore. “
the dress.”

She shimmied free in a beautiful display of speed and elegance, leaving her hair in a golden cloud of
flyaways framing her face.

Jay’s cock trembled in his hand. His thudded at his fly, trapped against Jay’s tempting ass.

“Are you prepared to pay tribute, my boy?”

The balls under his hand tightened. Jay would recover quickly enough, and Alice always appreciated a show. Complementary capacities and desires. He pulled with a slow, steady stroke.

“Do you see how our dear girl has soaked through her panties?”

His brilliant girl took the initiative, widening her stance, shifting her weight and exposing more of the gleaming fabric. Wet and sliding.

Jay’s frenetic nod bounced through his whole body, his sneakers squeaking on the hardwood.

“Her stomach is bare. Such creamy, inviting skin.” A decadent canvas between the ropes above and the panties and garters below. “Can you decorate it for her, Jay?” He’d take her just like that, unleashing his arousal and pushing her panties aside. But first, the cock attached to his needy, squirming boy. Raw, passionate perfection. “Can you reach her from here? I believe you can.”

Another slow stroke, the fine network of veins a rippling texture in his palm and Jay’s panting a chorus in his ears. “Show her the power she holds over you. The desire she brings forth.” Alice curled her fingers, digging them into her thighs like a cat kneading with its paws. “Will you pour it out at my command?”

“Yes. Yes, Henry, please. I will, please.” Jay gasped and pushed back, molding their bodies into a single form, an unfinished sculpture straining toward their alabaster companion.

The gratifying pressure dragged out a growl, his boy inching him toward the edge. He willed himself back. Their needs first. Always. Laying his free hand over Jay’s sternum, he took refuge in the galloping heart protected beneath.

“Come for us, Jay.” A command he loved to deliver.

The swift surge arrived with his next stroke. Jay moaned and whimpered, ejaculate arcing high to splash its target with exactitude. His good boy, striving to please him, never disappointed.

Without his prompt, Alice stepped forward and caught the second and third jets despite the diminishing force behind them. Exquisite. Attuned to his intent and eager for the same.

“Lovely,” he murmured. Splashes of chaos dotted the gentle slope of her belly, freeform expressionist design between the geometric precision of the winding jute and the crisp lines of her garters. “See what a beautiful addition you’ve made to our masterpiece, my boy?”

The final gasps of excitement trickled across his knuckles. He raised his hand to his mouth, deliberate and slow to draw his pets’ attention, and tasted Jay’s salt, the strong tang of his first release of the day. The doubling echo, a whimper from the boy in his arms and a thready plea from the girl waiting for his touch, swelled his heart and his cock near to bursting.

With no outside stimulation, he’d have thirty minutes, perhaps forty-five, before Jay reloaded. Since he meant to fuck his sweet girl, the show alone would bring Jay back to full readiness. Swiping his fingers across Jay’s lips, he allowed him to lick them clean. A torment for his quaking girl, the pink of her cheeks cascading down her neck and darkening the tips of her breasts.

The safety scissors remained a stern reminder in his pocket as they had all day, but her heaving breaths signaled arousal rather than distress. A slight push guided Jay to the floor.

“Sit for a spell, please, Jay. I’ve something I must check on.” Mumbled agreement about taking a load off demonstrated his boy’s usual post-orgasm euphoria. A single long stride carried him to Alice.

He slid two fingers underneath the overlapping vertical bar between her breasts, tugging her to him. Still the proper tension in the line, still her clear comfort and excitement. Her harness, his claim for her pleasure, a visual feast for his, the bondage a curiosity with which he hoped to entice Jay. The boy’s hands had strayed to the rope often today. He would be ready soon, with a strong desire and a sweet request.

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