Read Three Ways to Wicked Online

Authors: Jodi Redford

Three Ways to Wicked (11 page)

BOOK: Three Ways to Wicked
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After the last quake faded into a blissful glow, she slumped against Ty. Snuggling her, he nipped the side of her neck. Gibb leaned forward and added a sweet side note to Ty’s devilry by smoothing a sweat-dampened lock of hair behind her ear before nuzzling her mouth with his. “Thank you.”

She stroked Gibb’s cheek and hugged Ty’s arm around her tummy. “For…?”

“Being you. Being here with us.” His lips quirked upward. “And especially for giving me the best damn memory of my life.”

“Mine too.” Remembering his promise from earlier, she laughed and nibbled his jaw. “But fair warning,
was a warm-up for round four.”

If these memories were all she’d have to cling to, she’d damn well revel in every second.

Chapter Ten

Despite the certainty that another orgasm like the one he’d just experienced would likely leave him brain dead, Gibb couldn’t keep his mind off the tantalizing promise of a repeat performance. No doubt that played a big part in the record time he made charting a course back to the marina. Judging from the Evel Knievel leap Ty made from the rail of the
Salty Girl
onto the dock before they’d completely puttered into the slip, Gibb wasn’t the only one obsessing on the next foray into their sexy adventures.

A tiny niggle of reason remained stubbornly lodged in the back of Gibb’s mind, threatening to throw a wet blanket on the festivities. No matter how much he wanted to, he couldn’t mute out the persistent reminder that they were venturing into potentially rocky territory. The concerns he’d voiced earlier hadn’t disappeared. Pursuing this threesome could result in three friendships broken and a world of heartache for everyone involved. But even in the face of that sobering reality, no force on Earth could prevent him from diving headfirst down the white-rabbit hole.

That truth was hammered into him a million times over when Ty helped Kayla onto the dock and hauled her into his arms for a kiss hot enough to scorch the weathered pier planks under their feet. A prickly wave of desire roasted Gibb from the inside out. It was impossible to forget the added erotic edge of Ty’s presence while Gibb had made love to Kayla. Before that moment, he couldn’t conceive of sharing that level of intimacy with another man, much less getting off on it. Witnessing the blistering kiss unfolding in front of him now only made him hunger for that shared intimacy again, for the three of them to be wrapped up in each other, the rest of the world be damned.

Ty and Kayla broke off their kiss and turned toward him, their expressions twin invitations to sin. Shoving aside the lingering remnants of his doubts, Gibb abandoned the wheel and made the short jump down to the dock.

Kay reached for his hand, her smile practically overtaking her entire face. “I swear I’m going to wake up and realize this is all some crazy dream.”

He shook his head with a wry chuckle. “Trust me, you’re not the only one certain of that.”

She squeezed his fingers. “Then maybe we should make the most of it before we wake up.”

“That right there sounds like an excellent plan.” Ty swirled a fingertip down Kayla’s nape, earning her restless shiver. He grinned, blatantly pleased his devious handiwork had gotten under her skin. “Any thoughts on what you’d like to do next?” The gleam in Ty’s eyes made it perfectly clear what
like to do next. Not that Gibb wasn’t one hundred percent on board with that scenario. Particularly if it involved Kay naked between them.

She chewed her bottom lip before panning her gaze from him to Ty. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about that outdoor shower.”

“Damn, I like how your mind works, woman.” Ty waggled his eyebrows. “Especially since I’m suddenly feeling extra dirty.”

Kayla made a show of fanning her face. “An extra-dirty you? I can barely handle you as is.”

“No, baby. You did a real good job handling me.” A world of wickedness residing in his sparkling gaze, Ty nuzzled Kay’s neck, his day-old beard scruff leaving stubble burn on her fair skin. “No complaints on my end.”

A pretty blush pinking her cheeks, Kay cleared her throat softly. “Lordy, Ty. That line is almost bad enough to be used in one of my books.”

Showing no repentance whatsoever, Ty sucked her earlobe between his teeth with a growl. “All I know is I’m two seconds away from enacting one of your love scenes right here on this dock. Seeing how I’m ninety-nine percent certain you’re unwilling to get cited for public indecency, maybe we best get the hell out of here.”

They spent a few minutes debating the merits of taking one vehicle. In the end Kay won the argument of driving her own car back to the Bishop place under the ridiculous avowal that she’d be inconveniencing them by needing a ride later. Ty of course had to throw in an appropriately lecherous comment about gladly providing all the
she might require. Before the conversation could devolve into a thinly veiled double entendre involving stick shifts, Gibb steered Ty toward the parking lot. They both piled into Gibb’s Bronco and waited for Kayla to get situated in her car.

A heavy silence fell over the sweltering interior of the Bronco, doubly noticeable in the wake of the lively discussion they’d left behind. Just when Gibb was beginning to feel as awkward as a giraffe on rollerblades, Ty leaned his shoulder against the passenger window and inspected Gibb. “Don’t think I didn’t notice the slight hesitation you had back there.”

Gibb ran a hand over his jaw. Kayla’s sweetness still clung to him, a heady opponent to the voice of logic determined to have its say. “I care a lot about Kay…and you. I don’t want to see any of us hurt by this unconventional arrangement. You know that.”

“We won’t be, if we go into this with some common sense and a willingness to be completely honest with our feelings.” Ty gave him a telling look. “No more Day-Glo ninjas we’re pussy footing over,

Gibb inclined his head. “Guess I’m okay with that.”

“Are you?” Ty drummed his fingers idly on the armrest, his gaze direct and sultry. “What if I tell you I have every intention of sucking you off first chance I get? Sure you won’t go into lockdown mode on me?”

Gibb swallowed past the thick ball of desire clogging his windpipe. “In case it’s slipped your mind, I didn’t exactly stop you before.”

The smokiness intensified in Ty’s eyes. “Think I made it pretty clear that every detail of that night has been branded into my brain.”

Recalling the vivid dirty talk that’d rolled effortlessly from Ty’s tongue while he’d teased and seduced Gibb back at Master Charters, Gibb drew in a shallow breath, the snugness of his boardshorts nearly cutting off circulation to vital parts. Truth be told, if Ty decided to make good on his word and went down on Gibb right then, there’d be no way he’d turn Ty away.

As if he’d read Gibb’s thoughts, Ty licked his lips, his cheeks flushing with a high dose of lust. “I’ve decided the next place I’m tastin’ Kay on you is gonna be your cock. Just so you know.”


Ty chuckled. “Don’t even pretend you’re not looking forward to that.” He nodded toward the windshield. “And the sooner you get this rust bucket movin’, the quicker we can make it a reality.”

“You really are a world-class fucking cock tease.”

Ty’s grin was one hundred degrees pure sin and devastating as hell. “Nah, I’m fully intending to put out for ya.”



They pulled into the driveway directly behind Kayla. Not a moment too soon, considering Gibb was sporting the bluest balls known to mankind. He killed the Bronco’s engine and pocketed the keys before hopping outside. Looking to hide his anxiousness, he deliberately kept his posture loose and casual as he approached Kay. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Ty reveling in a knowing smirk. Asshole was thoroughly enjoying testing Gibb’s threshold for sexual torment.

Kay clicked her car door shut and turned toward them with a readied smile. Something in Gibb’s expression must have ratted out his state of mind because her eyes widened several fractions. So much for his bullshit attempt at pretending he wasn’t frothing at the mouth to get intimately acquainted with her pussy again. Her lips parted, but before any words could slip free, the solitary thread comprising his frayed control unraveled, and he nudged her against the Camry’s doorframe. Sliding his fingers through her silky hair, he claimed her mouth, an unrestrained groan working from his chest as he rediscovered the sheer intoxication of her kisses. Her hands smoothed along his shoulders and drifted down his spine, hugging him close. The soft knit of her top rubbed against his overheated skin with a teasing friction that pushed him to the breaking point.

He wanted nothing more than to strip her naked. Chart every inch of her luscious body with his mouth and hands before burying himself deep inside her until there were no barriers between them. His impatient fingers roved over the swells of her breasts, and her nipples obediently tightened beneath his touch. Groaning, he reached for the hem of her top. He managed to inch it partway up her midriff when the much-needed common sense that Ty mentioned earlier finally made an appearance.

Reluctantly sliding his mouth from hers, he forced in a steadying breath. “Maybe we better head inside.”

Her expression dazed, Kayla nodded enthusiastically enough to send loose tendrils of her mussed hair bobbing over her flushed cheeks. Twining her fingers with his and Ty’s, she hurried them up the front steps. Once they were inside the house, he and Ty set about rectifying the problem with her clothes—namely that she was still wearing them. Tossing her top aside, Gibb lowered his head and captured her nipple with his lips, coaxing the nub into a hardened peak. When Ty’s mouth skated along her inner thigh toward her pussy, Kay wiggled out of his and Gibb’s arms.

“Uh, guys. Shower first. I’m all sweaty.” Ignoring the equal grumbles of frustration that shot from them both, Kayla pivoted and sashayed down the hall.

The provocative jiggle of her butt drew a lusty groan from Ty. “I’m dyin’ to sink my teeth into that sweet ass.”

Recalling how he’d been treated to that pleasure earlier—and enjoyed the hell out of it—Gibb adjusted the too-snug placement of his fly.

Ty glanced over in time to catch the gesture and cocked an eyebrow. “Need some help over there with that?”

Gibb stifled a grunt. “I’d tell you to bite me, but you’d probably do it, kinky motherfucker.”

“Only if you ask extra nicely.”

Kay chose that moment to stroll back into the room. She’d wrapped a pink-and-lime-green beach towel around her torso sarong style, effectively concealing her scrumptious body. “Ask what nicely?”

Gibb shook his head, effectively cutting Ty off before he could open his yapper. “Nothing.”

She passed them the remaining towels she carried, a tiny upward hitch playing at the corners of her lips. Ten to one she’d overheard the entire conversation. Tucking the edges of her makeshift sarong securely around her mouth-watering breasts, she waited for them to get undressed. Overly conscious of his raging hard-on, Gibb released the Velcro tabs on his boardshorts and cautiously eased the garment down.

With his typical not-give-a-fuck nonchalance, Ty whisked his swim trunks off, proudly displaying his own sizeable erection.

Hell, sizable was an understatement. Damn thing stood tall enough to take down low-flying planes.

Her happy sigh floating free, Kay divided her appreciative attention between them. “I’m the luckiest damn woman on the planet.”

His teeth flashing blindingly white against his tanned face, Ty snapped his towel at Kay’s butt before scooping her into his arms and ambling toward the glass slider. Once Gibb released the latch and opened the door, Ty carried Kay over the threshold and down the stairs to the outside shower. After settling her on her feet, he reached for her towel. “Time to ditch this.”

Gibb lingered in the doorway, transfixed by the sight of Ty peeling the terrycloth covering from Kay’s lush curves. The sensual glide of Ty’s fingers along her creamy skin kindled a new heat wave within Gibb. All traces of moisture abandoned his mouth, leaving his tongue feeling thick and useless. Unlike his cock. Sure, that was thick too. Painfully so. But he could think of a million and one uses for it at the moment. Easily.

Ty draped his and Kay’s towels on a pair of nearby pegs. He cranked on the overhead shower spigot and guided Kay beneath the spray. She gasped, her toes curling in the puddle of water collecting at her feet. “Way colder than I was expecting.”

“It’ll get hot in a sec.” Ty turned Kay around in his arms. Coaxing her to cuddle back against his chest, he trailed his hands up along her belly, skimming her delicate rib cage before cupping her full breasts. Grazing her pebbled nipples with his thumbs, Ty hunched lower and kissed the side of her neck, causing her to wiggle against him. Gleaming rivulets of water streamed down Kay’s torso and matted the narrow strip of her pale blonde pubic hair. Ty’s fingers chased the frisky droplets of water and cupped her mound. Parting the soft folds of her labia, he looked up and caught Gibb’s eye with a deliberation that required no decoding on Gibb’s end.

It was all the invitation he needed. Ditching his towel with a groan, he pushed away from the door and dropped to his knees in front of Kay. With Ty’s fingers spreading her for Gibb’s pleasure, all he had to do was lean in and gorge himself on the sweet sugar ripe for the taking. He started with her plump little clit first, stroking it with languorous swirls of his tongue. Kay squirmed, her sexy moans and murmurs spurring him on. He leveled all of his concentration on the slippery bud beneath his tongue, until she was panting and straining towards him.

BOOK: Three Ways to Wicked
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