Three Weeks to Wed (32 page)

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Authors: Ella Quinn

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“Merton.” Louisa infused her voice with a note of disgust. “A friend of
, I suppose.”
Merton cleared his throat. “I daresay, Fotherby, that the lady is correct. You should have been able to stop the animal before any damage occurred.”
Fotherby turned to Merton, staring at his companion as if betrayed. Merton's masked eyes were unreadable to Dotty, but something in them must have made an impression on Fotherby for he turned to her and bowed slightly.
“Ladies, my deepest apologies for not acting promptly to avoid an unnecessary scene.”
Never one to hold a grudge, Dotty inclined her head, “Your apology is accepted, sir.”
Merton lifted one brow and looked pointedly at Louisa.
“Very well,” she said, in no good humor. “Miss Sterne, may I present the Marquis of Merton, a cousin of mine. Merton, Miss Sterne, a longtime friend of Lady Charlotte's family.”
Dom bowed and watched with appreciation as Miss Sterne gracefully curtseyed. He had not been paying much attention to her encounter with Fotherby, thinking her just another modern termagant, until she stood and faced him. Botticelli could not have painted such perfection. The glossy blue-black curls peeping out from her hat served as a perfect frame for her heart-shaped face. She gazed at Dom with bright moss-green eyes. Surreptitiously, he sucked in a breath. He'd seen many beautiful women this Season, including Lady Charlotte, but none came close to equaling Miss Sterne.
, what a horrible name. It must be short for something. He prayed it was short for something. If not, the name would have to change.
Cousin Louisa had not given him an indication of Miss Sterne's station, other than that she was a lady. However, a Miss Sterne could possibly be the daughter of a viscount. That wouldn't be bad. Anything lower in rank would not do. Unless her bloodlines were superior. If that was the case, he could make an exception. He had the consequence of the marquisate to consider.
Bowing over her hand, he grasped her fingers. “It is my greatest pleasure to meet you, Miss Sterne. I pray you will allow me to call.”
“Well,” his cousin said in a voice intended to dampen his spirits, “only if you care to come to Stanwood House. Miss Sterne is residing with us for the Season.”
He repressed a shudder at the thought of having to face that brood again, especially Theodora, Worthington's youngest sister. He kept a smile pasted on his face. “Perhaps, I shall.”
The animosity between the two families was such that Worthington had told Dom in no uncertain terms that he was not welcome to court any ladies under his guardianship. Of course, at the time, only Ladies Charlotte and Louisa were at issue. He wondered if that prohibition applied to Miss Sterne.
ZEBRA BOOKS are published by
Kensington Publishing Corp.
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Copyright © 2016 by Ella Quinn
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ISBN-13: 978-1-4201-3955-6
ISBN-10: 1-4201-3955-X
ISBN: 978-1-4201-3955-6

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