Three's Company (Taylor's Tales)

BOOK: Three's Company (Taylor's Tales)
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Three’s Company

Taylor’s Tales”

E.C. Panhoff

Three’s Company


Copyright © 2013 E.C. Panhoff All Rights Reserved


No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form including but not limited to photocopying or email, without permission in writing from the publisher. The author and publisher assume no responsibility for errors, omissions or interpretation of the information herein. All names and events are fiction and any similarities are completely coincidental.

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This story also appears in A “Taylor’s Tales” Collection:



June walked into the room carrying a wash cloth in her left hand and using her right to keep the ends of her towel closed. She closed the door behind her and turned to Taylor. Taylor was lying on his back waiting for her to return. They had spent the last 45 minutes going through as many positions as he wanted. June dropped her towel and climbed back in bed. She placed herself on his right, kneeling by his hips. Using the warm wash cloth she had retrieved, she wiped the sweat from his forehead. When she was done, she moved to his chest and continued down until she reached his cock.

She wiped it clean and then met his eyes.
Taylor was smiling and she let out a giggle. “You know. I have a friend. She just started working here. Maybe you want to try her.”

“Is she cute?”

“Yes. Very cute. Her name is Ella.”

“Does she speak
English as good as you?”

“No. She doesn’t speak
English. Only Korean. I teached her how to be with customers. You should see her.”

thought about it for a minute. He had been to see June three times now and every time he’s enjoyed himself. If she showed a new girl the ropes, then he had to take a shot.

“Okay. I’ll see her.”

“And me too?”

“The both of you? At the same time?”

“Oh yes. We treat you good.”

“Okay. Let’s see. Today is Friday. I know it’s really slow on Sundays. Can I come on Sunday?”

She nodded and then laughed. “Save that for Sunday. You’re going to need it.”

Her eyes moved from his newly erect shaft to the clock. Their time together was almost up. June threw her legs off the side of the bed and stood. “Come on. Time to get dressed.”

Taylor regretted taking so long to cum because he wasn’t able to spend anytime holding June in his arms. The last two times he had seen her, she snuggled up to him and they just lay there holding each other until it was time to go. He made a mental note. Sunday I need to finish with time left, so that I can lay there holding the both of them.

She helped him get dressed. He handed her the fee, kissed her and then headed out into the cold February air.

When Taylor got home, he stripped down to his boxers and powered up his computer. He launched his browser and clicked on the bookmark of the incall he just came from. The screen was filled with five full size pictures of the girls currently working there.

He scanned the names until he landed on Ella. The main image showed a busty Asian with wavy black hair that draped over her shoulders and fell to her belly button. She was wearing a pink bikini covered with one of those fishnet skirts. He followed her legs down to the bottom of the photo. It read “New Girl - GFE - Ella.”
Taylor exclaimed, “Holy Cow!” and then clicked on her photo.

He was shown three more photos of her. The first was her standing in front of a mirror the size of the entire wall. She was facing the mirror allowing him to see both front and rear views. She was wearing six inch heels, a pair of jean cut-off shorts, and a white bra. Her black, wavy hair flowed down to the small of her back as she held both arms at the back of her head. Unfortunately on the site, her face was blurred.

In the next photo, Ella was sitting in a chair wearing a purple baby doll top with black heels. In the third and final photo, she was wearing the same baby doll, but she was bent over, using the chair for balance. Through the blurriness, Taylor could tell she was looking over her shoulder at him. Taylor loved it when they had pictures bent over. For some reason, most of the Asian sites didn’t have many pics with that pose and he didn’t understand why. Don’t they know guys love seeing a girl bent over?

leaned back in his chair. He put his hands on his head and looked down. His cock was at attention and wanted to be freed. He looked back at Ella’s photo and then back at his hard-on. Sorry buddy, but you’ll be seeing her soon. You need to rest up until Sunday.




At work, Lou kept pestering Taylor for details about his rendezvous with June. “Hold on. I’m almost done.” Taylor straddled the Suzuki GZ250 and kicked the tranny into neutral. He rolled the bike into the corner and dropped the kickstand. Climbing off he said, “Ok. Here’s what happened.”

Lou wiped the grease off his hands with a shop towel and leaned against the shop bench listening.
Taylor went into his monologue explaining what he had done—the different positions he and June went through and how he was going to see her and Ella tomorrow.

“What dud
e? You’re going to have a threesome! Man, I can’t wait to hear about that.” Lou shouted.

“Shhh! I don’t need the whole world knowing my business.”

“Oh. Sorry dude. Anyway, did you see the new girl in the front? She’s cute.”

“Yeah, I saw her. She came in after I was already here.”

“I’m going to go talk to her. Watch the master at work.” Lou said and then strolled off.

Lou tried to ask her out and be all smooth, but he bombed. She was sweet about
it though. She simply said “No thanks,” but she mentioned she wasn’t seeing anybody.

“You think you can do better?” Lou asked.

“Probably not.”

“Come on then. Give it a try.”

Taylor strolled over trying to keep his cool. She was in the middle of ringing up a customer, so he walked slower. The slow pace gave him time to get a good look at her. Her upper body was visible above the counter. She had blonde hair tied in a pony tail and her breasts were small, yet perky. Taylor went up to her and introduced himself.

“Welcome to the shop. I’m

, I’m Amy. You’re a tech here, right?”

“Yeah. Just wanted to welcome you to the shop. So I’ll catch you around
. Maybe we can get lunch one of these days.”

“I’d like that.”

Taylor waved. “Bye.”


Taylor walked back to Lou.

“Struck out, huh?”

“Nope. Just laying the ground work. You’ll see. Anyway, even if I did strike out, I’m going to be with two girls tomorrow. It’s gonna be awesome.”

“What if it isn’t?”

“How can it not be? It’s two girls. Even if they just stand there naked and look at me, it’d be awesome.”

“Good point. Hey watch out here she comes.”

“Watch and learn.” Taylor told Lou.

Taylor. I was wondering…I was going to paint my bedroom tomorrow. Would you…maybe want to help me?”

“Yeah, no problem.”

“How about around 11?”

“Can’t do that early. I’m busy.”

“Busy doing what?”

“Having sex with two women.”

She laughed. “You’re funny. Okay mister threesome, what times good for you?”

“It would have to be after 1pm. Gotta get a little rest after pleasing two girls you know.”

“That’s cool.” She wrote something down on a post-it. “Here’s my address.”

took the post-it and read it. She lived somewhere in Brooklyn. He looked up in time to catch her walking away. What she was lacking upstairs, she made up for downstairs. She had a thin waist and her hips didn’t lie.

waved the post-it and fanned himself. “That’s how you do it.”

Lou rolled his eyes. “Whatever dude.”




stepped off the elevator onto the third floor. He turned left and walked down the corridor to the apartment at the end. In usual fashion, the door cracked open and June peeked out. She shut the door behind them and yelled something out in Korean. Leading Taylor passed the phone girl, whose work area was blocked by one of those foldable wardrobe change partitions, he could hear her making an appointment with a client.

They entered the bedroom on the far side of the apartment and June began making preparations. She pulled the usual suspects from the end table by the bed
—condoms, a box of tissues, and lube. Making her way around the bed, she opened the closet door and retrieved three towels. Taylor couldn’t help but admire her simple beauty. Today she had decided to wear a beige sweater that hung just below her hips. The sleeves were rolled up and the collar was overly stretched, causing it to hang off one shoulder. The bedroom door opened and Ella entered.

She waved hello and gave
Taylor a hug. She said something to June in Korean as she walked over to check the items on the end table.

“She says you’re handsome.” June informed him.

“Thanks. Tell her I think she’s pretty.”

June told her.

Taylor watched as she picked through the items, her fingers moving as if she were searching for a file. Ella was wearing a long one piece silk gown. The soft, black material clung to every curve and the sheer area around her hips revealed a secret—she was wearing a black thong.

The two girls walked over and started to undress him. One took off a piece of clothing and hung it up while the other took the next piece off. They sat him down on the edge of the bed to remove his shoes. Ella took one and June took the other. With his shoes off, they peeled his socks off his feet and asked him to stand. El
la made quick work of his belt by ripping it away in one swift motion. With his belt gone, June reached for his pants button. Ella came back into the mix and slid his zipper down. They both smiled at him slyly and then slid his pants down and off his legs.

June took them over to the rest of his things. Ella stepped in close and took a whiff of his neck. Her hands latched onto the waist of his boxer briefs. She squatted down, inhaling his scent the whole way. Using her nose she batted at his cock one way and then tapped it again the other. June laughed.
Taylor didn’t. That was something knew and enjoyable for him.

Ella stood and hung up the final piece of clothing. The two girls turned towards each other and began to undress. June lifted her arms overhead. Ella took hold of the bottom of her sweater and lifted it slowly. She turned to
Taylor to make sure he was watching. The bottom of the shirt passed the top of June’s thighs and Taylor could see that she wasn’t wearing panties.

With June standing there naked, she took hold of the spaghetti straps resting on Ella’s shoulders. She slid them off her shoulders and slid the dress down her body. Ella stood there with the dress by her feet. June knelt down in front of her and took hold of her panties. She glanced at
Taylor and watched his expression as she slowly inched Ella’s panties down, exposing her completely shaved pussy.

When her panties made it to her ankles, she stepped out of them and away from her dress. She asked
Taylor a question, but he didn’t understand.

“She asked, if you like her.” June said.

He nodded.

The girls picked up their clothing and hung them up. Ella snatched up one of the towels and wrapped it around
Taylor’s waist. She lifted his cock up towards his belly before cinching it so that it wouldn’t hurt. June wrapped one around herself and then so did Ella. She took Taylor’s hand and led him out of the room to the bathroom directly across from them.

The tub was just big enough for them to all fit, but it was going to be tight. June got in first and turned on the water. When it reached the right temperature, she motioned for Taylor and Ella to get in. Ella opened the curtain further, stepped in and held it open for
Taylor. He stood there for a second taking it all in. Two seriously hot Asian girls were naked in the shower. Sounds like a penthouse letter to me, he thought.

He stepped in
between the two of them and Ella slid the curtain shut behind him—effectively making him a Taylor sandwich. June was in front of him and she wet him down with the hand held shower head. When satisfied that his front side was wet, she motioned for him to turn around. The warm water slid down his back as he gazed upon Ella. She had on a pink shade of eye shadow and black mascara which accentuated her eye lashes. She fluttered them when she caught him staring. She already had her hands on a bar of soap and lathered up his chest. While massaging the soap in, Taylor stared at her tits. She noticed him looking and handed him another bar of soap and spoke. June translated. “She said, you wash her.”

Not needing to be told a second time,
Taylor took the soap, lathered up and rubbed his hands on her breasts. They were soft and slippery. Her hand moved down to his stomach and came to rest on his cock. She lathered up and slid her hand along its length—first rubbing and then stroking. From behind him June had soaped up his back and now moved on to his butt. She slid her hand between his legs, making sure to get every inch of her side clean.

Ella released his cock and took hold of his shoulders. She said something in Korean and then turned him around. Smiling, June said “She said now you wash me.” June turned the water back on and wet the front of her body. The water also washed off some of
Taylor’s soap. Ella said something else from behind him, and June raised the shower head and soaked her down too. Ella shrieked. Taylor turned and noticed that Ella had backed away from them.

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