Thug Luv 2 (11 page)

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Authors: Jazmyne

BOOK: Thug Luv 2
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“They’re out for the count,” Ace replied as he sat her on the counter then dropped to his knees. He scooted her to the edge of the counter then began tongue kissing her kitty. Ace teased her throbbing clit with the tip of his tongue for a while before wrapping his lips around it and sucked gently.


“Ohhhh shit!” Aaliyah moaned as she palmed the top of his head with one hand and gripped the edge of the counter with the other. “Amir, babbbyyy, fuck!” She called out as she tried to collect her thoughts so that she could form a complete sentence. Ace never eased up or stopped pleasing Aaliyah.


“Oh shit, oh shhhiiiittttttttttttt, Amiiiiirrrrrrrr!” Aaliyah moaned as her body took on a life of its own. Ace kissed his way back up Aaliyah’s body until they were mouth-to- mouth. He kissed her lips softy as he waited for her to come down from her high. He didn’t wait long before he helped her down from the counter then bent her over.


“Baby, I’ma need you to grab ahold of your ankles and hold on tight,” he said as he slid his dick deep inside from the back. Even though Ace was firmly gripping her waist, Aaliyah had to place the palms of both hands flat on the floor just to keep balance; she felt she was going to tip over.


Aaliyah wiggled her ass and wound her hips into Ace.


“Get on your knees,” Ace ordered. Aaliyah did, then he grabbed a fist full of her hair and jerked her head back.


“Aaggrrrhhh!” Aaliyah grunted but never stopped fucking Ace.


“Where you going?” Ace asked while laughing. Aaliyah was running from the dick.


“Fuck, I’m cumin’!” Aaliyah grunted as she laid flat across the floor. Done wasn’t the word. She was ready to crawl into bed and go to sleep after that.


“Ma, we ain’t finished,” Ace laughed as he smacked her on the ass. Aaliyah shook her head as her body continued to twitch and shake.


Ace assisted her up from the floor and lay on his back. Aaliyah didn’t need him to tell her what to do. She eased down on his dick and began riding him slowly. She smacked his hand when he attempted to grab her waist. She shook her head no.


“You had your turn to control the situation, it’s my turn now,” she smiled.


“Girl, stop playin’,” Ace said. Aaliyah’s pussy popped up and down on his dick, teasing him.


Aaliyah leaned in and kissed his earlobe, while whispering in French, “Papa baise cette chatte,” (Daddy fuck this pussy). Ace’s eye grew as big as saucers. He didn’t have a clue as to what Aaliyah had just said to him but it had his dick harder than a mothafucka! Aaliyah didn’t stop there either. “Vous avez ma chatte mouillé,” (You have my pussy soaking wet). “Je vais te baiser jusqu'à ce que vous appuyez sur,” (I’m going to fuck you until you tap out) she whispered in his ear. Ace was about to lose all control. He was about to bust one of the best nuts ever due to Aaliyah having no mercy on his dick and speaking French in his ear.


“Papa, je suis sur le point de jouir; jouir avec moi; papa cum avec moi s'il vous plait,” (Daddy, I'm about to cum; cum with me; daddy cum with me please), Aaliyah moaned loudly as she bounced up and down on his dick even faster. They came together then collapsed on the kitchen floor.


“Aaliyah, what the hell did you say?” Ace asked minutes later. Aaliyah burst into a laughing fit. “What’s so funny?”


“I wish you could have seen your face when I started speaking in French. It was priceless,” she said laughing as she stood and grabbed her nightgown off the floor. Ace followed her out of the kitchen, waiting for her to tell him what she had said. They showered before climbing into bed then cuddled before they fell asleep in each other’s arms.


Chapter 11


Aaliyah sat on her knees hugging the toilet bowl as she hurled up her insides. She had been feeling sick for the last week or so. Every time she tried to eat something, she would throw it back up. She just seemed to be tired for no reason at all.


“Are you okay?” Jennifer asked from the doorway. Aaliyah shook her head no as she flushed the toilet then slowly got up from the floor.


“I can’t seem to keep anything down. As of late, I’m always tired,” Aaliyah replied as she made her way over to the sink. She brushed her teeth and washed her face before leaving the bathroom. Jennifer smiled. “I think I’m coming down with something…what are you over there grinning about?” She asked as she walked to the loveseat and sat on the other side of her office.


“So, when are you going to tell him?” Jennifer asked as she took a seat.


“Tell who what?” Aaliyah questioned.


“Tell Amir that you’re pregnant,” Jennifer responded with excitement dancing in her voice. Aaliyah’s head popped up.


“Pregnant? Nooo, I can’t be,” she exclaimed as she lay back down and closed her eyes. The thought of having a baby excited her. However, the timing was off. With Ace still dealing with everything in the streets as well as his relationship with Sunshine, it wasn’t a good time at all.


“Come on Aaliyah, throwing up, fatigue. Obviously, they’re signs of pregnancy,” Jennifer announced. “If you don’t believe me, go to the hospital.”


“I’ll go if you go with me,” Aaliyah stated as she looked up at Jennifer.


“That’s fine. When do you wanna go?”


“Today,” Aaliyah said. “But before we go, I wanna talk to you about something,” she said as she eased off the couch.


“What’s on your mind?” Jennifer asked with a worried expression on her face.


Lately, Aaliyah had been getting this eerie feeling. She couldn’t put her finger on it; she knew something was going to happen, she just didn’t know with who or when. “No matter what happens, if you don’t hear from me for any amount of days, I want you to get this letter to Amir as soon as possible,” Aaliyah said holding the letter out for Jennifer.


“Aaliyah, you’re scaring me! Is everything okay?”


“Everything is fine. Now come on,” Aaliyah requested as she grabbed her purse then headed for the door. With so many questions running through her mind, Jennifer looked at the envelope she was holding. She wouldn’t push. When Aaliyah was ready to talk or spill her feelings, she would.




“I know this ain’t what you wanna hear but Adam is out there again,” Boog made known. Ace, Boog, Boy, and Jay were seated in Cheddar’s enjoying a few beers and a football game.


“Adam is the least of my worries,” Ace stated. “What’s up with that nigga, J’vion?”


“He’s in the wind again,” Jay answered with an attitude. He himself was sick and tired of this nigga getting away. He wanted to find him, put a bullet in him, and end his life–point, blank, period. “This nigga is becoming a headache,” he declared.


“Sunshine gave me my walking papers,” Ace blurted out. They all looked at Ace as if he had grown two heads. “At first, I thought she was just mad and still going through the motions. So I gave her, her space. The next thing I know, I’m being served these,” he said pulling the divorce papers from his back pocket.


“Damn,” Boy said. Jay let out a long whistle, and Boog simply stood there not wanting to believe what he was hearing.


“You can’t win them all,” Jay said finishing off his beer then ordering another.


“Sunshine was my first love. I don’t wanna just give up like that,” Ace said.


“Ace, you gotta learn when to let some things go. You can’t keep blaming yourself for everything,” Boy advised.


“We stood by and watched as you fought with all you had to find her whether she was dead or alive. We watched as you struggled with her possibly being dead and how you blamed yourself,” Boog declared. “To be honest with you, something is fishy about this entire ordeal,” he finished.


“I started feeling the same way a few weeks ago but I never spoke on it, only because I’m ready for it all to end,” Ace professed. “You know shit is sad when your kids start telling you they see how unhappy you’ve been.”


“Let me ask you this,” Jay inquired. “Does she even ask about Serenity and Savanna?” Ace shook his head no.


“Every time I bring them up, she tells me they’re good and don’t need her,” Ace replied as he finished his beer and picked up another.


“That’s why I keep telling you to not lose yourself trying to save everybody. You can’t,” Boy advised.


“I did all that I did because it was my job as a man and as her husband.”


“Yeah, you did what you were supposed to. But that doesn’t mean you have to lose yourself trying to find something that isn’t there anymore,” Boog told him.


“I hear y’all niggas. I’m done chasing after Sunshine. I’ll sign these papers,” Ace said waving them in the air. “Like I told her, I can’t and I won’t rest until J’vion and Adam are both dead.”


“I’ma check you niggas later,” Ace announced as he went down the line and slapped hands with all three of his boys.




Sunshine was finally getting use to the idea of not living with Ace. Some days were better than others, but living on her own was something she would have to get use to. She respected Ace to the fullest; he had found her a nice three bedroom house and paid the rent and utilities for the next six months. Ace even furnished the entire place and gave her ten thousand dollars in cash. He told her to do as she pleased. She did just that, spending most of it in the mall on shoes and clothes.


During Sunshine’s last visit to the mall, she met a handsome man who was charming and a breath of fresh air. He was not Ace but he also wasn’t into the streets. They had been talking on the phone. Being that he was busy with school and work, they had yet to go out on a date. Sunshine couldn’t wait. She truly enjoyed their conversations. He kept her laughing and smiling. Something she hadn’t done in three years.


Because she never had company and no one knew where she lived but Ace, the knock at the door scared Sunshine. She got up to answer it. When she opened the front door, she was face-to-face with a man she once loved with all her heart.


“Can I come in?” He asked. Sunshine stepped aside and let him in. “We need to talk. Hopefully, after this conversation, you’ll never hear from me again,” he said as he took a seat.


“I’m listening,” Sunshine said as she took a seat across from him. She looked into his handsome face while she waited to hear what he had to say.


“I came to the conclusion that there will never be anything else between us; and I respect that, which is why I’m willing to sign these papers, but you have to do something for me,” Ace said.


“What do you want me to do?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.


“I want you to sign over your rights to the twins,” he simply stated.


“Why, so you and your bitch can play house with my babies?” Sunshine asked pissed off that he had even come out his mouth with that bullshit.


“Sunshine, you don’t give a fuck about them. You asked about them once and haven’t even attempted to see them since you’ve recuperated,” Ace reprimanded.


“Fuck you, Ace. If you and that bitch wanna play house, I suggest y’all have kids of your own!” Sunshine yelled.


“Sunshine, listen to yourself. That same bitch you’re referring to has been taking care of the girls, loving them, and would put her life on the line to protect them. That’s way more than you’ve ever done for them,” Ace asserted. “If you want these papers signed, you have to sign these,” he said sliding some papers across the coffee table.


Sunshine looked at him with disgust in her eyes. “Ace, I fucking hate you!” She yelled. “Give me a pen.” Sunshine knew if she wanted to get rid of Ace for good, she would have to let go of her babies. Sunshine signed the papers then slid them back across the table. Ace signed the divorce papers then slid them to her.


“You aren’t the only one that hates me; and you damn sure won’t be the last,” he said as he stood. “It’s crazy how things ended but what’s even crazier is I still love you. I’ll always have love for you,” he confessed as he exited the door as well as Sunshine’s life forever.




Sunshine watched as Ace walked out her front door. In a million years, she couldn’t have believed she would ever leave Ace. She remembered when she couldn’t go a day without hearing his voice. Or when she couldn’t sleep, how he came home and wrapped his arms around her until she quickly fell asleep. She considered all the little things Ace had done that always kept a smile on her face–like when he would call her ten times a day just to ask what she was doing; or when he would bring her roses just because she was on his mind; or when he cooked for her then feed her; or when he lay in bed with her all day just because she asked him to.


“Damn, I just let a good thing go.” Sunshine thought as she wiped the tears away. “It’s for the best,” she mumbled as she got up to lock the door.




Ace couldn’t believe things between he and Sunshine were really over. He wished her the best. Finally, he could breathe. It also felt as if a burden was lifted off his shoulders. Knowing he had done his job as a man and her husband, he would be able to sleep at night. Ace knew the only thing left to do was to be the father his girls loved and needed. At this point and time, they were the ones who needed him the most.


Ace still wanted Adam and J’vion dead, which went without saying. That was the only way he would be able to live his life and not have to look over his shoulders every time he stepped out.


Ace drove through the streets of Hampton reflecting on his life. Ace wouldn’t change anything that happened in his lifetime. He took the good with the bad and learned from it all. He never wanted the life he lived. However, he was young and didn’t know much of anything else. All he ever wanted to do was take care of his little brother and not worry about anything in life. Ace remembered when he would wake up smiling, when everything in his life seemed to be going great for him. He had his lady on his side, his daughters, his niggas, and plenty of money coming in. At present, it seemed as if he was struggling with life itself when all he wanted was to be happy. “Everything happens for a reason.” He thought as he headed to spend time with his babies. Aaliyah was at work; he would see her when she got in later that evening. He would surprise her with a home-cooked meal, something he hadn’t done in a very long time.




Aaliyah sat in the passenger seat with a faraway look in her eyes. Some of the best news had just been delivered to her. She was excited yet nervous.


“What’s with the long face?” Jennifer asked as they drove back to the office. “You’re pregnant; that’s great news!”


“I’m excited about it but I don’t think the timing is right,” Aaliyah answered.


“Aaliyah, that’s you being excited?” Jennifer asked. “Unless you’ve planned it, there’s never a perfect time to be pregnant.”

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