Tiger Tracks (Alaskan Tigers Book 9) (11 page)

BOOK: Tiger Tracks (Alaskan Tigers Book 9)
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Theodore, Mira, Summer, Jinx, Lukas, and Styx sat gathered around the table in the Elders’ house. They had just finished lunch and were waiting while another table that had been a family heirloom was loaded onto the plane for Theodore to restore to the beautiful piece it had once been.

Everything was returning to a semblance of normalcy, or at least as normal as their world could get. Things had calmed down in Washington D.C., and the tigers there had yet to cause an issue. Though he suspected that one day, not far in the future, they’d seek retaliation for the clan members Styx and Theodore had killed.

Quinn was still pissed they’d been in his territory without alerting him. The black panther was on his own, without a clan’s backing, but for some reason he thought his status as United States Marshal gave him a higher pecking order. It might be that way with humans, but it held little weight when it came to the shifter world.

Now they could only sit back and wait to see what happened as David tried to take over the Connecticut Tigers. Styx and the others would be there if he chose to commit to Tabitha and the future of their species, and they’d help in any way they could. If he chose not to, there was nothing any of them could do. He glanced over at his mate, and for her sake he hoped that things would work out for David’s claim to Alpha. She had already lost her sister and mother. She didn’t need to lose anyone else.

He pushed his thoughts away and leaned forward, his gaze moving toward Lukas, who sat at the opposite end of the table from Jinx. “How do you like your new role?”

“It took a bit of getting used to, but I was born for this. Eric has learned quickly what I expect from him as far as the Nerd Crew goes, and has been a great help to both myself and Connor. Now I’m able to focus on my duties as the Lieutenant of the clan.”

“He’s been exceptional, and having him has given me more time to spend with Summer and Claire,” Jinx added.

“How’s Claire doing?”

“She’s beginning to open up and talk a little,” Summer answered. “She has really taken to Jackson. I think it’s something about his voice because she loves to bring him a book and curl up in his lap as he reads it to her. She’s growing comfortable with Carson and Meshell as well.”

“Meshell? You have a female guard?” Mira’s tone held a note of shock.

Summer nodded. “Surprised?”

“I didn’t think many clans allowed female guards.”

“It goes against everything in some Alphas but times are changing. If a woman is capable of the job, they should be allowed to do it,” Jinx answered. “It might be old-fashioned, but women are precious and should be protected. Not put in the front lines but Meshell has proved herself, and she’s an excellent guard for Claire. We’ve discussed this extensively, and it’s likely that Meshell will be appointed as the Captain of Claire’s guards. We have yet to appoint someone because we’ve been waiting for her to get comfortable around everyone and settle into the clan. Jackson is Summer’s Captain of the Guards, so that eliminates him. Since there’s more possible danger to Summer, I’m unwilling to reassign him.”

“They’re not the only ones with a female guard. Shadow is the Captain of Bethany’s guards, with me as her second. She’s ruthless and started at an early age to make a name for herself,” Styx reminded her.

A throat cleared behind them, and everyone turned to find Red standing there. “The table has been loaded and the plane is fueled.”

“Thank you.” Theodore rose from his seat. “I’ll go get the plane ready, go over the pre-flight checklist, and I’ll see you down there.”

“We’ll be along in a few minutes,” Styx told him.

“Jinx and Summer, thank you for everything. It was a pleasure to see you again.”

“You, too, Theodore. Be sure to come back. Claire is anxious to play with
her teddy
again.” Summer gave him a warm smile.

He shook his head and headed out of the room. Silence had fallen over them, but Styx was tugged toward the memories of Theodore in his bear form playing with Claire. It was almost as if they had stumbled upon a private moment.

“Mira…” Summer started, and paused until she looked at her. “If you ever need anything or someone to talk to, I’m here. I have an idea what you’re going through because I had to leave my clan when they were in the middle of a change. My brother, Dean, is the Lieutenant to the Texas Tigers. It’s hard to leave your home, your family, and everything you’ve known to start over with a mate you’ve only just met, but it’s worth it.”

“I heard about the Texas Tigers, and how Avery went on a killing spree before he was finally taken down. Most of his clan was killed.”

Styx placed his hand over hers. “You’ll have to forgive her,” he said. “Frank brainwashed his clan about a lot of things. He told them of the Texas Tigers in order to strike fear in the members. He said Ty and Tabitha were ordering anyone who stood against them to be eliminated. While I told her that Tex was a former member of the clan before he took over in Texas, we haven’t had time to go through all of what Frank told them versus reality.”

“There’s nothing to apologize for. Avery was very much the same. Anything he thought he could use to gain more control, he used it.” Summer leaned forward and took Jinx’s hand. “It wasn’t until I mated with Jinx and came here that I understood how a clan was supposed to be.”

“It’s disgusting that Alphas do this.” Mira shook her head.

“You have to deal with crazy people in all walks of life. Shifters are no different,” Jinx agreed. “However, Tabitha is the key to changing all of that.”

“Hopefully, the future looks brighter than the past I just came from.” She glanced at Styx.

“It will be, Catnip, it will be.” Styx squeezed her hand as a ray of hope sparked within him. Each of them had accepted things, and they were moving past it. Their future was together.

Chapter Eleven


Thousands of feet in the air, Styx sat in his seat with his stomach churning. He needed something to keep his mind occupied. He teased his thumb over the arches of Mira’s knuckles and tried to focus on the peaks and valleys on them. The tiger within wanted to explore other parts of her.

He’d only had a few days with her, but in a few hours he’d be back to his duties to Bethany and the Alaskan Tigers. He’d have to find a balance when all he wanted to do was ravish his mate. Even though not going to Connecticut was the safest option, he couldn’t help be a little disappointed by the fact he didn’t have more time with her before he had to get back to his commitments. Maybe in a few days, as long as things were still going smoothly, he could convince Ty that he deserved a break with his mate and slip off to one of the cabins the Brown family owned. Seclusion was just what the two of them needed in order to get to know each other better.

“Do you think David is going to be okay?” She continued to stare out the window.

“If he can act like a leader and bring them all together, then yes, I believe he’s got a good chance. The clan needs a strong Alpha to unite them and help them move past what has happened. Everyone there would have lost someone, and that will form a bond. He killed Frank, and he needs to show them that he didn’t do it just because Shelly was killed, but to avenge all of those who died that day and to free them. He’s given them a chance to leave, and no one else has. That alone shows that they support him.”

“But the clan is so small.”

“He’s going to have outside threats, especially if it’s public knowledge that Frank kept the members weak and unable to fight back.” He squeezed her hand. “I’ve offered him a chance to help himself and the clan. All he has to do is commit to Tabitha. I promise you that if he’s on our side we’ll help him in whatever ways we can. As an Alpha, he’ll need to stand on his own feet and keep control, but we can provide temporary guards to keep him and the clan safe. Training the members, so they’ll be able to protect themselves and their land. You know our species won’t stand for someone else always stepping in to save the day, so he’ll have to make the Connecticut Tigers strong. Small numbers don’t always mean prey.”

“Not always, but they are.”

“He’s got challenges ahead of him, but if he gives it his all, he can overcome them.” He didn’t know what else to say to help ease her fears. “Have you seen anything in your visions?”

“No.” She turned to him. “Nothing. Not even a glimmer, but maybe I’m trying too hard. It’s not like my visions come at will, they just happen, and not regularly either. I knew you’d find me, but I knew nothing about what Shelly would do that night. It’s like the visions pick and choose what they tell me.”

“It’s going to be okay. It’s possible your visions will come if you don’t try to force them.” He rubbed her hand and she turned back to the window. There was nothing he could say that would make this easier. Only time would help. Time and if David committed to Tabitha so they could send support his way. It might take months before it was safe enough for her to visit her old clan again, but just the knowledge that they were safe, and being led by her brother, would give her peace of mind.

The tension from her traveled through their bond, making him more on edge. The turbulence that had returned wasn’t helping matters, but he sat there silently, his thumb traveling over her knuckles. Over and over again in small circles, one knuckle at a time, while he focused on the journey from one to another.

“That doesn’t seem to be working.” She nodded to his thumb exploration. “How about we find another way?”

“What did you have in mind?” His teeth were gritted as the plane was tossed around in turbulence.

“Something that involves us both getting naked.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him. “I’ve always wanted to have sex on a plane, and now seems to be a very good time.”

“You’re insane.”

“Why? Can’t my big old tiger get it up?” She tugged her sweater over her head. “Or maybe I just don’t turn you on.”

“A challenge I shall rise to. Catnip, you’re truly beautiful.”

“Then come on.” She stood and kicked off her shoes. “It will be easier to do it with me braced against the edge of the table.”

“Well, I guess, unlike in a vehicle, if we crash seatbelts will do very little to save us.” He unhooked his seatbelt and followed after her, careful to avoid the trail of clothes she left in her wake.

She leaned against the table. “Theodore will keep us safely in the skies and within minutes, you’ll forget we’re flying.” She took hold of his shirt and slid it up his chest. “Mmm. There’s something sexy about you when you’re trying to hide your terror. The way your muscles tighten and show off all their beauty.” She slid her hands over his chest.

The sensation of these intimate touches were something he’d never thought he’d experience. Now he hoped he’d never get accustomed to them, that they’d always be new and fresh like they were at that moment, sparking excitement through every cell of his body.

His hands slid over her naked body as she leaned against the table and desire rose within him. He wanted her unlike anything he’d ever experienced. Forgetting they were bouncing around the sky, he pressed his lips to hers. The sweetness of her vanilla lip-gloss and the spice of her tigress urged him on. Slipping his tongue between her lips, he devoured her. His beast rose to the surface, mingling with hers as the heat rose between them. He kissed along her jawline until he reached the sweet spot just below her ear. Grazing his teeth over the area, he blew his cool breath against her flushed skin. “I think this was the best idea you’ve ever had.”

“Mile high club, here we come.”

“Is it really the same if you’re on a private plane?” He nuzzled against the nape of her neck.

“Yes, because we could never do this on a public charter. All your growling would scare the passengers, not to mention your roar when you finish. You’re pretty full of yourself, mate, but I guess that’s only to be expected with your skills.”

“I guess we’ll have to take what we can get.” He slid his hands from around her back to cup her breasts. The smooth skin as it arched from her body had his shaft straining against the roughness of his jeans. His thumb slid over the bud of her nipple and it hardened under his touch.

He dipped his head and claimed her nipple with his teeth, then gently tugged, making it hard before moving over to the next one. Without breaking contact, he lifted her up to sit on the edge of the table. She wiggled against him and a soft moan escaped her.

“Your moans would make it undeniable what we were doing as well,” he teased.

With a soft moan, she pulled him closer. “I’ve always wanted to make love on an airplane, so you can’t blame a girl for getting in the mood. Now, off with these jeans.”

“Oh, Catnip. I don’t think there’s a better distraction than this. We might have to fly more often.” He unzipped his jeans, letting them fall down his legs. He didn’t have the will power to stop to take off his boots and pants completely. He needed her now.

She stared at him while sliding her hand down his chest until she found his shaft. Her fingers wrapped around it, and she rubbed down the length, painstakingly slow.

“Stop that, or I’m not going to last.” It came out more of a growl than he had expected.

“We can’t have that.” She slid her hand down the length of him, until her fingers circled around the tip of his shaft. “It would spoil the fantasy, and we’d have to do it again.”

“We have several hours of flight left, but I’ll keep Theodore flying for as long as we need.” The words were bit off as she squeezed tighter, working back up his manhood. He needed her. “As good as this feels, and damn it does, I want to be inside of you. My tiger wants to join us together until you’re screaming my name as ecstasy engulfs you.”

“Take me.” She let her hand fall away from his shaft, placing her hands on either side of her as she leaned back.

He took hold of her hips and slid her to the very edge of the table. He adjusted so his shaft teased over the folds before pushing his way inside. As he entered her, a moan tore from her lips and she pushed against him, speeding his entry. He held tight to her hips, working his way into the tight passage at his own pace.

As his shaft finally slid home, she reached up and took hold of his shoulders. “Don’t make me wait. I need you hard and fast.”

“As you wish.” He gripped her hips and began working in and out of her. Each time, harder and faster. Slamming his length into her, joining them in a way only mates were joined. Their bodies rocked back and forth, each thrust gaining momentum. The plane’s gentle sway added a new sensation as their ecstasy grew within them.

She grabbed his hips and arched toward him. With every thrust, she pushed against him. Her tiny budding nipples stood to attention, screaming for him to suck on them. Without losing his rhythm, he dipped his head and drew his tongue along each nipple, blowing gently on them.

“Styx,” she cried, her release within reach as she dug her nails into the skin of his hips.

Wanting to watch her face as she came around him, he leaned back, taking hold of her hips and speeding his pace. Tension had her muscles constricting around him as her orgasm neared, bringing his own ecstasy closer. Her face came to life with a glow as the world exploded around them, as if they were the only two people in existence.

He claimed her lips, wanting their bodies to be joined in every way as he filled her with his seed. Against his lips, she screamed his name, and it was all he needed to send him over the edge. His balls tightened, and he growled as he climaxed. Abruptly, he ended the kiss, tipped his head back, and let out the roar that had been building within him.

He stayed buried within her as their breathing returned to normal. The warm burn of fresh claw marks tingled along the curve of his hips, but he didn’t care. His mate had marked him, and was honored to wear her stripes.

“Sorry.” She ran a finger just below the marks on one side.

“Don’t be. You can mark me anytime.” He wrapped his arms around her, and snuggled her against his body. “My beautiful Catnip, I’m falling in love with you.” He rubbed his face into the crook of her shoulder, marking her as his.

The intercom crackled to life. “Next time, a warning would be nice. One minute all is fine, and the next all I hear are growls and roars. A bear could think you two were fighting.”

“Jealous,” Styx teased as he slid free from Mira. “Here’s your warning: it might happen again.”

“Might?” She teased the tip of her finger along his chest. “I’m counting on it.”

BOOK: Tiger Tracks (Alaskan Tigers Book 9)
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