Tightly Held [Werewolves of Hanson Mall 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: Tightly Held [Werewolves of Hanson Mall 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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She’d lifted her head up a bit, so he forced his hand between their sweaty, pumping bodies and smoothed it over her breast. He loved her breasts. They were squashed between the two of them right now, but her nipples were hard little points, demonstrating how aroused she was, and he loved stroking her tender flesh and pinching and tweaking the hard nubs. He wished he could touch her clit as well, but his pelvis was grinding against hers and there was no way he wanted space between their bodies right there.

Ethan kneeled up a little more and Nolan used the opportunity to drive his hips up higher and harder, wanting to fill her totally, to send her screaming into oblivion. Together he and Ethan moved a little faster in their fucking, slamming into her now, their bodies making damp noises as they met, and Georgia’s fingernails digging deep into his shoulders.

He and Ethan withdrew again, and powered in again, withdrew and pumped into her, twice, three times, and then she screamed. Her body clasped his cock so hard it was a wonder it didn’t snap in two, and then her honey bathed him with its slick heat as her body shook around his. Desperately, he slammed into her again and let go his control, knowing that this time he’d fill her body with his seed. His dick streamed jet after jet of cum into her cunt as he sucked the skin of her shoulder until it was wet, and then he bit her until he tasted blood.

“My mate,” he said into her skin, licking the bite to help it seal over.

“Mate,” groaned Ethan, biting her opposite shoulder.

“Mates,” replied Georgia, surprising him with her sudden fierce bite on his shoulder. He felt Ethan rise higher over her back so she could turn her head and bite him, too. Well, they were absolutely mated now, with three-way possession, like that. And they’d fucked in shifted form as well, which some people said was necessary for a true mating. Not that that’s why they’d fucked her in the field. It had just seemed the perfect thing to do at the time.

Ethan lifted off Georgia and pulled her arm to help her stand. “Time to bathe, my lady.”


* * * *


It wasn’t until Georgia was sitting in the ice-cold water of the little pool, her sweaty body polluting the pond, that she remembered this was the water they’d been drinking.

“Wait. We shouldn’t be bathing here. We won’t be able to drink the water tomorrow.”

“I wouldn’t drink it in the next five minutes, but it’ll be clear inside an hour. The fresh water is constantly bubbling out of the ground and the pool absorbs water back into the soil. I expect it’s the soil that filters it clean, but we all washed here as kids and the water was always crystal clear again inside half an hour,” said Ethan.

“That’s good to know. But it’s too cold to stay here long,” she said, rubbing water over her skin and then standing up again.

She was mated. Joined to these men for all eternity. She should be worried at having taken such a huge step, but it felt right and natural to her. She loved them and they loved her. The rest of life was just details they’d need to sort out together.

Nolan handed her a towel and she rubbed herself dry, and then ran back across the grass and into the tent. She loved that her place was in the middle, with a man either side of her. Life didn’t get much better than that. Soon they were there, both holding her tightly, and she snuggled between their hard bodies and relaxed.

They woke before she did the next morning, and had already begun packing up the camp. Coffee was ready, sitting on a rock beside the fire keeping warm, and Ethan was making oatmeal flavored with honey and raisins for their breakfast. They always cooked for her. They were amazing like that. They’d asked her if there were things she didn’t like to eat, and since then the food had always been what she liked, cooked to perfection. She realized she’d been far more selfish, not bothering to check if there were things they’d rather not eat.

“Are we going straight back to the office after returning the camping equipment?” she asked, sipping her coffee.

“We’ll stop to thank the Alpha for letting us stay here, and to tell him we’re mated. Will you swear allegiance to him, or stay as part of Cadfael’s pack?” asked Ethan.

Georgia had already thought about that. “The Hanson Mall pack is who I work for and who supports me right now so I need to tell Cadfael first. But he’s likely already noticed that we’re together and won’t argue. But I’ll swear allegiance to your Alpha once I’ve spoken to Cadfael and he’s released me from his service.”

She thought both men seemed relieved at what she’d said. It would be best if they were all members of the same pack, even though they might end up working elsewhere.

“You both do know that the work is running out in Ohio. We’ve pretty much investigated all the packs here. If the Supreme wants the project to continue I might be told that my involvement in the project has ended, or I might be asked to go to some other state.”

She’d mentioned that once before and hoped they’d remembered. Both men were very bright. Likely they had, but really she should have spoken about this before they’d mated in case there was a problem. She just hadn’t even thought about it last night. Worried, she looked into their faces, but they seemed untroubled.

“We both believe you’ll be asked to continue with the project and we’ll go wherever you’re sent to help you and protect you. You’re our mate and that means you’re our absolute priority,” said Ethan.

“But if they end your project you can live here on the farm. We’ll find work and support you here until you decide what you want to do next,” added Ethan.

Georgia jumped up to hug and kiss them both. They were so wonderful. But she really needed to talk to Cadfael and sort out her future.

Chapter Seven


Georgia had asked for a formal meeting with her Alpha. Because he was the managing director of Hanson Mall, he was almost never called Alpha. Many pack Alphas weren’t known by their name. Everyone called them Alpha. Most people didn’t know the Supreme Alpha of North America’s name. He was the Supreme and all the Alphas pledged their allegiance to him, these days usually by video link or Skype rather than in person. Most wolves didn’t even know he lived in Ohio. His pack headquarters was jokingly called “Wolf Central” and that was all most wolves knew.

But Cadfael was different. He was usually referred to by his first name, or by his title as managing director of the mall. Nonetheless, he was her Alpha and worthy of her respect. As well as that, she’d pledged her allegiance to him on her eighteenth birthday, which meant she owed him more than just obedience and respect. Her life was his to dispose of as he saw fit.

His office was on the tenth floor of the professional suites, a place she’d very seldom been. Maelor, the head of the security guards, escorted her, Ethan, and Nolan, up there for her meeting.

Cadfael was sitting behind a large desk, the drapes over the big window closed, and Rhion Jones, his second-in-command, was standing behind him and to his right.

Ethan and Nolan stopped just inside the doorway and Maelor closed the door with himself on the outside. That relieved Georgia a little. Maelor evidently didn’t think he needed to guard Cadfael against her.

Drawing in a big breath to steady her nerves, Georgia walked across the room and stood in front of Cadfael’s desk. “Alpha,” she said, bowing her head.

That told him her meeting was a serious matter, although it was evident he already knew that. Likely he also knew what she was about to say. What she didn’t know was how he’d respond. Would he be pleased she’d found her mates? Or angry she wanted to leave his pack? Or glad to get rid of her if the project was almost completed? Dammit, her nerves were stretched way too tight to think right now.

“You requested a meeting with me, Georgia?”

“Yes, sir.”


Dammit, he wasn’t giving her any clues as to how he felt at all. She lifted her head, straightened her spine, and said, “Sir, last night I mated Ethan Simon and Nolan James from the Simon pack. I would like to keep working on the genealogical project, but I’d also like your permission to swear allegiance to the Alpha of the Simon pack. We will make our home on the Simon pack lands, when we’ve finished working here and traveling for the genealogical project.”

“You aren’t averse to traveling greater distances and being away from home for longer periods for the family history study?”

“No, sir. I’m aware we’ve probably done just about all we can do for now in this neighborhood. The next step would appear to be to set up a base somewhere else where we have numerous links into several packs and learn all we can there. Nolan and Ethan would travel with me to these places.”

“Georgia, I’m very pleased you’ve found your mates and a home base from which to journey. The family history project is indeed about to take a new direction. Willow and Hawthorne will continue to maintain all the databases, but someone is needed to conduct the interviews and send them the data. You are the obvious person to do this, and Ethan and Nolan will serve and protect you in this endeavor. Won’t you, men?”

The last three words were a distinct order and the men replied instantly. “Yes, sir.”

“On that understanding I release you from your bond to me. You may join the Simon pack with my blessing.”

Georgia bowed her head and hid her relief. “Thank you, sir.”

Cadfael came out from behind his desk and shook her hand. “Congratulations, Georgia. I’m very happy for you.”

Rhion joined him and Cadfael beckoned Ethan and Nolan over, congratulating them, too.

Georgia knew she had a ridiculous grin on her face. She couldn’t help it. She had thought Cadfael would release her, but she really hadn’t wanted to upset him. He’d been more than kind, patient, and helpful to her over the years, and she’d loved working for him and being based at the mall. She would miss him and this pack when the time came to move. Now she had to swear allegiance to her new Alpha. A man she didn’t really know. But her men trusted and respected him, so that would be her guide.


* * * *


Ethan was as nervous as hell. He was wearing dress pants and a button-down shirt, clothing he almost never wore, and he had to keep wiping his sweaty palms on the seat of his pants. Nolan was dressed the same as him, and Georgia, their wonderful, perfect mate, was wearing a long dress in swirling shades of pale blue and creamy white. She looked stunning. He’d never seen such a beautiful woman in his entire life, and she was theirs. Their mate. Just looking at her made him aware that she represented everything he’d ever wanted and dreamed of, yet she was real. Once again he promised himself he would devote his entire life to worshipping her. He knew no person could make another person be contented. But surely if he was so ecstatically happy, and demonstrated that to her in all he said and did, that would help her know how much he cherished her.

It seemed to him that the entire pack was in the front room of the old farmhouse. It was a big room, but it was never meant to hold so many people. The older members of the pack were sitting on the couches and chairs, with the Alpha in his usual large armchair, but almost everyone else was standing, a lot of them leaning against the walls because there was nowhere else to go.

The Alpha stood up. As if that was a signal, the noise cut off instantly and the contrasting silence almost hurt his ears it was such a shocking change.

“Georgia Edwards, I understand you have something you wish to say?”

Georgia stepped forward into the center of the room. “Yes, sir. I am the mate of Ethan Simon and Nolan James. Because of my mating, my Alpha, Cadfael Hanson, has released me from my vow to serve him. Therefore, I, Georgia Edwards, swear fealty to you, as my new Alpha, and promise to serve and obey you unto death.”

“Your fealty is accepted. Welcome to the Simon pack. You are a wolf we can all be proud of and your mates are good men. I know they will make you very happy.”

The Alpha spoke genially but Ethan knew that was a warning as well. He was to care for her properly. But he would never do anything to endanger his woman. He loved her far too much for that.

The Alpha shook Georgia’s hand, and then a host of women came up to hug her and speak to her. Ethan’s heart almost burst with pride as he saw her surrounded by his pack, loved and welcomed and accepted by these people who meant so much to him. After a little while the Alpha cleared his throat and once again there was silence. Now Ethan and Nolan stood beside Georgia, where they belonged, her body held tightly between them so they could protect and cherish her.

“Georgia will continue working with the werewolf genealogical project for the Supreme Alpha, and Nolan and Ethan will be supporting her in her work. They will often be away traveling to interview people just as they interviewed us. Nevertheless, their home is here. They belong to our pack, and however long or short their stays are on the farm, they are one of us.”

This time Ethan saw the Alpha was warning the pack. There were to be no complaints about them not helping at harvest or sharing in the resources when they were here. They were still pack members. He was so honored the Alpha thought like that of him and Nolan. He hoped not to be a drain on the pack and would do his best always to support himself, but the Alpha had made it clear they all three were family, and Ethan treasured that thought. His Alpha cared about him and made him an important member of the family.

BOOK: Tightly Held [Werewolves of Hanson Mall 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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