Read Tigress for Two Online

Authors: Marissa Dobson

Tags: #Romance

Tigress for Two (8 page)

BOOK: Tigress for Two
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Chapter Eleven


Sated, Taber cradled his mate and it wasn’t long before her chills returned with a vengeance. They rocked Kallie’s body with such force her health concerned him. He pulled the covers over them, drawing her closer to his body, and nuzzled her forehead. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, breathing in the sweet aroma of her hair.

“For what?” Her teeth chattered.

“We should have waited until you were feeling better. I knew your body had to repair, and now you’re suffering for my desire.”

“A little chill won’t kill me. I’m already feeling better. But more importantly, I wanted you just as much. It’s been too long since I’ve had the caring touch of someone.”
She caressed his chest with her hand, playing along the contours of his chest. “Even with that said and everything that just happened between us, I still don’t think we’ll work. We’re different.”

“Species?” When she didn’t answer, he added. “We aren’t that different. We both want love and a family, but more importantly, we both deserve to be happy. Give us a chance, that’s all I’m asking.”

“How? When this is all over, your life is in Nome, and I can’t leave the only security I’ve ever known. I’m sorry, I just can’t.”

He ran his fingers over her cheek, gently caressing. “My life is wherever I want to be and I want to be with you. Ty and Raja are my closest friends, besides my brothers, and I’ve spent a lot of time here.”
Of all the times I’ve visited here, why didn’t I notice Kallie before?
He frowned.

“What’s wrong?”

“I was just thinking. I’ve spent a lot of time at the compound and I’ve never met you before. There are forty clan members. How is it possible we’ve never met?”

“I’ve…ummm…” Her voice trembled as she glanced up at him.

“Whatever it is, you can tell me.”

“When I arrived here I was scared. Ty and Raja were great. They didn’t force me to join the clan activities and gave me the space I needed to heal. I spent most of my time locked in this room, scared Wesley’s men would find me. I don’t think I saw the light of day during the first six months. I started going for a walk late at night when everyone, except the guards, were in bed. Then one day my tigress wanted to run, and I went without a second thought. I’ve slowly been integrating with the clan. Ty asked me to help Mark in command central and for the first time my life became normal. I still spend a majority of my time alone, but I’m doing better.”

“We’ll find Wesley and see that he pays for what he did to you. No one deserves to live like he mistreated you.” He longed to ease the pain in her eyes. But how could he ease pain of years of abuse?

“I don’t want revenge. I just want to make sure he can’t get his hands on me again, and that he can never abuse anyone else.” Her gaze slid to his chest. “No one should hurt like that.”

“Shhh, love. I won’t let him hurt you.” His cell phone vibrated on the nightstand. Reaching, he grabbed it and hit the talk button in one fluid motion. “Yeah?”

“Conner found Wesley. He’s dead,” Ty said. “He was murdered by someone in the Bratva. My guess is if Victor Senior didn’t do it himself, then he ordered someone to do it for him. No one in their right mind would go against him and kill his brother, definitely not someone in Bratva or under his control.”

“That eliminates one problem.” Taber smiled down at Kallie, anxious to tell her the news. She wouldn’t have to retreat back into her shell.

“Connor’s searching for more information, but it looks like Wesley asked Victor to help find Kallie. I don’t know why it would cause his death, but we can’t overlook the unusual timing. How is Kallie?”

“She’s awake, but still suffering chills.”

“Bethany said that was to be expected. After the chills, she’s going to feel worse for a bit, like she has the flu, but that will pass within a few hours. Then she’ll want to sleep. When she awakes she should return to the same shy Kallie.” Ty paused. “She’s come a long way in the last few months. Just move slowly with her. If pushed, she may run and hide.”

He considered Ty’s words, but Taber had already decided to take up residence with Kallie. She was his mate and his responsibility to protect her. “I’ll tread lightly. Thank you for your concern.”

“A tigress is a handful. You have no idea what’s in store for you.” Ty laughed and ended the call before Taber could respond.



Chapter Twelve


Kallie sat on the only chair in her room, with a cup in tea in her hand. The last two days had been rough as she recovered from the poison, but she was finally able to get out of bed. She wished spending the last two days in bed with Taber had been more—satisfying, instead their one time lovemaking had taken any energy she had. She could only cuddle against him, unable to take advantage of the fine specimen of man she mated.

He walked from the bathroom, a towel tied low on hips. Freshly showered, his shoulder length, brown hair was still wet, and water droplets glistened off his toned chest. She yearned to run her tongue along the contours of his chest, tracing each of the well-defined muscles and worked her way lower until she could take his shaft into her mouth.

Damn it!
What the hell was she thinking? He’s a bear! Think of the children. Years ago, before her imprisonment, she knew a girl with mixed parents, and she was one of the few that could shift to both of her parents’ animals. That girl received such torment from other shifters because she wasn’t able to control which animal she shifted into. Kallie never wanted that for her child.

“Kallie.” He drew her out of her thoughts. “Are you sure you’re okay alone for a little while?”

“I’m fine. When Bethany checked on me earlier she said I’m completely healed. I’m still a bit tired, so I think I’ll crawl back into bed while you’re gone.”

“Maybe I should stay and join you.” He shot her a cocky grin.

“No.” She laughed. “I need my rest and you need to get back to business.” She sat her tea aside and stood. Walking to Taber, she added a little extra sway to her hips. “When you’re done come home and we’ll see what we can do about
.” She slid her hand down his chest until she could feel his rising shaft.

He cupped her ass, pressing her tight against his body. “You better stop or I’ll never leave and we’ll end up in bed. Sleep won’t be on the agenda.” His voice was low and filled with desire.

Even exhausted, she wanted to wrap her legs around his hips again, and she might have taken him up on that offer if a knock at the door hadn’t interrupted. “I’ll answer the door while you get dress.” She slapped his butt.

When she opened the door, she was surprised to find Raja standing there. “Please come in. Are you looking for Taber?” Somewhat confused as to
why her Lieutenant was here, she stumbled back and allowed him to enter.
Am I in trouble for not telling them about my past?

“Actually I’m here to see you.”

Taber stepped out of the bathroom, stealing her attention away from Raja for a moment. Taber’s faded blue jeans rode low on his hips, his chest still bare. She longed to feel his arms around her again. With the news of Wesley’s demise, her fears were laid to rest, but still wanted the comfort of her mate’s arms around her. Turning to Raja, she took the tiger by the tail. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing that I’m aware of.” He smiled. “I only stopped by to let you know Mark has asked to see you. He’s recovered and would like to speak with you.”

The guilt of leaving Mark when things got rough shot a knife in her chest. “Ummm…okay.” She had to face Mark, to apologize. “I’ll stop by to visit with him.”

Raja glanced over her shoulder to Taber. “Kallie, Bethany said you were concerned about your place here now that your past has come to light. I just want to eliminate those fears. We’re not going to kick you to the curb. You’re part of our family and we stick by family through thick and thin.”

“Thank you.” Relief flooded her exhausted body. When Taber gently touched her shoulder, she leaned on him.

Raja turned to leave and then stopped to face her again. “If we knew sooner we’d have done whatever we could have to stop Wesley. Now that Wesley and Victor are dead, I hope you’ll begin to fully live your life. We’re a family and we’ll protect you. If there’s anything else you think we should know, my door is always open.”

“Thank you, Raja.” Kallie was overwhelmed by his kindness.

He nodded, opened the door, and left.

The clan had become the closest thing Kallie had to a family, since her father passed, and she hated the thought of ever having to leave.

“I told you it would be fine.” Taber kissed her cheek and wrapped his arms around her waist. “You’re too weak to go see Mark now, sleep and I’ll take you when I get back.”

She smiled, loving the feel of his arms around her. “I’m fine.”

“I know, but humor me. Kenneth is still here. I know he’s in the cage until Ty and Raja can verify his information, but it makes me uneasy since he was here for you. Just stay here until I return, okay?”

“You’ll owe me.” She teased, rising to her tippy toes to kiss him. Their lips met and the barely banked embers of desire flamed hot again. She thrust her hands into his hair, tangling her fingers in the wet strands. When he finally lifted his head, she was breathless, and her legs wobbled. She clung to him, not wanting to let him go.

“You make it hard to leave.” His breath was hot against her cheek.

“Go. I need some rest. I’ll be waiting for you, so hurry back.”

“Oh, I will.” He kissed her again and then left.

The moment the door shut, her heart ached for him. After months of hiding away in her room, she was used to being alone, but with Taber gone just mere minutes, it was like a part of her was missing. Is this what mating is like? How do they live with the loss until their mate returns?

She fought to not follow him. Instead, she went to bed, curling under the covers, and tying to sleep, but the pillow and blankets smelled like Taber, increasing her longing. With sleep forgotten, she considered the mess she was in. She didn’t want to be mated to a bear, yet she couldn’t stop seeing him, from being in his arms. Her need for him was like a heroin addict needing another fix.

How could she get out of this situation? It wouldn’t work, but her will wasn’t strong enough to give him up. If there were a way to get out of this mating, it would free them both to find their matched mates. He could find the sow he always wanted and she could…well, she hadn’t wanted anyone in her life before, but she would like a tiger of her own.

If anyone knew a way to reverse a mating, it would be Mark. She snuggled against the pillow holding Taber’s scent, and called Mark.

“Hello.” Mark’s gruff voice filled the line.

“Mark, it’s Kallie, how are you feeling? I’m really sorry about the other day.”

“Kallie, it’s good to hear from you. I was worried about you. Raja said you were poisoned, did one of the threats get to you?”

“Something like that. I’m still recovering, but doing better.” She didn’t want to explain what really happened so to let Mark believe an intruder poisoned her was for the best right now. “I need your help with something.”

“Whatever it is, I’m here for you.” Eagerness filled Mark’s tone.

She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “Is there any way to get out of a mating?” While she waited for Mark to answer, she wondered if she really wanted to give Taber up. They were mated for a reason, even if they were different species. Could she leave the man that was meant for her? What if she never found another mate?

“Then it’s true. You’ve mated Taber?”

BOOK: Tigress for Two
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