Read Time Changes Everything Online

Authors: Melinda Dozier

Time Changes Everything (12 page)

BOOK: Time Changes Everything
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“We’ll have to tell them sooner or later,” he said.

What did that mean? Did he really think there was going to be a later? She picked at her fingernail. “I just don’t think it’s the right time. I have my show.”

“Your show has nothing to do with it.”

“And we just started seeing each other. I mean, really seeing each other.”

“Well, we can still go home together, right, as friends? We both live in New York, our families are neighbors. It’ll work out.”

“Makes sense. We both planned to go home, so we end up going at the same time. It works.” Amanda smiled. “I’ll see when I can fit you in to discuss it.”

“Haha. Very funny.” Jake took a deep breath. “I miss you.”

“I miss you, too. Only a couple more days left.”

“Too fucking long.” He whispered.

“Jake --” She hugged the cord to her chest.

“So, you going to tell me who you thought was calling you?”

Her mind raced with answers to appease him. Then, she thought honesty would be better. “Nothing gets past you.”

“Yeah, well, call it a sixth sense,” he grumbled. “It’s Dominic, right?”

“He called earlier and wants to see me.”

The silence that fell between them had Amanda’s voice stuck in her throat.

“You gonna see him?”

“No.” How he thought she would actually interact with Dominic, infuriated her. But, he really didn’t know what their relationship was like so she had to be patient. “Remember when I answered the phone, I said to stop calling? That was directed at him.”

“Good to know. Will he stop calling you?”

She stared at the ceiling. “I won’t answer. Look, Jake, I’m too busy to go off and have dinner with my exes.”

He let out a breath. “I guess this would be a good time to ask if you see us as an exclusive couple.”

“Do you want to be?”

“Definitely.” His quick answer brought flutters to her belly.

“Then, yes, we’re exclusive. You don’t need to worry about me seeing someone else, least of all Dominic.”

“You don’t know how happy I am to hear that.” A gentle laughter rolled up over the phone. “I hate talking over the phone like this. Get your work done and come home.”

“Then let me get to bed so I can wake up and finish my job.”

“Mmmm. You and bed are two things I shouldn’t picture right now.”

Amanda wet her lips with her tongue. “Hmm. I don’t know. Maybe I should picture you next to me.”

Jake sucked in a breath. “What do you mean?”

“I think you know what I mean.” She laid back into the pillow and held the phone closer to her ear. “Want to know what I’m wearing?” She reached down and pulled her shirt over her head. She had to slink around to avoid dropping the phone receiver from her ear.

A nervous chuckle fell across the line. “What are you doing, Mandy?”

“I just took off my shirt and now I’m slowly easing my bra straps off my shoulders.”

He cleared his throat. “Wait a minute. Let me shut my office door.”

“Hurry, counselor. My body is aching for you right now.” Her heart pounded with her words. “I’m imagining you lying next to me, Jake. Your hands splayed on my chest.”

“What does it feel like?” His breath quickened.

“Silky soft, full. It feels so good.”

A deep moan sounded in her ear. “I’m hard already.”

“Touch yourself, Jake. Like it was me.” She ran her finger around her nipples, closing her eyes to picture Jake sitting at his big, manly desk, holding himself in his hand, thinking about her.

“Shit, Mandy. I’m at work.”

“Are you doing it?” she whispered.

“God, I want you so bad.”  Jake growled. His words made her body ache for more. She pulled her pants off and lay back down. “Tell me what you want to do to me.”

“I’d lick you from head to toe. Then I’d spread your legs wide and tease you with my tongue.”

“I’m spreading my legs right now.” The idea of his eagerness excited her more. She moved her hand lower searching her pleasure point. “Your mouth works wonders, Jake.”

“Your body is my heaven. Your smell. Your touch.” A heavy sigh sounded from the other end of the phone. “Are you touching yourself?”

“Mmmm.” She smiled. “And picturing your mouth on me, all over, circling and –”

“Mr. Edwards.” A woman’s voice interrupted on Jake’s end. Amanda jerked her hand up.

He whispered. “Hold on, Mandy. My secretary’s buzzing me.”

Jake spoke with his secretary in the background and finally Jake reappeared. “Shit, Mandy. I better let you go. I have a phone call from a client.”

“And we were having so much fun,” she mumbled.

“I’m going to have to find a place to take a cold shower. The gym upstairs or something.”

“While you take your cold shower, I’m going to finish my fun. Alone. Thinking of you and your big – ”

“Shit. I’m counting the hours ‘til I see you.”

“Goodnight, Jake.”

  A low rumble of laughter fell across the line. “Sweet dreams, Mandy.”







Chapter Ten


some help?” Jake stood at Amanda’s side, dressed in a dark blue suit and holding a Nathan’s Hot Dogs bag.

She took a quick sharp breath. “What are you doing here?”

“I heard a sexy, fashion-show manager was looking for a date.” His eyes were as bright as his smile.

A warm glow flowed through her as she leapt into his arms, dropping her carry-on to the floor.  Hugging his neck, she crushed into him, and pressed her mouth to his. Jake held her chin with his empty hand and kissed her back. 

When she pulled away, Jake tugged her closer by the waist and rubbed her back. “You feel so damn good. Welcome home.”

Her heart beat in her chest and heat surged through her. That was how she felt in his arms. At home. Wanted. Desired.

“God, I missed you.” She cuddled her head into the crook of his neck.

“You, too, Mandy.” He handed her the Nathan’s bag. “For you.”

She laughed in sheer joy. “A man after my own heart.”

“I figured you had enough of that French crap.” He grabbed the luggage handle and wheeled the suitcase behind him.  “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

Amanda followed. “You know, most people think French cuisine is an exquisite culinary experience.”

He raised his eyebrows. “You forget how well I know you. You’d prefer a New York hot dog over a cream puff any day.”

She opened the bag and sniffed. “You’re absolutely right.”

He chuckled and escorted her to a dark town car. 

“Another hired car?” Amanda stopped.  He didn’t even hint that he would pick her up or that he knew what time she arrived. Yet, here he was, full of surprises.

“After our last phone call, I couldn’t wait to see you – alone.” Jake rubbed her cheek. “Get in.” He took her hand and led her into the backseat.

Once the car door shut, Jake pulled her onto his lap. Amanda squealed, then rested her head on his shoulder. Just feeling him so close to her sent her heart into flurries. She let out a satisfied sigh.

“How was your flight?” Jake whispered, his breath hot against her ear.

“Forget my flight.” Amanda fingered Jake’s chin then grabbed his jacket lapels.  Parting her lips, she raised herself to meet his kiss. His demanding lips caressed hers, slowly at first, but then they searched hers hungrily. As his strong hands rubbed her bottom, his hardness pressed into her leg. She moaned as he positioned her body lower down in the seat. His lips seared a path down her neck and her head drooped back.

The driver turned up the radio and she opened her eyes to see the car drive pass the airport tollbooth. “We better stop.”

Jake pulled back, his breath heavy. Shaking his head, he said, “Too many days apart.” He bent to kiss her again, but Amanda placed her finger over his lips.

She lowered her voice and nodded to the front.  “We’re in a town car and I don’t want to give a show. You have to control yourself.”

He eased his hold on her and blinked. With a sigh, he took her off his lap and handed her the bag. “It’s past lunchtime. Eat.”

“Actually, dinnertime in Paris.” She pulled out a hot dog and opened the wrapper. “How’d you know I’d be starving?”

“Lucky guess.” He tried to grab the bag. “Give me one.”

She laughed and handed him a wrapper. “You’re grumpy now.”

He got a hold on the bag. “Yeah, well, I’m hungry.”

“I know exactly what you’re hungry for.” Amanda giggled.

Jake leaned over, wiped a smudge of mustard off her chin, then licked his finger. “Mmm. You taste good. I can’t wait to get you home.”

“I’ve got to get back to the store.”

Jake shook his head. “You’re coming home with me.”

Her lips pressed shut and she held her chin up. “I have a lot of work to do.” She knew he wanted to see her, but she had to think of her responsibilities. She couldn’t afford to be distracted by his romantic notions or lose her job.

He grabbed her chin. “You’ve been gone for five days and I’ve had withdrawals. I need you.” He kissed the tip of her nose and finally settled on her mouth. “I took off work to be with you.”

“Believe me, I’d love to go home with you, but I have to get to work. It was a condition of my supervisor when I asked for Friday and Monday off.”

His jaw tightened and he ran his hand through his hair.  Rolling his eyes, he leaned over to talk to the driver. “Change in plans, Derek. Drive us to Macy’s.”

“Yes, sir,” the driver answered.

Jake threw his rolled napkin into the paper bag.  “When will I see you, Mandy?”

Her heart tugged. She didn’t want him to be mad. Trying to lighten the mood, she laughed.  “We’re together now.”

When Jake didn’t answer, she sighed. She didn’t know how to juggle it all. She wanted to see him, too, but she had her priorities, right?

After a long pause, she wound her hands inside Jake’s jacket. “Let’s meet for an early run tomorrow.”

Jake’s eyes searched her face. “Fine.” He gathered her into his arms and held her on his lap again. “For now, let’s make out.” 

She laughed and gave in to Jake’s demands. Who knew he’d miss her so much? He wanted her. He needed her. She allowed him to take her to a safe, lazy place full of soft kisses and gentle touches.




Jake worked at his dining room table, his laptop opened to a contract.  It was 12:30 in the morning and he wondered if he should call Amanda to see if she’d gone home yet. Shit, he’d even catch a cab and head to her apartment if she would let him. Five days apart had been too long. He didn’t even want to think about what that meant.

A message beeped into his phone: I need you, too. I’m downstairs.

He practically ran to the door to buzz her in. He leaned on the door jam, waiting for her to come, and looked down at what he wore. Only boxers. Shrugging, he hoped it was enough to turn Mandy on, since he couldn’t stop thinking about her in his bed... naked...

The elevator dinged and Amanda stepped out with a sleepy smile across her face, looking every bit a temptress. The smirk on her face told him she was up to no good, and no good was perfectly fine with him.

Gorgeous couldn’t even begin to describe the woman in front of him. She wore tight black slacks, a white sweater that hung off her shoulder, and boots. Her disheveled hair was sexy as hell.

“Hi,” he croaked, not even aware that his heart pounded.

Without a word, she walked past him and pulled her sweater over her head. By the time Jake slammed the door, Amanda had everything off – sweater, boots, slacks – except her lacy black panties and bra that taunted him.

She turned and her eyes darkened with heat. How he stopped himself from touching her, he didn’t know, but he had the rest of the night – or morning – to explore every curve that called out.

“Jesus, Mandy, you’re breathtaking,” he whispered as his gaze roved her body, lazily appraising her.

He sauntered over and reached out, but she held her finger up and said, “Nah, ah, ah.” Then pushed him away to the kitchen counter.

She reached behind, unsnapped her bra and let it fall to the ground. Through the moonlight, her breasts peaked and her nipples beaded.  A goddamn beauty.

“Mandy,” he pleaded.

Ignoring him, she licked her lips and slid her fingers down her stomach to the tops of her lacy panties. Her hand lingered at the top and when he took a second to look up at her face, the fire in her eyes burned brighter. She bit her lip and he looked down again to see that she had traveled further down to touch herself. 

Am I dreaming? He pressed his hand against his chest, splaying his fingers out. His heart actually seemed to freeze and pound at the same time. 

BOOK: Time Changes Everything
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