Read Timeless Passion: 10 Historical Romances To Savor Online

Authors: Rue Allyn

Tags: #Historical, #Romance

Timeless Passion: 10 Historical Romances To Savor (181 page)

BOOK: Timeless Passion: 10 Historical Romances To Savor
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Although, if she were brutally honest with herself, a secret corner of her mind still wanted to believe a clutch of goldenrod tucked into a fat brown jug safeguarded against those who would do her harm. Smiling, she placed the offering on a stand near the chamber door. After all, what could it hurt?

• • •

Aeden entered their chamber quietly, not wanting to disturb Elisande’s sleep. Surprised to find her out of bed, he hung back in the doorway to observe her peruse the items cluttered atop the length and breadth of the mantle. Her fingers alighted briefly on certain objects and lingered on others. Her movements were graceful, fluid. A smile lifted one corner of his mouth at her slightly baffled look. Coming up behind her, he slipped his arms around her waist. She settled against his chest immediately and nestled her head in the hollow between his chin and shoulder. He savored her response, cherishing her eager surrender to his touch, never withholding her passion from him. Bending slightly forward, he kissed the delicate shell of her ear.

“Hello, husband,” she breathed.

His fingers skimmed the undersides of her breasts. Her nipples tightened from the fleeting caress. Tucking a wayward curl behind the same ear he murmured, “You may inspect the clan’s gifts later. Come to bed, wife, I need you.”

She turned in his arms, her eyes wide. Obviously, his words took her by surprise since he never voiced his desires in such a blunt fashion. To his immense satisfaction, her heart quickened beneath his hand and he gave her a hot, intense look.

There was something different about his demeanor, but she couldn’t pinpoint it. She met his lingering gaze and the longer she stared into his eyes the truth of what he tried to say without words became evident. His love shone through brighter than the strongest ray of sunlight. Her breath hitched and tears threatened to spill over, but she held herself in check afraid she deceived herself.

He lowered his head and placed a kiss on her parted lips rubbing his thumbs over her cheeks in soft feathery sweeps. “I should have made my feelings known to you long before now.”

She held her breath, her face pensive.

He squeezed his eyes shut and then opened them, his gaze alive with conviction. “Christ, Elisande, I love you so damn much it hurts.”

The tears she tried to stem raced unimpeded down her cheeks, wetting the tips of his thumbs.

Laugh lines fanned out at the corner of his eyes as he gave her a tender smile. “Do no’ cry, my love.”

His term of endearment was her undoing and she cried in earnest. Somehow, through her tears she managed to reach up and lock him into a drugging kiss. It went on for some time, until his lips left hers to wander over her skin streaked with tears. When he broke off the kiss, he pressed his lips to her forehead.

Then, suddenly the atmosphere seemed charged with tension. Anxious, she pulled back to search his face.

“Aeden, what is it? What’s wrong?”

An uncertainty crept into his loving expression. His disquiet unsettled her and a sense of alarm overshadowed her profound joy of moments ago.

“I should like to hear the words, wife,” he stated in a gruff voice.

The radiance of her smile caught him off guard as she threw her arms around his neck and held on as if she would never let go. He encircled her waist, immediately careful of her healing injuries. She nuzzled his neck and the faint pressure of her lips on his jaw sent a shudder through him.

“Dear Aeden, I love you so much my heart aches with the weight of it.”

Her eyes reflected his pleasure as he savored her fierce words.

“You let it slip in your sleep, but hearing it now is sweeter than I ever imagined.”

Standing there, staring into her golden eyes, he basked in her love and he was kissing her with the fervor of a man in love, deeply, wildly, and unreservedly.

• • •

The scent of their lovemaking hung heavy in the air as they lay, legs entwined, skin to skin.

He kissed the tip of her nose and smiled. “Come back to me, love. You went away for a while.”

She traced his lips. “I could never leave you for long.”

He slipped an arm over the small of her back and drew her closer, his eyes intense.

“Know this — you are truly mine, and we belong together. I will never let you go.”

“Yes,” she agreed her tone fierce.

Her body urged his to take her again, but much to her consternation, he rose from the bed. She gave his auburn locks a slight tug wanting him to fall back into bed. Abruptly, he straightened. Obviously he had other plans. She tried not to let her selfish need to keep him to herself spoil their dreamlike morning. In the end, he was the Maxwell chieftain with numerous duties and responsibilities. Of course, he must go about his day. Therefore, she wasn’t too surprised when he placed one last kiss on her slightly parted lips and began to dress.

“Clothe yourself wife, I do no’ wish to waste the day’s warmth.”

Disgruntled, she tried one last time, glanced pointedly at the bed, only to gain an amused grin from him. “I believe I’ve created a libertine.”

She pouted prettily, to no avail. Sighing she asked, “Where are you off too, my love?”

An odd expression crossed his face and his roguish smile slipped a notch. She thought his reaction curious.

“You seem shocked?”

He shook his head and chuckled. “I never thought I was the type of man to gain satisfaction from such a honeyed endearment, but I do.”

“It’s just as well,” she replied in a silken voice.

One eyebrow shot up. “Why is that pray tell?”

She slid to the edge of the bed and leaned forward allowing the cover to slip and display a hint of one creamy breast. He swallowed, hard. She had him right where she wanted him.

“Why is what?” Huskiness lingered in her tone as she pretended ignorance.

His bright, clear blue eyes were riveted to her exposed breast. She made an almost imperceptible movement and the hand that held the blanket drooped a little more to catch on the tip of a rosy nipple. She intertwined her fingers with his and propelled him frontward. His knee hit the bedframe and he jerked back as if he had been doused in ice water.

“Oh no you do no’ you little temptress. Now, if you wish to accompany me this afternoon you will get dressed.”

“Truly?” Excited by the prospect of an outing, she scooted to the side of the bed a bit too fast and was instantly dizzy.

He frowned. “Are up to it, lass?”

She dropped her hand to her side. “Yes, of course. Just give me a moment to ready myself.”

“I will come back for you in a bit.”

Disappointed, she inquired, “You will not wait?”

Grinning ruefully he said, “If I were to stay and watch you dress I guarantee we would no’ get verra far.”

As if to punctuate his point, he took his time perusing her from her glossy hair to her bare pink toes peeping from underneath the blanket. He let the heat of his gaze linger over every camber, waggling his eyebrows suggestively before quitting the room. She hugged her arms around herself and recalled the impression of his warm hands and wicked mouth seeking the sensitive curves and planes of her body, then collapsed on the side of the bed.

Good Lord, her husband was a desirable man. And he loved only her. She contemplated what it was to be loved so well by such a man and vowed never to take his gift for granted. Oh, she had no doubt there would be times of struggle along throughout their lives together, yet, as long as he was by her side nothing else mattered.

Delight bubbled within her as she smoothed the linen undergarment over her hips. She hurried to don the rest of her clothes and in her haste, almost left shoeless. Pulling open the thick chamber door, she fully expected to find Aeden without, but, he seemed to have vanished. She tapped her pursed lips.

“I suppose I should wait until he comes back to fetch me,” she reasoned, and then decided she was too impatient to stay behind in the confines of their stuffy bedchamber.

Tentatively, she stood at the precipice of the top step and peered down into the stairwell. Although her legs were a bit shaky from the forced inactivity, she didn’t let that hinder her and by the time she reached the bottom step, her knees no longer trembled so violently. She swiped the tell-tale perspiration from her upper lip. Through the throng of people, she spied Aeden at the far side of the room in a discussion with his men. Somewhat winded, she decided to give herself a rest before making her way to one of the tables and leaned against the cool stone wall.

“Elisande, have you lost your wits? What do you think you are about venturing below stairs unescorted? You are as pale as milk niece.”

Elisande hazarded a glance in Aeden’s corner of the room. Sure enough, at the sound of her name, his head snapped around in the direction of the stairs and instantly pinned her with an exasperated look. Noting his narrowed eyes, and scorching frown, she tried to quell her irritation toward her aunt. She knew she was terribly concerned about her condition, but honestly, when had she become such an alarmist?

“My goodness, aunt, there is no reason to distress anyone needlessly,” she shot back, hoping to head off a lecture.

“And as to why I am below stairs, well, Aeden is bearing me away on a much longed-for outing.”

To her astonishment, Onora actually snorted, incredulous. “I do not think it wise. You should not even contemplate leaving your chamber for another two weeks at least.”

Another fortnight? God help me.

Onora dug in. “You, miss, back to bed this instant.”

“But, aunt, I — ”

“As to coming down on your own,” she interrupted, “I am quite positive that husband of yours never meant for you to traverse the dark corridors and slippery stairs unattended.”

Elisande swallowed a retort. Feeling a bit like a wayward child, she scanned the room from beneath her lashes. No one, not even the servants exhibited the good grace to pretend they were not listening to the exchange — to the contrary, they appeared to hang on her aunt’s every word.

“Do not dare to glower at me, niece.”

Elisande rolled her eyes heavenward. “My goodness, aunt, I am not glowering at you, or, anyone for that matter.”

She tsked and pointed at the bottom of Elisande’s arasaid. “There, do you see how drafty it is down here? If you continue to neglect your own well-being, then I have no recourse except to treat you like a child.”

By that point, Aeden made his way to Elisande’s side in time to frown down at her.

“Please do not grimace so.”

“I believe I have the right to frown at my wife’s foolhardy behavior.”

Onora crossed her arms and gave a crisp nod. “There, you see?”

Elisande glanced from puckered brow to the other, her hands splayed wide palms up.

“Why are you two determined to remain vexed with me? I should have thought you’d be gladdened to see I’ve healed enough to walk down here on my own.”

Aeden ignored her question.

“Why did you no’ await me as instructed?”

Sensible words weren’t going to win her the argument, so she employed a more feminine approach and slid her hand over his muscular forearm as her breasts grazed his upper arm. “Please, do not be cross with me. Not today.”

He covered her hand with his and she smiled to herself, until he said, “I am still waiting for your explanation why you disregarded my simple request.”

She sighed. “First of all, it wasn’t a request, and second, the anticipation of an outing with you after being confined above stairs these many weeks past left me impatient. You were taking so long to come for me I thought mayhap you had a change of heart.”

Tam ambled over and added to the discussion.

“Your cheeks are showing much better color, niece.”

Elisande’s stomach knotted as Onora pounced on Tam’s words.

“Yes, her color is high. She needs return to bed. It’s too soon for her to be up and about.”

“I meant that in a good way,” Tam clarified.

She looked from Aeden, to Onora, to Tam and shook her head.

Aeden’s eyes never strayed from her face. “You will no’ take such chances with your health again, wife.”

“Yes, husband,” she readily agreed.

Onora threw her hands in the air and stalked over to the high table, Tam in her wake.

Elisande giggled and Aeden scooped up her hand and led her outside.

• • •

“Why are we here?” Her voiced carried an edge of panic.

Any pleasure in the day scattered like dandelion fluff on the wind. Her heart raced, her breath came in sharp bursts of forced air. She refused to take another step. She stole a glance at Aeden and realized he anticipated her reaction. His grip on her hand tightened. Still, she took him by surprise, as well as herself, when she jerked free of his hold. Despite her weakened state, she staggered up the path. Aeden’s hands on her shoulders forced her to a weary standstill. With tremendous care, he rotated her to face him, and she could see he fought to maintain his composure, too. Tension lines bracketed his mouth and his eyes were filled with compassion.

Lowering her head she implored, “Please Aeden, I cannot.”

“Aye, lass, you can, you must.”

Her eyes searched his face. He had said the words with such quiet conviction she believed him. And suddenly, she needed to prove to herself she could face her nightmares. She peered past his shoulder to the clear, smooth water of the loch below and then back at Aeden. His eyes darkened with emotion and she gained courage from his quiet strength. Resolved, she nodded and left the safety of his arms. With halting steps, she made her way down the beach path. She faltered as she neared the shore. She wasn’t certain she could go any further and when she turned to leave, she realized Aeden had been behind her the entire time.

“It’s all right, lass, I’m right here.”

Relieved, she gave him a curt nod, yet she couldn’t make herself turn back to exorcise her ghosts. She threw herself into Aeden’s waiting embrace and sobbed. His arms tightened around her and he buried his face in her hair. Once her sobs subsided, he loosened his hold and tilted her chin up.

“I can’t do it,” she sniffled.

BOOK: Timeless Passion: 10 Historical Romances To Savor
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