Timothy (6 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

BOOK: Timothy
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Timothy appeared ignorant of Otto’s thoughts and reluctant to shake his hand. Otto kept his expression as impassive as he could, considering the tidal wave of lust threatening to crash down on him and pull him under. He had no problem envisioning bending Timothy over the hood and fucking him in front of anyone who didn’t get the hell away.

“Timothy Trujillo,” Timothy finally said as he shook Otto’s hand. An electric wave of attraction sparked up Otto’s arms. He saw Timothy’s eyes widen, heard the soft gasp from him. Timothy’s skin was warm, his palms rough. Working hands, not office hands, as Otto always thought of them. He appreciated the roughness of a man’s hands, the hair and muscles, grit and strength.

“Let go of him already.”

Otto blinked then glared at the short bossy shit standing beside Timothy. “Dane Calderon.” He didn’t want to let go of Timothy, but getting into a fight with this Dane guy didn’t seem wise since Otto didn’t know if Timothy and Dane were friends, colleagues, or lovers. If they were the latter, they wouldn’t be for long.

Dane glowered and even growled but he shook Otto’s outstretched hand. Otto wasn’t surprised when Dane tried to intimidate him with a powerful squeeze of his hand. He got a little cheap thrill watching Dane grimace when the attempt caused Dane more discomfort than it did to Otto.

“What’s going on here?” Steve asked. He stepped up to stand beside Otto. “Son, do you know these two men?”

Dane smirked at him, obviously thinking Otto had been caught out at doing something wrong. Timothy looked distinctly horny and uncertain about, most likely, everything.

Otto gave Dane a menacing smile before devouring Timothy visually. He really did like the way Timothy blushed. “I don’t know them, no. But I have seen them before. In fact, I followed them just a few days ago.” Otto itched to touch Timothy and had to slip his hands into his jeans pockets to keep from doing so. “Actually, I was following Dr Trujillo here.” Otto purred the name just because it felt so wonderful on his tongue.

“He scared the shit out of us,” Dane snapped. “Okay, well, maybe he just made us uncomfortable, but it was fucking freaky.”

“If you hadn’t been eyeing me like I was your favourite dessert, I wouldn’t have noticed I was being watched,” Otto pointed out. “I felt your eyes on me, then I saw Timothy.” He shrugged. What else could he say? He’d had to follow him.

Steve gripped his arm so hard Otto fully expected to have bruises. His father tugged him back a couple of steps, glanced at Timothy and moved further away. “Why were you following them, really?”

Otto felt like a kid caught doing something wrong and having to confess, which was never a fun experience. He patted his dad’s hand before plucking at his fingers. Steve got the message and loosened his hold.

“Otto? I asked you a question.”

Otto kept an eye on Timothy as he answered. “Because I couldn’t
follow him. Timothy, I mean. Not Dane. Everything about Timothy calls to me, pulls me like a warm tug from the gut. You know what I mean, don’t you?”
Don’t you, Timothy?

Timothy hadn’t looked away from Otto once despite Dane’s whispered grumbling and arguing.

Steve’s grip tightened again and he shook Otto slightly. “Are you saying you think Tim is your—”

“I know he is,” Otto finished. “Tim, hm? And who exactly is the snarly little man with him? Or, rather, who is he to Tim?”

“You and Tim will need to discuss who and what Dane is to him.” Steve waved at Tim and Dane. “Tomorrow we have to leave early, so please be ready by five a.m. Dane, please stop glaring at my son like he’s the devil himself. He isn’t, and I can assure you he would never hurt Tim.”

Dane cocked his head and one hip as he looked Otto over. “I don’t know, Steve. There’s got to be something wrong with your son. It’d be fucking unfair for him to be perfect.”

“He’s not, I promise you,” Steve said after laughing far too long in Otto’s opinion. “But if you wouldn’t mind, I do think Otto would like to speak with Tim alone for a few minutes.”

“I would,” Otto agreed before anyone could object. “If Tim doesn’t object.”

Tim flinched as if he hadn’t been expecting to be addressed directly, or maybe he’d simply been lost in his own thoughts. He caught on quickly, though. “Uh, yeah. We should probably talk out here, because Dane and I are sharing a room.”

Otto could no more hold back the deep growl rumbling up from his chest than he could stop time. Even the painful grip his father had on him couldn’t quell the possessiveness leaking from Otto as a threatening sound. Otto wanted to snarl and shift, but he had enough control left to keep himself in his human form.

Dane took a half-step back before bucking up and puffing out his chest. “I’m not afraid of you!”

“Dane, cut it out,” Tim said in a firm voice. Dane huffed and looked like he wanted to argue before finally acquiescing.

“Fine. Steve can run over the plans for tomorrow with me, then I’m going to come out here and stand beside whichever of you will get the most irritated and sing
I’m Sexy and I Know It
at the top of my lungs.” Dane tipped his chin up and struck a pose, one which, of course, accentuated his cut body. “Because I am!”

“Sure you are.” Otto couldn’t pass up a dig at the prancing doctor, but he wished he had as soon as Tim narrowed his eyes at him. Usually Otto was above such cheap shots. Standing so close to the man who was stirring up a raging inferno of need inside him was destroying Otto’s control by the minute. He needed to touch Tim, to get closer, so close Tim would feel every inch of him.

“Stop,” Tim said in a shaky voice.

Otto waited until Steve and Dane entered the hotel then he asked Tim one of the questions on his mind. “You can hear me?”

At Tim’s look of utter confusion, Otto’s heart plummeted a little. He’d always hoped, should he find his mate, they’d have a strong mental bond.
Still, be glad you even found him. And who knows, maybe, over time the mental bond will develop.

For now, he’d work on eradicating Tim’s unease towards him—then Otto would seduce him and spend the night convincing Tim he was trustworthy.

“Are you…” Tim frowned and scratched at his chin. Otto wondered if it was a nervous gesture, because he could scent Tim’s nervousness. “Are you unstable or something? I don’t want to insult Steve and Lona, but first you chase us, then you show up here, and now you want to know if I can hear you when it should be obvious since you’ve been talking and I’ve been responding.”

It was Otto’s turn to frown then. How clueless was Tim? Otto had never been a master of subtlety, but he would try. “Do you know nothing of mates?”

Tim’s eyes rounded and he paled except for twin dots of colour on his cheeks. “Mates?” he squeaked. Those spots darkened and Tim brought his hands up to press them to his face. “You’re saying we’re mates, that’s what this…this thing is between us?” He looked so incredulous Otto almost missed the hope flicker over his features.

Warmth pooled in Otto’s belly, tendrils spearing down to his groin, stimulating him almost unbearably. He moved to within inches of Tim, so close he could feel Tim’s body heat. Otto inhaled deeply and had to struggle to keep his eyes open as Tim’s scent filled him. The desire raging through him was reflected then in Tim’s eyes, in the tangy waves of need rising from his skin into the night breeze.

“Yes,” Otto ground out as he slowly moved to cup the back of Tim’s neck. He swore softly as soon as he touched Tim. “Fuck, Tim. I didn’t know it’d be like this, didn’t know there was someone for me.”

And before Tim could do more than gasp, Otto slashed his mouth over Tim’s. The infusion of his mate’s flavour blinded Otto to where they were, on a busy—for Dalanzadgad, anyway—street in a place where such things just weren’t done.

Except tonight they were. Otto nipped Tim’s bottom lip. Tim’s moan spilled into Otto as he explored and laid claim to Tim’s sweet mouth. Some part of Otto was still rational, at least, because he locked his other arm around Tim and began maneuvering him to the side of the hotel, into the dark shadows there.

Tim didn’t protest, grabbing two fistfuls of Otto’s shirt as he allowed himself to be led. Once Otto had Tim where he wanted him for the time being, Otto pressed Tim’s back to the building then himself to Tim’s front.

He wedged a knee between Tim’s legs, delighting in the eager moans and whimpers he could feel against his tongue. The hard press of Tim’s cock to Otto’s thigh almost had him ripping Tim’s clothes off then and there, but Otto wanted more than a fast fuck in an alley.

Tim, however, didn’t seem as picky. Otto would have wondered why Tim wasn’t, had he not known the driving force of the desire between mates. So when Tim turned his head aside and grabbed a handful of Otto’s ass, encouraging him to rut, and murmured “Fuck me, Otto. Please, fuck me,” Otto understood the mindless urgency of the mate bond flaring between them.

But he wasn’t going to tear into Tim’s ass outside, not where everyone in the vicinity would hear them, hear Tim’s screams of completion, his pleas, Otto’s own shouts and growls.

“I will, but not here.” Otto nipped his way to the join of Tim’s jaw. “I want to take my time and not worry about who will be listening when I take your ass.” Otto squeezed the firm mounds in his hands, moaning brokenly when he thought of sliding his dick into Tim’s warm cleft, spearing his opening again and again.

Tim, however, stiffened against him, and not in the manner Otto wanted him to. There was a distinct edge of fear coming from Tim when Otto tipped his head enough to get a good look at him. Pupils blown, lips swollen, parted and slick—Otto wanted to devour him, would have, if it hadn’t been for the tension still holding Tim rigid.

“What? Are you afraid to be alone with me?” Otto forced himself to separate their bodies by a couple of inches, which was as far away from him as he could bear to be. “Do you know nothing about mates?”

Tim gulped, his Adam’s apple bobbing, his throat clicking with the movement. Otto brought his hand back up to cup Tim’s neck. He traced the small knot as it bobbed again. Tim shivered and melted against him. Otto had to lock his knees to keep from stumbling back. What had been the problem? Why had Tim freaked on him?

Otto wasn’t going to ask. He’d let Tim explain in his own time. “Come home with me,” Otto urged, adding a suckling bite to Tim’s neck where his pulse fluttered. “Let me have you.”

“Let you—” Tim quaked from head to toe in Otto’s arms, “have me! Why can’t I have you?”

Knowing the battle to bring his mate with him was won, Otto rewarded Tim with a caress down the length of his trim body. When Otto palmed the rigid length of Tim’s cock, Tim bucked and clenched his fingers around Otto’s arms, adding more bruises on top of those left by his dad earlier.

The pain sent a surge of arousal so intense it blocked out everything else. Otto growled as he slammed his mouth over Tim’s in a rough, demanding kiss. Tim whimpered and jerked, and the spicy scent of cum hit Otto at the same time he felt wet heat bloom against his thigh.

Otto plundered Tim’s mouth, claiming each bit of the flesh with his tongue. Tim’s flavour was imprinted into Otto’s DNA. He’d know each individual bit making up his mate’s taste. He kissed Tim through his climax, kept friction on Tim’s cock until Tim shook and twisted his head away. Only then did Otto acknowledge to himself how very close to the edge he was.

But he would not take his mate in an alley, not the first time. Some might think it an erotic experience, but Otto was quickly discovering a romantic side to himself and it surprised the fuck out of him.

“Come home with me, now,” he urged, dragging one of Tim’s hands down to feel his straining erection.
Don’t make me settle for taking you here in a dirty alley instead of giving you pleasure in my home.

Once again, Tim stiffened and tried to scamper aside. Otto held onto him. He couldn’t make himself stop touching Tim, not unless he absolutely had to. “What’s wrong? That’s twice now you’ve grown skittish.”

Tim shook his head, his eyes wide with fear. “Before, when…when I was thinking how badly I wanted you to fuck me, you said you would, but not here. I thought I had accidentally said it instead of just thinking it.” Tim pulled back what little more he could, sliding an inch over against the wall. “But I didn’t, did I? Just like you didn’t say anything about not wanting to ‘settle for taking’ me in this alley because you want to take me home instead and explore every inch of my body?” Tim’s voice had dropped to a husky whisper at the end, and Otto barely heard him over the whoosh of his pulse accelerating.

“You didn’t speak earlier,” he clarified. Tim nodded. “And you heard me?” Another nod. Otto’s mind spun with a sudden flood of hope. Was it the mental link he’d wished for? How strong was it? He looked into Tim’s eyes and concentrated on trying to feel what Tim was thinking.

And got a great, big nothing in response.



Chapter Six




To say he was weirded out would have been an understatement. Tim was sure there were more mature ways to describe what he was feeling, but damned if he could think of any. Not when he had the sexiest man he’d ever seen or heard or felt right there.

Tim couldn’t process everything as it was happening. His body was a riotous mix of emotions and a boiling cauldron of want. It didn’t matter whether or not he’d just come, his dick was already hard again and his ass ached to be filled.

He knew a little about mates, or about them in theory since Grandma Marybeth had only just confided in him and some of his cousins about her belief in the existence of mates. Tim had believed her—he’d seen the way his cousins were with their men. The attraction between them was tangible, and it didn’t seem to be fading any.

If anything, it appeared to grow stronger every time Tim saw them. Oscar’s partner, or mate, rather, had also expounded a little on mates, enough at least that Tim had developed a hope he’d tried not to acknowledge. Yet it seemed he had to now, since the very thing he’d wanted was a mate, and here stood his.

Tim didn’t even doubt the truth of the revelation. It was like an internal pull, something warm and implacable inside him reaching for the same thing in Otto. Tim didn’t see any reason to resist, although the mental part was unsettling.

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