Tiny Dancer [Divine Creek Ranch 13] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (27 page)

BOOK: Tiny Dancer [Divine Creek Ranch 13] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“You’d probably get a lot of enjoyment out of tying me up and tickling me,” she said with a giggle in her voice. “Baby, you’re already giving me what I need, right now.
. To be needed and wanted. To be trusted. And loved. That was what I needed.” He didn’t take her words lightly, recalling her early doubts.

From the doorway, Ben spoke. “We’ll save it all, Camilla. I’ve been talking to Joseph and Ethan some more, and I’m honestly curious now.” He opened the closet door and lifted the boxes out.

Camilla’s face glowed as she smiled at Ben. “All right. I like it when you take charge like that.”

Quinten feigned shock. “Said the woman who growled at me when I complained about her sexy, revealing costumes.”

Camilla poked him. “I’m never gonna hear the end of that, am I?” She tried to sound disgusted, but it was hard to do while she yawned.

Ben stroked her nape and kissed her forehead. “We have everything loaded up but the boxes in the garage. It’s suppertime, and you need to rest.” She nodded with a heavy sigh. Quinten was relieved that she responded to their efforts to take care of her.

Ben reached up and lifted a shoe box from the closet shelf. “What about this? Want to pack it or pitch it?”

Camilla reached for the box and held it to her. “No. I need to take this with me.”

Quinten recalled watching her clutch it to her chest the day after the break-in when she’d walked around her house surveying the chaos. “Baby, what is that?”

“It–It’s my mom’s ashes.” She bit her lip and glanced from one man to the other.

“You have your mom’s ashes in a shoe box?” Ben gently asked as he peered into her eyes.

Camilla was silent for several seconds, as though debating. “Yes. That’s how the crematorium sent them to me. She had no insurance and because I had no way to pay for a funeral, or an urn, or…anything, they cremated her remains and shipped them to me in this box.”

“You were sixteen. Of course you couldn’t afford a funeral. That was your father’s responsibility.”

“Before he left me that day, he told me he saw no need to have a service or a casket or anything. He said it would cause unnecessary upheaval in his family to have to go through the burial of his first wife. He said she probably didn’t have any friends who would come anyway. She
friends. Just not that many. So I kept her ashes. I always meant to buy a pretty urn for her, but that would mean…opening the box, and I just can’t make myself do that.”

Ben and Quinten bracketed her in a comforting hug, and Quinten said, “That son of a bitch had better never show his face to us.”

“Don’t worry, he won’t.” She seemed very sure of that. Part of Quinten wanted him to cross their paths someday. For a father to do that to his daughter was reprehensible.

“What he thought doesn’t matter anymore,” Ben said, stroking her head. “Your mom is coming with us. We can even go shopping for a nice urn and we’ll take care of transferring her to it for you, if it bothers you too much. You have two men who love you and
willing to step up to the plate.”

Still looking so frail, Camilla tilted her head up and kissed Ben, and then Quinten, with such tenderness it made his heart ache. In the truck on the way home, the shoe box sat on her lap, and he noticed the way she stroked it with her fingertips.

At their house, she made supper while the two of them unloaded the flatbed trailer. After supper, they watched a movie. Camilla was in the bathtub and they were turning down the bed when they heard her abrupt shout from the bathroom.


Both men rushed in the bathroom as she shut the tap off and sat up with a slosh, washing away the lavender-scented bubbles from her beautiful breasts.

Quinten licked his lips as her nipples peeked out among the foamy suds. “What, baby?”

Camilla snorted. “My eyes are up here, boys.”

Both men laughed at being caught ogling her, and she said, “I figured out what’s so odd about the break-in.”


“The ashes. Everything in the house was tossed, but that box of ashes was left lying in the middle of my bed, untouched,
unopened. If someone was thoroughly searching my house, why wouldn’t they open a sealed box?”

Quinten retrieved the box from the kitchen counter and said, “It’s clearly labeled ‘cremated remains.’ That might’ve deterred them.”

“A squeamish burglar?” Ben gently shook the box. The ashes must’ve been wrapped in some sort of packing material because the contents didn’t rattle. “Sugar, who knew you had your mom’s ashes?”

“I never showed that to anyone.”

“Who knew your mom was cremated?”

“My dad, Charlotta, and Brandon. It’s probably nothing. It just struck me as odd.” She sank back down in the bubbles with a sigh.

Quinten noticed shadows under her eyes, and as they left her to her hot soak in the tub, he said, “She’s looked tired all week.”

“I’ve noticed. I think we’ll hold off until the weekend to finish the move. There’s not that much left, anyway. She needs to rest tonight.”

Quinten nodded as they undressed for bed.

Never would he have thought that he’d be comfortable doing something like that, but it seemed natural as could be. They climbed naked in the bed and left the spot in the middle for her when she was done with her bath. He ignored his cock, willing it into submission with football statistics, knowing she needed the rest. His resolve evaporated when Camilla came out of the bathroom clad in a lacy white robe which reached mid-thigh. She left the sash untied so that her breasts and her mound were mostly visible.

She was so beautiful it made his eyes hurt, as she glided around the room lighting candles. Once that was done, she went to one of the special cabinets they’d had made for her and opened the doors. She slid the trays out and Quinten chuckled. “Have you added to your collection recently?”

Camilla smiled up at him and nodded. “After I discovered what you’d intended for this cabinet to be used for, I decided to indulge in a little shopping spree at Discretion. Some of the things like the floggers and paddle I’ve had for a while, but I wanted some new things…for you to play with. I did save a few of my old favorites.” She pointed at one rather stubby vibrator. “This one has a high-speed vibration. Less than a minute and I am

“Really?” Quinten asked, eyeing the blindfold hanging from the hook on the inside of the cabinet door. “What others are your favorites?”

She slid her fingers over the tray, pausing here and there, before stopping on a thicker, longer cock-shaped vibrator. “This one has a powerful, deep vibration. I use it on its lowest setting and I still come so hard I scream and see stars. It’s big so I don’t use it very often.”

“Have to be in the mood?” His cock throbbed almost painfully as he envisioned her sinking down on it, a sexy moan coming from her throat.

She nodded with a smile. “Yes, but I’m in the mood for something else right now.” Quinten’s desire shifted into overdrive, lust filling his heart when he saw what she lifted from one of the deeper drawers in the special cabinet. She’d done a little unpacking that afternoon without them knowing about it.


* * * *


A sense of rightness flared in Ben as he watched her lift the flogger in her upturned palms, the gesture almost seeming symbolic, with her on her knees and them standing before her. She met his eyes and smiled at him without hesitation.

He recognized the flogger from her closet at her house earlier that day. “This is my favorite flogger. I love the way it feels on my skin. It has a nice impact, and it warms me up quick. If you would like to try it out tonight, I wouldn’t mind.”

She trusts me.

The flogger had long gray suede fringe. Taking it from her, he tested the weight and balance of the handle. He swung it once, gently, and liked the way it felt in his hand. She smiled and bit her lip when he didn’t hand it back to her.

While Quinten got a tube of lubricant from the cabinet, Ben squatted down so he was at eye level. “We don’t have a formal Dom-sub relationship, so you don’t need a safe word. If you show signs of fatigue or discomfort, I’ll stop. Do not try to hide those signs from me. Is that a problem?”

She looked at him with pure trust in her beautiful green eyes. “No. I promise, I’ll let you know if I become uncomfortable.”

He had a feeling things would heat up quickly that evening. His cock was already hard as a rock and would be difficult to control, introducing these new elements and watching out for her as well was a challenge he hoped he was up for. It seemed important to her and he didn’t want to let her down.

Camilla seemed almost serene kneeling in front of him. He tapped the blindfold hanging from a small hook inside the toy cabinet’s door and said, “Put that on.” He smiled at her slight gasp and rose to his full height as she obeyed him. Her breasts swayed with her movements as she tied the blindfold at the back of her head. Her pebbled nipples brushed back and forth against the lace of the robe, enticing him to taste them. She put her hands back in her lap and waited.

He removed the small, high-speed vibrator from the tray, lifted her hands, and helped her to stand.

“This robe is beautiful on you, Camilla, but we’re removing it for now.”

A hint of a smile crossed her full lips as he brushed the lace off of her shoulders and draped it over the chair in the corner, never completely letting her go. He led her to the end of the bed. He was curious about the flogger and was willing to try if she was open to it. He glanced at Quinten, and he took over getting her onto the bed and on her hands and knees.

Ben shook out the suede strands on the flogger and swung it a couple of times, getting the feel of it. “I’m going to give you ten experimental strokes, Camilla. Count them.”

He swung, and the suede made a soft swoosh and thud as it impacted over her butt cheek. Her only reaction was the sound of a smile in her voice. “One.”

He swiped at the other ass cheek a tiny bit harder. He wondered what it felt like to her but enjoyed the vibration in the handle as the flogger strands impacted her ass.

“Two.” The flesh of her derriere developed a rosy blush, and he noticed that she shifted, spreading her knees a little farther apart and arching her back. He was dimly aware of a soft groan from Quinten as they saw evidence she was enjoying this play. Her pussy lips parted and glistened with her cream, and he would’ve sworn she was inviting him to use the flogger there, too.

Reluctant to fuck this up for her, he trailed the strands up the crack of her ass, making her shiver, and whispered to her. “Is that an invitation you’re offering?”

“Yes. Please flog my pussy.”

He pressed a kiss to her temple and looked at Quinten, who nodded at him. They’d had a private talk, and Quinten had promised to help him watch for signs of discomfort that he might overlook. He took two more swings in rapid succession.



The next stroke landed crossways on the tender flesh between her butt cheek and the top of her thigh, the strands flicking teasingly at her pussy.


She moaned, and his cock responded when her pussy clenched at the sensation, another pearly droplet of her cream seeping out of her opening. His mouth watered, and he didn’t hesitate to lean down and lick it. She cried out in shocked pleasure, and he growled at the taste of her honey. He brushed his cheek against the heat of her warmed-up buttocks, and he paused to kiss her there. He smiled at her soft giggle.

He landed the next one slightly higher on the same cheek.


The next stroke landed across the same tender spot as the other side, teasing her pussy again, and he immediately followed with the next, keeping them even.

“Seven. Eight.”

The next strokes he aimed at the fleshiest parts of her ass.

“Nine. Ten.”

She sounded very much like she wanted him to continue, and part of him wanted to as well. This night was about testing the waters privately and giving them all some much-needed tension relief. He hadn’t been sure he’d enjoy doing this, but he found that he did.

He laid the flogger down and stroked her hot flesh, enjoying her soft moan as he kneaded her ass gently. He checked for any damage to her delicate skin and saw none. He loosened the ties on the blindfold and she removed it. He and Quinten lay on either side of her as she sat up and perched on the end of the bed.

Her cheeks were rosy as she murmured, “You handled the flogger well.”

“Too gentle?” He could see the answer in her eyes as she shrugged and stroked his forearm.

“Probably best for your first time. I know it would bother you more to chance swinging it too hard. I didn’t expect that your first time you would suddenly be ‘WonderDom.’ Like some dominating superhero that could read my mind and know intuitively what submission means to me and exactly what I need to get off. That kind of dynamic takes time.”

“That would be one hell of a superpower!” Quinten said with a laugh.

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